The Brilliant Creative, Business Coaching for Creatives with Ang Stocke

Episode 22: 27 Things to Work on with Your Coach

Ang Stocke

Hey gang…welcome to Episode 22, 27 Things to Work on With Your Coach.


The purpose of today’s episode is to help you think about what your coach could do for you these next couple of months. 

What part of your biz needs a little zshuzsh? A little shining? A little refining?

Want some ideas? 

Maybe some part of your life needs a little extra? 


Friends, I’ve got some ideas for you. I literally have a list of over 400 ideas. But I won’t do 400 today…I’m streamlining to 27. That seems like plenty for one episode. 


This episode is for you if:

●     You or your biz got a little off track during Covid.

●     You have coaching sessions you want to get back to.

●     You need to feel some momentum somewhere, anywhere!

●     You want to get focused again. 

●     You want to start coaching, and want some ideas of what you could coach on.


At the end of the episode, you’ll hear about our Life by Design Course and how it can help you design a life you are excited to wake up for. Here’s a little about it:

Life by Design is a course that helps you get intentional about your life. Your future. What you want to happen. How you want to feel. Who you want to be. It’s a 6-week beginner course with lots of coaching tools, mindset, videos, audio files, a membership portal where you can access your course videos and workbook on-demand from any device. 

It’s called Life by Design, but I could also call it Life Coaching 101. We use a lot of the tools I use with life coaching clients during their first 6 sessions of life coaching. The course helps you get really clear on your vision for the future, your purpose, and helps you set goals and intentions with a step-by-step process. Life by Design is a self-guided course. So you do it at your own pace. Which is made easy with a 30-page, full color workbook full of coaching tools to keep you on track. It’s organized, efficient and beautifully designed. You know I’m a branding and paper nerd so one rule is that I’ve gotta love what the workbook looks like. 

I love the whole course, because it can help create such quick change for people….but I especially love the Vision Board Workshop at the end of the course. Throughout the course you are encouraged to gather items for your vision board, and then we meet live on Zoom to put our vision boards together. We’ve got examples and ideas of all different ways to create your very own personalized vision board. Of course you can go it alone, but if you prefer a little community….we’ve got you covered. 


You do not need to have a business to take this course. 

Which means, if you are an entrepreneur taking this course, you could invite your friends to join and do it all together. You could invite your mother, your sister, your daughter, regardless of what line of work they are in….or if they work outside the home at all. 

Life by Design is about designing a life you’re excited to wake up for, and it’s for anyone that’s ready to get intentional about their life.


If you want to find out more, you can go to to get the details, take a look at the FAQ’s, and sign-up. 


Links mentioned in this episode:


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