Cowboys not Eggheads

Eat Your Protein - with Special Guest Bri Siegert

Season 3 Episode 317

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Sam's nutrition coach Bri Siegert returns to the podcast to discuss all things protein, and why protein is such an important part of the daily diet. 

If you would like to contact Bri for nutrition coaching you can email her at or message her on Instagram @srianabiegert 

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Eat You Protein Podcast
Mon, 6/20 1:19PM • 33:07
protein, eating, people, fat, meat, grams, collagen, food, calories, bri, clients, protein bar, flavored, eggheads, favorite, cowboy, snack, listeners, sedentary, week
Intro, Sam Fischer, Bri Siegert

Intro  00:00
Welcome to cowboys, not Eggheads, Home of the brave, not home of the fearful. The world needs more cowboys and fewer eggheads. We're everywhere podcasts are found. So tell your fellow cowboys. And let's keep the conversation alive on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Remember to subscribe, rate, review and share. And now cowboys not eggheads with Sam Fisher

Sam Fischer  00:33
Hey Bri on Friday I was 77 grams short on my protein. Does that mean my mind metabolisms and downward spiral for the rest of the week?

Bri Siegert  00:40
Absolutely not. It's not no, no.

Sam Fischer  00:43
But what does it mean? I'm 77 grams short? Well, I did I didn't do very good.

I wouldn't say you didn't do very good. If it's one day. It's not what we do one day, or one meal that makes or breaks us. It's what we do. It's what we do once a week every day. It's sorry, the consistency throughout the rest of the days of the week, the month the year.

Sam Fischer  01:03
You know, ultimately, we want to get that consistency. So we don't do that as much.

Right, exactly. And that's why we have those goals is just to find more consistency on the day to day, you know, if you're 20 grams short one day, or if you're a little over one day, you know, it might even out having one day of just kind of an oops, cool, learn from it, move on, make it better the next day. And

Sam Fischer  01:24
it is what you like. So when you travel, so that was a travel day. So when Bri travels like you travel to Miami earlier this year, you take like a whole suitcase full of food. Yes. And so how do you I mean, it's tough, though, are you even you are you challenged on travel days.

Um, I mean, just, it's more just the thought of getting prepared for it. That's the worst part, I think, um, but I kind of like, I've done it so much that I have my staples that I get, um, I wanted my carry on bag. So you're allowed one carry on bag, and then you have one that you can keep with you like under the seat. So I typically bring my gym bag, which also has a lunch box, and I can fit some food in there. And that and then I have another carry on bag, which is usually pretty much all food and

Sam Fischer  02:08
it's not just protein that you're taking, you're taking, you're taking your carbs, and you're taking a little bit of fat.

Yeah, so I pretty much yeah, I mean, you can bring anything on a plane with you, as long as it's not three ounces or more of liquid. So the day of travel and I I tell people this all the time, obviously it was competing. So I definitely don't want to like mess with my nutrition then but there's no point in setting yourself up for failure on the plane ride. You can bring all of your normal meals on the plane with you. So I will prep my food the same as I would to bring food to work you know, I bring my breakfast, my lunch, my snacks. If you know I might bring a protein bar just or a few extra protein bars for the trip in itself. Because being a fit person I eat a little bit more most of us do. So like if I'm on vacation with friends or family who maybe don't exercise as much as me. They typically don't eat as much as I do. So I like to be prepared and how snacks with me and to avoid hanger.

Sam Fischer  03:07
Gotcha. Hey, everybody, she's back. It's Bri, by popular demand. So today we're gonna that's a typical discussion that Bri and I have. And so this podcast, apparently has become the story of my life with my friends. And so this is pretty much accurate of what I go through every single week with my friend Bri. She's trying to get me to eat more protein world and being a cowboy. You wouldn't think that would be a big problem at all. You know, she think cowboy you think steaks and red meat, etc. But Brie wants me to eat was a 205 grams of protein a day? And I don't know listeners if you've ever measured how many grams of protein you're getting a day, but I guarantee I would imagine that most of my listeners are not. Most of my non CrossFit listeners gotta hope they exist. are not getting that every day. Would you say that's accurate? Bri?

Yeah, actually, on average. In the US today, I just read a statistic on this, um, women are averaging about 70 grams a day and men are averaging about 90 grams a day. And typically when I get a new client, I can say that that's around what people are eating.

Sam Fischer  04:21
Do you think that sedentary people's protein requirements are different than active people's

possibly but even if you're sedentary, you should almost be putting more of an emphasis on protein so that you're not getting a highly processed high carbohydrate diet that's devoid of nutrients and protein. So that protein is going to keep you more safe, satiated and it's going to help maintain muscle mass even if you're not exercising, which is always really important.

Sam Fischer  04:52
So if I come to you, like how many clients do you have, they're just they're just sedentary people. They just watch TV all day. And while I shouldn't say that, but they are sedentary, but to me, that means that they don't get off the couch much means that you know, they come home from work, they drive in the car, they they park the closest to the closest to their employer. They don't take the stairs, they take the elevator, they come home and they into the couch they go. Do you? Do you have any clients like that?

I do? Not very many. I mean, I want to say shout out to those clients, one for sure. And that's about it. And that's just talking about someone who doesn't exercise, works from home, has kids

Sam Fischer  05:36
works from home is really hard. Unless challenge, especially if you're sitting at a desk at home all day. So you're walking 20 steps from the bedroom to the desk. And there you are. Okay, so in that client, you're recommending more protein,

should we still put an emphasis on protein, we don't count macros. We do a little bit different, but we still put an emphasis on protein at each meal. Because protein does more than just build muscle. I mean, it's responsible for hormones, it's responsible for immunity for your skeletal your skeleton, too. So it's it's responsible for a lot more than just building muscle.

Sam Fischer  06:12
It's also responsible for hair growth.

Bri Siegert  06:15
Yep. Your skin nails

Sam Fischer  06:17
doesn't cure baldness.

Bri Siegert  06:20
Unfortunately, no,

Sam Fischer  06:21
no. If she would have told me that I would have been getting my protein. And I said, Hey, that's a that's a good trick. I shouldn't have that. It's also isn't it? Also, I think you said that it's basically the function of your organs, your organs can't function unless you have protein. Yep. Now, is there a scenario where someone can have too much protein?

Um, very rarely, there is a scenario. And it would be more to do with like kidney disease, or something like that, where your body would have a hard time processing that, but I have never worked with anybody that has had that issue. There's been very little research done on having too much protein, it's really hard to get enough protein. And the reason why like we want to be eating more protein is one it's like the most essential macronutrient that you can have. But too, it is so satiating that I think you would get to a point of just physically not being able to eat any more before you'd consume too much protein.

Sam Fischer  07:19
Yeah, I agree with that. Because I faced it.

I imagine just eating like a 24 ounce T bone or something. I mean, you wouldn't want any more food. No.

Sam Fischer  07:29
And that's about. So 200 grams is about what one pound.

What so that'd be 605 or 200 grams. Four ounces is about 24. Yeah,

Sam Fischer  07:42
pretty close. So I'll just eat a pound of pure protein a day. Yep. And so why are people like me challenged to do that. people gravitate

more towards carbohydrates, they typically gravitate towards snack types of foods, whether it's healthy or an unhealthy if it's chips, or even if they grab an apple or a banana, they just don't think to pair a protein with it. But it's actually really important to pair approach. I mean, your meal should be focused around the protein, and then everything else should be an add on. But we want to pair a protein and carb together all the time, we don't want to have one separate from the other.

Sam Fischer  08:17
It's interesting you said like so when I have protein, st protein, usually you're gonna get fat with the protein at least most of the time. But the carb isn't as important to you at that point, you'd rather if so, I think what I just heard is, if you're eating a carb, what's more important to have to start with a protein and blow off the carb or to start with a carbon blow off the protein? I would think it's what you're just saying is it's important to you if someone has a carbohydrate that they have, they always have protein with it.

There's once I mean there's like very few cases that I would say no, like, if you're someone who trains multiple hours a day, you're an athlete, you're in a game you're competing, it would probably be important to have a car by itself if you're between games, or you're between events. But otherwise, most people that I work with don't there's

Sam Fischer  09:04
only three people on my podcast or been like that. So that's kind of like minority,

right? So that's the only case that I would probably say have a carbohydrate because the protein is going to slow the digestion and if you want it to digest fast, but otherwise, for blood sugar regulation, I mean, a lot of chronic disease and obesity can go back to blurb issues with weight loss can go back to blood sugar regulation, and a lot of times that happens because people are eating carbohydrates and not pairing it with a protein. They're not pairing their food in a way that regulates their blood sugar throughout the day. And that causes spikes in craving more cravings, and then people go for even more carbohydrates, which again, they're not including that protein with it, plus protein. Another reason why I think people are attacking with protein is it's just hard to make you have to cook it most of the time if it's an animal protein which ideally we would be getting animal proteins in our diet. like meat, beef, chicken, fish, things like that. But you can also get get it from dairy where you don't have to cook it like yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, things like that.

Sam Fischer  10:10
So in other words, all proteins are not necessarily created equally.

Yeah, just like any food, there's always going to be two. And that's why variety is so important to like, I usually have a general recommendation to get at least one serving of red meat a day, because it's going to be really high in nutrients compared to chicken breast that's really lean, but it's not going to be as nutrient dense as like ground beef or liver or a whole egg.

Sam Fischer  10:32
So red meat is for definition, by definition to me red meat would be steak or venison or ground beef for Yeah, deli meat.

Yeah. All those even like turkeys, things like that I'm getting a serving of seafood in each week or a couple servings of seafood in couple servings of salmon can get you the Omega threes that you would need. That's white meat, isn't it? Yes, I'm talking about just getting more like Omega three food versus taking a supplement. Right? Right. Just a variety of different protein options and animal proteins.

Sam Fischer  11:13
Can you get enough protein just from plants,

it would be really challenging in like a way to think about it is so if you have a four ounce piece of chicken breasts, that's about 24 or 26 grams of protein, right? In order to get that much from let's say something like quinoa, okay, quinoa has protein in it, it's a high high protein grain, or it's technically a nut and seed, high protein, but you'd have to have four servings of chemo to equal 24 grams of protein, that's 1000 calories of quinoa, to get what 180 To 200 calories of protein would get you. So that's where people who do eat a plant based diet still end up over eating and then they may not get that protein and then you have to take into consideration the pairings of certain foods. You know, like beans and rice paired together makes a complete protein, but that's still very high in carbohydrate and not very high in protein.

Sam Fischer  12:08
So do you have any vegan or vegetarian clients?

No, not now I have in the past. And I typically ask the question why, like, why aren't you eating meat, you know, if it's, for religious reasons, reason, okay, we can bypass that, but it's going to be a little bit more challenging to get that, um, or not bypass it, but like, except, like, that's a reason I wouldn't push for them to eat meat. If they're, you know, I had a client that actually like, Okay, this is kind of a funny story, but she couldn't eat me because she felt that her parents had lied to her about how meat like got from the cow to her plate. Like she just didn't, it was when she was like eight years old. So she just like didn't think that we killed cows to put them out of work through but ever since she found out she just remembered being repulsed by and it was like, like the thought made her sick. You know, that's a that's a physical thing that she had. I mean, she'd eat eggs and seafood and stuff. And that was okay. But like any meat like chicken, nothing like she couldn't stomach it. Um, so, you know, eating eggs and meat was still better than nothing. And that made it a little easier. More of a pescetarian I guess. Yeah. Um, but yeah, it's, it's a challenge for sure. Because you have to put a lot more thought into getting your protein while also not going over in calories.

Sam Fischer  13:25
And you probably will obviously you're limiting your options, but you're probably eating the same thing like the same for like three. There's three days and you're probably eating those three days on a rotating basis. I mean, right? I mean,

yeah, and, um, menu options, you know, the the branched chain amino acids that we get from eating food, or from eating meats, you wouldn't get that in a plant based diet unless you were really specific on how you paired it like pea and rice can get you some branched chain amino acids, but still probably not enough. So that would be like if someone was vegan or vegetarian I would. That might be one of the only times I would recommend taking a BCA and what is it BCAA branched chain amino acids, and I think it's something that people basically flavored water if you're eating enough protein, you shouldn't have to have it. So it's a really expensive supplement that people take.

Sam Fischer  14:18
But mostly, you see it a lot on energy drinks, right, BCA? Yeah. BCAAs.

Yeah, yeah. And I mean, even just a scoop of whey protein post workout, you should be getting enough BCAAs in that, especially from the branched chain, branched chain amino acid, leucine specifically,

Sam Fischer  14:34
are there any proteins that you shouldn't have too much of,

like powders? Or do you mean like food?

Sam Fischer  14:41
Well, I'm talking about anything that you've seen on my food log lately.

Um, I definitely think back I mean, your your protein sources are usually pretty good. Is there something specific that you're thinking of the cheese bites? Yeah. I don't really know what's in these like

Sam Fischer  14:58
. So she's looking at it. bag of my favorite go to snack source of protein is all its Trader Joe's oven baked cheese bites, they are to die for. They're very salty, very tasty, very filling. And they give me a lot of protein if I eat the whole bag, like 28 grams, but it also gives me 27 grams of fat.

Yeah, I was just gonna say the fat intake is pretty high on there. But um, I mean, depending on what your fat allotment is like,

Sam Fischer  15:27
that would be I don't have one right now. For me, although I've been I've conscientiously think about it.

Yeah, just because it racks up the calories very quickly. But no, this is fine. I mean, it's it's a good source of dairy man. It's just cheese. I mean, cheese is gonna have protein in it and a little bit of fat. So right. I have no issue with that.

Bri Siegert  15:47
Nice. Yeah. Via case they're delicious. It's a better snack option. Love it. It's

Sam Fischer  15:52
freakin awesome. So how do you one of the things that and even though I don't currently have a fat allotment, in other words, a macro Syrah X amount of grams assigned to me. I am conscientious about it. And probably not for the reasons you just said. The reason I am is I think fat. I think this I don't want that. I'm trying to get rid of it. I just grabbed my gut. But um, how do you how do you what are some of the secrets to keeping that protein to fat ratio kind of in control?

Um, okay, well, sidetrack, if that doesn't make you fat, we actually need fat. It's a precursor for healthy hormones.

Sam Fischer  16:34
Well, I healthy man, people do tend to it's really

easy to get a lot of fat. So I think a really, honestly, if you're just having a balanced meal, or you focus on creating a balanced plate, if you look at your plate, and you see, okay, I have a protein. It's a red meat. So there's protein and fat and I shouldn't have to add an extra fat on top of that, I have a carb, I have a fiber. Okay, so that's either a fruit or vegetable. Let's say you have a leaner protein, then you would add a fat to that maybe some avocado or something. What typically happens is people just have especially highly processed foods or like bakery goods, desserts, they're really high in carbohydrate, really high in fat, and then they're also adding more fat to their meals. And that's where that can get out of control quickly.

Sam Fischer  17:19
So what I'm hearing there Bri is, and we've never really discussed this per se. So this is helpful to me now. We'll move we have I just haven't, you know, Reno's talking to me, it's like talking to a rock sometimes. It's very difficult to get into the skull. But um, what you're saying is I shouldn't feel so bad about the fat content. If it's a good source of protein in the in the fat, maybe a little higher. I mean, I'm not eating. I'm not eating a bone in rib eyes every day, which would be very big. There'd be more fat in that in the protein. But but it's still because it's such a fantastic source of protein. As long as I'm controlling those other other things that fat isn't is. It's good quote unquote, good fat, correct. I mean, and you ate only bone and stuff. Probably you don't eat the fatty. So I mean, like, have you ever had a T bone man? Oh, yeah.

Bri Siegert  18:13
Texas Roadhouse. Oh,

Sam Fischer  18:15
well, that's right. That's right. But I mean, there's nothing better than fat on a T bone. No,

that's my favorite steak. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Um, no, yeah, I actually like if you are eating meat, and you're eating, preferably like animal meat and whole eggs, like you should be getting most of your fat from protein and you really shouldn't have to do a whole lot of work to add extra fat to that. Um, that being said, though, like steak can be pretty high fat, like a Wagyu beef, like that's going to be more fat than protein. Right? So that would be more of like, I would consider that a fat food with protein and

Sam Fischer  18:49
just don't have a big old piece of red velvet cake afterwards. That's what kills you. It does. Voice good though. Man. It's good.

Did you read velvets? Like really? Not a flavor? It's just like colored. It's like food coloring and chocolate. Hmm. Well, like basic for

Sam Fischer  19:05
me. It's like a psychological thing. That other guy you described like no, it tastes good. Yeah,

my stuff is the same thing. We've had that conversation and I love red velvet too. I think the cream cheese like adds a different aspect to it, but actually didn't know that till uh, not too long ago.

Sam Fischer  19:19
I don't believe you listeners weigh in on social media. So some of the secrets that I've learned from you, as far as getting more protein is some little cheat tricks what I call cheap tricks. And that is collagen. And by the way, since I began eating more collagen so listeners I will usually throw collagen into my shake. And it's non flavor you can throw it into a potato too but it's the consistency kind of like it or you can throw it into cottage cheese. Probably or yogurt. Yeah, couldn't broth, but your your hair will grow and I have noticed that I just except for the bald spots. It does She does grow and my nails are out of control also. So collagen is a great way to do it. And there's even flavored collagen. Is that okay? Because I was doing, I have strawberry way once in a while and then I'll put in a scoop of cranberry collagen. And then I put in my cherry juice for inflammation, that territory just Yeah, so it's actually pretty good shake. So that sounds good. And it's full of protein. It's good, you're good to go with it. What are some other things that you do? No egg whites is a way that you get protein. And that's that's low in fat. So you mix egg whites to your oatmeal.

Right? Yeah, I've actually I've been doing more whole eggs lately, just because I am sick of egg whites. But I can see why here's the years of egg whites. Um, but yeah, it's it's a good I mean, if it's like a kind of desperate option, but going for is going back on collagen. Collagen is not a complete protein source. So if you're not eating enough protein, you're not going to reap the benefits of collagen. If you're not eating enough food, you're not going to reap the benefits of collagen. So collagen. Again, it's like a supplement to supplement an already healthy diet. So if you're eating enough, and you're already eating enough calories, and then if you're eating enough protein, you will start to reap the benefits of the hair, skin nails with collagen. If someone isn't eating enough food and they're not eating enough protein already, your body's not going to take that extra new those extra nutrients and take them to your hair, skin and nails. It's going to use it for its basic bodily processes. So making sure that you're getting an adequate amount of protein first is going to be really helpful. And then second, collagen is also better absorbed if you pair it with like vitamin C like an orange juice or something like that. So yeah, then the tertiary that's perfect. So you're already doing it without even realizing it. Oh, no, I knew was good all along. Oh, yeah. Okay, so yeah, that's just something with collagen. And yeah, flavored is okay, I do a flavored collagen. I love it from first form. It's naturally flavored with stevia, I put it in my coffee and just blend it into like a caramel latte in the morning. But yeah, so some other tricks. Besides adding collagen, I'm having a whey protein shake after you work out is also really helpful. First of all, like, it's a great opportunity to start recovering more quickly. And most people aren't hungry for food after they work out. So getting your nutrients or a drink is perfect. Plus, that's going to have your BCAAs in it as well with that whey protein. So that's an easy way. But we don't want to just be drinking our protein that kind of defeats the purpose of eating enough protein. So

Sam Fischer  22:30
I don't usually do shake after working out maybe I need to do but my dad said it too much of any one thing will kill you. So just don't don't do it all the time. Do it some more time. Don't do it all the time. Oh, like the the way after the workout. You're good every time.

Yeah, it'd be fine. I mean, I don't see anything wrong with that. Because, again, it's just kind of getting a jumpstart in recovery. And then most that's really a really great opportunity for people to get some protein in. Because if they're skipping that post workout window, they may not eat for another like couple of hours and then they're not getting any nutrients post workout. So it's really helpful to get an extra 24 grams of protein. I just wouldn't do like a protein shake in the morning a protein shake off or just one a day. Yeah, like I wouldn't want to know three a day

Sam Fischer  23:19
or anything. If you're gonna drink what I think what I've heard so far is try not to drink your calories. But if you're going to drink your calories, drink a protein shake, but drink it after working out.

Yes, I mean, there's no right or wrong. I'm just saying that's an opportune time. So you can have a protein like, I generally recommend that people don't drink more than two protein shakes a day. Um, because if you're getting like 50 to 100 grams of protein and just drinks like that's one not helping with your metabolism because we actually burn calories when we eat and digest protein. Whey Protein and egg whites are the easiest digesting proteins you can have. So that's decreasing your thermic effect of food. Yeah, um, some other ways, Greek yogurts, and that'll be a time where sometimes I'll put like half a scoop of protein in there just to make like, I'll have a plain Greek yogurt and then I'll put like a half a scoop of chocolate or strawberry protein in there with strawberries and then mix that up and gives it some flavor, some sweetness. Also, I think people just stick with like skimpy portions of meat, like, double up your meat servings. That being said, too, is meat cooks down and people don't take that into account. So that's

Sam Fischer  24:30
something up for from you also. So yeah, so

when you weigh meat raw, which most I don't recommend doing, because it's gross, and hopefully you're prepping your foods, you're cooking meat in bulk. You can almost assume that every time you cook me it's cooking down about 25%. So if you log eight ounces of meat, you're logging eight ounces of raw meat which means that you should be putting six ounces of cooked meat on your plate so people could actually be getting more protein than what they realize just simply by inaccurate logging We're not taking in that that cook down factor. Yep. Yep. That's something I've learned also. Yeah. And that's really helpful. Right? It is.

Sam Fischer  25:07
That's very helpful. Everything you do is helpful. I have to be nice to you once a week. Oh, but in your other, your other. I think one of the other things that you do is you have I call it peanut butter dust, but

Oh, powdered powdered. Yeah, no butter. I love powdered peanut butter. I'll mix it because like, like we talked about that fat can can come up really quickly, my fats pretty low. And so I'll like mix it, I'll do half of a tablespoon of peanut butter. And then I'll do the full serving of powdered peanut butter. So it ups my protein and then decreases my fat. Plus, I love peanut butter. So yeah, that's helpful. And I'll

Sam Fischer  25:48
be honest, it's the one thing I haven't tried. That you've suggested. So I will try that this week.

Yeah, that's really good. Like during that powdered peanut butter and some Greek yogurts

Sam Fischer  25:57
helped us get that anywhere? Or wherever

heavy a Costco? Yeah, either. I'm also having snacks with protein in them. So um, again, like protein bars are kind of like the protein shakes. I personally am someone like I don't like doing protein bars. Because for me, it's like, it's like candy. Like if I have a protein bar, I'll end up eating over about that same amount of calories at the protein bar. I

Sam Fischer  26:23
think you should really make sure there's fiber in that protein bar.

Most protein bars do have fiber in them. Okay. Yeah. Well do.

Sam Fischer  26:30
Yeah. It makes sure it's not over refined frickin processed food? Well, that's the thing is most most well look at the label. I mean, how many calories? How many carbs is that how many protein if it's a protein bar, my mind is gonna have more protein, anything else?

Yeah, most of the time, it's gonna be I mean, it's gonna be like a balanced meal, you have a protein, carb fat fiber and a protein bar. But for a 200 calorie, and I've actually like done this photo for clients in the past, but like, if you look at a protein bar, its weight is about 56 to 60 grams, and it's about 200 Plus calories. Okay, I could have a plate of carrots, deli meat crackers, and avocado mash pack that weighs probably three to 400 grams for the same amount of calories. So I'm actually physically getting more food, I'll be fuller longer and there's not as much artificial sweeteners or processed or artificial flavorings in it that will cause me to actually crave more food like it's really

Sam Fischer  27:25
more of a on the go thing. Or get on a plane or getting in a car or whatever I mean, it's more of a on the go kind of a tool

and just from working with clients in the past like I will notice that when people drink protein shakes or go get like protein smoothies from like Gretna nutrition or nutrition for two, or they eat protein bars, they almost I mean, without a doubt almost every time we'll eat over that many calories. Just because it cause it's like um, you know, you compare a protein bar to Snickers bar sometimes a Snickers bar is actually less calories. Yeah. Yeah.

Sam Fischer  28:02
Yep. Awesome. Anything else you'd like to add in our discussion protein?

Yeah, with uh, just like tricks and stuff is kind of just always being prepared with protein and you know, don't think to just have it at breakfast lunch and dinner like if you have a snack make sure you have a protein with it. deli meat jerkies or you have the turkeys right there that are really great options to bring with you and pack with you

Sam Fischer  28:25
Nic sticks from natural grocers that's what I recommend 25 grams to steaks 25 grams of protein

Bri Siegert  28:31
Oh, that's a lot Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I like that

Sam Fischer  28:34
their chicken sticks sorry Well, things are brothers and Rancher

you know, sometimes I just take the the meat that I prepped at the beginning of the week and if you're someone that short on time, I just buy pre cooked meats like Kevin's paleo chicken Costco has a lot of really great options in bulk so you can have prep for the week with literally like literally without cooking at all so like their beef their chicken or pulled pork hard boiled eggs they have so many options

Sam Fischer  29:06
so I have listeners in Valentine Nebraska actually have more listeners in Munich Germany than I do Valentine but anyway they don't they live like two hours from a Costco. Yeah, two hours from a Walmart more than two hours. What I mean any tips for small town folks out there?

I mean, small town I'm assuming that there's me available there's tons of me. That's not a problem. So it's gonna be one of those things that if you I mean, I'm sure there's a store with pre cooked meats but it's usually stores that I wouldn't be familiar with. It might be like a local store or something like that, like a high V knockoff, or something like that, right?

Sam Fischer  29:42
But they have a tough time like getting avocados for instance, or something like yeah, you know, it's just tough.

So, I mean, that's a healthy fat if they have beef, you know, that's still gonna be healthy fat, eggs, chickens, things like that. Again, like deli meats would probably Oh my

Sam Fischer  29:56
secret weapon listeners that I went away from for a long time. But it's back is kind of cheese. I mean, holy cow. I love cheese. Most of a lot of people don't but I love it and it's so easy to get your your your protein.

Oh yeah. And you can make it like sweet or savory. So it's very like versatile I think.

Sam Fischer  30:13
Yeah, yeah, for sure. Okay. Are you ready for my quick five rounds of questions?

Bri Siegert  30:19
Quick five rounds. Or five.

Sam Fischer  30:21
Just five questions on this is first thing comes to your mind. Okay, you plus my podcast this season. It's no secret to you. Here we go. Well, okay, here we go. What's your favorite ice cream? Ooh, strawberry. Interesting. Who's your favorite cowboy?

I'm probably the hot guy from Yellowstone. Break, Rick.

Sam Fischer  30:42
Oh my God. He has like red hair. Right? I know.

I know. I thought he was hot and dazed and confused too. So I thought his natural person was hot.

Sam Fischer  30:52
That dude worked on a ranch. I'd go up and punch him in the eye. Who's your favorite egghead? Uh, this brid?

I was gonna say I feel like I might be the only one I've heard. I feel like everyone on your podcast is a cowboy.

Sam Fischer  31:09
Well, you're you're sort of in between?

Bri Siegert  31:11
Yeah, sometimes you give me the cowboy but very rare.

Sam Fischer  31:15
Today was all again, which is great. Yes. Very informative. We need you. We need you in the world. But the cowboys who made you who you are. There we go. All right. Your favorite quote? You read a lot do you have any favorite quotes?

Um, yes. It's by Justin Sua little by little a little becomes a lot

Sam Fischer  31:37
Oh, yes. Yes. Yes, definitely. My favorite heard that are my friend Shay's podcast with Nissa the other

Bri Siegert  31:44
Oh yeah. And this This is it often Tales is it a lot

Sam Fischer  31:49
you've had animals throughout who's your favorite pet? Your cat person here but both cat but your cat person now Right? Yeah. Now what was your favorite pet a cat or dog? Um, I think a cat. And what was his or her name?

I have two cats. Keanu and Chaka and they're both boys. Cool.

Sam Fischer  32:10
Well shout out to Keanu and Chaka 

Chaka Chaka. Yeah, like from land to the last. Oh, cool.

Sam Fischer  32:17
All right. And so if anybody wants any, are you taking new clients? Coach Bri? Are we allowed to give your your your contact information out?

Absolutely. I am taking new clients. We also have three other nutrition coaches at the gym. So if I feel like you might work better with one of them, I can also refer you to them as well. There you go.

Sam Fischer  32:37
And how do we get ahold of you? You can

reach out to me at my email Bri at CrossFit Or I Yep, we are I think you are my instagram handle which is at Serena Bieggert. So it's just a spin on my first two letters of my name. So at s ri a and a b i e, g e r t.

Sam Fischer  32:56
She's fun to watch on Instagram too. She has good stories. Thanks, CNG. Thanks, Sam.