Cowboys not Eggheads

Your Conscience is the Light of your Soul - with Special Guest Jake Thomas

Season 4 Episode 414

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Originally from New Orleans, Jake Thomas has a passion for personal service that stems from being a United States Marine. He has proudly leveraged that among a plethora of other experiences and hardships into a career of helping people satisfy some of the most basic human needs – health, happiness and wealth.
Jake has an affinity for physical and spiritual nutrition. By truly prioritizing his own health, he learned to manifest thoughts into reality. Put simply, the process of resculpting his mind and body saved his life. It has enabled him to lead family, friends and total strangers on similar paths. Nothing on this earth has given Jake more satisfaction than positively impacting the lives of other people.
Founded in 2017, LIFE LIKE JAKE is an elite mindset training mission that puts candidates through a rigorous unplugging process to rewire their thought matrices and understandings of the world as they see it, and of life itself. Doing so produces autonomous beings who are principle based and purpose driven, able to harness the power of the Universe to enact the change in their lives they so deeply desire.
The LIFE LIKE JAKE ethos is pillared on leadership, personal growth and development, radical candor and extreme accountability. It hails from military ideology, careers in professional athletics and multi-faceted entrepreneurship, historical and contemporary philosophy, and decades spent insatiably consuming drugs, alcohol, pleasurable company and material things.
Jake Thomas has a Bachelor of Science in International Trade & Marketing for the Fashion Industries (Summa Cum Laude, Salutatorian) from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York and a Master of Business for Veterans (MBV) (SALUTE National Honors Society) from the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business.    On YouTube:

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Jake Thomas Podcast
Sat, Mar 04, 2023 12:55PM • 57:20
eat, people, cowboys, carnivore, conscience, life, jake, protein, marines, consume, grew, alcohol, feeling, new orleans, radical candor, literally, world, marine corps, sam, podcast
Intro, Sam Fischer

Intro  00:00
Welcome to cowboys, not eggheads, home of the brave, not home of the fearful. The world needs more cowboys and fewer eggheads. We're everywhere podcasts are found. So tell your fellow cowboys, and let's keep the conversation alive on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Remember to subscribe, rate, review and share and now cowboys not a gets we have Sam Fisher

Sam Fischer  00:33
Hello listeners a reminder to go to cowboys not and become a supporter of this show, just go to cowboys, not and click on the support button. And as a result, we'll get you the merchandise of your choice. There's branded cowboys, not AKs and you'll also have opportunities that other folks won't have. Today I am pleased to welcome Jake Thomas to cowboys. Not eggheads. Jake Thomas is a five time physique champion. Jake Thomas is 100% carnivore. Jake Thomas eats raw steak. interesting guy. Originally from New Orleans, Jake Thomas has a passion for personal service that stems from being a United States Marine. He has proudly leveraged that among a plethora of other experiences and hardships into his career of helping people satisfy some of the most basic human needs health, happiness and wealth. Jake has an affinity for physical and spiritual nutrition. By truly prioritizing his own health. He's learned to manifest thoughts into reality Put simply, the process of re sculpting his mind and body saved his life is enabled him to lead family, friends and total strangers on similar paths. Nothing on this earth has given Jake more satisfaction than positively impacting the lives of other people. Hope you enjoy the podcast. I think it's a good one. Thanks. Hey, Jake, how are you today? Welcome to cowboys. Not a good appreciate you being on.

Thanks for having me today. Sound doing well? Good.

Sam Fischer  02:10
Good. So part of the intro that I read said that you're from New Orleans. And it was like a second word. And that's, that's like the first thing that interested me. New Orleans is a great place for those who have not been there. It's it's a very unique fabric of Americana, in my opinion. So what about New Orleans? shaped your life or helped you become who you are is or how long did you live there? Tell me tell me about what is New Orleans mean to Jake.

There's a lot of darkness actually there for me. I was born and raised there grew up there spent the first 1718 years of my life there. But so much of it. Yeah, it's got a lot of darkness to me, because of how I grew up what I was around the environment, the people and then just kind of how I handled myself dealing with all that. So I was just there a couple of days ago, funnily enough, but

Sam Fischer  03:04
so not even very romantic as I as I may have portrayed.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love where I'm from. I love my people, my friends love my family. But there's just things that, you know, remind me a lot more of the dark times and do have a good ones.

Sam Fischer  03:20
Right. Right. Well, I had to ask the question. Interesting. Yeah. So the other part of your bio that I found interesting, obviously, the name of this podcast is cowboys, not decades. And the premise of this podcast is the world has both world has both we need both. But I'd rather have a few more cowboys than a few more eggheads. But your background has a little bit of both. So what are you sir? What what shaped you to be who you are today? More cowboy? And more, again, are both are what? What do you think of my little dichotomy of life there?

I think you need both just like you touched on, you know, what would one be without the other? There's a great quote from one of my favorite movies hook story of Peter Pan with Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman. And Dustin Hoffman portrays Captain Hook and he says this famous line of what would the world be like without Captain Hook? You know, every protagonist needs its antagonist. Every Rose has its Thorn, every gun, its dove of peace, whatever, because otherwise you wouldn't have that satisfaction or appreciation of the good without it. So you know, there's eggheads. They're necessary, I think in our egg headedness of ourselves is necessary for our own growth to become better cowboys, you know, because if it was just a bunch of cowboys, cowboys wouldn't be that cool. You know, so that scarcity model of the eight kids kind of offsets the balance a little bit and helps to use your word, the dichotomy I think, a little bit.

Sam Fischer  04:46
Yeah. Great take. So, one of the things that again, in your bio that struck me was that you use the words radical candor and Stream accountability. Those are scary words, because they're real. What can you expand more on? Radical candor and extreme accountability in in just your life or how you want others to live their lives?

Yeah, so radical candor, just to be direct, absolutely unapologetically direct, open and honest. Right? Like how often we as individuals, with our friends, with our families, with our peers with with anyone, don't necessarily tell them the truth. Right? All radical candor is just it just means the truth, hard truth. But too often, I believe we sugarcoat sugarcoat truths. Not even so much for your alot the recipients preservation, but more for self preservation and why it's not helping this person grow anymore. It's not helping whatever goal or objective we're working on together, because you're giving a false sense of accomplishment, security, achievement or otherwise. So radical candor, I think, is really how you're going to Polish people better by giving them the honesty that they deserve and also need as opposed to the, you know, warm hearted fuzziness that sometimes they want, or sometimes you we think they deserve. But doing that I think sets us back, you know, and if more of us had radical candor, like, you go to the barber, and you get a bad haircut, and you like, it's okay, it's good enough, I guess. And you don't say anything, and he's been Juwan and the charity, like, how's it? How's the cut looking? Like, it's alright, it's not bad, but you're like, ah, that's terrible. But you don't tell them why. You're not helping this guy anymore. Any, any way. You know, like, be honest. It's okay. It's okay. To be honest, especially with criticism. It's okay. And I think that we're just kind of inundated with this fear factor of like, I don't want to be mean, I don't want to be cruel, but it's just an how it's been received or perceived by the recipient. That's not your fault. And I give a great example of you want some real radical candor that you can put into your life easily. Instead of telling people you can't tell them you won't. Sam goes, Hey, Jake, would you like to come on the show today? Sorry, Sam. I can't because dot dot dot, dot dot. I can. Can is an ability to do I absolutely have the ability. Hey, Sam, I won't be there. Because Oh, okay. Like he told me he's not coming. Like, as opposed to, I can't or like, Hey, man, you want to come out tonight? Hey, man, you want to do this? I can't I can't. You freaking can you know, you can they know you can't tell them. You won't. Tell them. Why have the gumption. Right? You have your own intestinal fortitude to kind of like stand in the fire and say, This is why these are my principles. This is my it's a character thing. It's or whatever, I have a commitment, I have a dedication to something else. So can't versus won't. And as far as extreme accountability, or ownership for account and accountability, that's right there with that too. Like, whatever the decision is, you're going to make own it. Don't have remorse after the fact don't regret what you did in the past. And then, you know, after the fact that I was like, no, no, no, no, no. If you want to go eat these things, hang out with these people do X, Y, Z, you know, strip club drugs, whatever it might be good or bad, doesn't have to be bad. Just own it. Be there in the moment, embrace it, enjoy it, like after the fact don't come to me and say, Jake, I'm sorry. I messed up this weekend. And then I asked, Well, was it fun? It was fun. Did you enjoy that? Yeah, then then embrace that. Don't do it. And then the whole time be like, oh, you know, you're smoldering of it. So extreme accountability.

Sam Fischer  08:55
Love it. I love that stuff. It leads me to the question, is it? You know, today's Are you concerned about today's society, in the sense that I think in the last, I mean, again, you know, I'm, I'm 54 going on 55. And of course, you know, I'm starting to sound like my parents or my grandparents, like, you know, everything's changed. And I had a great uncle once said, I see a lot of change in my life been against most of it, but one of the changes that we've had, I believe in society is that society has is softened. And that that there you are kids from a young age are molded to be nice to and so I what you're saying is is not saying to be mean is to be straightforward. And to what that does, in my opinion is Yeah, is is it sets a higher standard for expectations. You want to talk about that are your feelings about that?

Yeah. Um, like, and again, it's not about being mean, like you said, it's just about being honest, what you know, in school, for example, we're usually graded pretty honestly, you don't study for a test, you don't prepare well, like your marks are gonna show and you're gonna get not the best grades, right? Those who do prepare, study, etcetera, they get good marks. Why would life or otherwise be any different if anything, school should be the kind of like the learning place that it is, right. But then in life, or in relationships, or personally between one another and interaction where we're not that way. That's a setup for failure, I believe. And as far as it absolutely has been differently, you know, throughout time and age, I was talking about this just the other day with my family in New Orleans and laughing. I've been listening to presidential addresses, like just past ones, just random ones, from one state to the union to infrequent addresses, you can take pretty much any president presidential address from the last 100 years, within the last 100 years. And play it today. And it's basically going to apply, for the most part, it's the same. For the most part, the same problems, the same struggles within the country outside of the country, with our economy, with taxation with spending, with racial and racial injustice is with female oppression, with you know, problems with education problems with health care, glove GOP geopolitical climates and changes and shifts. If you just changed the dates, and a couple of names, you could play it right literally right now and be like, Yeah, it sounds like status quo. Right? So yes, I do agree that things change, and there's a certain appeal about the current generation are younger than like you said, you're 52. But to be 40, younger than me, that I see, like, Man, this feels different than when it was my time and whatnot. And I see them as a different curve on the ball and whatnot. And I think a big part of that, Sam, is because you and I had to grow up with the evolution of this lightning fast technology we at least had to grow up with, you know, like, I can remember having a rotary phone at my grandfather's house, I can remember the steps that we took to get to where we currently are now with having things that means. So from a rotary phone, to have in our first apple one or Apple two, like at the house, it was like the coolest thing ever, you know, and then go into the steps.

Sam Fischer  12:34
And my first exposure to computer for instance, was not, you know, touch and go it was how to how to program in high school, we took a programming class on how to program basic, which is like, that's not my thing. And so it wasn't easy. You know, it was it was absolutely it's a different process for us.

No, not at all. I took an HTML class in high school for program writing and coding. At the during the Advent, you know, the inner of the use of the internet, there's in 1997 1998. And I remember all those steps, right, got the computer, then we had land, landline, or dial up internet, you know, with Netscape and all these other things, and like the progression of all that into telecommunications with cell phones and everything else in the tablets and smartphones. So we grew into that step by step. Whereas now, you're born into all of it. Right? So when younger people instant right, immediate results, you need any kind of information, satisfaction, delivery, or mean a lot quicker these days. Instantly. So how can we as elders, let's say, criticize younger people, they know nothing else, you know, for for us to say, well, these younger generation, they don't have any appreciation for hard work, or they don't want to work at these jobs that are available. So they'll rather do something else. They're lazy this and that that? How can we expect them to think any differently? Literally, everything has been right there for them since birth. We were fortunate to grow into that. So we have a different kind of appreciation for that speed. Right. But like how can we think they are going to see that in the same light as we do? And I think that's one of the big disconnects between the generations right now.

Sam Fischer  14:23
Yeah, I agree. You have the principles of, of self belief in your program and there are many of them, but the ones that I highlighted one was had the curiosity of children, which is a great and always do the right thing no matter what so kind of segues kind of when you say have the curiosity of children are you saying we as participants need to or or are you saying that embrace what children are telling us are both are what I've just really loved that have the curiosity of children.

I like how you put that about me So children telling us because I actually hadn't thought to me it was just having the curiosity of a child in the sense that children always want to know, you know, everything about being the child is looking at the world with wonder and awe of like, this is so cool. Oh my God, I want to know, Hey, Dad, why, why, why? Why? Why? Right, like, trying to find questions. So to me that having the curiosity of a child is maintaining your innocence, your childlike innocence as far as in your observance of the world, because it's going to make you criticize less, and ask more. Right? Adults as adults, we moreso are on the front foot to criticize, right. And I actually have that later on down in the in the values of like, admire Before criticizing, or, you know, ask why before telling why. Same thing. We love to tell, we love to scorn, we love to, you know, criticize, as opposed to tell me more about that. Why is that the case, as opposed to trying to find out for ourselves having curiosity, we're quick to jump the gun and make a decision, you know, like, be judge and jury without having heard both sides of the argument. Whereas children, it's just, why cool. Oh, my gosh, this is so neat. But that's what I mean by that.

Sam Fischer  16:13
Yeah. Well, to me, it's, it's going to make you less cynical, and maybe more grateful. For sure. You know, I'd like to kind of segue a little bit into the Marines. I've always described myself, I've never served in the military. I was in law enforcement for 13 years, but always describe myself as well. You too, sir. I always describe myself as a wannabe Marine. And I've always been fascinated about the Marines I consume anything I can on the Marine Corps. But I don't 15 or 18 years ago, was it's been a while but there was a series on HBO called Generation Kill, which is fast. Oh, yeah. Me. Oh, yeah. I don't know if you saw that. And they probably you had been about the age that those guys

were it was my time. It was my time in the Marine Corps. Okay,

Sam Fischer  17:05
so I you know, everyone has told me that was in you know, understood that or was part of that study was pretty authentic. So it was to me it was it was it was a neat look a different look at the Marines and I it made me want to run in that right. I wanted to be in that Humvee. I really did. What What made you want to join the Marines?

I thought it'd be cool to play in the dirt and blow shit up.

Sam Fischer  17:31
Fair enough. Just like the guys that Generation Kill.

Like plain, plain and simple. It looked at it. It looked cool. It looked fun. I appreciated the history. Even then, as a teenager, you know, when I went, but yeah, it just looked fun and appealing. And I was like, I could do that. I can have fun doing that. I could excel doing that. I also needed it. I wasn't doing anything. Well, with my life. I didn't feel right at home school was boring and unappealing. And that looked way more fun to me.

Sam Fischer  18:02
So this must have been New Orleans Marines is that was your path. Correct? Gotcha. Gotcha. And how long did you serve in the Marines?

Four years from 2003 to 2007. So the it was right during generation was that time? Yep. Well, I have several those guys I know personally, friends of mine that were either also along with them or you know, otherwise, right there at the same time, too.

Sam Fischer  18:24
Gotcha. What? So that was a story about a recon unit. What What was your Where were you within the marine structure?

I was with the first battalion fifth Marine Regiment. So out of Camp Pendleton, California. That was the first recon battalion that you get to see in Generation Kill. There's some supportive scenes with the fifth Marines in the story of Generation Kill and it's a good bit about it called a one bullet away is a book by the platoon commander from generation killed Nathaniel Fick. Give that it's a good one.

Sam Fischer  18:55
Yeah, absolutely. Cool. So were you, uh, you've had a history of addiction. Were you did the Marines cause the addiction through your time in the Marines? Or were was what happened in New New Orleans is that was a stem a systematic stem of your addiction, which came first the chicken or the egg or tell me about

it came after the Marine Corps. I didn't feel right when I got out. Life was weird. Society was weird. Trying to fit back in was was hard. You know, you go from being so structured and regimented and everything being life or death or a matter of life or death. Right. And that's where that extreme accountability adherence, you know, discipline can have any compromises regarding accuracy and whatnot in mixed heaven relationships, very hard, friendly, social, professional, romantic, very, very, very difficult because I couldn't see fallibility and an When I couldn't accept variability in anyone, and then I lost or felt like I lost an identity, a big time, identity and identity that I did not have before the Marine Corps that I found when I was there, and then that I lost again, when I got out. And when I felt that I had lost that it was, you know, put me into turmoil.

Sam Fischer  20:20
Yeah, it's there's a YouTube video of surgeon, Brad Colbert, you know, from generation keel, who talks about how they spend millions and millions of dollars to be trained to be a killer. And then there's two, once you get out of the Marines, there's a two week phase out or whatever. And that's it. And it's like, A, it's not a light switch, but it's like a light switch, like up, you know, everything's back to, you know, back to society. And that's just this, that's, we've got to fix, we've got to get that fixed, in my opinion. Yeah, it's just an unrealistic expectation for people coming out of the service or out of a combat situation. And then all sudden, you're back in society and you're out are supposed to have normal relationships, you're supposed to look at everybody differently. You know, you don't? I don't, it has to be incredibly difficult. And I guess that's some of the things that you were facing.

Yeah, it's, it's interesting, because they, you know, the mission is the mission, and recovery, rehabilitation, whatever you want to call that adjustment, you know, back to society, or civilian normalcy is something we all want to do and strive for, but the prioritization of time has got to be towards the other mission, you know, like, they took so much time to kind of help us recover and rehabilitate. I don't know if that would take away from the effectiveness of the forward mission, right, and combat operations and whatnot. Because there's only so much the Marine Corps is the smallest branch of all the armed forces, right, we've got that means we got the smallest budget also. So we're used to doing more with less, it's kind of the prime making pride element of being a Marine, but at the same time, I don't disagree with you, you know, like, for what cost should that be, but the Marine Corps has been pretty effective for 200 plus years. So it's hard to say that all of a sudden, or we're having these problems that didn't exist beforehand? I don't think they didn't. Was it a difference in the people? Was it a difference in what we saw there? Or what happened after the fact? Or is it the world that has changed so much, and now are finding difficulty and readjusting to it? I don't know. I think there's more questions than just, we need to have a better program in place or, you know, we need to make two weeks, instead of two weeks, have it be three weeks for our tap classes or you know, transition classes. But three weeks is not going to change for years. Right? Or let's say you've been in for 20 years, three weeks is to that you know, and it's not like it's 20 years, it's every day, Sam, you know, and if it's four years, it's every day, it's what you live and breathe every single day. Right? So you can't just watch a couple of slideshows, and go through some PowerPoints for three weeks, half of which you sleep through, and then think like, Alright, I'm gonna just turn it all off and get back on the, you know, the sidewalk like everybody else.

Sam Fischer  23:11
So it's tricky work that way. Doesn't work that way. One of the questions I use the word lost just a second ago, and one of the questions I had written down on his what is what is being lost?

What is being lost?

Sam Fischer  23:28
You're not lost right now. Correct. I assume you're not lost right now. You were lost. So what's the difference?

That ident that lack of identity, I think was a big part of it. Right. And that last is the sense of is not having a sense of wholesomeness, I would say, right, a sense of purpose, a sense of pride, something to hang your principles upon something to have your conscience congruent, to be able to motivate you for or like keep you in line with right. And when you're lost, you don't have that your your compasses messed up, you're not walking in line with your conscience or you're not maintaining conscience congruence. And you feel that and that feeling of being off, it's, it's not a good place to be. And that's how I felt for a long time, almost 20 years, since I got out of the Marine Corps, and had it when I was there. And it's funny, back to the Peter Pan story. When you're trying to remember how to fly all you have to do is that you think your happy thought, but then you just got to hold on to that because if you let it go, you fall down. Well, I didn't. I had a happy thought as a child, somewhere along the way in life. It faded away and that's what got me to the Marine Corps. Once I got there. I found a new happy thought or I found a happy thought it was true. I was flying again. And then when I got out it went away. So those are my kind of dips of being lost. And now yeah found a happy thought again and it's like God, hold on to it with everything you got, man, you know, because that's that's where it's at.

Sam Fischer  24:57
Yeah, I don't know, I guess You can share with us what you were addicted to it was an alcohol or drugs or both or

both everything. I mean, alcohol, drugs, women, food, places, you know, events, anything to take me away from the present. Literally, that's it. It was it's anything to take me outside of reality and away from the present moment.

Sam Fischer  25:19
The Great Escape The Great Escape Indeed, indeed. What Why is it some people I'm gonna talk about alcohol because I've never done drugs, I've certainly drank alcohol. And the older I get, the more the more cautious I am maybe are more concerned or more aware I am of of, you know, when you're younger? You know, it was it was you, you have a different lens. But now I you know, one of the questions I asked folks that have been addicted is why is it some people can handle out alcohol because some people can't handle alcohol? But for others, alcohol handles them? Is it individual? Is it an individual chemistry? Is it the environment? Or would you agree that some people can handle alcohol? Is that is that a myth?

I'll say no one no one no human handles alcohol. Thank you, that being that's what I'd say because I mean alcohol is poison straight up, you know, the human body people can say whatever they want, oh, a glass of wine and you know, this and that and anti this or it's bullshit and alcohol is poison, everything about it does not help the body. So consuming. It is in the back to that present moment that you are literally taking yourself out of the present. You are trying to induce a feeling of intoxication, inebriation whatever you want to say altered state of mind, not to a benefit, but literally to escape, right? Like what do you drink for to take the cut off? Right, like get home? Like, oh, yeah, well, they're long day because you're trying not to escape. That's the escape. So I don't think anyone handles alcohol. I think the illusion, the illusion is what they think means they handle it or not, but no one handles it.

Sam Fischer  27:09
I appreciate your candor. Let's talk about the big lie. The alcohol is an escape. I mean, I yesterday I had one of the top 10 experiences of my life be honest with you. I'm in Phoenix right now. And I claim the old 54 year old went up Camelback Mountain. I don't know if you've ever ice climb the ice cable, but I have it's I was says, you know, walking trail up the mountain. No, it's not. I'm scared of heights. I'm scared of heights. And I was challenged quite a bit yesterday in that regard. And you're scaling, you know, there a couple places you're not, you know, the whole places are not all for scaling rocks. But there are a couple places you are. And the landing zone below it was a very narrow trail and below that is about 600 feet of nothing drop off. And so my space, you know, it was it was an incredible experience for me to kind of fight through some of those anxieties I have about heights. And it was it was a great feeling. Obviously the anyone that's rock climbing understands that when you get to the top, there's a feeling of euphoria. That's not unlike being intoxicated. In my opinion. It's a very natural, I don't know, as a dopamine release or whatever. But it's a it's a it's a tremendous release. That's natural. It doesn't have anything to do with drugs. And there's, there's no time ever been intoxicated or ever really felt that way. It's a different kind of escape. Do you agree with me? I mean, do you agree? I mean, there are things that you do obviously from a fitness standpoint, and from a spiritual standpoint, all these things that it may be have, have they replaced that escape from alcohol.

Well, the the congratulations, first of all to you for making the climb. That's awesome. Especially, you know, with your fear of heights and whatnot. That's great. That's awesome. Well done. And yeah, you earned that feeling. You know, that's the first thing you earned that feeling and you know, you earned it. So when you receive that feeling, it's not just because of the chemicals that are going on the hormones that are pumping through you and that epinephrine norepinephrine, adrenaline cocktail, it's that's taking place and you know, a little bit of I can't think of the word right now, but it'll come back to me, but those are all real and you made them happen you earned the right to feel those feelings. So having that in the back of your mind is in your subconscious means there's no guilt about it whereas with drugs and alcohol like having those feelings, like it or not, whether you say it or not, whether you admit it or not, there's gonna be some guilt in the subconscious because, you know, it's it needed to be you know, consumed in order to be enacted. But those are actual drugs, you know, and other drugs that we Take, whether it's alcohol or other types of substances, elicit the same types of responses, or they help induce the same releases of certain things. So like ecstasy, for example. You feel serotonin, you know, the feel great feeling of love and happiness, everything because your body and brain get flooded with it. Well, serotonin is a naturally occurring thing in the body. And it gives out in doses sparingly. And that's why when you come off of days of taking ecstasy, or MDMA, and your serotonin levels are very low, so you kind of feel depressed and not really too happy. Well, that feeling that you got between the adrenaline, the epinephrine, the norepinephrine, serotonin, and some other things. Yeah, you are literally high on life, man. And so that is absolutely naturally occurring. And it's a beautiful thing. And yes, I certainly can say the same that I get it all the time, whether it's from this activity, this meditation, this breath work, this ice bath, thought about it, like that's the point of kind of doing all those things, because you can literally elicit those responses naturally.

Sam Fischer  31:09
Yeah, yeah, it's good stuff. So go climb a mountain. Go jump. take a cold shower, do something. Exactly. It's, it's a complete different intoxications are all word but it's a different chemical release. I guess it's more natural.

It's totally natural. It's totally natural.

Sam Fischer  31:31
Yep. I'd like to shift maybe a little bit into your carnivore. And I don't know really honestly, what that means. What does what does that mean to Jake, when you say you're a carnivore? What do you what is that?

That means for the last three years, or three, almost three and a half years? I've eaten predominantly just animals and animal byproducts. So if it swims, walks, crawls, flies, or breeds that consume it. Now protein, say like, well, what's actually more fat? It's put there is protein in it. Yes, but the diet is predominantly based on fat. Why? Because protein is four calories per gram fat is nine calories per gram. So let's say you consume 100 grams of each of those, well, you'd have 400 calories coming from protein and 900 calories from fat. So carnivore is just, it's, you know, it's meat. It's meat, chicken, poultry, fish, seafood. You know, dairy, anything that comes from an animal source and is directly from an animal or an animal byproduct. Do you eat raw meat? Oh, yeah, a lot.

Sam Fischer  32:39
Me do. I used to eat the raw hamburger.

Nice. Honestly, everything I try all of my food raw. And oftentimes do it frequently. Like I love eating raw steak. I love raw liver for sure. Raw testicle. I'm a big fan of raw seafood. Obviously, any kind. And raw bacon is really up there. Roy likes to Racha have ever been

Sam Fischer  33:07
anything you've it since you've begun this. Have you gotten sick? Because you ate now? The unknown things? And what do you tell your doctor who anybody else who says challenges you? You've got to cook that and you know, cook?

I tell them? Look, let me see your lab work compared to my lab work? Let me see what you look like compared to what I look like. Let me see how you feel compared to how I feel. Yeah, plain and simple.

Sam Fischer  33:34
And anybody you've noticed that change. By raw, I mean, we're going past the meat part, you've experienced that with the raw part of it.

As far as in

Sam Fischer  33:45
the change of your feet, your blood work and your

Will the blood work between the blood work between raw vs cooked is probably not much different. But as far as in the experience of eating is very different meaning if you think about how many steaks you've had in your life, right, then I'm assuming you've had a few

Sam Fischer  34:04
steaks with say I grew up on a cattle ranch.

Perfect. All right, so half of your eating experience, Sam is actually pre meditated. Meaning it's familiar. It's very familiar. You know what the baits gonna feel like to cut it? You know what that first sensation of chewing and master sizing is going to be like you you have so much familiarity with the experience. Half of it honestly takes place before that first byte. Whereas when it's raw, every single byte, you are so present for you're so hyper aware, because you're doubting you're afraid, you're skeptic, you're curious, all these new feelings because you don't have the memory to tell you what it's like. So every single bite is like an experiment within your mind. So the experience is very intimate. You know, I might be oh, I can get a steak right now and just plow through it but cuz like, Alright, let's go to, it's hard to do that with a raw steak. Because again, like, I'm questioning it, do I like this? Do I not like this? Am I gonna get sick? What about when they say like bolt, all those things going through my mind, whereas when it's a regular steak, I've had 1000s of these. So I'm not thinking about any of that I'm just yet. If anything, it's harder to be present with the cooked version. It's damn near impossible to not be present with the role.

Sam Fischer  35:29
How is that? Not to get crass here but

your digestive output is that change since you've extremely Hans meant so probably I assume in carnivores, let's just say carnivore so the frequency of bowel movements drastically reduces when you go carnivore as well as the volume so far less and much smaller all the time. As far as like gas. I don't ever have gas. I don't ever have an ingestion. You know, again, the bowel movements frequency sometimes as little as once a week is the furthest I've stretched it, like seven days without having to use the toilet. It's amazing. So you save a lot of money on toilet paper. Wow. Wow.

Sam Fischer  36:11
So people would say why that's not the answer you're looking for. But not that I was able to answer but

why is that the case? It's because you're absorbing all of it. Everything you're consuming is

Sam Fischer  36:24
every nutrient is being used. Yeah, everything

is nothing to discard. There's nothing there's no husk there's no you know, cellulose, there's no structure fiber, anything. There's no

Sam Fischer  36:35
preservatives, there's nothing, you know, crap that they put in there make food. It's so sad because food preservatives and all that toxic stuff. It was made so that people or people could afford food, basically. I mean, so it's it's cheap. I mean, you get what you pay for kind of stuff. But it's also from a health standpoint, it's a it's a disaster, an absolute disaster, that what people are eating, you know, I'm talking about alcohol being poisoned. Boy, there's a lot of foods out there, that if you walk into a convenience store, it's all poison. I mean, there's there's a convenience to North American eat.

I mean, you can pick out the healthiest grocery store in the world and I'll show you how much poison there is in there too. Sure, and at the same time, I can walk into a convenience store and show you how to eat carnivore and it'll save you a lot of health and problems. So if you can

Sam Fischer  37:27
find me some sugar free jerky, I'm all for it but it's you got to look for it.

You got to look for it and just and I agree with you, you know there's not the healthiest jerky per se but like the unhealthiest jerky the unhealthiest cheese, the unhealthiest boiled eggs, you might find the unhealthiest hot dogs that you're going to find that those gas stations are better than the things in bags, the things in wrappers, and the otherwise highly refined, manufactured nonsense. Fact.

Sam Fischer  38:00
I'm excited. I'm gonna tell him a nutrition coach that can eat hot dogs now that's awesome.

It's all about moderation, brother. It's all about doing it the right way. You know, like it's the single most effective thing we can do as human beings to have the most profound impact on our health is controlling what we put into our mouths. Period.

Sam Fischer  38:20
Absolutely. Absolutely.

what's your what's your nutrition coach got you doing eating? What's, what's the vibe on that? Well,

Sam Fischer  38:29
we just we actually I was with her for two years and she's been on two of my podcasts. Her story's incredible in and of itself, her name is Aubrey Siegert. But the second the first podcast was where she came from, which was a situation of crisis and chaos and probably not unlike yours, you know, drugs in the house and just a mess and eating disorders and all this in that so the second podcast I had with her was about eat your protein and so her what we've established is what works for Sam is every day to have about about 180 to 185 grams of protein today seems to be what works for Sam and so you know at first we've done it all I mean, the macros all of it, you know, where I worked worried about carbs and fat and tracked it all but what I what I worry about now is a protein and for for whatever reason, again, I grew up on a rant of a cowboy I shouldn't you know, eating meat shouldn't be a problem. But 185 grams of protein. Most people in America are not getting 185 grams of protein a day. Most of them are getting

a not even close. They're getting less than they're getting most most Americans are getting less than 50

Sam Fischer  39:47
a day. That's to me, that's scary. I mean, just based on my results and based on so she's very protein driven coach, you know, because for numerous reasons, one, you know, I get As veterans so we want to build muscle the obviously. Second reason the protein is you're you're actually spending more apparently your your metabolism is kicked up by digesting protein or you're burning more calories from from from protein which I never knew. And so that's that's kind of our path and it's, it's, it's worked out pretty well.

What do you what are you eating with it?

Sam Fischer  40:27
Well, healthy carbs. You know veggies. You know when nobody ever eats enough veggies. Here I am. But

I don't I haven't eaten a vegetable in three years, Sam.

Sam Fischer  40:39
Oh, boy. Well, maybe we should have YouTube on together. But I'll eat starchy veggies, too. I mean, I'll eat I love like rice or sweet potato or potato. Just don't don't it's what you put on that stuff that kills you, but So those

are kind of what I'm getting to a serious debate right now. But I'll be

Sam Fischer  40:59
Oh, you're all loaded. Baked potatoes. See? Maybe

you think it's you think it's what's putting it on top of the potato? That's the problem. No, it's the potato. That's the problem. Not the sour cream, not the butter. That's putting it on top of it. Oh, so you don't eat potatoes either. I don't eat anything. Any starches. Any vegetables? Nothing. Have enough.

Sam Fischer  41:19
They're yours. All meat? Yep. Wow. See, I love different

cases. Okay? Occasionally, occasionally fruit when it calls to me, but now the rest of it now. It's fine. You don't

Sam Fischer  41:33
eat Doritos. You don't eat hohos you don't need to know.

I've done. I've been a vegan for I've been a vegan for over a year. In the past, I've been a vegetarian for over a year, every diet that I've subjected myself to I did for a minimum of one year. So that way, when I was coaching people as a nutrition coach, also I had a place of empathy and experience to be able to talk to them about incontinence coming from as opposed to when someone's like, yeah, I tried that diet too. How long? Like three weeks Shut up, like know that there's not a sample size to be able to draw from so I did minimum one year for diets that I could kind of find and figure it out. Yeah.

Sam Fischer  42:08
And what were the things that you were grading I mean, obviously how you felt your your digestive output, your comp, body composition, how you felt in a workout, or what were all

the things more so about? more so about what was the quality of the sustenance, so what was the makeup of it and what it took to get the sustenance that I needed meaning as a vegan. Unless you are a raw vegan, you are consuming a lot of processed food. If you are a vegan athlete, you're consuming processed food and lots of supplements, lots of supplements because you cannot get the macronutrients naturally they don't exist, and certainly don't exist in the ratios you'd like them to. Same thing as a vegetarian, you cannot get the macronutrients in the ratios that you would need thus you need supplements and also processed foods. So that was the first thing that I kind of found query with in those two with veganism and vegetarianism was I was like, You can't do it without natural Lee occurring foods. So like we will, you know, supplements and vitamins and do all these pills. I was like, This is bullshit. So that was a big start for those two, standard American diet. You know, thinking about people telling me Yeah, consumable is bread and gluten is trash. American gluten is trash period. So anything that's coming from our domestic wheat germ, is garbage. It's terrible for the body, the toxicity of what occurs in the body and the unfamiliarity that the body takes towards it. I could go off on that tangent for a while. And then the same thing when you start adding in sugar and dealing with what insulin responses or lack thereof, kind of do to the body and send it into just kind of crazy amounts of shock post is not good. So when I found carnivore and why this is the one and it's not to me a debate, it's a fact. You had to have a single source of sustenance. One, one thing for the rest of your life to not just survive, not just make it through, but to thrive. One food, what would it be? Well guess what is not coconuts. It is not avocado. It's not even shrimp. It's going to be meat. It's going to be preferably red meat. Why? Because it's got the protein, the fat, the amino acids, the vitamins, the minerals, the enzymes, the full profile gamut, you could say, of nutrients. No other thing gram for gram pound for pound in the world has that. So what does that mean? That means the body gets to rest in so many ways, just like an infant with breast milk. Why does breast milk exists for this exact frickin reason? It gives that infant that developing fragile little baby everything it needs just like on a cattle farm with your with your cows, everything they need from a single source without stressing their bodies, because otherwise you could kill limit they put them on an address all these other things so we're talking about putting into the diets will plants for one, most plants have toxins most plants have poisons plants do not want to be eaten. They're grown and rooted into the ground fruit kind of wants to be eaten it falls people literally die from falling coconuts every year fruit falls and drops and it's literally there for you to pick and grab vegetables we have to up root literally pull them out and then even still there's many vegetables that we consume now that after they're processing are healthy and safe to eat but beforehand that will literally kill you if you ate them I lost certain types of beans and lagoons for some for example would kill you nuts even would kill you if you do not clean and process them correctly. So between the chemicals inside the plants sometimes on the outside of the plants there's so much that right off the cuff they don't agree with but this thing the tongue in this thing this pleasure center and then all of society's perceptions and assumed goods that we have now makes it very conflicting for us to understand.

Sam Fischer  46:07
Well I'm gonna have to play devil's advocate right because I'm a good host go for what about but but your meat but what is your meat eating your meat is eating plants they're supposed to Okay, so you're saying okay, so our souls are not met the plants

a cow has three stuff what is the cow have three stomachs? Well, because it's just the it is equipped to digest all of that and break it down the way it's supposed to. Whereas when we consume a lot of these other things, first of all, you have the signals your body's telling you whether it's gas from above gas from below the scent, passing through urine, you know Allah broccoli, or asparagus, inflammation that can occur like you can see this in like, you know, C reactive protein numbers for lab results or lipid panels when you can see inflammation occurring throughout the body. Whereas with carnivore, nothing is discarded again, remember the breast milk thing or their vegetables and breast milk? No, it's completely animal based. It's 100% bioavailable. A bio bio has 100% bioavailability. It is predominantly fat. Also, right fat is the optimal fuel source for the body and for the brain. The brain is made up of a lot of cholesterol. And the best fuel source for the body is not carbohydrates. It is fat, because fat is an actual energy burning molecule. Or an energy burning element. Allah blubber Allah wax a lot oil. That's why we use oils to burn candles with two great flames. You burn a carbohydrate, it burns really quickly like a 151 or like a bar trip where you pour it in your mouth and you blow fire with it because it burns quickly because it's a simple sugar.

Sam Fischer  47:51
But isn't that why athletes take carbs? I mean, because they need something to burn so

well, I ran a competition. Okay, well, I ran a 326 marathon with zero carbs. fasted and dry, meaning no water on the course. No intro race gels, nothing and no food that day. So Wow. No, you don't know. Exactly. Exactly. Like you don't need them. We think we do. And the world tells us we do and the shopping carts and the supplement stores and data. We don't brother. You don't? Yeah,

Sam Fischer  48:29
you're I mean the Who Moved My Cheese kind of guy.

It's a good book. Yeah, I got it on the show

Sam Fischer  48:35
up. Wow, great. There's just basically

saying, basically, Sam, there is so much more about nutritional science and dietetics than what is supposed to be considered absolute and dogmatic. I'm not saying all these other ways are wrong. Your nutritionist I'm sure she's great. And very knowledgeable. And obviously you've been taking care of yourself. You look awesome. You feeling great. You guys are killing it. You're doing something right. What I am saying is there are many of the assumed rules or absolutes out there, I am saying are not absolute. I'm saying that many of them can be bent and some of them broken. That's what I'm saying a

Sam Fischer  49:17
fair enough. That's a cowboy attitude, buddy. But you're measuring it by Egghead type analysis. So I mean

you got to get anecdotal gotta get anecdotal.

Sam Fischer  49:34
Switching into how Jake is wired. I always I this I love talking about how people are wired. Are you wired the way you are from birth? Didn't know it, or did you grow and develop into who you are today?

I think I've always been this way. I mean, anybody that will tell you who I was as a kid I was curious, talkative, outgoing, fun, energetic, talkative, talkative, talkative talk To. So how I am now is just really embracing who I've always been and not being afraid to be that.

Sam Fischer  50:10
Interesting, interesting. One of the things you talk about is, we believe in spontaneous right action, consciously choosing the correct moral decision in every situation that brings happiness to ourselves and those around us, we obey our conscious, we don't betray ourselves, to disobey your own conscience is to split yourself. And that, that, that that's, that's one of your beliefs, or part of your systems that you're you're teaching and so forth. And I was captured by that, because I've always said, let your conscience be your guide, which could be good or bad. But that's kind of what you're saying. Tell me about how, you know, tell me about that.

I think let your conscience be a guide is a much more efficient way of saying what I had written there. So right on. And I don't think though, that it can be bad. Not letting your conscience be your guide, that I'd say can be bad because when you lie, when you walk in line with your conscience, when you really are living with it, you freakin know it, man. When you're not, you know that to walking in line with your conscience or letting your conscience be your guide is not doesn't mean the same thing as trusting your gut. It doesn't mean the same thing as going with your instinct. Your conscience is the light of your soul. That's how I define it. The light of your soul. That is not me going on a hunch that is not me. Okay? I'm pretty sure like, No, we're talking about morals, we're talking about ethics, we're talking about character, principle, purpose, inherent goodness of humanity, the inherent goodness of humanity, the intrinsic value of quality of character, right? You know what that feels like? This is real, right or wrong. So there is no bad, in my opinion, of walking with your conscience as your guide, because it can only be good. There is no corrupted conscious conscience. Now there are bad feelings, and there's ill will, but that's outside of that. And then you're definitely not walking in line with your conscience and you know it for sure.

Sam Fischer  52:23
Yeah. That's great stuff. One of the things that you help people get to is this thing called happiness. What is happiness?

Yeah, that's, that's for us all to interpret differently, right? You know, my three words are health, happiness and wealth, you know, getting people happy, healthy and wealthy. Well, people need to go, Well, I want to be wealthy, I want to make money. Wealth has nothing to do with money. If you define it that way, it can. Yeah, if you define it that way it can. But to be wealthy, within that is the best happiness to be happy with it. That is the best happiness to be healthy from the inside out. That is the best happiness. So like those three words of being happy, healthy, and wealthy. They are all similar. Yet they're all very different. And each of us defines them differently.

Sam Fischer  53:10
Yeah, yeah. What you described to me as being rich and doesn't have a damn thing to do with money.

Exactly. Exactly. That.

Sam Fischer  53:20
Yep. If you could change one thing about the state of the world, what would it be?

For everyone to be for everyone to be happy, healthy and wealthy, right, so that everyone would understand the magic that they have inside of them. And for it, never to be denied in anyone. And I say that because I remember, when my brother was in law school, I went to a hearing of his where I watched three teenagers get sent sentenced to basically life in prison. They were kids, you know, two are 17. One was 19. Or they were two are 19. One was 21. But at the time of the crime, they were 17 and 19. And I watched these three children get sent away for life because of some crime they committed was terrible, unfortunately, but like when I saw them, they were clean. They were together, you know, and it like broke my heart to see that and I just was like, wow, these are three lives that will never be known. They will never be developed, they will never have the chance to dream or become something maybe one of those are all of them were three of the greatest thought leaders that could have ever come into the world, but we'll never know. Right? So I think there's just so many opportunities for people out there that are never allowed to come to fruition and especially children. So for me, I would love to have one thing of a can change the world like for everybody to have the opportunity to be happy, healthy and welcome.

Sam Fischer  54:49
Yep, get rid of prisons. Who would need them if you were invisible if you had the superpower of being invisible Oh, how would you use that?

Oh, god, that's not fair.

Sam Fischer  55:06
It's not? It's not it's a deep question.

Yeah, man, how would you, Sam? Let's flip it on.

Sam Fischer  55:14
Um, you know, a lot of my I've asked this a couple times this year because it's a great, I actually got this interview question from a 15 year old podcaster. I just thought it was fantastic. And you start thinking about it. And some of my guests have said, Well, I wouldn't touch that, because I could only do bad. Because you think I mean, theoretically, you think sixth grade looking in the girls locker room, you know, walking in, but how I would use it would be, I would someone I admire. You know, I follow them around for for a day or a month and see how, you know, I see what's see what's up behind the scenes. And I mean, when you know, that's how I do it.

That's a good way to look at it. Yeah, I don't I would probably stay away from it. Like the some of the other said, because inevitably leads to bad. They can handle turn curiosity. Yeah, that curiosity is gonna get you so far. And then you're gonna get maybe in trouble. So I don't know. Yeah, I think I would pass is people who like, Would you really pass on that one? Like, I'm saying right now, I think I would pass on it. Yeah. Well, that's

Sam Fischer  56:20
your conscience. That's your conscience. Jake, I really appreciate how can how can folks get more information on you?

lifelike, so you can find me online on the website, you can apply to the programs also through there. And then on Instagram is where I'm most active, most personal. Same thing at life like Jake.

Sam Fischer  56:41
Perfect. Well, I really appreciate our time you have anything for me.

Now, it's been great sitting here with you, Sam, I appreciate that. You're answering my questions, too. You know, I know it's a lot of times it's it's a one way street. Well, I

Sam Fischer  56:53
think you and I think a lot of like and, you know, we use a service called pod match, which I don't use very often and actually of my 50 Some podcast use or the second person that I've interviewed, I didn't know them beforehand. And Cool. Well, thanks. This is a good pod match, in my opinion, so shout out. Thanks.

Yeah, for sure. Appreciate it.