
What Might Your Business Be Worth w/ David Barnett - EP029

Adam Zach - Co-Founder Home Equity Partner

Our mission at Home Equity Partner is to help those who are unable to qualify for bank financing achieve the American dream; home ownership. 

Our special guest (David Barnett) talks about buying and selling businesses.  He covers a range of topics such as evaluation how much your business is might be worth, tips to increase the salability of your business, and top reasons why people sell a business.

If you are interested in know what your business might be worth or if you are thinking of acquiring a small/medium size business. Tune in for David's excellent advice.

David has been working with small and medium sized businesses for over 20 years. He has helped entrepreneurs buy and sell them, He has helped them grow. He has helped people finance them. He is the host of a YouTube channel with hundreds of videos about buying, selling, financing and managing small and medium sized businesses and can be found anytime at his blog site