The Educated Leader

Christian Leadership in Public Office: The Virtues Practiced by Great Statesmen who Changed the World; Session 6 - Merciful

December 16, 2020 Christiaan Alting von Geusau Season 2 Episode 6

This course for legislators, leaders in public office and those interested in the essential role of Christians in politics and government is the sequel to the groundbreaking “Christian Leadership in Public Office I” Academy course that was first taught in July and August 2020 (complete course available online). This second course will go into further depth by discussing how three of history’s greatest Christian statesmen actively lived the Gospel virtues of Matthew 5: 3-12 and as a result changed the world. They served effectively in positions of high office with formidable power and influence: Sir Thomas More as Lord High Chancellor of the British Realm, Dag Hammarskjöld as Secretary General of the United Nations and John Paul II as Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church and Vatican City Head of State. What these remarkable leaders had in common was that they were Christians first, and all else followed from this that constituted their core identity. The times in which they lived and fruitfully worked in the service of God and their fellow human beings were no less challenging than the conflict-ridden and confused world in which we live today. Thus, they offer concrete answers and useful suggestions for what it takes to be a faithful and highly effective Christian leader in public office in secular society today.

 Course outline:

Part I – St. Thomas More, Lord High Chancellor of the British Realm 1529 - 1532
Session 1: Humility
Session 2: Righteousness

Part II - Dag Hammarskjöld, Secretary General of the United Nations 1953-1961
Session 3: Pure in heart
Session 4: Peacemaker

Part III - St. John Paul II, Roman Pontiff and Vatican City Head of State 1978-2005
Session 5: Courage under persecution and suffering
Session 6: Merciful

Session 7: The meek shall inherit the earth


Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau, J.D., LL.M holds law degrees from the University of Leiden (Netherlands) and the University of Heidelberg (Germany) whilst also having studied law, philosophy and theology courses at Franciscan University of Steubenville, the University of Notre Dame (USA) and at the Ecole Saint-Jean in Saint Jodard (France). He obtained with distinction his doctorate in philosophy of law from the University of Vienna (Austria). He practiced law at international law firms Houthoff and AKD in Amsterdam and Brussels from 1997 until 2004 where he advised and represented governments, public institutions and multinational firms on issues of civil and international law and conflict resolution. He currently serves as President and Rector of ITI Catholic University near Vienna, Austria where he is also a Professor for Philosophy of Law and Education. Throughout his professional career, Dr. Geusau has participated in and has himself taught leadership seminars and courses internationally whilst also completing certified training in diplomatic negotiation at Clingendael - the Netherlands Institute of International Relations and mediation at the Netherlands’ Mediation Institute. Von Geusau presides over the International Catholic Legislators Network (ICLN),which he founded in 2010 to provide political and church leaders with intellectual and faith formation, fellowship and networking opportunities. Dr. Geusau works extensively with political and church leaders throughout the world, helping them realize their mission with integrity. You may access some of his lectures, interviews and presentations here