Happy Doc Student Podcast

Why Reason and Logic will Only Get You So Far with Anna Yusim, MD

Heather Frederick, PhD Episode 16

Feel like the world is trying to take you down? Understand why AND what to do about it.

Dr. Anna Yusim is a Stanford- and Yale-educated, Board Certified Psychiatrist with a private practice and serves on the clinical faculty at Yale Medical school. She is presently starting a Spirituality and Mental Health Center at Yale and making a feature-length documentary on the interface of mental health and spirituality. 

Is it possible that your Doctoral Journey is the trigger for YOUR healing?

Explore your dark night:

  • Reduce fear, anxiety, uncertainty, overwhelm 
  • Heal your emotions, body, mind, thoughts AND  soul

Key Points:

  • Because you don’t have a ton of control in a doc program, allow situations to humble you and grow through the humility
  • Don’t resist your growth  
  • Be aware of victim mentality (there is a difference between being victimized and living with a victim mentality)
  • Get help if you need it
  • Self-care is non-negotiable; you cannot pour from an empty cup

Soul Correction:

1.    Identify your Soul Corrections: “What is my greatest source of pain?”

2.    Notice how you respond: “How do I usually respond to this challenge?”

3.    Correct it by going against your nature: “How do I go against my nature and do something different?” (see techniques below)

Remember: You don’t draw into your world what you want, you draw into your world what you ARE. This is either empowering or feels like a cruel joke. 


1.    2, 4, 8 Breath – Breathe in quickly for 2, hold for 4, release slowly for 8. This creates a net positive oxygen saturation signaling all is OK!

2.    Shift Your Emotions - Label the emotion (i.e., exhausted), then take your attention away from the thought and bring it onto your body and all your senses (what does it taste like in my mouth, what do I see, etc.). The creates a conscious shift away from difficult thoughts.

3.    Cloud Floating Mediation - Label your thought, put it on a cloud, and watch it float away. Within a few seconds, a new thought will enter. Put it on a cloud, watch it float away…repeat. This shifts the balance from thoughts controlling you to you controlling your thoughts. 

 "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

Dr. Anna Yusim’s Book: Fulfilled: How the Science of Spirituality Can Help You Live a Happier, More Meaningful Life:https://amzn.to/3ps2DKz

Spirituality and Mental Health Course:

Connect with Dr.  Yusim:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/annayusim/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/annayusimmd/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/DrAnnaYusim
LinkedIn: htt

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