Happy Doc Student Podcast

Perfectionism & Imposter Syndrome with Dr. Max Lempriere

Heather Frederick, PhD Episode 68

In this episode, Dr. Max Lempriere discusses the Imposter Syndrome, perfectionism, and the need for community. 

Max has a PhD in political science from the University of Birmingham. As the owner of the PhD people, he has created an online community platform that offers guidance, mentorship, support and training to students from all around the world.


1.    Imposter syndrome is real. Very, very real (oh, and not just among doc students!)

2.    Do not suffer in silence – find a community and get support.

3.    Nothing is perfect, including your dissertation/doctoral project. Be ready to let some of that perfectionism go.

4.    The academy was built on critique – try not to take feedback personally (think of it as a gift given to you by people who want you to succeed).

5.    The doctoral process is teaching you skills that will serve you post degree – like resilience, project management skills, the ability to distill complex information, think critically, the list goes on and on!

6.    Embrace your humility – it will take you far.

7.    You are becoming a peer and the faculty working with you want you to succeed.

8.    Sometimes the best thing to do is NOTHING (and yes, naps are OK!)

9.    There is POWER in a cohort - get connected – whether via your university, a social media group, or the PhD people (you’ll be glad you did!)

10.  It’s worth repeating: Your dissertation or doc project will never be perfect. Remember: it is a doctoral degree you are getting, not the noble prize!

Connect with Max and the PhD people:




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