Conversations with Lily
Conversations with Lily is a podcast with a father and his daughter talking about all things life, growing up, parenthood, and how we deal with different situations in our family. We also love to tell stories and have fun. We may not be your role models, but we sure have a great relationship.Authentic & real, we want people to hear about what actually transpires between a 10 year old girl and her dad.
Conversations with Lily
Ep 32 | We're Back
Season 2
Episode 31
Holy its been soooo long! in this episode we do a recap of the whole summer…. well what we can remember anyway.
Also in this episode:
- Headphone thing broke. Super fun.
- podcat
- trying to dicipher the show notes from the last episode
- world record for NOT doing a podcast
- sumba…nope…scuba… nope snorkeling
- Jeep life
- Competitions
- “You get a diamond!, You get a diamond!”
- Maisey & Tristen PIT winners
- year end, party at the Cooke’s
- Lily is still a teacher trainer
- Shout out to Ryan! He wears the logo.
- we learned that “Thats Cool” sounds like “At School”
- DU Intensive! Diego!!
- No summer trips this year
- We built something in the basment for lily
- no one knows what the ikea thing is
- Jr High!!!!!! What?!
- Lily talks about how its going
- Rob got punched in the face, In grade 8.
- Shout out Amalia
- Making new friends
- Finished lyrical solo
- oh and Lily has an attitude now. Its extra. Fun.
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