Conversations with Lily
Conversations with Lily is a podcast with a father and his daughter talking about all things life, growing up, parenthood, and how we deal with different situations in our family. We also love to tell stories and have fun. We may not be your role models, but we sure have a great relationship.Authentic & real, we want people to hear about what actually transpires between a 10 year old girl and her dad.
Conversations with Lily
Ep15 | Aditive Positute
Season 1
Episode 15
In this episode we wing it. We had no prepaired topic, we just talked about whats been going on with us lately. It's real and authentic conversation. Great episode
Also in this episode:
- Period.
- Cool dad no more
- Real Estate is not all sunshine & rainbows
- Lily is so great. Like SO great.
- Sub to Battery Power
- Shoutout Camdyn
- $5
- RIP Lily’s TikTok 😞
- “It’s ok to not be ok”
- Perspective is everything
- Futures Fest
- Last years FF and the amazing things that happened
- Ellory is awesome
- Stacey’s Birthday is coming up
- Some people just shine bright
- Roblox is the new penpal
- Pobody’s Nerfict
- Our current fav shows
- Cam $5, send it.
- Good advive from Bob the sponsor.
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