My Mother's Legacy: Dreams, Beliefs, Action | Nikki Rogers
Women Thriving in Business
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Women Thriving in Business
My Mother's Legacy: Dreams, Beliefs, Action | Nikki Rogers
Dec 15, 2021 Season 4 Episode 7
Nikki Rogers

"Life is just too long to do something that you hate and too short not to do what you love." - Nikki Rogers

This week's episode hits really close to home—so close that at one point, I didn’t think I could get through it. Some memories are bittersweet, both loving and painful, especially when they involve the most important woman in your life.

In this episode, I commemorate my mom's birthday, and it has allowed me to reflect on the lessons and inspiration that she shared with me. Though she's no longer with me in person, she continues to be a part of my journey and will always be in my heart.

I was fortunate enough to have a mother who inspired me to excel. Her memory lives on - in me and in the legacy she's left behind, which I summarized into these three crucial points:

  • Dreams. My mother had a dream that she had held onto for years, and she never let it go. This provided an example and gave me permission to explore the possibilities and define my own dream.
  • Beliefs.  My mother taught me to operate in excellence and always expect to win. I apply that philosophy in my business, by establishing a foundation for success that supports implementation. 
  • Action. From my mother’s example, I learned that in order to achieve my goals, I have to be willing to take the next best step towards my dream.  It’s never too late to take that first step, or in my case, the leap, that will put you on the path to greatness.

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One more thing - remember to appreciate those that you have in your life right now and those who are no longer with us but are motivators and silent mentors that remind you the world is full of possibilities.

Thriving Points:

  • Life is just too long to do something that you hate and too short not to do what you love.
  • Out of that challenging time after my mother’s passing, I began to recognize that what I was doing for a career was no longer a fit for the life that I wanted to have.
  • My mother passed away very suddenly without warning, and it just made me realize and recognize that no day is promised to you. You can wake up one morning and have all these plans in place and not make it to the next day.
  • I really wanted to start living my life in a way that supported my spirit, that supported myself.
  • The thought of my mother's still striving in her later years just really compelled me to take the risk, take the leap and get started in my business.
  • What is your dream for who you want to be in life? Write that down. Think about it, meditate on it. Don't worry about the how of that right now, because that will come later. But really figure out what is your dream.
  • Why was I surprised about having a good outcome? I expect excellence. I expect greatness. I expect to win. And if I don't win, I still learn.
  • Action is about taking one step towards your dream.

About the Show:

     Women Thriving in Business features candid unscripted conversations with entrepreneurs, business experts, authors, and academics aimed at contributing to business success. This weekly show provides interviews with business leaders who have built, grown, and are thriving in business. Nikki A. Rogers, host of the show, also discusses achievements, lessons learned, and advice for aspiring business owners to develop the mindset, strategies, and connections necessary to thrive in business. Whether you are just starting or you have been in business for decades, WTiB offers inspiration, strategies, and resources t