CSE Spotlight
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Michigan State University is launching a new series of interviews called CSE Spotlight where we go behind the scenes to get more insight into some of the notable happenings and people within the department. Learn stories such as how Dr. Josh Siegel turned an idea about using RFID tags to detect diaper wetness into an IEEE Sensors Journal best paper for 2020 and how Dr. Emily Dolson pivoted her research into developing a new device for small hospitals to disinfect PPE for reuse when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March of 2020.
CSE Spotlight
Dr. Josh Siegel IEEE Sensors Best Paper Award
December 13, 2020
Season 1
Episode 1
Dr. Eric Torng interviews rising star Dr. Josh Siegel to talk about Josh's paper which received the 2020 IEEE Sensors Journal Best Paper award. This paper won out over all papers published in IEEE Sensors for the past year. You don't want to miss all the fascinating details that went into this paper including how this has affected new parent Josh.