All Ears on Addiction: An NAATP Podcast

Colors of Recovery - Dr. Peter Hayden

December 03, 2021 Season 1 Episode 11

For the final episode of Colors of Recovery Season 1, Zina has an interview with Dr. Peter Hayden, principal and president of Turning Point, Inc. Turning Point is the inaugural recipient of the NAATP DEI Award, to be presented at the NAATP National 2021 Opening Night Banquet.


Peter Hayden is the principal and president of Turning Point, Inc., a Minnesota-based nonprofit agency devoted to integrated, holistic health services programs.  During the past thirty years, the cultivation of Hayden’s vision has been crucial in developing an extensive complement of services ranging from residential, outreach and community support services.

Hayden is a Brisbane-endowed lecturer, which is designated for a person who bridges academic leadership and community service.   He is also a graduate Fellow of the W.K. Kellogg Multicultural Executive Leaders Fellows program and a Vince Bakeman Leadership Trainer.  Hayden is a nationally- and internationally-known speaker and trainer on a variety of topics which fall into four general categories:  1) substance abuse and mental health, 2) co-occurring disorders, 3) end-stage renal disease, and 4) suicide prevention.  He does both speaking and training sessions on all of these topics.  He serves on three task forces:  The Citizens’ Advisory Council, the Medicaid Citizens’ Advisory Council and the Medical Cannabis Therapeutic Research Task Force. He is currently serving on the African American Community Response Team.

Thank you to our episode sponsor, Webconsuls!

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