The Terrific Teacherpreneur

My First 2 Years Of Hiring Help In My Business

May 17, 2022 Alexandra Baxter - TpT Seller Coach Season 2 Episode 71

In this week’s episode of The Terrific Teacherpreneur, I tell all about my experience with hiring out to support my TpT business. Hiring out gives you your precious time back, allowing you to focus on tasks that grow your business in the long run. 

In this episode, I discuss:

  • How I find and select people to hire
  • What work I’ve hired out
  • Lessons I’ve learned through trial and error
  • Why hiring out has been amazing 
  • What’s next for hiring out in my business 

It’s time to put on your CEO hat and hire out to gain time and revenue! 


Join the Terrific Teacherpreneur Facebook group to ask questions about hiring or share your experiences.

Looking for help? Here are people who I can happily recommend:

Website design- Christi Fultz

Website fixes- Shelly Tomich

Product Photography- Addys

Podcast Management- Cait Maxbauer

Reach out to me for my general VA recommendations!
The TpT Virtual Assistant Finder Facebook is my go-to place to hire out.

Looking to learn more about hiring out? Listen to my episode with Hojo.


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Interested in learning more about TPT, Pinterest, or email marketing? Check out my TPT seller courses here!