Wit Beyond Measure

Henry Tilney Loves Novels

Wit Beyond Measure - Elle Kammerer and Catrina Mayer Season 3 Episode 4

Northanger Abbey: Chapters 13 -15

This week Elle and Catrina finish volume 1 of Northanger Abbey. Elle is excited that we get to spend more time with Mr. Tilney and Catrina relates to Catherine's dilemma of choosing between friend groups. 

Despite John Thorpe's best efforts, Catherine gets to spend some quality time with Henry Tilney... and his sister. More importantly, she learns that her beloved Henry likes novels! He reads fiction and he doesn't make fun of Catherine for her love of books. He really is perfect. 

Of course, John does something bad because he is a terrible, terrible person. 

 Also, make sure to check out our friends at Lit Wallflowers, another great podcast from the Frolic Podcast Network. 

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