In "Episode 2" of the series on "What young urologists need to know", segment 3 covers the topic of "Pursuing academic excellence in urology".
This discussion covers all aspects of The art of writing urology abstracts: from idea to publication. Experts Dr. Luca Afferi (CH) and Assoc. Prof. Giorgio Ivan Russo (IT) share their tips and strategies for crafting compelling abstracts, from conceptualisation to achieving publication success. Urologists aiming to enhance their academic writing skills and impact the field with their research will find this podcast invaluable.
Dr. Luca Afferi is a uro-oncology fellow at FundaciĆ³ Puigvert Hospital in Barcelona (ES), and chair of the European Society of Residents in Urology. Assoc. Prof. Giorgio Ivan Russo is a specialist in urology, andrology, infertility, and robotic surgery at the University of Catania (IT).