exChange by Nethone

The exChange | Ep. #8: How to prevent account takeover? Nethone x WarnerMedia

July 28, 2021 Nethone Season 1 Episode 8
exChange by Nethone
The exChange | Ep. #8: How to prevent account takeover? Nethone x WarnerMedia
Show Notes

Do you know what ATO is? Are you aware of its consequences and why it has such a bad reputation? Can you protect yourself and your business from this type of online fraud? If you answered 'no' to at least one of the questions, you should listen carefully to our newest episode of the exChange podcast! Patrick Drexler, Head of Business Development at Nethone hosted an extremely insightful session with Benjamin Toombs, Senior Program Manager at WarnerMedia, so you can find out:

1/ What it’s ATO?

2/ What are some tactics fraudsters use to commit ATO?

3/ How do fraudsters gain access to accounts?

4/ The bizarre way for account takeover

5/ What consequences can the account takeover for the subscriber have?

6/ How does account takeover changed after fraudsters started using AI/ ML? How do fraudsters use AI and how AI is used for fraud prevention?

7/ How much does ATO fraud actually cost?

8/ When ATO happens the most often and why? How to prevent it?

9/ Is it possible to detect the signs of an account takeover before the customer is affected?

10/ How can customers protect themselves from ATO? 

11/ What is the difference in the security of large and small companies?

Key takeaways: 

  • Tips for beginners - where to start? Where to reach out for help?
  • Real-life examples of implementing solutions that work.
  • What are the newest pain points and how to approach them?

This is not to be missed, so listen to it and share it!

If something caught your attention and you would like to get more information, do not hesitate to write to us via email!

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