The Next Phase with Steve Kee

Episode 40: The Next Phase with Steve Kee: Whitby MP Ryan Turnbull

Steve Kee Season 1 Episode 40

Ryan Turnbull was elected the Member of Parliament for Whitby in the 43rd Canadian general election on October 21, 2019. Following his election, Ryan was selected to sit on the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs and the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.

As a Member of Parliament, he has taken on leadership roles with various causes and issues. This includes being selected as the chair of the 905 Regional caucus, founding the social innovation caucus, and participating in the seniors caucus.

He is an experienced social entrepreneur, with a proven record of community service. He is committed to working in Ottawa on the issues that matter most to the people of Whitby. His priority is to ensure that all voices are heard, engaged, and represented in Whitby. He believes that by elevating the diverse experiences of the community, he will be able to make meaningful progress for Whitby and the people who call it home.

Ryan is passionate about having a positive impact on Canada’s most pressing social issues, that’s why in 2008 he launched a social innovation consulting firm. Since then, he has managed numerous projects set on tackling some of society’s toughest challenges, he’s worked to address: climate change, children’s health, seniors’ home care, community safety, diversity and inclusion, poverty, and affordable housing.

As a father, Ryan’s passion for working towards social and economic progress is a deeply personal endeavour. He aims to continue the progress made on climate change and gender equality, in part, to ensure that future generations in Whitby can enjoy the same vibrant and thriving community we have today.

Throughout his career, he has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to take action and move Canada forward. After ten years of working on these issues, Ryan is working hard on these issues in Ottawa on behalf of the people of Whitby.

Want to be a guest on the show like Ryan, then drop me a line at or text me at 416-841-5669.  

Thanks for listening.