The Next Phase with Steve Kee

Episode 57: The Next Phase with Steve Kee: Hearing Advocate Janice Lintz

Steve Kee Season 1 Episode 57

Janice  Lintz is a passionate, accomplished hearing loss consultant and advocate. She is well known and respected for her ability to assess situations, identify areas for improvement, recommend solutions and implement programs that help organizations improve customer service and grow profits. Her ability to break down issues and do what is needed to affect change has earned her unprecedented access to business leaders, government officials, political leaders, and respected academians worldwide.

Since 2002, Janice has become the global “go-to” person on all matters related to access for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Equipped with an undergraduate degree in business, a law degree, and experience as a successful litigator, Janice leverages her broad background to articulate compelling business cases for organizations in both the for-profit and not-for-profit worlds to improve hearing access for customers with hearing loss.

Janice works with domestic and international organizations to benchmark best practices and leverage the most effective solutions for their situations. Working with multiple organizations, she helped the New York City Transit Commission recommend that induction loops be included in all New York City subway information booths and call boxes as part of President Obama’s $13.5 million Stimulus Package. She also worked with the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission to implement this same technology in all taxis. New York City is the first United States city to offer this technology in its transit systems and taxis. She initiated the Over-The-Counter Hearing Aid Bill introduced and passed by Senators Warren and Grassley and is cited the Proposed Regulatons’ footnotes.

Her website is here.