Show Vs. Business

Star Wars: ANDOR Bonus Episode

Theo Harvey | Mr Benja

Andor is here, and doing strange things with the Star Wars Universe and to the Star Wars fanbase. Theo and Benja took a moment out to go over what we're looking at and where it could lead. Contains spoilers up to episode 9.

Introduction and Description at (0:00)
Full Discussion at (10:20)


Show vs. Business is your weekly take on Pop Culture from two very different perspectives. Your hosts Theo and  Mr. Benja provide all the relevant info to get your week started right.


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Welcome. We got a show versus business special edition today. I know we don't normally come on live and do Monday episode. We're still gonna be here Wednesday for our Wednesday show versus business update, but we got a quick one here because we. Need to fit and or in this discussion somewhere before things go too far, we're gonna be talking about where and or has come where it's, it's going. We know we're not done with the series, but we want to do this before. And. It's gonna be an interesting thing. We'll definitely pick up on it later. Not sure if we'll do a whole review or not, but we felt it was time to do a little, little bit of a halfway point kind of thing. We're gonna have Theo on in a little bit and we're gonna do our thing. If you have any questions, comments, make sure you're, you're posting those up and let us know. And if you're hearing this after the live. Be sure to let us know what you think is going to happen in the next couple weeks as this thing rounds out. It's only a 12 episode series for Disney Plus, but we're going to go ahead and jump in at episode nine. Spoilers on where we catch up with the whole and or story. Now, this has been an interesting development of a. Of a Star Wars show, it's not what we traditionally expected from a Star Wars show. It's not going in the direction a lot of people were expecting, but that's the whole point. People are trying something new at Star Wars and this traditionally hasn't gone well when you really try to do something too new. And there are variety of reasons for that that do I feel like getting into that now? Yes. Suppose I'll get into it now. Basical. You know, you have this thing, big, big franchise called Star Wars. It's doing its thing for 40 something years, and George Lucas sells it off to Disney. He's he's long in the game and he says, You know what? I want to make this thing. I want it to continue. I want it to grow, and I can only do so much from where I. And part of him was probably tired of handling all the minutiae, but he still wanted to be involved and, and have a say in it. And his name's still on the mass head Lucas Film. So he kept on, he, he kept his promise to the fans that he was going to still work with it, sold it to Disney in the hopes that it would build the business. And then Disney. Things that Lucas film wasn't going to do without them. So now we have this new Disney era prequels caused a lot of contention in the fan base not the prequels. The sequels caused a lot of contention in the fan base, and then now we're seeing what they're doing with the Disney Plus shows. And aside from the Mandalorian, a lot of it hasn't. as well received as that Star Wars gold that people were expecting when a lot of money was, was coming in to back the Star Wars projects. So now we come to Andor. Andor is the series that people weren't sure what to expect. They've got this writer on there, Tony Gil. who has admittedly said he wasn't a fan of Star Wars. Now not sure if this is a good choice or a bad choice just yet, but he came out with this new series called Andor based around Caskey and Andor. And if you haven't seen Rogue One, then he may be a little unfamiliar to you, but he was the one of the main stars of Rogue One, and that was the prequel to a New Hope episode four. So this is a prequel series to the prequel to episode four. People like Rogue One had a different tone to it. It was kind of contentious in its development kind of, I don't wanna say broken, but it was kind of shaky in how it got to, got to film in the first place. There were a series of rewrites. People weren't sure if it was Star Wars enough. If you watch Rogue One, you'll notice that it, it plays a definitely different tone., the previous Star Wars movies, it didn't have the opening crawl at all. I'm not sure why they made that choice, but it's not like a Star Wars proper film. So, but it is, I don't know what you think of Andor so far, but with, with this, with this Rogue One, they wanted to make something a little different. And they did, they succeeded in doing. It was definitely removed from a lot of what we think of Star Wars, but it still had a lot of Star Wars qualities in it, so it was pushing that boundaries and or took that a step further and started pushing, pushing Star Wars even further away from what we think Star Wars should be. Now, a lot of fans will tell you that this is what you do to grow a franchise or we, this is what you need to., and maybe that's true. Some people don't like the anime versions of Star Wars. Some people don't like the kid versions of Star War, but those have always been around. You know, some, there, obviously there are a lot of discussions about what happened in the sequel trilogy with the Force Awakens, The Last Jedi and the Rise of Skywalker. A lot of people have a lot to say about that, but it is, there's really no argument that those movie. Didn't play, those movies weren't constructed with the same care that the previous Star Wars movies had. And when I say care, I mean they had the money behind them. They had big names behind them, but I don't think there was as much care to the Star Wars lore the Star Wars story, if. And, and that's just kind of factual. Even Kathleen Kennedy mentioned that, Hey, we were trying to get these things out quickly. Disney put a mandate in for, what was it? They wanted to do the, the film a year thing. And that's where, that's part of where you got Solo and Rogue One from where you would do a Star Wars proper movie and then you would do kind of a side. Every alternating year. So one year you'd have like episode 10 or a new Star War saga, and then the next year you'd have like solo or rogue one or some other story, and that's how that was gonna develop. That didn't seem to be working out well. And then we ended up with a pause on that whole plan and then a whole push on Disney. And I'm not, I'm really not sure where Star Wars would be without the Mandalorian, because geez, out of the, out of all their shows you know, the Mandalorian Visions you got the cartoons, Rebels Bad Batch I'm missing something here. Book of Bob afe. Out of all of those and all of that put towards building the Star Wars thing up. it was singular, singularly the Mandalorian. But there's this concept now that I should, I should bring up called Lean in tv. We talk about it a lot on show versus business, which you should go check out. It's our, it's our podcast where we talk about the, the intersection of, of the show, show side of things and the business side of things. And we talk about how they work. How they fight against each other. And it's just always been very interesting to us. So we talk about it, but as I was saying, the coming together of oh crap, what was I saying? Oh, this show, and or in particular, it comes at a time when, you know, we're doing this lean in off thing of television where it's like we want people to lean in and. Carefully consider what's happening and consume. This is the HBO model where you don't, don't just kind of play it passively and not think about it. You know, if you miss two episodes, you know you're totally lost. That's, that's what HBO does. They, they're lean in. You have to actually think about what's going on and really watch and consider. On the other hand, you have more of the Netflix model, which is a lot more thorough way. They allow you to fast forward through your shows. You can play at like one in a quarter speed or 1.5 speed, I believe are the current options now. But that, that's something, you know, unconscionable to a lot of people. And they also allow you to binge all of their shows on Netflix. Whereas something with, and or they want you to take the slow drip. They want you to take your time, they want you to. Go through it. It's more carefully constructed filmmaking. Does everybody dig that? I'm not so sure, but this is what, and or is trying a really dedicated show and it's 12 episodes. So first of all, you have the lean in thing. I'm not sure any Star Wars has ever really been lean in where you watch, where you carefully consider all the moments. Follow it through and just envelop yourself in all of the things, in all the things that are happening. You know, it's very, it's traditionally been very, Hey, this happened. That guy went over there. Oh, they're in a spaceship now, and it is just bounced back and forth. That's where it's traditionally been and or is bringing in a series of ideas that are more lean in and careful. And it was just really interesting to me as I started to hit episode nine. So I definitely wanted to talk to Theo about this. As I said, this is gonna be a quick one. We're just gonna get in and do it and make sure this thing gets discussed properly. So that's the background to what we've been discussing. That is the I'm from, and this is where we are now with, and or I really want to know your thoughts and make sure you comment on this or hit us up and what's going on. Amen. Usually we do Wednesdays. Now we're doing Mondays, so, oh. Quick . So this is Monday. Mondays, baby. I get it. You What's up man? Show versus business. We back in effect. Y'all ready for y'all? What's, what's happening man? Hey man. Ready to do it. Hey, so you know when you were talking about and or you really didn't, you started into it and I said I wanted to kind of wait. The whole weekly watching was a little difficult for me. I was like, You know what? I like the weekly thing. It makes it a slow drip, but I can't watch it on my own time. So that was kind of getting to me and I decided to to delay for a bit. But then I heard people start talking and that's, that was getting to me. I was like, Aw man. People are talking. I'm out of the conversation, so I can't like do my watch one a day thing if there's gonna be this much conversation going on. So I had to jump in, Mr. Ben, A style and catch up right quick. Yeah, man.. So, so what, what hit you? Let me, let me get your perceptions on this show right quick. I, I gave the background where the show came from how we got here. I want to leave some speculations about it, but I basically gave all the background on the show how it's more, definitely more lean in HBO Max model HBO model, not max. You know, tell us your thoughts of it, cuz you were like, Dog, this is, this is hot and you gotta watch it. What, what, what made this for you? Well, it's, it's, it's, you know, it, it's the, it's not the kid's version of Star Wars, right? It's a little bit grown up. Or you think every version of Star Wars you've seen. Has been kind of kiddy version, you know, from the animated series, Clone Wars to, you know, But actual movies have been little, little too cutesy by, by much. Right. You know, But this is like hardcore man. I mean, you know, you knew, like I told you when I first saw the first episode, I mean, he's literally in a. In, in a strip club, basically . Yeah. The first scene he like, Oh yeah, there, there are spoilers here. By the way, everybody just, I didn't say that before, but we're spoiling. Go ahead. Yeah. Yeah, the first scene, first episode, he's up in the strip club. I was like, Oh, this is not your daddy's Star Wars. Right. I don't remember Luke, you know . Yeah. Yeah. Bring some, some credits over to Maza easily. But yeah, so I think. Yeah. So that was it, you know, and or, you know, it was a little bit more of an anti-hero. And so, you know, that that first scene kinda set the tone of what you're going to get. But I did feel like, you know, it was gonna be unique and different when it set that tone and then the, the slow pacing of it at the beginning. So it wasn't until it started kicking into when they did the the heist. Right. You know, the money heist. And that's when I was like, Okay, let's go. You know, , but you can see it come, but you, you could see it coming though. It was like, okay, they're doing a lot of groundwork. They're building that tree with the, the deep roots first. So you understand who andor is. You understand where the, you know, what the empires at, at this moment. You know, understand where the rebellion, they don't even call it the rebellion yet, right? Is that this moment, . And so now you're just like, Okay, I'm in. So so yeah, so I think that's kind of what I knew. And then, you know, just the pedigree, you know Tony Gilroy you know, he wrote Born Identity, so, you know, it's gonna be some, some deep, you know, cuts on spy craft and things like that. So yeah. So yeah, it's like, it's almost like the first. I mean, Mandalorian is kind of still for the kid, let's be honest. Yeah. But this is like a first adult version of Star Wars and Hey man, like I was telling you, this is another path that Star Wars can go down. So this is gonna be interesting. Now when you say another path, what do you mean by that? Like there's, you know, your adult series of Star Wars shows and your kiddy series. That what you're saying that that RIF can exist. Well, well like, yeah, well, you know, absolutely. You know, we had talked about this, you know, Dave Lon has pretty much put his stamp on. The myth mythology of Star Wars, right? Let's be honest, right? He was handpicked by George Lucas to say, Hey, this is where it could look like he created Clone Wars Mandalorians built on a lot of Clone Wars stuff. Everything that's come out, you know, even the it's, it is kind of based on day Fallon's vision of what the Jetar are, The underworld, Yeah. All this other stuff. But this is the first one that doesn't. You know, it doesn't traffic into any of that. Right. And so it is like, I don't think Well, Saul, well, you know, spoiler, we're doing spoilers here. Saul Guerre, he does show up. Right. You know? Mm-hmm.. So as a little one off. But you know, I think this is one of those things that It's really kind of independent of all that. So I think this is a different kind of path. Cause we wonder what's where Star Wars can go if you don't feature the Skywalkers Akin or Luke. Right? So where can Star Wars go? Dave Fallon has a path and this is a different path. That's all I'm saying. Okay. Different path now. Hmm. I'm trying to think. Has, is there Star Wars without you know, Well there, I mean there's the shadow. You know, the main trilogy through all of Star Wars so far. I don't really know. I mean, Star Wars visions may have jumped and gone outside a little bit, but that's really odd and exploratory kind of show, show telling. But you're definitely right. This whole story idea is not so much on Jedi. I I, Have we heard any? No, there's no light saber. I haven't heard a light saber that sound. In the entire show, and that's good to me. But what it decides to draw on was the question mark. For me. It decides to draw on the corporate and political intrigued. Now, I. I want you to know I was the person in episode one, You were, and episode two who were, who was like, you know, oh man, this, this political action's kind of juicy, you know? And the person sitting next to me is just like, you know, who cares about the Senate Boo? You know, ? And I was like, No, no, that, that's kind of interesting. I like this. So I thought that stuff was interest. and when I started seeing them get into it, I think around episode three or four, I started realizing, Oh wow, this is, you know, getting the more that corporate side. And I thought they were gonna drop this by episode. Yeah, it was episode four cuz the first three I think were that kind of pilot dropped that they just wanted set everything. And then I was like, Okay, they're really getting into the corporate speak. They're really getting into the, you know, nuts and bolts of the political stuff with mamma. And I, here's where, here's where it started to get to me because I really liked it. Then I started pulling back and I was like, Oh wait, I'm not sure about this show anymore. I'm not sure where I stand now. Because they went hard in the paint in the direction they're. Yeah. And are, are, are you rocking with like all of this because it's heavier than I thought you were? I, it's heavier than I thought and I didn't know if. I don't know. Nah, I'm, I'm, I'm there for it. I mean, you know, just I mean, you know I mean, let's be honest, the Empire Space Nazis, right? I mean, you know, and so it's just like, they're just these guys that are just, you know Van, you know, authoritarian, you know, they don't let nothing slip by them and just, you know, now they're just showing you how it affects regular people if your name is not Lou Skywalker. Right. You know, and so that's, you know, when you're kind of like, Oh wow, the empire is really bad. Right. And so I think you know, this is something that's really kind of a, you know, interesting. And then, you know, B dot, you know, Hey, welcome man, the manifesto. You're right. That's it, man. That dude was like, you know, he was about that life, man. He was like, Man, you know, this is what we going to do. We're going to go after the empire. We gotta be ready to die for it. And, and having a manifesto now and just having a philosophy of why you do this. And, and, and it gives you a real reason of why these people are rebelling. You're right. It's very dark. I'm, I'm there for it, man. And then there's, there's, and then it's like they kinda show like, what's it like if you're just a regular guy just trying to live your. Yeah, using and or as that, and they show different moments when he was just living his life, you know, He got pulled in, then he was in it, then he tried to get out and he still got in it. So it's just like. I'm just walking, man. Why you walking so close? Yeah. Yeah. That was good. No, you know, I think it, it really. As slow and as dro as it may seem to a lot of people, because as I said, I was jumping on Twitter jumping through some of the YouTube comments going through Facebook, seeing what people were saying, and it's like, it's like fine food, right? Mm-hmm. like. If you're used to McDonald's all the time or you, It's a good analogy. You know, and, and you know, you think fine dining is Chipotle, you stepped up now. Right. You know, cause you're eating at Chipotle. It's like, just calm down. Let me take you out to a real restaurant. You're gonna sit down. You're actually gonna wait cuz they're gonna cook it fresh. That's what I had to do with this show. And as I said, I'm not sure about it because, and we'll get to it in half a second. I'm not sure about this show Totally. But it did. One thing that I'd never seen. Never had experience before in a Star Wars show. I actually watched an episode and sat and kind of looked to the. And then I had to watch it again., I've never done that before.. Cause I was like, I was like, Wait a minute. Look, Yes you have. Yes you have. With the Star Wars, not for Oh, okay. Star Wars. Okay. Yeah. No, no, not for this. I mean, no. Star Wars, I'm generally kind of like, boom, let's go. I think with. Yeah. As, as I said with the prequels, I may have gone back and like said, Well wait, who was that in the Senate Chamber? That's, and once again, this, I, I just kind of went back and cherry picked some things, but with, and or I actually went back and re-watched and I was watching some of the corporate political gamesmanship going on between, you know, the empire characters as they were setting up watching. Dude, I've never had to watch facial expressions and little ticks, you know, here and there as a way of communicating through Star Wars. Mm-hmm.. So it's like when I'm watching this show, I can't really do anything else back to that whole lean in thing. And I like it. But it's one of those character shows. Right. And I Is it too. I, I don't, you know the analogy you gave. Was awesome cuz you're right, that's exactly what it is. This is like fine dining man. It's like And you we're not used to it. You're right cuz you know, it's a little slow and prodding. And unfortunately it came out at a time where you know, you had Hot D you know, you had the ring powder, got hot, got hot D got hot D you know, games of tho games of thumb, game of thumbs Hustler The dragon you had you know, rings of power. They were battling. So it just, these other things popping, you know, and it was like, and or kind of snuck in there, right? And it's just like, so you're like, What's this about? But man, you know I was watching it and I was like, Man, this is really good. I mean, just the way they, you know, kind of set the story up. I mean, you kind of see what stuff is going, but then you get immersed into the characters, right? Even the small characters like, you know that, that, that, that and the reason why they're doing things and it becomes more interesting. And then you kind of get that, that general sense of why people wanna rebel and what the risk is now as opposed to, Yeah, the Star Wars, I don't think we ever got that. It was just more like an adventure ro, right? Oh yeah, we're gonna fight the empire. Right? But now you see why. And you know, the actors that played my mata in the New Hope, right? I think she tried to portray that in that one scene where she had. Died trying to get this information or something like that. Very, But that was it. That's the only little thing you got right? Until we saw Rogue One. But now this is deep dive into like that. Impressiveness of what the empire means and how bad it is. Right. For everybody. Right. And, and the stakes at hand. So, so yeah. This is a really, It is, it's like you said, it's like a nice steak with a, you know, nice little cab, you know, Cabernet. Yeah. You like, I'm just gonna sit back and just, you know, just enjoy this meal, man. And it got like, what, I think they like doing 20 episodes. It's crazy. So 12 this season. Okay. And then next season I think they're gonna do some more. So, but yeah, they're, they're getting into. Yeah. You know, you gotta do your, you know, your swirl, your sniff, look at it, see if it drips down. Put your nose all in it. Yeah. Yeah, that's good. That's good tv. Yeah. So the only reason I was concerned though, is and we'll get to some of the, the scenes, the exact scenes where you can talk about it. In particular, the one, one of the things that wa jumped out at me, Hey, wait a minute. We know where row one ha. We know what happens in row one and how we get there. I wonder, and because this, this has personally turned me off in a couple of these character base shows was where they just set up all these characters and then nothing really happens. Yeah, and I don't know if that's the intent of the series or not, but at episode nine I'm like, How does this, how does this wrap? How does this pull in? They've slowly been adding in stuff like as you said, so Guerrera showed up in episode eight or nine. I think we had four or five, not definite, but pointed mentions of Palpatine's actions in other shows in. Lore, you know, you're like mm-hmm., Oh, they're referencing when Palpatine did this. Oh, they're referencing, you know, when the emperor showed up. Oh, they're referencing these hard moments in Star Wars, but they're not directly doing it, and I'm kind of wondering, it's like, okay, are they building up to some big thing happening, you know, or, or not, I don't know. So that, that, that kind of, that kind of concerns me. Just because of, of me and the way I want to see this. But so what, so you're saying that the, the world building is not It does, it seems like it's building to nothing. Is that what you, that's your concern for the most part. Right. It's like a, you know, it's, it's, is it, is it a, is it is a long fuse with no bang at the end. It's just like bigo long fuse and you're like, Oh, oh, that was it. No, I mean, that was cool. That was cool, but I didn't know if there was something coming. And not that they prepared us for anything big happening, you know, which is, which is good on their part because that would be a letdown. But I would hope that at the end of, and or when people say, Why should I watch this? It's like, oh, because. It does this. Yeah. And that was, this was a complaint I had with Kanobi as well, where if you pulled Kanobi out of, out of the series out of all of the shows, then you're not missing anything. There's nothing missed. If you say, Hey, you should watch Rogue One, Like, why? Well, it really gives you a sense of, you know, why they were looking for the plans, why all that happened. It's like, okay, if you replay Kanobi, it's like, You know Kanobi and Invader had a relationship. It's like, yeah, we already knew that. It still nothing, you know, it doesn't, well, it doesn't add anything to it. Right. I mean, what was the purpose of the Kanobi show? And I think that's where everybody was kinda like, this is a letdown, you know? Mm-hmm. with this, I think there is a purpose for this show. And it really is to kinda show you oppressiveness. It really adds more color. I mean, now will it add more plot? Will it add more world building? That's to be determined, but I do believe it adds more color to what you're watching in the other shows. Right, right. In other movies, because now you understand the stakes at hand. I mean, you know, it was more., you know, it's, it is more, it was more kind of esoteric. Right. You know, kind of like, you know, I wanna get too deep on this, but like, you know, we have an election here in the us you know, people are saying we gotta fight for democracy. Right. But it's just, you know, how do you vote? You know, you understand what you're doing. Yeah. Yeah. But it's like, That's, that's such an esoteric thought until it affects you. Right. You know, and then you're like, Oh crap, , I need to vote. Right. And so I think this is what this is doing, kind of adding more color to everything else we're watching. Cause we already know what's gonna happen to, and or Right. You know, spoiler alert, you know, one beat out as beat out points out here. It builds to Rogue One being the bang, which is, which is fine. You know, skinny beats over here says it adds to the story arc, but gives us a deeper rendering of the world of Star Wars. Once again, those are, those are two fine things. It's just not what I look for in a story. I need something, I'm, I'm personally usually looking for something that says, With this, I have learned this, or I understand this in a completely different way. Or there's a new wrinkle in it somehow. How do you know you won't? I mean, you know, that's the thing we don't know. It's not over yet. What if this is a seeds to the first order that there's, you know, showing you how that kind of created after the empire is defeated or maybe, you know, it's just a lot of different things that can happen, you know, out of this cuz you. We know what's gonna happen to Andar. We know SA Guerre, but outside of that, all these characters are new, right? Right. And they're introducing so many things like that. I can't remember the alien race that they showed in that torture scene. I've never heard that. I was like, Amazing. You know, just how they told that story. What scene? I can't remember the young ladies there. I need to write all their names down. But his I guess his his friend, his girlfriend that they had to torture to get information. Mm-hmm. for where Ando was located. They put that the, the torturer guy, he mentioned to her that this, there was a song that this alien race that they eradicated saying as they were dying. Oh, right. And I was like, Wow, you know, who is that? You know, , It's just like, it is like, he brought this lore and said, you know, and this, this song. Especially troubling because I think they're children or something like that. And you put it on our ears and then the actress, you know, she just sold it with her eyes, how painful it was. But I think, you know, that kind of tells me is just like, you know, I'm okay with that. You know, not knowing that. Cause I like the color. Mm-hmm. and there's enough color in there and there's not care. The stories, man, you know, you can, you can create all kinds of fuses that go out from this because we don't know what happens to these characters or what, what they do after this. And it's so, and it's good to kind of get a like you know, what's it, the you know, Star Wars, you know, we're like 50,000, you know, feet in the air. Right. We're fighting Dar Vader, right? Yeah. Dar Vader is after us. Yeah. But now we're down here. Dar Vader know who the hell we are, right?, right. He probably stepped on us by accident. Oh, sorry.. Yeah. So I I think I do have a favorite, one of my favorite scenes, and I think this, that being so down to earth or down to whatever planet you're on, Feeling I think that really came through for me when they heard like the tie fighter noise in the background. Yes. And someone was like, It's coming. No, it's not coming. It's coming this way. And there was that quick little banter of don't worry about it. No, we should worry about it. And then they all hid and then it zoomed through the valley and you know, it's. We see so many tie fighters that we don't really think about the fact that yes, this is, you know, a large face, face craft with all this, you know with all these armaments on it and everything. So when they brought it down to that level, I was kind of like, Okay, that's quality right there. Just that minutia situation. Well, and situation, you know, And it's not, not like, it doesn't have some comedy, the scene with the the bureaucrat and his mother, I mean, you know, drinking that weird cereal. I mean, it's just, you know, little, it put a little stuff in there and where his story could go. Right? Yeah. And so so yeah, I think there's a lot of different things going on. Is it, is it a little, What do you think about how they're. Making it more regular as opposed to weird. Cause Star Wars is usually weird and unique. And I've been actually taking notes on how pedestrian, how earth-like they've made the Star Wars universe. And you know what I'm talking about, cuz when they broke out the the blue Chinese takeout noodles and they had the blue, the blue Captain Crunch cereal to go along with your blue milk they just, they just kept on. And there's a whole series of these I have written down somewhere. Yeah, we should write that down. Put that out there. Cause yeah, you're right. I mean, you know, the strip club of course is one of 'em. I mean Let's see, just working in a jewelry store. I mean, the guys working a jewelry store, right? I mean, , you know, with a fake wig., Yeah. Just like's sitting there. The center, the party, you know, having an ex-boyfriend show up and the husband's a little jealous, but the ex-boyfriend's actually helping her, you know, see the rebellion. So it's, it's just like a lot of stuff. So in there the sisters involved too. I mean, you know, so, Giving you all the beats that you familiar with, but in a Star Wars setting where you're not getting, Matter of fact, I can't recall, have we seen any weird aliens yet? I don't think we have. There was, there was one in there was one that cracked me up. The guy who the way he spoke When and or, Oh, I know what you're talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was the muscle guy. Yeah, the muscle when they were, No, no, not the muscles. Okay, that's three. Then I'm thinking there, there was the muscle, but in that same city, the guy was talking to the other person through the window and there was a guy in the background, you know, he was, He was arguing with him saying, No, no, it's like this. And the guy who is the alien who is arguing. Just had the funniest football that I was cracking the hell up. I don't know what he was saying, but it had me dying. And there was some, there was like one person in the one or two people in the party. It's like a. In the Senator's party with Mom. Okay. You know, the dinner party. I do remember that. Do that. I mean, you know, Star Wars gonna have, you know, some weird aliens, some weird food. Remember I just obviously the Blue Milk. And we also remember Ray, you know, eating that, you know that water bread . So, so yeah, it's, you know, it is Star Wars, man. You gonna have some of that weird. Yeah. Okay. I, I definitely thought it was, I definitely thought it was a little too pedestrian and I, now I've gotta find the list here. Cause I actually took the time to make a, a whole list. All right. They, they're, the communicators aren't like communicators. They're more, a lot more like telephones now. Like, Oh, oh, phone's ringing. And I was like, Okay, there's that. There, there was the cereal, they actually said expressway when they were driving their little cars around and the car, the space car looked a lot more like a space car, you know? Mm-hmm. Like it was something from the, the fifties where we know Yeah. Lucas got a lot of his inspiration from George. Yeah. When he did what was that other movie he did? The, the fifties movie he did with all, with all the cars. Yeah. American Graffiti. Yeah. American Graffiti. Yes, exactly. So yeah, when, when they said expressway and they had the person driving up in a, like, like a blue tucker or something, you know, you're like, what is this? The Blue Ramen, the they use shaving a haircut. The, and the only reason I'm pointing it out is because as deep as I wanted to get into this story, I'm leaning in, I'm watching, and all of a sudden someone knocks on the door with, Yeah, . I don't know. Interesting choices though. Interesting choices. Yeah, man. Some, you know, they trying to keep it very, you know, Pedestrian to your point. But I mean, look man, this is, this is good stuff. I mean, you know, I'm kind of curious of where it kind of ends up. I mean, we kind of know where it looks like we're getting, we had the, the heist, mm-hmm.. What'd you think of that? I mean, that wasn't pedestrian. That, that, that view of everything that we saw, you know, with the what was it called? The the eye, the eye, the eye man. You know, they, they hyped. And that was like, Oh wow, this is, it delivered. It delivered better than they thought. I thought it was gonna be . Matter of fact, that was the one I watched again, I had to watch it again on the big screen. I was like, Okay, let me take it off this, this thing and let me watch this thing and how it goes. No. So that was a, that was, that was beautiful. In fact, as far as, as far as the meal analogy goes, That's when they bring out the pan with the flaming, you know, and every, everybody in the restaurant kind of like, looks away, like, ooh, you know? Yeah. They put the little lighter on it and just flames up, you know, for the dessert. You like. Oh, yeah. Oh. So I think we're gonna get another one with the the upcoming See, but see it's not, it's, it's, it's sort of predictable, but not really. Right. We knew they were going to a he. Yes. The cinematography was amazing for that. The eye actually be, but I think we're gonna have. With the prison break. I mean, I think that's gonna be another big, Oh man, this is awesome. So, I mean, I'm not spoiling anything. We haven't seen anything, but that's kind of where it's leaning toward. And so I'm ready for it. I'm ready for it. Yeah, so I think what I'm liking about it cause I don't wanna seem like I'm down on it now I got into it for a reason. I really liked it. It's not too slow for me, it's just that I'm wondering where the, where the plot is actually leading or anything. That's all I'm curious about. It could still work out well, so I don't know. Yeah. I'm really liking the one, the Cinema Talk cinemagraphic deep dive that they're doing. And the, the, the film setups and play outs that they're, they're doing are really interesting. If you. There's a couple episode when, when Andor was running away and he was like scared for his life or whatever. There's a guy in the background that inexplicably is standing on like a, a one foot riser, and he jumps off and hits the ground and then just kind of soaks his shoulders, and I was like, What the hell was that? Right? Mm. Episode later, or maybe epi, maybe two episodes later, we see the guy standing on the ledge in the. About to jump onto the floor. He never actually jumped, but my mind was like, Holy crap. They actually put that in the background as kind of this, if you're really watching, you'll catch this moment. Stuff like that, that's, that's just litter throughout the show. Like it's really intense. It's beautiful to me, like, and I don't believe I actually caught that one. I was like, whoa, that was that weird guy in the background who jumped onto the ground for no apparent. Now they're replaying it as this visual of like, you know, hey, this guy's jumping to his death kind of thing, even though it's only a foot to the ground. Mm-hmm.. Mm-hmm.. It's really, really bizarre. I hadn't seen anything like that before. Especially out of the Star Wars. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, yeah. They're, they're, they're, they're, they're getting to that film category, right? Of making this more Yeah. More into the, So yeah, man, so high level. I think, you know, we're both in it. Maybe we'll reevaluate at the end. I promise everyone will have all their names, all the character names I'll have all in front of me. So can say character names, names getting ready to go. Yeah. Cause I know Star Wars is serious about that, but yeah, I mean, I'm, I think we're both enjoying it. So man, I'm excited to see where it goes. I didn't think you'd follow all, like all this politics. Oh, come on man. You know, I mean, I'm a politics guy. I mean, it's just Star Wars politics seems so basic and, and boring and, but you know, if you, cuz I don't think they really thought it through. Right. But now that I think they're thinking through like the politics of how all would work, How will you build a rebellion? Now I think that's what makes it interesting. So I'm down. All right. All right. Yeah. Politics and corporate gamesmanship. That's got me, that's got me in there. I'm like, All right, I wanna see where this goes. Prison break is definitely interesting. I like the characters there. Interesting stuff. So as I said, Hey, thanks for doing this, man. I just wanted to jump in and catch back up because everybody's talking noise now. Now I know what they're talking about. So versus Business Mondays. We used to do this on Wednesdays, guys, but man, we had to special one for and or so. Yeah man. Yeah, go check us out everyone, wherever you listen to podcast. Look, we do. Typically on Wednesdays we have a podcast we do every week. We did one on Halloween. Recently, we did one Breakdown on Black. Adam. What happened? The movie? Yeah. Black Adam. Shoot. Man, we gotta think. Oh man. Wakanda. Wakanda forever. So I got my tickets. Thursday, I might even get to see you Wednesday. Haha. Oh, so yeah. So, so, so maybe we'll maybe do a, a deep dive on that when that comes out. So yeah, man, this is what we do. We talk about show that gets people excited. But really the business side, I know where is the direction of the business side. A lot of interesting things. A lot of Maybe what we'll do a podcast on, there's a lot of earnings announcements. I don't know if you saw those, Mr. Bender, For all the big companies basically people losing money, right?, So you go do some more cuts. Zalo is cutting things. CW is done with, you know, superhero shows. So we'll talk more about that and that's the business side of where we think entertainment's going based on the capital miss and the dollars. So everyone. Hope you enjoyed this. Go check us out, show business, go check up our web, our webpage, and yeah. Anything else, Mr. Bender? That's all I got, man. I may have to, I may have to order some Charan, not some Chardonnay. Get some Pinot Pinot Noir in here. Yes. And sit back and slow. Watch another, re-watch another episode because dude, the stuff that I'm missing in there, If you haven't taken the deep dive to all the names and connections like Pal, the team's right hands, the people you saw him with in the Senate chambers, their moves are actually in the show, but they're just referencing them. They're not explicitly bringing those characters out. Oh man, Really, really weird and interesting stuff, man. Terribly terribly dense. It's hard to tell when you're just watching it and leaning back. So lean into this show. That's all I gotta say. Lean in. Lean in, brother. All right, man. Peace, Mr. Ben. Take care. Peace man.