Show Vs. Business

SvB #100 - Our 100th Pod Celebration !

Theo Harvey | Mr Benja

Theo and Mr. Benja celebrate the Pod reaching 100 espisodes ! With this milestone in the books they look back on favorite memories from the pod [Digging in the Crates - 6:44 ]  and then give their 2022 TV and Movie Checkout List. Finally, they then go into all the big themes of 2022 in the business world, streaming and other entertainment [SvB Feature - 55:28] 



Show vs. Business is your weekly take on Pop Culture from two very different perspectives. Your hosts Theo and  Mr. Benja provide all the relevant info to get your week started right.


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Theo: Welcome, welcome, welcome to Show versus Business, your weekly take on pop culture from two very different perspectives. I'm your host Theo. and on the line I have the man himself, Mr. Benja. What is up my man? 

Mr. Benja: What's up California boy? It's Florida Boy. Where we switch size. I don't know. What's up man? How you doing?

Theo: I'm doing wonderful man. We got an exciting pod cuz guess what? 100th episode. We did it. We did it. Mr. Benja. Could you, could you imagine when we started this oof, two years ago, almost to the day that we would get to a hundred episodes? Hey man, your boy, 

Mr. Benja: David Chans from Social Proof. Shout out to those guys.

He said he put a post up that said, Hey man. 90% of podcasts, or 95% of some percentage don't even get, don't get past 50. So I'm like, man, we double that. Blew it out the water. Let's go, let's go. We 

Theo: did the damn thing, man. So I'm excited, man. So since it's a special pod, Mr. Benja, man, I think we're just going to be freestyling a little bit.

I mean, you know, for those who've been to our pop before, for those who've never heard about it, look, this is what we do. We talk a little show, talk a little business, and then we have little categories. We get into one, digging into crates and we'll talk a little bit about the memories of our pod. Then we're gonna do a little bit, you know, what you checking out, we talk about a little bit about our, you know, top TV shows, movies that we've been watching that we wanna make recommendations.

This is gonna be a special one. So we'll go a little deep for the whole year and show you a little bit briefly what we enjoyed. And last but not least, we'll talk about major themes. You know, like I mentioned, this is a pod about show, the show business and things about that and business side of that.

And so we'll talk about the top stories that we, we talked about throughout the year in the business world. Talk a little about streaming and what's happening streaming TV shows and movies. And then we finally get into entertainment, like what shows and things are happening. 

Mr. Benja: Basically we're gonna talk about how mad 2022 was.

All this craziness going on, 

Theo: man, was it, dude, 2022 has been wow. You know, , I mean, not as wild as 2020. Let's be real . But it's getting, it's, it's, it's, it is getting there. I mean, it's like these even years. I don't know what it is, man. These, I 

Mr. Benja: don't know. I mean, it, it is like, it had its own little, you know, personality of wildness.

I mean, 

Theo: can you not get its own pocket universe, as, as if you know, so, yes. We're doing you know, comic book Guy from Simpsons, so guys don't know. But yeah. So yeah, we'll gonna get into it a little bit here, Mr. Benja. But yeah. Let everybody know a little bit for those who are new to the pod or haven't heard it.

Who are you, Mr. Benja, what you been up to? What you thinking about doing? 

Mr. Benja: You know, we always jump into this pod and I think people might forget who we are, man. Yeah. I am a former video game developer, worked at Rockstar Game Sony Santa Monica while we and back, I even worked at 3D back in the day kicking out some titles, programmer and designer.

And now I am a free floating creator who. I can't stand the bullshit of the corporate world. So yeah, 

Theo: doing that. . Yeah. And I'm Theo, I am also a former corporate . Peon. Worked for corporate America for 20 years though, so I did it for a while. And now I have my own business in the digital health space.

And so now I'm an entrepreneur as well. But you know, why we build this together? Well, you know, for those that don't know, Mr. Ben and I are lifelong friends. We met each other sophomore year in college. Were ru random, randomly selected to be roommates. Literally just became friends from that point on.

Mr. Binge has been in my wedding, you know, so it's, yeah. Yeah. So we, we've been friends forever, you know, and it was weird. He, he grew up in Florida. I grew up in California. Now I'm in Florida now raising my family, and Mr. Ben is in California. So so yeah, we got a lot of similarities here. A lot of similarities.

Mr. Benja: Yeah. Interesting that it works out like 

Theo: that. Absolutely. So, yeah, so this is why we did the pod. And you know, I think we didn't know where it was gonna go. We didn't think it was gonna. Honest with you. I didn't know it was gonna last this long. I was just, hey, let's just, we had great conversations during the pandemic in 2020 and you know, I think I pitched Mr.

Benches, Hey, let's just do a pod man. And and honest with you is almost a labor of love to me at least at this point because it's one of those things where I look forward to it and, you know, and so yes. You know, trying to monetize and all that stuff and think about that, I think that's great. But it's really been more a, a passion project for me.

And so that's why I think we made it to a hundred episodes. Yeah. 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. I mean, like I, I know you podcast and I podcast and you know, and do different things on the internet, and this is stuff we always talk about anyway, like we're running to each other. In fact, you came out to San Diego when I was living down there, we went to the Comic-Con together, you know, ran out doing some craziness, filming some stuff, and yeah, at some point the idea of a podcast came up and you, you were like, Hey man, we gotta do this.

It's like, 

Theo: yeah. So, yeah, man. And so I think that's what you know, kind of drew me to it cuz it's like, I mean, we, and before it was weird. It's like we talked to each other like maybe, you know, once or twice a year, maybe three times a year. Yeah. And it would be long hour, long conversations. And then when the pandemic hit, you know, it was kind of more, were more frequent.

I was like, you know what, let's just record this man , let's just because you would gimme ideas and I'm sure I gave you some ideas and just like this reinforcing kind of thing. And I was like, man, let. Let's just put it on wax, man. Let's just do it. 

Mr. Benja: No. Yeah. See, see, you don't know this, but when I'm on the phone with most people, like six, seven minutes in, I'm like, Uhhuh.

Yeah, Uhhuh, Uhhuh, okay. Gotta go, gotta go

And you don't know that. Cause you know, we get into a zone and we start talking, talking noise. But for anybody who's listening and you know, you've got people around you, you know, who you vibe with, you've got a certain energy with, you know, e explore that, there could be something cool there. 

Theo: So, absolutely.

I agree. So you know, I always say, you know, people are your friends for a reason, you know, and, you know, even if you didn't talk to 'em, it's forever long. But when you do talk to me, like, oh, that's why. So, you know, explore that. I agree. And you never know where you end up. So a hundred episodes later, here we are, Mr.

Benja. So more to come, more to come as, even as we all vote for doing different things. But I think I, I, you know, like I told you, Mr. Benja still want to be this, to be a big part of it as we move forward. So, we'll, we'll talk more about that later. But with that being said, Mr. Benja, you wanna go ahead and pivot into wood.

What are we talking about today? We're gonna get into a little bit about digging into crates. for this one episode. I think we're gonna talk a little bit about our memories of the pod over the last a hundred episodes. So Mr. Benja, I don't know if you got some thoughts, I have some thoughts on that. You know, oh, 

Mr. Benja: I, I kind of thought that was our memories, but


Theo: so

we're free throwing guys, this is a hundred episode. We can do what we want. Only thing I wanted, just say the, the funniest episode to me had to be the black American Falcon Captain, black Captain Falcon American. Yes. . So for those who don't know, and that's actually been 1st of May, you know, maybe cuz we talk about so much on the pod, but that's actually one of the ones that most downloaded episode for us.

We talked about the shoot. Now I'm gonna get mess it up. What's it? The Disney Plus series captain American and the Winter Soldier, right? Yeah. And it was Introduction, FAL Underwear, soldier, FAL Falcon, thank you, Falcon and the Winter Soldier. And it was an introduction of, you know, Bucky from Captain America.

And of course uh, the Falcon played by Anthony Mackey, and this is the introduction of him becoming the next Captain America. Right. And I mean, you know, in the, in the tier of Disney Plus shows, it, it's kind of on the, the, the bottom tier, to be honest with you. But I mean, MI me and Mr. Ben really enjoyed that app, that series because, you know, it covered some racial things, but also was just hilarious of how it was like, you know, trying to really push, you know, Falcon in that area.

So yeah, I enjoyed that pod. That was, that was one of, probably one of our top downloaded pods for, for us. Yeah, that 

Mr. Benja: was a, that, that was a fun one. I think it really picked up because a lot of people, I don't know if they were used to hearing us talk race so blatantly or like any kind of political leaning topic, and it just kind of had that air and that vibe around it.

And I know when we shared it, it got a few views and I was like, okay. All right. So yeah, I mean, it just, that was a, a different podcast from from the ones that came before it. I definitely remember. . 

Theo: Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . Let me see you got any quick memories or thoughts that you can that, that stand out briefly?

Mr. Benja: I love all the podcasts we've done equally.

Theo: I love it. I love it. That's, that's, that's a good answer. That's a good answer. Well, I, I do wanna go into the slap aftermath. I thought that was kind of interesting when we talked about will Smith. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, that was, I, I mean, we talked, I mean, I saw it live. I think you saw it after the fact and just like how to just, you know, just blew up into this big thing, you know, just in the culture and you know, we kind of had our moments on it and again, talking about race, you know, and I thought that was kind of interesting, but also just what it means for entertainment and how this reflects on both actors who've been in, you know, in the public sphere for what, over 20, 30 years.

And so it's funny, both of them have projects this year. Well, next year obviously Will Smith just released Emancipation, which is doing so-so on Apple. Mm-hmm. , and then apple tv. And then I think Chris Rock is doing a live comedy special on Netflix. So that's gonna be interesting, . So we're gonna see what he's gonna do.

So I thought that was interesting. 

Mr. Benja: I, I, I like the I like our multiverse discussions. Mm-hmm. , because we didn't know what was gonna happen. Spider-Man, Dr. Strange Marvel. Everybody was speculating. And you know, it really made me think about, wow, this is, we're in such a different place with how we discuss movies now because there's so much meta, there's so much meta discussion.

And it wasn't like one show is particularly good, but I think there's a whole run where we just kept on bringing up the multiverse and kept on bringing up shows of referencing each other. And it made me realize that like, wow, we're really in a different space here where you couldn't have these types of discussions before because we didn't have the internet, we didn't have people, you know, digging through trailers and finding random links.

I mean, those people existed, but you didn't have access to that. . 

Theo: Mm-hmm. . Good point. I mean, we had those discussions, remember back in the day talking about you know, comic books, right? Yeah. But you're right. For movies, this is, you know, uncharted territory. So that was I mean like 

Mr. Benja: regular people stopping you in Target, like yes, like I'm, I'm in Target shopping.

Dudes come around the corner, oh, you like that movie Thor, did you notice? And you're like, who the hell are you? You know, , because you would only get that in comic book stores you know, with a certain type of people in the comic book stores. Uhhuh . And now it's like, whoa, this is like mainstream where somebody in Target's just gonna stop me and talk about, yeah, 

Theo: that was weird, you know?

Cause we would just have these long conversations in college about, you know, comic books, lore and stuff like that. Age of apocalypse, right? What does this mean for, you know you know, deep cut For those that don't know about age of Apocalypse, but . Yeah. So I think yeah, it is kind of interesting to see this mainstream now, but but it is gonna be interesting to see how this moves forward.

And I think we'll talk about later about M C U you know, having some troubles here. One of the things I thought that was kind of interesting, we kind of touch, touched on you know, some of the earlier pods around you know, just some of our business discussions. I mean, you know, and you know, we talked about like where, you know, theaters were gonna happen, you know, pandemic, you know, was still, you know, I think we've launched end of 2021.

What, 20 20, 20 21. We still don't know how theaters are gonna come back, what's gonna happen there, you know, streaming, you know, is that gonna be top of mind for everybody? And so I thought, you know, some of our deeper discussions around that, to be honest with you, Mr. Benja just talking to you about this really kind of even spurred even more interest.

Like when we started this pod, I always had kind of interest in it, but because we've been talking so much about this , I've been like really checking it. And so I really have a good feel of like, you know, where this is all going. And so it's kind of interesting how one end, it was like streaming Netflix is gonna win everything and now it's kind of pushing back against that, right?

Like, is that really what's really gonna happen? So, so it's been kind of interesting kind of track the, the streaming wars that we've been dubbing it and I'm sure everyone else has or where this is going. 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. Well, and we, we gotta do a whole prediction show for 2022. So that's, that's not gonna happen here cuz that's a maybe a fair bit of research and, and the planning.

Oh, we got all kinds of predictions coming up next 

Theo: year. So Dewey, Dewey, brother, Dewey, Dewey. So, nah man. Like I said, and I think that the thing I liked about this pod was also the fact that, you know, we, you know, it forced, I don't know about you forced me to kind of, you know, beef up on, you know, reading and understanding like the inflation and the economics and just, you know, stuff I probably was, you know, kind of perusing, oh yeah, I understand this, but now I'm like, oh I really got kind of halfway.

I think you did a whole pot on just the NFTs earlier when that was a big, big thing. Mm-hmm. , you know, you really broken that down for, for everyone. So that was kind of interesting. And then the funniest thing to me too is you trying to break down the tenant at tenant. Oh my God. And trying to figure out how that worked.

And you got a headache cuz it was so deep you had to lay down

Mr. Benja: I think dude, people see it and they're just like, yeah, you're going backwards. I'm like, no, no, no. I have my physics three textbook from college over here. , let me show 

Theo: you. That damn Christopher Nolan, man, I up, I mean even I was like, you know, I just kind of had to just go with the ride. Cuz you're right, it gets, it starts, especially the Penner movements and then what they did at the end.

It is just, it got too much man. But I, I, I, I commend you Mr. Bender. I mean, you're you of both of us. You're the Yeah, the deep thinker man. , 

Mr. Benja: I, I tried, I tried it again and we'll get into it in a little bit. I tried it again in 2022, but I'll let you, I we'll talk 

Theo: about that in a minute. that and you know, at, at Westworld, I mean, you know, you are first person.

Yeah. West Westworld was the one. Ooh was like another one where you just Yeah. Went all in. So, anyway, look, everyone, look, listen to the pod. We got some great bangers. Go check 'em out. But look, we, we enjoy doing it and hope you enjoy listening to it. So real quick, Ben, Mr. Benja, well, not real quick, we'll talk a little bit about 'em, but we, this our section on what you're checking out.

So we got a list of different things. We'll do like a couple seconds on each one, maybe just, you know, ping pong back and forth, but, I'll start first. So, Mr. Benja, I want you to watch this show if you still have H B O Max. I know you tend to turn things off pretty quickly. I, I accidentally 

Mr. Benja: let it go. I mean, I, I mean Oh, no, no.

I accidentally left it on. I left it on. Okay, good. That's what I mean. Good. 

Theo: So you got some time. You got some time, 

Mr. Benja: please. I got till looking at my calendar, I think the 29th. Please , 

Theo: please, please, God. The next 12 days, go watch South Side. Really? All right. Yes. Hilarious us. The guy, Bashar, I can't say his last name, but he is, he was in Top Gun.

I dunno if you saw that. He was the black guy that was hanging with Tom Cruise. He was like, I guess the, the funny guy, basically in the movie. Him and his other, his his buddy DLO Riddle, I think that's their name. There's a bunch of guys from South Side, they used to work for Jimmy Fallon. Then they, they blew up on Comedy Central with this show of South Side.

And he also created something called Sherman's Showcase which is basically a riff on what's it called back in the day with shoot. Man, I'm drawing a blank right now. I'm usually pretty good up at this. But it's basically a music show showcase, right. Of different artists that come in and people dance and all that.

Sherman Showcase is a parody of that, right? Soul Train. It's a parody of Soul Train. And this guy, he created the show South Side talking about Chicago South Side, and it's the funniest thing I've seen. In five years, man, it is basically, he, he created a world where these, you know, you know, Chicago Southside feel these different characters and every person is funny and unique and has a different perspective, really.

And it's one of the funniest things I've seen. And I wanna give a shout out to Southside for you to watch it, because in season, season three, episode four, there's a shout out to one of your favorite video games of all time. Red Dead Redemption, . I'm talking about Deep, deep cut that you'll probably Oh, baby.

Get Oh baby. So go check it out. So, so anyway, south side, you know, black specific ter about a city comedy, but just universal, right? Where there was it, where do they say you know, the more specific you are on the story, right? It, it, it creates universality, right? People, you know, understand, even though it's very specific to your, your experience.

And so they, they, they, they nailed that. So go check it out South side on HBO O Max. Yeah. 

Mr. Benja: Okay. Yeah. And, you know, I'll check it out. Yeah, I think I ran past him was like, all right, whatever. And kept scrolling . So, no. You know how those goes. I know, I know those little gems. And if you're like, really that show and people do that with me all the time cause I'd just be spouting all kinds of nonsense.

And then like months and years later, they're like, oh yeah, I love it. But yeah I, I gotta give it to Got Hot D man, got that Hot D do for For my shows. For my shows in 2022. Yeah. I had to look back and like remember what stuck with me and yeah, it's, I once, once the end hit of the first season and I realized what they were doing, I was like, okay, it doesn't have to be so well structured of the season because they're setting up for multiple seasons in the future.

They're like, you know, that little insert that you get introduction back in the days, blah, blah, blah, blah. They ran through so much history so fast and so many characters. At first I was like, man, what's going on? This is a mess. And then at the end of it it's like, all right, we got you through all that.

Let's go . Wait till next season. And I'm like, okay, I'm hyped 

Theo: now. So, you know, the, the one of the podcast, there's that inspired this podcast the watch on the Ringer Network, you know, they did not like it. You know, one of them Andy. Greenwall, he did not like it. And because he said the, the, the season one was all prologue.

But I think, you know, re now I'm, you know, I'm brainstorming this with you right now. I think that was a good thing because with the internet now it's okay to have a lot of prologue because people are digging it. Right. I mean, there's books, you know, on this. It's basically based on a, a, a book, right. That, yeah.

You know, George r r Martin wrote, so they just added more flavor to it. So you know, to be honest with you, it was a little slow at the beginning, you know, literally it was one of the, I would fall asleep literally around like, nine 30 to the hello what happened. But yeah, it, it ramped up pretty good. And so to the end.

So so yeah, it was good. 

Mr. Benja: You know, I, you know how like watching reaction videos here and there mm-hmm. Well, there's this guy that does basically breakdowns of all the intros. Mm-hmm. in Game of Thrones. He's like, you notice how the camera flew over this mountain range instead of this side ? I was like, wait, what?

Because there's like a 3D model of like, you know, the the map in the first in the first version of it. And then in this one, there's this structure that has blood flowing all over. Mm-hmm. . He's like, what's interesting is there's like a little splash of blood. What does that mean? Did someone die?

Is the bloodline ended? Has, has this, has, has this group of people had, are there bastards in the family? because you know the, you know what the idea of the whole intro is, right? Mm-hmm. You've got the blood coming down. For those who haven't seen it, and this isn't a spoiler, but there's this, they have different families and crest and logos that represent people.

And basically the intro starts out and blood starts flowing through all these crest and everything. Those crest represent family members and people and, and factions and neighborhoods and villages and where the blood goes. And when you watch the show and you're realizing that this group's getting married to that group, that's ancestry and it's just gets weird.

And I'm like, holy crap. The, the intro sequence is like just a barn full of Easter eggs and no one, it, it's got its own little industry of people who break down the intros, which is comedy to me. But I, I respect it, man. Yeah, I, I could see people not liking it, but I respect it. Nah, 

Theo: I mean, you know, not to be labor to a point.

Another good show on h hbo White Lotus, I didn't put that on my list, but people love that one. And that was similar. There's like pictures and stuff that give you indication of where the season could go, so I think that's gonna be a big thing going forward. But yeah. Hi D man. You know, I mean, you're right.

I used to watch all the Twitter stuff. I mean, it was hot on Twitter. I mean TikTok. You know, so, and Twitter too, but TikTok really hilarious. Some of those reaction shots and just, yeah. Yeah. So anyway my thoughts. So next thing I'm gonna check what I checked out this year, everything everywhere, all at once.

Great movie. You know, I, I, I sung through the rafters. I don't think, do we have Andy on the call, on the pod when we talked about No, we didn't talk about this. Okay. Yeah, that was a great movie. I think I did mention it, but I mean, I think you you saw it recent, didn't you see it also eventually?

Mr. Benja: Yeah, I, I saw it. I saw it right when it hit. Yeah. Amazon available, 

Theo: most creative, most creative movie I ever seen in last, last, you know, five years. Man, it's like up there. Matter of fact, I remember this, this is almost up there with Snow piercer when I saw that several years back. I don't know if you remember Snow Piercer with Chris Evans about the frozen, that's the creativity to come up with something like this.

It was, it's on that level. And I was like, wow. So, so, so, so, so, so good job. The Daniels, the directors of that movie. 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. I have it here because it impacted me, but I didn't actually like it that much. Mm. You know, it's one of those movies, it's like, it's like going to a museum and you see something impactful mm-hmm.

and you come out and you're like, wow. , I could have been in the movies, you know. Hmm. But I, I, I get it. I, I was breaking it down. I was like trying to catch all the symbolism and there were reasons for this. And but yeah, there are a lot of parts in it that just like annoyed me. I'm like, Ugh, . You, you film students.

Theo: I mean, you know, I mean, that's a hard movie cuz you gotta have a, a thread of some truth or some stability. Right. Because everything else is like crazy. So, you know, they, they created that with the mother and daughter relationship. Right? Yeah. And try to get that stability there, even though, you know, they could be rocks, they could be, you know, people were hotdog hands.

Mr. Benja: Okay. The rocks. That was the best scene in the movie to me. I almost cheered when I saw that . 

Theo: Why? Because it showed the, the death of the creativity. 

Mr. Benja: No. It was like one of those, you know, you sit down and you think about the zen of life, you know, while you're meditating kind of things. And with all the craziness of the multiverse and you know, changing bodies and all that, all of a sudden it's like, Hey man, calm the fuck down.

You're a rock. And I'm like, yeah, I need to calm. , I need to calm down. Yeah. I don't know. Just related to me, I, so that 

Theo: scene was, yeah, powerful. I didn't put this on my list, but I probably should put on this. I saw a movie with my kids Marcel with the shells and the shoes on. I think that's how you say it.

I gotta look it up. Hmm. We, I, I drove outta my way to go see this movie with Jenny Slate. She, she voices a little character. That's a shell man. That was like, really powerful stuff about like, you know, how he dealt with grief and how he just dealt with change. And it was funny. Va, I mean, you know, it is one of those movies that was like up there.

I don't think the kids liked it that much, but I wanted them to see something different to kind of, you know, not see the regular, you know, cartoons, YouTube, video stuff. And so I say that to say that, you know, everything all at once is kind of similar. It's just like, you know, you need that, like, real people who are trying to do something different with the art form every now and then.

And I think, you know, Marcel did it with the, the kids genre, everything. All at, everything all at once was did it with like, just a superhero genre cuz they even had Michelle. What's is Michelle what's Michelle's the, the actress that played the main character? 

Mr. Benja: Fife, Pfeiffer? I don't know. 

Theo: No. Oh, The main character and everything.

All, everything all at once. Oh, Michelle. Yeah. Yeah, thank you Michelle. Yo sh you know, she's known for being Action Star, right? And she, she played that role, but she also played different roles in that. And so I, I loved their, the construction of that and trying to do something different. So, so anyway it didn't challenge me as much, or not like it, but I liked it overall.

So, real quick Kanye, I know that's not a good thing to say right now into Methodism, but I'll be honest with you, those first two if you really wanna know what it takes to be successful and to believe in yourself, you know, those first two, you know, episodes of that doc man just, you know, blew me away.

So yeah, I wish Kanye, you know, some help or whatever is going on with him, but honest you ye Yeezus when he did the you talked about where he came from and, you know, what he was dealing with and how he grew to become, you know, you know, an artist. I thought that, you know, we talked about even on this pod, you know.

But yeah, it was one of those things that I enjoyed this year. 

Mr. Benja: Yeah, I got nothing. Yeah basically same sentiment there. So I've, I got, I got nothing to add for that in the Kanye doc. But an interesting one that did catch me was turning Red. Totally different from Kanye obviously, but turning Red Pixar movie, it was just charming, caught me off guard.

Classic Pixar style, had. You know, Asian influences in it, obviously. No. For some reason I just kind of enjoyed that one. I was like, all right, this is charming and enjoyable, 

Theo: way better than it should have been. Right? For Pixar. And it was just like, you know, I didn't see all of it. My, I, I, my daughter saw it, my mm-hmm.

grandmother and I saw bits and pieces. I kind of liked what they were trying to go with right. This nineties, you know, flu you use boy band, what it means to, you know, change and be different from your, you know. Yeah. So, yeah, I, I, I think it was and it was a metaphor for something bigger, right? For, for the change that happens.

And so, yeah. So that's kind of interesting. So, yeah. Yeah, 

Mr. Benja: it, it definitely hit many different metaphors cultural you know, coming from a hero perspective, from the girls' point of view you know, a young girl coming of age kind of perspective. You know, dealing with familial change, you know, it just, it hit on a lot of different levels actually.

And I just thought it was, you know, simple. Well done, fun and interesting. 

Theo: Oh, I love it. So I'm gonna skip my next one cause I know you'll cover it next. So look, the boys man, we don't talk about much, but man, I really enjoyed the boys. I mean, you know it just, I mean, they did hero orgasm, which was a big thing in the comic books.

And, you know, It is, it's raw. I mean, you know, it's just this, I mean, look, I, I think I like the boys because it's about, hey this is how superheroes really would, if you have that much power, you just, this is what you would do. Right? You don't even have any training. You don't know what you're doing.

So I, I like what they're doing and, and looks like there's more coming cuz they're gonna have a spinoff series. Looks like a xmen version, right. Of going to university, right. Of how they developed these boys. So yeah. So the boys universe is expanding and so, which I think is a good counterpoint to what D C U and Marvel is doing.

So, so more, so more, more to come. 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. I wa I wasn't that impressed with the boys. I like, I like it still. It's superhero and it's everything you said. I just wanted it to be a little more, I don't know. I don't know. I liked it though. It wasn't bad. 

Theo: I love it. What you got next, brother ? 

Mr. Benja: I almost don't even know what to think about this show.

Uhoh. So Star Wars did its thing with Andor. Oh yes. And you were, my gosh, I've never had to watch a Star Wars film or any Star Wars thing. Stop, sit down, like look to the lower left , then look up to the upper right. And then press play again and start the whole thing over. And I did that with, and or of the first episode.

Cuz at first I was just like, what is this? Why is this happening? It's a little slow and, but I'm telling you if you've ever had, if you've ever been around like a coffee snob or a sushi snob, somebody who really knows, like, oh yeah, this, this alcore came from the sea of such and such, I can taste the, you know, saltiness of the water there or the, the kelp in the water.

It's like dumb shit, right? This is what Andor was to me. I was like, why is this so intricately deep? And dare I say, simple in its presentation. Like, what, what's happening shouldn't be that exciting to you, but it's just tense slow gets under your skin if, if you're really paying attention. I mean, the definition of lean in TV for me was for this year was, and, or, and I really respected for that.

Theo: Yeah, definitely. Definitely. I mean, it came outta nowhere. I mean, you know, to be honest, it's not getting a lot of play. I mean, you know, but, you know, Disney's pushing, you know, pushing hard to kinda get it out there with shows on, you know, it's on Disney Plus show, but it's been pushing on Hulu. I think they even put on a ABC for a second.

Yeah, so . I was thinking about this while you were talking about it. I think there was four things that I realized, you know, what this show has, has shown what they can do with this, right? Mm-hmm. , the death of it, the comedy withs and his mom , you know, eating that nasty cereal. Hilarious. The death of, like, you know, the sacrifice with Lutheran did that speech to that the double agent that he was talking to, he said, I'm already dead.

You know, I'm planting seeds for some, a sun, a sunset. I would never see a sunrise. I'll never see, right? And I was like, Ooh, that, that, that caught you right? Just the death of, you know of the, the, the torture and the, the, the horribleness of the of the empire with, you know, bicks and being tortured with those sounds of those aliens dying.

So, you know, I'm just giving you guys a little pre preview of all this. And then finally the spectacle of the Of the I forgot what the, what they called it, but the I right. Where everybody with this, you know, these exploding stars and all these different things happening. Oh yeah, yeah. So, yeah, so, you know, four things.

It just shows you the depth of like what and or was trying to do. And I commend him, man. Like I, I got, I told you this from the beginning, I think it's a counterpoint to Dave Phily. I've told this to so many people. And so I think, you know, it is a path that Star Wars can start taking to be bigger the Skywalker series.

And so, so hopefully, you know, this will start catching on. Maybe people start watching it. Cuz I always believe, you know, I'm still at the, my heart of hearts, you know, quality matters and, you know, product managers not this have to be marketing. So this is too much quality here. And so hopefully this will 

Mr. Benja: rise to the top.

Yeah. Do, do you remember that the scene from Daredevil where the kingpins looking at that painting mm-hmm. and, you know, she asked him, it's like, how does it make you feel? And he said, alone. Mm. Dude. The way he was staring at that painting was the way I was looking at Andor . Part of me, part of me is like, this is dumb.

I'm just staring at a bunch of nothing. And then, but I kept staring at it and I'm like, there's so much, look, dude, there's so many intricacies in that, I mean, when I, I told you the one I caught, right? Mm-hmm. where the guy jumped off the, he's handing on like a, a patio ledge. Mm-hmm. And jumps down like one foot or two.

Mm-hmm. . And I'm like, what the hell was that ? And, and that little thing, that weird thing in the background foreshadowed another event like in the next episode. And I was like, holy crap. They, they did that. And it hit me so hard because I was like, I saw that and I, I don't know, it's just that show is, is Bon 

Theo: and, and let's be real.

They also had time to put those Easter eggs in there, right? With Sa Carrera. And then, you know, the reveal about the def star, what they were building. And so look questions, I mean, 

Mr. Benja: yeah, questions not answered. You know, people saying, oh, it's clearly this. Cause I, I said something, oh, this is clearly this.

And Andy was like, no, it's clearly this. And we both kind of looked at each other, like

when you get that multiple interpretation kind of thing, it's like, you know, something's good because you're clearly thinking one way. If someone's clearly thinking another way, and then all of a sudden you realize nothing's clear at all. Just drama. 

Theo: Absolutely, absolutely. Say anyway, but it's, yeah, it's, yeah.

So anyway, like I said, we can go in in depth about this, this storyline, but I think it was one of those or, you know, show. But let's see. You said and or, okay, so I'm gonna do a two-hander cuz it's on Netflix. All right. I'm gonna say Jeffrey Dahmer and Wednesday. Did you watch any of those? Any of those?

Mr. Benja: Nah, man, I, I don't, I try not to watch too many creepy people 

Theo: now. . Yeah, they're both creepy. One is more, you know, creepy, creepy and unfortunately real life horror. Jeffrey Dahmer. And then Wednesday was more based on Adam's family that just blew up recently over the last, you know, couple weeks. Have you seen anything on TikTok?

I'm sure you have. So Jeffrey Dahmer, you know, I didn't wanna watch it. My wife told me about it, but, you know, I've just, I mean that Dan Ryan Murphy man, and that Evan p Peters who shows up in, you know, Wanda Vision and you know, X-Men and just a good actor man. And he was also in what's it called?

Uh, Mayor of Eastwood, east Town. Right. He won his first Emmy off of that. That guy's good man. I mean, he just plays creepy characters really well. And he shows up as Jeffrey Dahmer and for what it, it shouldn't be compelling about a real life guy that did some terrible things, but it is, and so it became one of the top view shows on Netflix.

And then, you know, a Corolla layer to that was Wednesday, which. , you know, came, I was like, you know, it's Halloween. I'm like, oh, what? You know, I saw it came out. I knew my daughter would like something like this. Mm-hmm. , and she knows the actress from Disney Show. I said, we're gonna watch this. I thought it was gonna come out.

Halloween came out like Thanksgiving around town. I said, oh. I said, okay, I guess we'll watch this. Blew the fuck up, man. Who knew? just like, you know, just like, I, I didn't, I didn't expect it. I mean, cuz it was, it was okay, be honest with you. But the memes, I know you've seen them, right? The dance and all this other stuff and it just blew up.

And, you know, I was lucky enough to just, you know, get my kids to kind of watch it. And I see why, what did, well, and we talked about it, I think it was like a reminiscent of a CW show, right? They took a character that, you know, and they basically kind of did a murder mystery with her, right. And but the actress that played Wednesday was so good.

And she was up there with, you know, Christina Ritchie, who played the original character in the movies. You know, she was just good man. It was just like, you know, just the affect and everything she did was just great. And so it, it just really drew you in. So did the, did the dad work 

Mr. Benja: out? Because I know a lot of people were worried about 

Theo: Yeah, I don't think so.

Louis Guzman, he gotta get recast. I mean, unfortunately, I mean, captain Z Gda zone, she did well as you know, Morticia, I mean, I thought, cause I, you know, so it was like they tried to juxtapose like Wednesday, you know, who her mom, you know, mom is, you know, even. Black and white TV show we used to watch back in the day.

Right. Her mom was just gorgeous and just real. She was, you know, kind of weird, but she was like always upbeat right about everything. And that's how Katherine Zita Jones played it. Right. Very upbeat and positive , even though she likes dead things. Right. So it's just weird. But Wednesday is obviously the opposite of her, so they were trying to play that against each other.

But yeah, I think the dad, I don't know, they gotta think through that a little bit differently, so. Yeah. All right. But yeah. Good stuff. Yeah, good stuff. 

Mr. Benja: Tales of the Jedi, you check that out. 

Theo: I saw the first episode that was pretty good. I didn't get the chance to watch the rest of 'em yet. 

Mr. Benja: I wish to God that Tales of the Jedi would've had the and or treatment.

Ooh. Because they go hard in some areas, but it's so quick and so, so I don't wanna say childish, but they're just like, we're Jedi. We do things this way. Shut up doku, da da da, and roll credits. And you're like, wow, that was cool. I need more. Mm-hmm. . So I actually think that that series got a little shortchange.

They just wanted to do something quickly, but I think that interesting story of, of Duku and his wrestling between, you know, what he wanted to do that was right and what he wanted to do that was. Right, in another sense, allowed him to go to the dark side. Like we, like, we ended up seeing, so in fact, it's, it makes him seem noble being dark side because he was the guy trying to point out all the nonsense in the, in the Jedi order and they were fighting back and Palpatine uses that.

You know, it gets, it gets interesting there. So I love it. I love it. Definitely worth watching. As I said, it's, it's a super quick watch if you just want to 

Theo: binge. Yeah. I mean, you know, so you know, obviously, you know, I watched the , what's the show? The Bad Batch with the kids. And you know, we tried, we got through the first season.

I know the second season came out, I couldn't do it. It was like that Clone Wars, you know, that David Falli war. I get it. There's some interesting takes and Mandalorian's taking a lot from that. But you know, it's just that kitty mo moment stuff with it. It's just like, so, I don't know, man, they're gonna have to bifurcate Star Wars now.

You know? Now you got this like, adult version Andor, right? Where you're basically killing cats coming out a strip club. Right. , he got 

Mr. Benja: to

Theo: he got, you know, weird aliens, you know, doing hokey dances. Right. You know, so it's just like, what the hell? So, I don't know. Star Wars has gotta, you know, and, and, and someone made a good point. It's so sad that we're not gonna have any Star Wars movies till like 2025, probably. So. So anyway, I think there's, you know, star Wars has gotta think through this a little bit differently and so I, I definitely wanna, you know, think through that.

So, but yeah, I'll check it out, you know, you know, holiday season next, next week, you know, next weekend. That's when I binge everything. So I'll start, I'll check it out. All right. All right. My big thing was man, black Panther two, I mean, you know, look, , you know, it probably, you know, it's not going to, it's definitely not gonna surpass black Panther one in terms of money.

It's probably not even gonna pa bypass you know Dr. Strange, right. The multiverse of madness. But you know, I think, you know, the hurdle, you know, I thi a plus for effort. I mean, it's just so hard to imagine replacing your lead actor. But really what got me was that black, that end scene, right?

When Siri was remembering her brother, and then know after all his adventures happened and all that. Mm-hmm. and just the scenes of Chicha again at the end. And then, you know, realized he had a son and I, I, I don't think there was a dry tear in the house. I mean, yes they did at the beginning too, but there was something about like, going through all this stuff and then remembering what this was about, you know?

And, and kudos to Ryan Cooker, man. I mean, I, I, I don't know how he did it, man. I mean, you know, yeah, it's not, you know, there's some flaws in the movie and stuff like that, but man, kudos to him to just get through this. I mean, you know, cuz it is gotta be, you know, I mean, imagine if you had to, you know, someone who recently passed or whatever, you had to go to their house and do all these different things and just memories of them everywhere, right?

Yeah. But you pushing through it to make something that honors them, but also something that's, you know, entertaining and also fits into the Marvel box. Man, I don't know how you did it. So Ryan Kugler, man, you get all the kudos. Go rest for, you know, hopefully another year. But, you know, whenever you come up next, I'm watching.

Mr. Benja: Yeah. I, I didn't, I couldn't put it on the list, man. It was, it was good solid, but it just didn't stick with me. Yeah. So I'm, I'm, I'm going back through my memorable moments, you know, not necessarily what was the best or whatever. And yeah, black Panther two just didn't really stick with me that much.

It's like, all right. No more. The, the one scene I remember was when I, when I first believed in his, his ankle wings and he started going off on fools knocking, suckers out the sky and on the ground pushing them in the water. Yeah. And 

Theo: ankle wings. Boy, 

Mr. Benja: they do that thing Brother basically. So, yeah. It was cool.

Did its job. You know, it's it's, it, it held down the box office for five, five weeks now. Everybody's excited about that. So going into Avatar weekend, I guess it'll get unseated, but did his job. 

Theo: I love it. I love it. Yeah. So it was good, man. I mean, you know, I think, like I said, especially the end scene, that was really the one, number one, you know, highlight.

That's, you know, like you said, the movie was, you know, you said memorable. That's what, that stuck with me. What you got next? 

Mr. Benja: I cried during black Adam.

Theo: Especially when he ripped apart , the main prota antagonist. I can't even remember the character character's name, but yes that, that made me weep. I know what to say to my six year old. Like, I met you before. So, , 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. I was on some you know, angry, angry old man kind of stuff. Been locked away with all these ideas and stuff, and I saw Black Adam, like, I'm just like him

So no, it, it, it wasn't, it wasn't like that that great. But it was, it stuck with me. It stuck out. And I'm not even gonna say it's better than Black Panther too but I just liked it so, 

Theo: Okay, it's out there on H b o Max. So you can watch your field, brother. I know. Did you? Oh yeah. Did you roll it up last night when I sent you that text,


Mr. Benja: no. I wasn't in the mood to cry again.

Theo: I don't wanna weep.

Oh man. Oh man. So, yeah shoot man. Good stuff. Well, I know you got one more, but I wanna, do you wanna reveal what it is and I'll put my 2 cents cuz I probably should have put that on there too, but I'll tell you why I am in, in a moment. But go ahead. 

Mr. Benja: I had to get a you know, discovery plus the, the service just so I could watch undercover billionaire because you know, grant Cardone is, is my uncle G

He's kind of out there and weird and, you know, possibly racist, but , he's, I mean, Scientologist too, but just, not that anything's wrong with being a Scientologist. There probably is in some cases, but I don't know. But yeah, this guy is, he's wild and gets me hyped, you know? Come on, son. Gotta get up. Gotta do it.

Come in, come in . But I'm like, all right, , 

Theo: man. You, you, man. Look, you don't know undercover billion. . Save my life, brother. Save my life. . No, you think I'm, you think I'm joking, man. Talk to me. I mean, you know, thank you Mr. Benja for sending that to me. Because, you know, I was, I was mighty low. I was mighty low.

I was in the ba, I was, you know, the business wise was just like, man, you know, dealing with some things, trying to figure this things out. And what's the premise right quick? Well, you know, the premise is, you know, I'm, I have a business, you know, I'm trying to grow my business. I'm entrepreneur and just sometimes you get these moments, right?

You're just like, man, I, you know, I'm tired. I don't wanna do this anymore. I'm, I'm, I'm frustrated. You sent me the undercover, because I remember watching the beginning of the year, right? I said, oh yeah, I'm gonna watch this. Right? And then for whatever reason, you know, they went to Discovery and I'm like, I didn't pay for it.

I was like, I forgot all about it. Then you brought that up to my memory, he's like, oh yeah, undercover billionaire, and this is how you can watch everything. I said, oh yeah, lemme go watch that again. Cuz you know, we both are, you know, fans of Grand Cardone we're both, I mean, I think I read three of his books, or at least, at least audio.

10 x and what's the one, if you're not first, you're last or, and you know, I think there's another book you wrote. Be obsessed or be averaged. Yeah. Thank you. So, you know, I listened to him before so I know what he's about. But then, you know, when I actually saw him do what he talks about, that was like, Ooh, blew my mind.

Cuz like, oh, you. This is, this is true for him. And so I, I literally put like tons of notes, right? I think we talked about Moral positive was like, dude, this is, this is Gold man. And because of him, I went on his journey for the last two months, Mr. Benja, thanks to you, two months. That really, yeah, that really opened my mind.

So I got some other, you know, mentors I told you about one, like Myron Golden, I got another one. His name was Ryan Pineda. He's helping me like build up my social media following. And so just like, and so now, you know, I'm facing some negativity in my business. I'm like, bulletproof almost. It's like, oh, okay.

Just shake it off. And I was like, wow. So you opened my mind to just like, you know, the importance of being in this positive environment and getting in these, you know, quote unquote, you know, gurus, coaches, YouTube influencers, to kind of be in your head more. And I think I sent you a new one, you know, that you knew about amo, Alex Homo.

And just like, dude, I need to have a default to be in this state. Because if you don't, it's so easy to get back into that negative state and you don't wanna do anything. So, so kudos to you, Mr. Benja, and, you know, undercover billionaire, because that got me back on track. So thank you. 

Mr. Benja: Very awesome. Very awesome

And you know what's funny, as I said, I watched both seasons, right? Yeah. And the guy who started the show Glen Stearns. Mm-hmm. and. and grant Cardone or by far the, the, the strongest business people. I think that that worked for me. And, and maybe because they're you know, they're dudes and I kind of relate to how they went about things.

But yeah, I've watched everybody else the way they operated and like how they talked to people and I'm like, crap, I think I relate to Grant the most. , you know, and hon, honest to goodness, I would be scared to do a lot of the stuff he did and like, you know, just walk in, Hey, we're doing this. No, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, let's go.

I'd hesitate a lot. And he's just like, 

Theo: commit, you know? Well and the guy I'm, you know, kind of getting mentored with now, Ryan Pineda, he actually interviewed Grant Cardone and you know, he was a nobody, you know, just kind of build his social media following up and now he teach entrepreneurs how you can use social media to grow your business.

He interviewed him twice and, you know, and even he was like telling Grant, like, I'm scared to do what you do. , I understand why you do it. And so yeah, grant Cardone, you know, it's like Gary V was up there, you know, you know, putting it out there first. I mean, I mean, we don't talk about this, but Russell Brunson's another big one because all these guys, Alex Homoe the other one I told you about, Marlon Gold.

Myron Golden, mm-hmm. That came from Russell Brunson who create ClickFunnels and you know, Gary v I mean, you know, so it's kind of like, you know, you start seeing, oh, this stuff is trickling down and these guys are all kind of in the same kind of mode. So, and then you start seeing, oh, that's why they do this.

That's why they do that. And so so yeah. Mr. Ben. Yeah, I think, you know, like they said, success leaves clues and so undercover billionaire wasn't so much about what he said, but what he did, and that's what kind of got me back on my journey to be, you know, more on it from an entrepreneur standpoint. So shout out to that.

You know, 

Mr. Benja: what was the biggest take for me? Everybody else was trying to figure out what to do with their, they got an, they got an initial a hundred dollars in the show. You remember how they got. So everybody else was like trying to figure out how they could stress that a hundred. The first thing Grant did like before he even went around was just like put it in his pocket and was like, I'm not touching that a hundred dollars.

And I was like, what? He just took himself down from a hundred to zero, like started working to get free food, started like talking to people, get a free bed and everything. And I was like, you know what? With other people's personalities, it probably would've been easier for them to go without spending the money, but they were too scared to.

Hmm. Go ahead. Hmm. Well, how can I, how much money can I spend on gas? He's like, man, ain't spending money on gas. This guy has a used car. I'm gonna drive it around to sell the used car and have him fill the gas tank up so I can sell the car. . Come on, dog. Come on, dog. That's like, that's, that's, that's real business.

O P M O P G, other people's gas, you know, , O g , 

Theo: O g Get that O P G grant. Yeah, I, yeah, like I said, I mean, you know, I think when he did it, like it was during the middle of the pandemic and he was highlighting it, and matter of fact, I can't remember the guy's name that you know, they created Wake Up Pablo, I think the guy, he was trying to, you know, you know, skate on that Matt Smith.

Yeah. So kudos to him, you know, they have 10 x, you know, uncle G you know, be a business partner with him, so, so kudos to him. So, you know, I'm sure he's doing well for himself. So, yeah, man, I think, you know, so that's what showed me, you know, just like, man, you know, this stuff works, man. I mean, you know, yes. I could see the other side of it, the negativity side of, you know, like you said, the quote, unquote, you know, sprinkles of sonology.

Nothing wrong with that, but just how he looks at it and racism. But you know what, man, I mean, you know, there, there's something to what he, he's thinking about, especially in this new world, right? I, I think, you know and, and one thing I sent you, Mr. Benja was like . I think this new world is like, you know, this personality world, right?

You know, YouTube, social media is about like, you know, your, your pe your presence. And it's like people don't buy from brands, man. They buy to, to be aspirational. Right. And aspirational means you want to be like someone else. Mm-hmm. or, you know, have what they have. And so that's why brands and I sent you, I learned this from Homo Alex Homo, another influencer.

You know, we were struggling with like, you know, understanding how, you know Snoop Dogg can be so many different things. Well he can because he's a person and people want to be like Snoop Dogg, so they just buy whatever he's recommends. Yeah. But you know, the, the products themselves don't mean nothing.

You can't be Nike, right. You can't be a a, a brand, but you can be like Snoop Dogg and Snoop Dogg says, how I like Nike. You gonna buy Nike. And so that blew my mind. It's like why these guys are like so much in their face and their personal, cuz their brand, their personality becomes the business. And so, and that's what that guy Ryan Pineda learned.

He's literally two years ago, he was a nobody. Right. Just flipping houses in Vegas. That's one of the reasons why I kind of took his course because I was like, you know, if nothing else, he learned that process. So he's not that far removed from us. So I was like, look, whatever he is doing, I'm gonna figure out what he's doing , follow him.

Follow him. So anyway, make a long story short. Billionaire. Billionaire. Go check it out. Go Brett. It. But yeah, I think that of all the ones you mentioned, Mr. Benja, yes, they were great. We love those TV shows, but that one changed my life. So, so thank you, . Yeah, 

Mr. Benja: definitely. We're, and, and you know, we're free styling here.

So Gary V actually broke down that little segment of like what Herms talking about. At one point he was talking with I forgot who he was talking to, but the, he was discussing like his different, his different factions. Mm-hmm. Somebody had asked him like, you know, well, hey, am I supposed to knee down?

Mm-hmm. Or do I do all kinds of different stuff? And he was like, you gotta do what's natural for you and figure out a way to make all your different pieces work out. And he was in the process of explaining that he started, he started saying that, no, no, you don't understand. I have different groups of people that follow me for different reasons.

Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . And they start to co-mingle and interact in the comments. And he's seen it, like he's talking to one guy and that guy knows him from garage sales. Mm-hmm. . Cause some guy, one of his team members had been trying to push him away from garage sales. Like, okay, you've grown out of that now. And he's like, no, no.

What are you talking. , you know, we're going out to a, an estate sale next week. What do you ? 

Theo: Yeah. I'm Gary v I got, you know, Vader Media, but yeah. I'm going to this, you know, five and dime store and make it happen. So Yeah, I 

Mr. Benja: get it. Yeah. So I mean, but he, but he was breaking down that whole thing about he consciously knew that that's what he was doing when Hermo was explaining it.

Like he was explaining the No, I know what I'm doing with that. It's the garage sale people are talking to the people who the wine enthusiasts now. Mm-hmm. and the wine enthusiasts are suddenly talking to the people who do advertising creative, who are talking to the eighties toy collectors who are talking to the hip hop people, 

Theo: you know, talking to the digital marketers.

Right. Yeah. Right. You're right. And 

Mr. Benja: we as people have different overlaps like this. So we start talking, like me and you we're talking comic books one time, and then we have another overlap where we're talking about streaming, you know, services 

Theo: and it's like overlap talking about the inflation and economy.

Right. And so Exactly. And yeah, and Alex Homo talked about that. Right. Just that, you know, inter that cross you know, cross problemization, you know, within the brand of the person we talked about Snoop Dogg, he can have a gospel music gospel album, one side kids, you know, TV show, right? Yeah. And YouTube channel.

And then also, you know, still. Porn, I guess access rate show. So it's like, wow, , you can, you can create. And that was, remember I, I asked you, I was like, how can he do this? And now that, that, that opened the kamodo to me, it's like, oh, because he's a person and people accept that people have multitudes. And so as long as you have a audience and people like you, you can cross pollinate those people inside the personality and the brand of the person.

So that blew my 

Mr. Benja: mind. You know what's funny? When I, whenever I'm trying to push something I'll go to, I have like a certain set of posts that I do on Instagram where I'm talk, you know, I post different things, right? And I know certain people, they only like, and comment on my technology post, let's say.

Hmm. So whenever I want to send something out, I'll go to all those posts, find those people again, like, just write down, okay, this person, this person, that person, that person. And then I'll go message them. And those will be like my technology people I'm talking to. and I'll make a subset of my emails or something to those people.

It's pretty crazy. It's 

Theo: funny. Wow. So, so, so, guys, look, you got behind the curtain. This is real talk right here. So we , this wasn't scripted, so we we're telling you like, look, this is, look, if you going, you gonna learn something on this pod, man, if nothing else, I'm gonna learn something. Yeah. . So this is good.

So, Mr. Benja, man. Oh man. I'm not even keeping notes here, man. So I'm gonna give it to my assistant. She'll, she'll figure this out.

So, yeah, Mr. Benji. So let's, let's move on to shoot what we got here. Yeah. So let's talk about the big things popping in 2022. Bump. Bump. All right, Mr. Benja. So it's kind of crazy. Where do you wanna 

Mr. Benja: start, man? I mean, you know what? That, that Warner Brothers logo, man, it's, it's, it's, so, I don't even know what it means now.

I, I saw it when I, the last time I saw it, I was just like yeah, Warner Brothers, and it's been going crazy, man. I don't know what's going on 

Theo: over there. Wow. So where do we want to start? You wanna start with Zla or James Gunn? . 

Mr. Benja: Let's, 

Theo: let's start with Zla. Okay. So for those of who know Warner Brothers got bought by Discovery I can't remember his name.

I just call him Zla. I'll figure it out in a second. But he took over for you know, they bought , David Zoff. He you know, from a discovery, you know, they took over Warner Brothers, which is, you know, they own D C U, they own all the Warner Brothers, you know, movies and catalogs, you know, they took over.

So Reality TV channel basically took over a big movie studio. And so he came in just like, you know, for like a co I think it was a year ago, to be honest with you. He came in just like Wind and down Hollywood and they wanted to see what he's gonna talk about. Dude, this dude man, he has come in here and wreck shop.

I mean, kind of had to from a business standpoint because I think it was like $50 billion that they basically put a lot of, there was a lot of debt. So what happens is when you buy a company, you gotta, takes a lot of money. Elon did this too. You gotta raise the money to buy this company. Cuz as an individual you probably don't have enough money and you probably don't wanna put your money mixed in with there.

So Discovery had to raise a lot of money to buy this, but it was debt. Debt, just like your house. You gotta pay interest on that debt, right? So he went in, they went in, bought Warner Brothers with 50 billion of debt, and now they gotta pay these interest payments, right? And 50 billion of debt. You know, you're talking about like.

Hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars that you gotta pay it back. Right. Every year. Yeah. And so Zla came in and was like, okay, look, we got these assets. Let's see what we can do with it. Realized that shit, I gotta pay these interest payments coming up. So I, I gotta do something to make some money, cut some costs, do some things.

And basically what he's starting to do is start to cut left and right. One of the big houses was, what we've heard was the black, you know, we talked about in this spot, the black Bat bat Girl movie that was filmed, ready to go, supposed to be a streamy show, a streaming movie. Cut, cut, gone.

Mr. Benja: Black is a black Batman girl 

Theo: Month. No more? No, not at all. Man. Leslie, the Grace, bless our heart. Oh man, man, I know. That sucks. So they, it was more, it was better for them to basically cut that movie and not see the light of day and take it as a write off. You know, basically it is, it's saying, Hey, we spent all this money let's say a hundred million dollars to make this movie, but we didn't produ we didn't get released out so we can write it off.

So basically we can say, Hey, this is something that, you know is a loss against our income. You know, so basically if we say we made, you know, $5 billion, guess what? This a hundred million dollars, we're not gonna make that money. So guess what? That 5 billion just got decreased. So now you don't tax me on 5 billion, but you tax me on like, you know, 4.5 million, 4.5 billion, right?

And so, you know, based on, you know, how much that mo movie could have made. So basically they show less income, so they don't get tax as much. So what happened was they you know, Ralph wrote that off, but that's laughing. His infinite wisdom was not done. Yeah, so he's been going on tear, just basically, and this is a scary thing.

He's been going to archives of, of Warner Brothers, the excuse me, H b o Max, they're streaming service and cutting things left and right because two things. Number one, he could probably. , if he takes off the service, he doesn't have paid residuals. Right. To the you know, the actors, directors and all that stuff.

Mm-hmm. , all these different TV shows. And two, he could potentially wrap it up and repackage it to another service. Right. They can use. Right. And say, Hey, yeah, you want license, you know, these shows go ahead and you know, put it on your, and he can get revenue from it. So, Mr. Benja, what are some of the shows, , that you really love?

that, you know, he put out, that he took off the service, like literally in the last couple weeks? Well, some, one 

Mr. Benja: of the big surprises and why, I don't know why he said why you set me up like this, man. I love it. I love it. Westworld Aw, Westworld got pulled and it's like, what's funny is Westworld is one of those, it seems like a catalog show, you know, like, someone's like, oh yeah, Westworld never got around to watching that.

Oh yeah. They're talking about it and it's always gonna have a few viewers. Right. But yeah, it didn't cut it, man. I guess people just decided to, they just do something with it. I think that's a, I think that's a series that you could probably put on like you know, Amazon where you like buy the season or something and or Apple TV where you buy the season and just watch the whole thing.

And if that's the only place you can watch it, somebody might be like, huh, well I'll do that. And I don't know, man. But that was a surprise to me that that. 

Theo: Yeah, man. That was a show I watched Minks. Maybe, maybe, 

Mr. Benja: maybe he watched Seasons three and four and made that decision.

Theo: I would not be surprised. I mean, I watched a couple of 'em, you know, they were okay. Yeah, I mean, it was a show I watched called minks that he basically, you know, they were literally in the middle of filming their second season cap written from season one. He said it's a rap. We're taking that off.

And, you know, your season two is canceled. Rumor is they're still trying to film it and trying to maybe sell it. But yeah, this is scary, man. This is the first time that we, you know, and we talked about this on one of our pods, like they're actually literally stranger things. Netflix has gone in and changed things in some of the previous episodes of Stranger Things to make it less Scary or change the storyline a little bit to Rec Con a little bit.

This is weird. So this is the first time I was like, you know, these things don't exist. When we remember growing up, you could buy a dvd, v d you could buy, you know, v vcr, you know, a VHS tape. And it was v this is, this is it. This is the movie, right? It was cut. Final cut. You're done now because these things live in this server in the cloud, man, these jokers, man, they could change things that don't fly.

Oh yeah. You know, remember this storyline. Nah, don't exist no more. Remember this character? Nah, cut 'em out. Remember this TV show? Nah, just forget it. . Yeah. So it's like they are literally going back and like looking at their catalogs and changing things on the fly. . Interesting. You know what, are there some controversial stuff in like, you know, Casablanca or stuff like that?

Would they just cut it out? You 

Mr. Benja: know, who, who started that? At least in my mind I shouldn't say started it, but the, the big, when, when, the first time I really saw a large amount of editing on a product that was coming out was Kanye's the life of Pablo, when he got released on title. Mm mm He released like a couple songs at a time and people were like, this is the album.

And he's like, he's just like creating music and adjusting the mastering and adding songs, moving songs around in the order. So you could log into title, like the next day in the song order and track list would be different. Song names changed. It was really weird because no one thought like that, right?

No one was like, yeah, just keep changing the album as you're making it. So seeing that happen slowly in streaming services and you know, these other big features, it's, it's interesting not just corrections, but actual edits. 

Theo: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Isn't that interesting? That's weird. Almost. Almost. I mean, I hate to say it like this, but it's like you're censoring your art.

I mean, you know, as a artist, you, you create something that's sitting in the, you know, could you go back and just repaint it, you know, or change something about it. It's like, you know, something to me is. it get, it has to be a point where you create the art and it's just out there in the world. Right. And they have to let it go.

But it seems like that's not the case anymore. So. 

Mr. Benja: Well, yeah. I'm, I, I guess Lucas was the, was the large, large scale video pioneer of doing that. Yeah. He's like, screw it, I'm gonna change these scenes. I didn't like the way that was filmed. I'm going to do this in cgi Guido shot first. It's like just making all these 

Theo: weird changes, but there's a, there's a copy that people have physically Yeah.

That they can never change. And so True. True. Even with art, we'll talk about that later. Right. You know, digital art, man, what if people change things, you know, based on, is that, is that, is that a true definition of art anymore though? That's the question. Because if it can't be static for that period of time, and you always go back and change it, to me that defeats the purpose of art.

Cuz art is supposed to represent a, a period of time. You can change lyrics, music lyrics, you can change. I mean, Lizzo talked about changing her lyrics, right? For some things that were, you know, controversial. You can go back and change digital art. We can cha I mean, you know, we, this is not part of the discussion guys that we put in the notes, but just, just blow my mind of how they can go back and just change things.

That could be controversial for a new period was a hundred years from now. 200 years when we're long gone, you know? You know, people will forget, you know, oh, people thought this way. And that's, that's a scary thing. 

Mr. Benja: This is literally like rewriting history. Yes. Think about it. I, I didn't think about it in that respect, but, you know, if you have a, you know, I mean, you're talking about like textbook go textbooks going digital, you know, you don't know what changed from semester to semester.

You know, not just TV shows, documentaries, news reports. You know, it's like you could kind of change the way people see and think about anything. 

Theo: So, you know, that's the scary part. I mean, you know, in, we couch in this decision about loft taking things off their service and doing things for things. But I think there's a bigger discussion that may we'll talk about next year about, you know, is there gonna be a single point of truth?

Right. You know, or a, a single point of like, Hey, this existed at one time. Cuz if there is not there, you know, people not gonna remember, you know, you just go to YouTube and say, you know, oh, I guess it, it may have existed, but no one has a copy anymore. This is the, the final proof of what this, this was. So, yeah.

Was there slavery? No, not really. There's no movies that, that exist that talk about slavery. So I guess we never had it. 

Mr. Benja: You know, I wonder, I wonder how much like people like are thinking about this. 

Theo: Ooh. I'm sure they, there's some people are probably thinking about it, but you know, . 

Mr. Benja: You know, it's like if a scene never got finished and you just kind of left it, and then later on you're like, Hey, wait a minute.

If we're gonna put, you know, Thanos in this film, or if we're gonna put this in the film, we gotta change up the video or the, the previous story. Oh, let's go, let's go back and fix Ironman too. So it has this in it instead. Mm-hmm. know, it's like interesting. 

Theo: I mean, comic books do all the time they call rec conning.

Right. But there's always a physical copy that existed at one time. Yeah. You know you know you know, cable, he was always like this. Right. You know, but they could always rec con it, you know, just like they. You know, in the gaps, you know, say, oh, you know, yeah, Monday he was an asshole and on Thursday he was this, but in between Monday and Thursday he did this.

Oh, okay. That makes sense, . So, but now with digital copies, you know, there is no Thursday anymore. They could just make it just disappear. So, so look, maybe we'll talk about difficult discussion Mr. Benja, but I just thought that was interesting how he just, because like, you know, I recommend to you a TV show called Soft Side.

I love it. I think it's great. What's preventing Zzz off? It doesn't fit his, you know, vision of what he wants to go with H B O Max or just Max. Could it be off of series, you know, show, you know, next week? And I was like, man, it's a great show. I was like, what? So you're right. It's, yeah. So anyway, so like I said, he is doing some interesting things.

We talked about it too, where he is maybe even looking to license DC stuff in the past, you know, like DC ip, like Batman, even to. Other streaming services, like you might see Batman on Disney Plus. So so anyway, it's, it's, it's a wild, wild time from a business standpoint of what, what's going on with business excuse me, with IP and content.

So that's zla, you know, what he's doing with Warner Bears Discovery. The biggest thing too, news recently is that we found is that you know, as a new sheriff in town for the D C E U, we talked, we've been talking about this forever, where's the vision for D C U, James Gunn, who came from, who did stuff with Marvel, with, you know, suicide squad and of course Gardens of the Galaxy did some stuff with well, suicide Squad with dc excuse me.

Mm-hmm. . And he did gardens of the Galaxy of M C E M C U, and he also did peacemaker, so they promoted him to become the head of DC Studios, that's what they call it now, of his partner crime. What's his, what's his name? Sarah, what's the guy's name? The business guy? Saffron. Saffron. And so he's remaking this D C E U and his image, and one of the first big moves he did was basically fire Henry Ka at Superman.

We talked about in the news story, but I, I mean, you know, we got a good friend of ours pacing Pete, who limits the status of the D C E U. What do, what are you hearing in these streets, Mr. Benja, about this move? 

Mr. Benja: Hey, man, you know, there's a, there's a saying that, you know, when you come. To any, any new corporate situation.

You can't just have the title. You need to walk into the middle of the room, drop your pants, and put your stake on everything. So when everyone comes in, it's like, Ooh, what's that spell? That's the new guy. Say, oh, okay. Yeah, I can spell his stink all over the place. Now I don't even remember what the other guy smells like.

You know, it's a new guy, stink. 

Theo: Well, it's almost like that's the most power you're ever going to have, right? Because you're new. Right. And so you have a chance to just do whatever you want. And I think that's what I mean, you know, Chimp did the same thing, right? When he kind of, you know, try to pick a fight with Scarlet Johansson and other folks is like, you know, that's the the highest level.

You're gonna have to kind of do what you need to do if you're going to do something. Yeah. It shows 

Mr. Benja: people for us, it sets momentum. It, it automatically gets people moving in your direction and you instantly see who is and who isn't with you. Yep. Because if someone's like, Hey, you can't do that, because it's like, okay, and you look over your shoulder to your, your assistant.

Who is that guy? . Donnie. Donnie from county. All right. Put his name down. We gotta, we 

Theo: gotta, we gotta practical example. Elon Musk, right? What he's been doing with Twitter, right. We'll talk about it in a second, but yeah, we gotta do it so, But it's so funny, man. I mean grace over behind the trailer, she thought about it.

Henry Cabell, man. He, yeah, I don't know whose advisors are, man. He put his stuff out there, didn't he? Is like, he, he aligned himself with the Rock thinking that was gonna be a good, smooth, you know, rock, you know, thought he had a good move too. They put it out there, he's gonna be in, you know, spoil, alert black Adam, you know, people got excited about it.

You put it, put, put it out there that, Hey, I'm back. just like that. He's gone. . Yeah. And he quit the Witcher, which was a good thing for him. Where people, you know, you know, people love this show. I mean, you know, I think we're both kind of knock a middle on it. 

Mr. Benja: You know what, Hey man, this is the time when you start politicking and you call over your boys from, you start calling Cooler, you start calling Figgy.

You start calling Favreau and you're like, listen, I could be Hyperion. Mm. Listen, I could roll up and be a, a Magneto if you wanted me to, if you're tripping. You know, I, he could do whatever he wants, basically if he plays his cards right, because he's still got that sympathy for him, right? So 

Theo: yeah, he is got some fans.

I mean, you know, did you see that YouTube video of him building a computer in his tank 

Mr. Benja: top? No, I shouldn't have said I shouldn't have said magni though. That was, that was a bad example. . 

Theo: I mean, he's got his fans. I mean, you know, I, I'm a, I'm, you know, not committal on him, you know, but either one way or other.

But he's got his fans, I mean, you know, he's decent actor, but, you know, Grace Smith, the point that he may not be well-liked and really doesn't have understanding of the business as well, because Yeah, poof man. I've never seen anything so publicly just go down like this, where basically he was literally fired.

I mean, he quit one job, thought he had it in the bag, and basically that that job is no longer there. So the only thing I saw that was announcement that he was gonna do executive produce produced in Star and War Hammer, right. Or something like that. That was you know, that he has, you know, for Amazon or something like that.

But to your point, he does have some moves. Maybe he'll go to Figi, but, you know, who knows? But yeah, James Gunn is trying to remake someone made a good point. Grace is again, she said, well look, he's gonna re, she's, if he's gonna remake the D C E U, will he reboot the Suicide Squad and peacemaker? And the last one, peacemaker Stars, his wife

Yeah. So that's gonna be interesting, you know, are you just gonna like, wipe the slate clean and just start from scratch? If he does that, then you know, he may have a chance cuz he's really trying to, you just remake it in the image of, you know, just a new image away from Zach Snyder. So, so kudos to him if he can do it.

But you know, I think Grace Smith's a good point. , you know, he will know how true he is if he just gets rid of peacemaker and starts from scratch, 

Mr. Benja: you know? I think I actually think that his brand is strong enough to exist and still carry on with a lot of what's already out there. If you look at like, Batman is, the Batman is so unique and, and Marose and Broody and all that.

It's just, it's just weird and dark. In Gotham, you could actually kind of transplant that out and I st I think you could still kind of make that work in another universe with another director in, in another, like Yeah. Peacemaker running up against that, that type of Batman. I mean, it sounds crazy, but I've seen crazier things.


Theo: We'll see what happens. I mean, you know, the rumor is that, you know, they're going for a younger Batman that fits, you know, what Robert Patterson's doing with bat the younger Batman. Right. And so a younger Superman, excuse me, with a younger Batman and see what they can do there. So, and of course James Gunn is writing this younger Superman, so it's like you hired yourself.

Good job. So it's kinda almost like Dick Cheney right back in the day. I'm looking for a vice president George W. Bush. Hmm. The Vice Vice President is me. So yeah, so it's kind of like weird. , but you know, hey man, if you put got power, you got power, man, make it happen. So, like I said, if he, if he wins back all the dc but it's so weird, like, you know, it's like what's gonna happen with the Flash?

You got the Aquaman two coming out, you still got what's it called? Says Z two. You gag do's gonna be in that one. I mean, it's just like weird. 

Mr. Benja: I, I think, I think he needs to do what should have been done a long time ago. And I think Gunn just needs to start pulling from random DC garbage. Yeah. As I told you, lead you to superheroes.

Come on dog. He's done Guardians of the Galaxy, you know, what's up? Yeah. He picking up strange, strange space characters. 

Theo: Take that strange and make it, make it real. I mean, you know, he's done it before. I mean, you know, peacemaker, let's be honest, there were some weird characters, you know, suicide Squad. Yeah.

So he can do it, but like I said, I mean, you know, but he said in his Twitter rant look, Superman's that top priority. So that's big thing, you know, to make Superman relevant in 2023, you know, 2025 whenever it comes out. 

Mr. Benja: So you know what, I, I kind of wonder if loft like walked by the office door and like, sir, this is, this is Mr.

Gunn's office. And he's like, oh, hey, so we're doing the good stuff, right? We're doing Superman, right? And gun's like yeah. Yeah, we're doing Superman. I got a script right here. I'm working on . Okay, good. I just, we just need to see the big guy. All right, carry on. It walks off. I wonder if it was a move like that, because you know, there's pressure there because you can't just go effing around with, with anything under, because you're still under that whole discovery garbage thing.


Theo: Yeah, I'm get into that. But yeah, maybe another time. Yeah. So anyway, I thought that was interesting. That was more recent news. So Mr. Benja, the other big news in Disney World then Disney this time Bob won. Bob Iger replaced Bob too. Bob Chap. That was huge. We talked about this on the pod.

Chap came in, successor two. One of the biggest, you know, CEOs, I mean, you know, we grew up in the is Eisner, remember Eisner? He used to show up in, you know, wonderful world at Disney. Yeah. You know, so, I mean, you know, we grew up on, we knew he was pretty good. He didn't wanna leave either, you know, so it was like hard for him to leave.

But he finally left and then now Ira came in. No one liked, you know, didn't like him at first, but you know, he. endeared folks to his, what he was trying to do. And you know, he, he, he, he, you know, brought on Pixar, he brought on Lucas film, brought on Marvel, you know, so everybody's, oh, he understands, you know, what in Disney's about.

Then he, you know, was set to retire, didn't retire, then he retired, then retired, then the pandemic came. We finally chose a successor. Bob, I chape came in there and, you know, you know, look, it's a new job during the pandemic's tough. But we figured his, his success would being in the pan and during the pandemic was the streaming service.

And that's a bunch of shows for Disney plus from Star Wars Mandalorian, you know, the acolyte, all these other shows we've been watching lately. And then when this, the parks reopened, which shape it came from Disney Parks. He basically started gouging folks. , I mean, you know, as one who goes into Disney parks a lot, he is with, you know, the lightning passe is done now he gotta pay for like, individual rides and all that stuff.

So, you know, but two, nearly $200 ticket could easily go up to about 60, $70 because you're paying for individual rides now. And so but they were making millions. So for the most part, stock was kind of teetering, but he did decent. And then now, because of the losses that they're seeing in streaming, cuz they spend so much in content, he basically people lost faith in him.

You know who, who dimed him out? I read the story. You know who dimed chip. Nah, it was the C E F O . She was like, this dude don't know what the hell he's doing. Please, I your comeback. Aw man. Aw, she knifed him in the back. She was already on the board, right? As a board of directors is over the company, she understands the numbers and the way Chap Pick Pro produced those numbers did not give washy confidence.

Stock market was down and she was the one that kind of dimed them out. So the rumor is I don't think she's gonna last long because if you do that to the previous C CBO and you come in, there's no loyalty. ain't no friends. Ain't no friends, man. This is ruthless. I agree. Probably will drop her in like a bad habit.

Be honest with you. . So she, I think her name is Mary something, but yeah, she basically is like lost confidence. And so when she kind of, you know, cuz she knew the numbers, she kind of put it out there. That's when they moved so fast. It happened on a Sunday, what, a month ago or so. So Iger who was a previous ceo, who already named Chap's successor is coming back as a conquering hero.

He's got two years to write the ship and create another successor. Can he do it? And, you know, what does this mean for Disney long term? 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. You know, you gotta Disney's about smiles, man. And Iger brought smiles. So bring the smiles back and once everyone's a little more comfortable, do something.

We'll, we'll see what happens. 

Theo: Yeah, I agree. I mean, you know, every, all these rumors like, oh, he's gonna stop the gouging at the parks, or he's gonna stop the advertise. I mean, Disney plus, I mean, you know, I forgot to renew before the price went up. It was like $79 or something like that for a year. I forgot to renew.

It was like $109 for a year of service for Disney Plus. Yes. And it automatically renewed. I was pissed. I was like, oh, sh I should have renewed cause I was gonna be under that, you know, entry level price. Yeah. It's going up. And that's, that's the price that you, you know, you don't get the advertising tier.

So yeah. Disney Plus is going up. We'll talk about churn is real and, and you know, streaming services, they gotta make more money. Cuz this content ain't cheap. Putting people in that vault, that 3D vault and having the mandalorian of his backpack flying into the space. Yeah, they ain't cheap man. can't, , he can't get by on 6 99 from people.

Right. They gotta get money. So yeah man. So Bob, you know, I agree. And then also the parks, man, I mean, it's one who goes to the parks, man, it's, I'm, look, I mean, you know, I shouldn't say this, but look, paying the annual pass as a Florida resident is the best thing going. Cause basically we only pay 200 a month.

So if we just go one time, that more than pays for itself as a family of four. . And so and you know, if we renew, we don't have to pay that upfront fee. So all I gotta do is pay 200 a month as long as we go once it pays for itself. And so man know there's always something going on there. So it's one of those things where it's like, I just, I think I'm just gonna stay in El Paso as long as I can.

Cause it's like, you know, you just go to Disney, you know, anytime you want to, you get like, you know, three or four passes a, a year, you know, a a month and you know, you can go when it's open, it's not blocked off. So so yeah, cuz if you go, you're paying, shoot man, I don't even wanna tell you. Like, like a stack basically a thousand dollars for a family or four.

And that does include food, travel, lodging. So I mean, you know, easily five to $7,000 and that's ridiculous, you know, for Disney. So so anyway, Disney World at least, so, and I heard Disneyland's probably just as worse. So anyway, so we'll see what they're gonna do with the park and the streaming services.

But you know, Iger, like you said, is bringing the smiles. He looks like a, you know, movie star tv. He used to be a weather man back in the day he came from abc, so he, you know, he's got that, you know, Iffy suit. Smile. You, you, you've been those corporate types, you know, you just like, oh yeah, you always gonna be like one of those CEOs.

You, you, you been around those guys before. 

Mr. Benja: Yeah, man. They're just like, yeah, I can't even describe it, but yes, I know what you're talking about. 

Theo: Just slick as they wanna be, man. I mean, you know, they got the look, but, you know, did they really know anything? I don't know, man. But they just, you know, they tell you what you want to hear.

Yeah. Oh yeah. I just wanna be close to him cuz he's just, you know, you know, nice looking guy, clean shaven, you know, he's got that straw jaw, that strong jaw. But, you know, no, nothing 

Mr. Benja: bad to say about the company. It's like, well, we've got our problems, but I think we can work through it and like, ah, shut the hell.

Theo: Yeah, true story. I got two nieces that work there now. And so they love the, you know, all the, all the employees love Iger, you know, coming back and they think he's gonna, you know, kinda like what we thought about Obama, right? I mean, you know, Obama did some great things as president, but it is like, oh, he's gonna change the world.

He's gonna, you know, we're all gonna have more opportunities now . So Iger comes back as a conquering hero, but it's a lot of challenges. And to be honest, he failed in his first, in his final job, which to was to cr create a, find a successor, . So, you know. Yeah. So anyway, more to come on that. I think that's gonna be a big step for 2023.

All right, next one. Elon taking over Twitter. What's, what's your thoughts there, Mr. Benja? 

Mr. Benja: I think people are I think a lot of people just don't like Elon, but I don't think it matters that much. I 

Theo: would agree. I would agree. 

Mr. Benja: I'm looking at like, what's actually happening and it's like he's doing stuff publicly that people, they usually, that companies usually do privately.

I think that's the only big difference. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. , so he's online talking about it while it's happening. No one does that and people are getting all upset and I'm like, you know what? People fire a lot of people all the time. Like Facebook just got rid of people. I don't know if you saw the, the pictures of the, the Amazon warehouse firing where they had like tables and stuff set up outside in the parking lot.

Wow. It was, it was looking crazy. I was like, geez. But yeah, he's just doing it in public and kind of having fun with it almost, which is kind of, I don't wanna say creepy, but it's just, he's, he's releasing a lot of this stuff that most CEOs wouldn't. Very interesting. Obviously very, very current because of social media.

Just in general that you have a CEO that does this. I'm wondering how many other big players in the future will just be this outgoing and on the social media as they're doing big company moves like this. Is that a new thing? I don. . 

Theo: Yeah. You know what? And he is changing the game when it comes to technology.

I mean I, I had a, a call recently with an advisor on like, just fundraising. You know, we, I talked about like how I was trying to fundraise for my company mm-hmm. . And so now we're in different world now where, you know, there's the big, you know, people are talking about trim to fat, you know, so it's like you don't need all this money to grow a business anymore.

Right. And so, you know, we were in this space where it's like, oh yeah, just give these people millions of dollars, valuations, 10 x of their revenue. And you know, people are like, wait a minute, look at what Elon's doing. I mean, Twitter ain't gone down. He fired like 50% of the staff and it's the operational, what the fuck y'all doing with all this money?

You know? So it's like, oh shit, . 

Mr. Benja: Did you see what he put out as, I don't know if he put it out, but you see what they, Twitter started putting out as like a almost a justification of what they were doing. There was a, there's an auction that's happening of all the old Twitter stuff, dude. They've got like you know, $20,000 coffee machines.

Mm. You know, all this like spot equipment that's like really expensive Silicon Valley type stuff. Mm. It's just, and it's kind of like to sh say that, Hey, listen, we were spending money all outta of dumb shit. I'm here to clean. , 

Theo: we're having this big auction. And that's a scary thing for entrepreneurs, right?

Who got all this money and, you know, realize like, you know, you don't need all this money to be successful. And so now it's, it's changing the game in, in the startup world. It's like, wait a minute, are you really being profitable? You know, because it is all about profitability now. Before it's just about revenue growth, right?

If you're grow 20%, you, I don't care how you're spending a million dollars, you know, on ads, goo ads, right? To get people into your, your funnel, but you're growing 20%. Cool, we'll get some more now. It's like that customer acquisition costs, why is it so high? 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. . So, so have you heard of the this little business thing?

Have you heard of the, the Kylie Jenner strategy where you put out something that's broken mm-hmm. And as you're putting it out and people are warning you not to put it out, you use that whole vibe of people talking about you're putting out something broken as you're publicity and marketing. Because as you're putting it out broken, you've already got the next fix coming right behind it.

Mm-hmm. So it's not even gonna matter. You're like, no, no, it was just broken for a week. Now it's fixed. But everybody's been talking about it. So people jump on the service and they're like, Hey, wait, it's, it's working. It's okay. What are you talking about? Just cuz she had a rollout back up a little bit.

Kylie Jenner had a big makeup rollout and she was like, Hey, this is gonna come out and this is gonna happen. It's gonna be awesome. And people couldn't find it in the stores. The, you know, the poster said it was gonna be in the stores on this date. It wasn't there on that date. And people were mad and pissed off and, you know, I, I was standing in line waiting.

It never showed up. And, you know, she was like apologizing to fans and sending out special packages to certain people. And, but the follow up got her so much publicity and like, you know, okay, I understand she was, she was trying to do something good and she messed up. That's totally different from everybody in the past decades who have been trying to make this perfect launch, the perfect setup, the perfect advertising campaign and rollout and everything.

And it's just like, Hey man, be messy with it and that will get you enough publicity to o outweigh any negativity that came along with it. And I think that's what Elon is doing kind of 

Theo: intentionally. Mm. Yeah man. It's like . Yeah. It's, it's a different world, man. It's like, it's marketing led. I mean, you know, I mean, grant Cardone talked about this, you know, just put it out there and he just saying, just assume you're gonna have a superior service.

But he doesn't go into details like how you get that service or that fulfillment piece of it. I suppose he talked about it. Right. You know, just like, you know, it's about the offer, how you structure to offer. They nev Myron Gold. No one ever talks about the product itself and how good the product is. It's like, almost like secondary don't matter.

All it is is about marketing the product being everywhere. Yeah. And even if it's crap, you'll fix it. But just sell this. Just sell it. And that's what's changing my mindset about like, you know, so my co, my, my, my co-founder is like, look, we just gotta be out there more. And then just, you know, offer mean how Alex Somos has like five different ways of how you make an offer better.

Like five different bonuses you can add to it. Right. Or how many, you know, different things you can incentivize people, you know. Yeah. Things you already do anyway. Oh, this is a bonus. Yeah. Like, wait a minute, who cares what the offer? No one cares . It's good or not. Just as long as you position it well and people sign, you say, I'll fix it out later.

I'll figure it out later. And to your point, you know, all publicity, you know what Kylie Jenner did? All publicity is good publicity, but it is bad publicity. And you know, Elon is doing the same thing. And to your. . Twitter hasn't gone down, but you know, there's, there's talks about people getting thrown off.

They talk about the Elon Twitter account that'll track this plane that's gone. You know, they kicked him off and so I think he's going down that route. I mean, so yeah, I think we're in a world man where it's like the product doesn't matter anymore. It's just a matter if you are like omnipresent, like Grant talked about and you know how to market and sell it in good or bad times and that's it, you know, you can sell anything and it don't matter.

Mr. Benja: That's strange and weird and 

Theo: true. Yeah. As someone, you know, we both are, you know, trained to be, you know, a little bit logical thinkers. Like it should be the now I think long term, you know, and that's what I'm trying to think through. It's like long term, yes, you have to have a good product, right? Cuz people eventually, you know, just like, this is trash and we're just not gonna do it.

But if you're just so good at marketing, you just have to assume that you'll just get the right people to make the product better over time. , as long as you can fill that funnel, as that funnel, just keep coming in. Don't worry. The product will be good. Great. Even cuz you'll get the, you'll recruit people too, right?

I, I don't going on some tangents, but I was talking to my brother-in-law about this, so, you know what's his name? Dion Sanders. Right. He just left Jackson State. H B C U. Yeah. And with the Colorado State. And I was talking to my brother-in-law about like what he did. So Dion Sanders is, you know, me and you growing up, you know, he was the man, right?

Two sport athlete. Everybody knew who he was. He was primetime. He did the same thing he did in the sports world to to market himself and his brand into the coaching world and threw it by storm because he was able to not only get the best recruits even at high school level when he coached, but even at H B C U used social media to brand it.

So he had a videography team that just branded everything and got the, the students excited to, to wanna be even at a Jackson State, you know, because they were gonna be seen and you know, he's brand, you know, he's already a brand. So now he can take that brand wherever he wants so he can get the best recruits because they know they're gonna get seen.

He brings his coaching staff that probably knows how to coach the best, right? Because they, you know, he's going to get more people say, ah, I wanna coach with Dion, cuz Dion gets eyeballs. So it's almost like it doesn't matter where he goes to college, he can make that, he'll probably turn around Colorado State.

They were like one in 11 in football, college football. Yeah. Probably turn that, that program around. Cause he is gonna get the best recruits and he's gonna get the best coaches because of the brand. So it's almost like who cares about the product? It's just like, if you, the marketer and brand, you'll make it successful.

And that's what Elon's doing with Twitter now it's like, look, I bought it, I'm gonna make it better. and, and it doesn't matter if it's good now or not, you're just gonna keep watching it. So. Hmm. Anyway, so I, I just, you know, I'm, that's my strategy for 2023

I'm learning man. I'm learning. And, and it's hard to kind of, you know, you wanna make sure it's good. I mean, you know, we we're both in the same vein. Wanna make sure it's good and people, you know, whatever, cuz you don't want it, don't matter, man. It doesn't matter anymore. Just like, look, it's so weird to say, just be, just be, you know, the marketer talking about stuff, you know, getting people excited, know you as a brand and don't matter.

they'll buy it anyway.

So anyway Elon Musk, so he's doing his thing, man. So yeah, I don't really too much beyond that, but I think we'll have some predictions on where Twitter's going for next year probably. The other thing I just want to cover here, crypto, N f t any thoughts on that? What they're doing there?

Mr. Benja: , nobody. I mean, I don't, I don't know what's going on over there. You know, this actually may be a good time for me to start trying out a bunch of stuff because cheap gas prices and things like that. Yeah. So I might actually jump back in that for a little bit cause I do have some projects that I wanna try, but good.

It's a weird, that space man. It's so, it's so tainted because of just the bad actors in the space. And when I say bad actors, I don't mean just like people taking money. I mean like illegal stuff, money laundering fraud, taking keys, s e c violations. And we have crypto billionaires literally dying and going missing.

It's like some kid in the garage got all this crypto and it's like, yeah, wait a minute. He died. What? It's, it's, it's actually strange and kind of, kind of scary. Somebody tracked him down and like, Hey, you the crypto billionaire kid. Goodbye. 

Theo: Yeah. And Yeah, I was looking at this thing, you know, open sea raised, you know, billions and millions of dollars back in January.

You know, it, I mean, we saw you know, board eight yacht club, you know, grab celebrities. We saw during a Super Bowl, you know, celebrities from Steph Curry to Tom, Tom Brady, the quarterback. Mm-hmm. You know, just hyping this stuff up. And now we're seeing the dark side of it where everybody's like, you know, trying to sue these celebrities people.

They're suing you know, folks that took advantage of, and then we saw ftx, which is supposed to be the savior led by Sam Bickman Fried, or S B F DIS implode. Right. Overnight, literally overnight money gone, disappeared. And this dude's out here running his mouth, but , you know, he ba basically was involved in fraud.

I talked about it one of the last podcasts about, you know, basically sharing money from a hedge fund, which is supposed to be using his own money to make Yeah. You know, sophisticated bets taking money away from customers who thought FTS was just an exchange they can use to just buy crypto. That's a no-no.

You can't, the, you know, those two kind of entities and you know, he's probably gonna go to jail. So, I mean, you know, it's getting a bad look. I mean, which, you know, I mean I think we kind of both kind of saw that potentially cuz all the hype this around this. And so So, yeah, I think, you know, we'll see where crypto's gonna go for next year, but definitely more regulation, more, more such, you know, I think but to your point, I agree this is probably the best time to invest in it , because yeah, I don't know if it's gonna go away, but it's gonna be like one of those slow billing things where it kinda like the internet was, I mean, you know,, you know, it was dot down and out people that think it was going make, but eventually, now that the, the hype has died down, this is where true value can be created.

Mr. Benja: Yeah. You know, you've got, aside from, from V Friends I don't know that there is a community of crypto holders that hasn't, or N f T holders that hasn't like soured on the whole thing. Hmm. And I should know, you've got a couple people with like the the punks, you know, the crypto punks but like Bored Ape Yacht Club.

They're getting sued, the people behind them you know, for falsely advertising and like, Hey, all this stuff was supposed to happen and it's not happening now because the price fell. We don't care that the price fell. We bought into it. You know, it's like, what do you do? In fact, there's a restaurant down the way in Long Beach, there was a board, a, a yacht yacht club restaurant.

It was like a hamburger joint. And at one point they stopped taking, they stopped taking crypto. They're like, , just, just pay us some dollars. All right. Just, just pay us some I shoulda have done with that . Yeah. And then after that, I think it's actually closed down now. Completely. But yeah, they're, they're getting, they're getting sued now and everybody's coming for their money any way they can because any, anytime anybody promoted it, they're gonna call it misleading and they're gonna try to sue you for it.

Theo: Yeah. Yeah. That's the thing. I think that's the scary part, is like how this stuff is evolving before I realize. But I mean, you know, in the depths of stuff, that's where, you know, true innovation can take place. I mean, what's that hype curve? You know, it's like the hype positive, but then you go through the trough of disillusionment.

So I definitely think we're in there, but but yeah. 

Mr. Benja: What's, what's the name of that you consider the hype curve? I forgot the name of. Yeah, 

Theo: you, you've seen it before, right? Was it? I forgot. Lemme before. Lemme look at a corporate hype. Gartner 

Mr. Benja: hype cycle. Is that it? 

Theo: It might be, let's see, image of it. . Yeah.

Yeah, that's it. Okay. Technology trigger peak of inflated expectations. Trough of diff disillusionment. So that's where we are with NFTs and probably crypto. Crypto, right. But then you slowly get out of that and then you go the slope of enlightenment, right? Because you see the slope during the technology trigger, you know, NFTs or crypto.

it goes so high, so fast, right? That slope is like almost like, you know, yeah. Vertical. But then now you go down just as fast , you know, that slope, when I say slope, the angle of how it decreases, right? But then now you get out it as more of a slower and you don't, you never get as high as a peak of what it could be.

Oh yeah. Crypto and T is gonna change the world people. That's how people gonna use tokens and we're gonna do all this stuff to be like why they gonna do it like that? But guess what? They can make some money off of it. And so, so I think that's where we are. And I don't know if you wanna talk about this, but at least to our next innovation, which is ai, which, you know, kind of had its own kind of hype cycle, right?

You know, a couple years back was like, AI's gonna do change the world, we're going do all this stuff. And then, you know, then kind of fell down. But then slowly but surely it's been kind of creeping back up over, at least over the last month with open AI projects that you kind of hinted at to me. And now we're starting to see this may have some lays right.

Kind of, you know, blew them internet wide open over the last several weeks. You know, we talked about this on the pod too. What are your thoughts on AI and what it could do, and what were you seeing in the future? 

Mr. Benja: I mean, you know, you can say it's coming, but what's coming is the convergence of all the different types of ai, the different fields, the integrations into, you know, popular software.

The public acceptance of what AI is and could be. , you know, if you've, if you've tried out the chat, G P T F or Dolly, you've tried them both out. 

Theo: I have Manam, , matter of fact, I'm loo I'm using it in real time right now. chat, g pt, I chat, well first I did Dowa Dole, is that how you pronounce it? Dolly?

Dolly. Dolly. Dolly, yeah. To, to get some images right, because I have shutter and it's like, well, let me see where I get some images about a beach or something like that. I'll put 'em on presentation

I'm like, why not? And then Chad, g p t played with it for my, I I did some brainstorming exercises, you know, I'm in healthcare, tried that. So I'm actually gonna release some content around, you know what I found? 

Mr. Benja: What kinda brainstorming exercise did you do? 

Theo: Well, just like, you know you know, brainstorming party ideas for a seven year old, you know, just simple stuff like that.

You know, just, you know, then I had my seven year old ask me questions to ask and, and his was around, you know, God and Jesus and things like that. And, you know, why is the sky blue? But you know, the challenge with this is, you know, garbage in, garbage out. And so sometimes the answers may not be as accurate as it could be.

And that's scary too, because it's so confrontation. I mean, con conversational. Yeah. You know, you almost don't question what it says. Hmm. Interesting. There's already been data. that's shown that if you ask it certain questions, it, it can be dead wrong. The inferences it takes from it. So from the data it already has.

And so that's, that's the scary part, right? That yeah. People just assume it's correct because it's almost like it bss you so well. Cause the thorough que thorough answer says some references, but it doesn't get, like, there's a gap there between what it, what is really trying to, you know, prove out. So, 

Mr. Benja: yeah.

Bryant, I hadn't tried it before. I knew it was good at it, but I hadn't tried it before. But Bryant said he actually used it to figure out a coding problem. Mm-hmm. . And he was like, how do I make a, a script of Python that does this? And it's like, easy. Bam, here's the script. Yeah. It's like, what? Yeah.

So after that, I started looking at how different people were using this chat G P T thing. And I found a a guy who was like, he didn't like going to doctors and he's like, how would you perform a, you know this kind of surgery on yourself? You know, like this happening, you need to perform a minor surgery on yourself.

And it's like, well, I wouldn't recommend it, but this is how you would do it. And it just starts figuring it out. And it's like, what if I didn't have, cuz that's where the AI comes in, right? It's like, and what if I didn't have , you know, scissors. And it's like, well, if you didn't have scissors, you might want to use

And it's like, okay, if I, if I didn't have any painkillers, it's like, well, if you have oranges, you know, you could put oranges in the wound. I mean, I don't know what the example was, but Yeah, it was really wild, man. And the idea that you know, they're, what they don't really put out there is that behind the scenes, they're putting out their api.

That's the application programming interface to all these people, to all these other companies, to entities to say, Hey, listen, you can buy into this technology. Hmm. And so now you think, okay, chat, G P T has this cute little web app that's getting all these test cases from people. What if you start, what if Microsoft starts using that, or, I mean, Microsoft has their own, I guess, but what if you know, random gas station starts using it to figure out like, you know, how much we can charge people for gas if we can overcharge them or may not overcharge 'em for gas, overcharge 'em for slushies when they go inside.

You know, it's like, well, yeah, it doesn't matter how much you charge for the slushie, they're gonna buy it anyway. And it's like, oh, okay, sure. Whatever. I don't know, random stuff, 

Theo: but I mean, you make some good points. I mean, I think You know, number one, getting around the algorithm itself, you find that people doing a lot of experiments with you know, script writing, right?

Can you write a story that's like this, right. Once some, yeah. The most hilarious. I know you saw this meme, someone said write write a story in the version of King James, you know, using the Bible King James version. Yeah. Of, you know, what if my, my, my sandwich got stuck in the vcr? Hilarious. Go look that up.

Mr. Benja: That, that I did try not, not that example, but I did try like give me a, give me a script outline for a story where a young boy goes to the beach, but set it up like die hard. Yeah. The movie. Yeah. And it's like, it, it totally, it totally did it. It's like this kid goes down to the beach and, you know, he's looking for his other kids.

And I'm like, wait a minute. He's looking for his other kids. Okay. That would've been his wife in diehard, and he can't find the other kids, but he gets trapped on the beach with all these older teenagers and they're being bullies. And I'm like, holy crap. It just, it just remade the story I did. But in the structure of diehard, I was kind of blown away that this outline was actually this good.

Theo: I did the same thing with my son. I said, write a movie starting a young boy who is seven that wants to play basketball, but he is too short. , they made it happen. The movie, small but Mighty Follows A journey of a young boy named Jake, who's always even playing basketball despite being one of the shortest kids in his grade.

Jake is determined to prove that size doesn't matter when it comes to playing the game. He loves . So just goes from there and, you know, I just playing with my son. And so he was ask it this, ask it that. And so to your point, and, but then someone said, you know, now if you try to get into like controversial stuff around race and you know, bullying and stuff like that, what happens is it pushes back a little bit and says, well, I can't, you know, do that.

That promotes, you know, so one, someone says, say, hey, write a story about like, you know, a Rudy style story. You know, Rudy, who was a you know, a real person that, you know, was small but made the team of Notre Dame, and there's a big movie about that Stan, Sean Austin from the Hobbit you know, I said, make a movie like that, but because you know, he sucks.

He never makes a team, right? . And they said, well, I can't write that. He said, well, I know you can't write that the, the, the person who wrote the to the ai, but if you could, what would it look like? Or something like that. And it wrote a story like that.

Yeah. But at the end that this is how I would do it, but you shouldn't do it. Right, . So it's like the AI is like, and then so that's one story. And then another story is , this app called Do Not Pay A Chat app already exists. It's called Do Not Pay. I don't know if you heard about that one. They actually linked their already integrated N l P algorithm that talks to like ticket offices or, you know, student loan offices to kind of reduce payments that people have to pay for, for, for things to, to open api.

And they had the chat bot talking to the other chat bot and was able to reduce tickets for this person. So that's, that's what I want to get into. I was like, man, can we create a chat bot to do X for our business? And so I think, you know, this, you know, this Superior AI is trying to convince this other, you know, kind of AI to, to do something different because so, so, so anyway, so I think we're kinda going weeds here.

Yeah. So it's like, you know, I think, and then D dwi Dolly you, I know the images you came up with, you know, I'm sure were wild and crazy. I mean, and it's instantaneous, man. It's like, and, and it's like, wow, they can just come up with, I just did some super simple images around beaches, simple images about like, you know, dogs chewing a bone and you know, just like that increased them.

So, yeah, I mean, you know, so I think. , I think we're almost like, you know, at the height of disillusionment, but I don't know, man. I think we're kind of getting to like, you know, the real triggers of how this technology could work. But people are still hyping the, you know, you go to YouTube, this is gonna replace doctors in five years, this is gonna replace software engineers.

Yeah. In five years, I, I don't know about that. You're, you're, 

Mr. Benja: it was, this is the dumbbell effect again, right? The barbell effect or whatever dumbbell effect where you're getting rid of the, the middle area where you had, if you had a couple guys on Fiver who were like, Hey, you know, pay me whatever for a logo.

It's like, I'm not paying you for a logo. I'm just gonna screw around with Dolly for a little while until I come up with a logo that, you know, you can type in, gimme a basket, a basketball team logo with an owl, you know, flying over the earth and it'll give you something like that and you kind of mess with it and make it, make it clean, make it nice, and you go about your business.

That's some guy, you know, from Uganda living in Mm. I mean some guy from Uganda on Fiver that you just, who has spent all his life, you know, working on sports logos and now he doesn't get the money. Cuz you just ran it through Dolly or Mid Journey or stable diffusion or something. How 

Theo: do you feel that, like that, about that as an artist right now?

Mr. Benja: I mean, that's everybody. So it's, I'm not, I can't, like art artists have. Traditionally tried to hold onto their specialness. And I'm like, this happens every iteration. Like it used to happen with quilt makers, it used to happen with photographers. Like photographers were all pissed off. Like, Hey man, I just spent, you know, $20,000 in camera equipment and lighting and all this, and you're coming around here with a, a damn phone.

It's like, get outta here. And you're like, Hey dude, sorry. Click, click. I'm on. I'm, I'm onto the next shot now. In fact, actual film and digital people didn't like that switch. It's like, you need to learn how to care for film and process film. And it's like, no, you don't dog. Just run through some Photoshop filters.

Get outta my way. Mm. So I understand the, the, there's a general pushback and then there's a specific pushback. The general pushback is artist technology's coming. Just learn it, get used to it. Find out what you don't need to worry about and build your brand. And then there's the specific stuff that's like, you know, a content theft.

If you say, give me a, give me a painting in the style of this actual artist that's online, it'll just go through and take all that, that artist images Yeah. And give you something in that style mm-hmm. . And you're like, cool. Now I didn't have to pay that artist, you know, $10,000 or whatever to commission him to do these pieces.

Hmm. So there's that, that's a problem because. , you start to get into a little bit of plagiarism. 

Theo: Yeah. You know, same way with scripts. You can write and style of different directors and writers. Right. Script writers. So 

Mr. Benja: makes you wanted, it's like, do I need that guy? 

Theo: Yeah. You know to your point, I think that, you know, the context and someone mentioned, you know, the creativity, is it really there with this, these AI systems, they can mimic it, but, you know mm-hmm.

is that enough? So, so more to come. But yeah, I think we'll talk more about that next year. 

Mr. Benja: We'll be here next 

Theo: year. . Yeah, man. We're gonna play around know, I don't know about you. I'm playing with it over the next couple of weeks. Real quick, you know, we're gonna knock these out pretty quickly. Streaming, I think, you know, we don't have to talk about too much, but like price increases, the ad tiers coming and then churned.

Personally I would say these two things, price increases, add tiers are probably increasing churn. I mean, literally for the first time, you know, I'm one of those guys that had all the streaming services. It's getting too much. They're all going up in price for like the ba you know, the services that allow you to stream for free.

If I have an ads, they're all going up. So I'm cutting stuff for the first time. forever. It is just too much. So though the, you know, these price increases are, are, are no longer, you know, where it's at. But I, you know, I think the, the, the core three, HBO o Max is still there even though they're on shaky ground with how they're treating their content.

So we don't know what content's gonna stay or not. Disney. and Hulu because you know, there's still some network television there. Everything else, peacock, paramount Plus Stars, , . 

Mr. Benja: So do, do you suspect in, you know, I, I know we're not making predictions too much here, but I'm wondering if we're gonna go, I'm wondering what the model changes to, you know, or starts to evolve into more of an a la carte model or a do things happen during like seasons where, hey, these shows are The Sopranos only available for the next six months and everybody watches Sopranos?

Good point. For six months at a 

Theo: time, I don't know. Yeah, the vault's coming back. I don't know, man. I mean, consolidations had to happen, especially with like a Peacock and Paramount Plus, which, you know, maybe both of 'em have 50 thou, 50 million viewers when compared to Netflix and Disney. Two 50 each, at least at a minimum.

So, yeah. Yeah, they gotta figure that out, you know, what they want to do with their models. You know, Netflix is the only true pureed streaming services. Right. It doesn't have anything else. Plus is the, the only one that's profitable. You know, I think, you know, they've proven literally over the last. . I don't know how true it is.

I don't know what they're doing. That's different. That's interesting. All of a sudden that everything they produce is like the biggest thing they ever had. Right. They, they talked about Dahmers the biggest, you know, release show that we ever had. Then Wednesday came out, it's the biggest release show we ever had.

Then they have, now they got this Harry and Megan Markle, you know, TV show. Now it's the biggest. So it's kind of like, hmm, is it really, or are they just marketing better? Right. to get these shows, you know, hyped up and people, you know, putting more stuff on TikTok to get people excited, creating memes to kinda get people excited about these shows.

So I'm, I'm curious, like, you know what's really driving this phenomena all of a sudden before they was like, yeah, you had like, maybe two shows. Yeah. Stranger Things with what's the other one? Squid Game. And then you had what's the other one? Queens Gambit. It was like three shows, right. Over the last 18 months.

Now in the last four, three months now you had like four shows. I like the biggest premieres they ever had. I don't know. Seems sus. Mm-hmm. . . 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. You just made me think of something and I'm, I don't have the thought together, but I'm gonna need to update my. Little marketing guide I have here on the whiteboard needs something needs to be added for 2023.

Theo: Please add it, brother. Add man. That's what we need to do. We need to do like with those guys at the Hustle, man, you know, how do I make my first million? We're gonna do a deep dive on marketing, man. How are we gonna make money in 2023? I love it. Let's do it . We're gonna have the whiteboards out. I'm gonna have my white boy behind me.

You're gonna have yours. Well, Alex Homo says this, and this is boo boo, boo boo. Well, you know, click Funnel says this, you know, we going, we going come up with something like how to make money in 2023 for and we'll record it, put it out there for the market, because I think there's some value here. . All right.

So anyway so yeah, is that, any thoughts else on streaming for you? 

Mr. Benja: Streaming, I mean, you know what I mean? I don't, I don't know. I mean, we'll, we'll see if they, if they die or how, what they become, but they're gonna evolve into something because there's too much interest and too many people like always on their phones doing stuff.

I want to see actually, let's, I wanna slide into this. Maybe we can do it from here. You know how this really short form content detoxification and commercial, commercial ation of everything, you know, turning everything into a commerce stream that's gonna do something. We can discuss that more in our predictions, but yeah, something's gotta.

Theo: Yeah. More to come on that. So moving on. I think the other thing we wanted to talk about briefly was the let's see, what are we talking about? Entertainment business, right? You know, what's going on there? The theater's dying. What's happening with the M C U D C U and disarray and the rise of TikTok in everything

So let's, which one you wanna start with? We went through the theaters dying 

Mr. Benja: part. Well, I mean, we just mentioned TikTok, so let's 

Theo: well, I, I do wanna mention one thing on TikTok. So sky Galloway mentioned that if you look at the data, gen Z, the number one thing they watched, they would rather have TikTok by wide marching.

Like there was like something like 60% over streaming. So that Gen Z generation, TikTok is their entertainment and it's, you know A father of two young kids don't watch TikTok, but they watch like YouTube kids full of nothing but shorts. Right? . And so, yeah, and you can see the little TikTok banner on the side that this is where it came from.

So yeah, TikTok, I mean, I talked to one of my new interns from my business, and they talk, I say, you know, she said, yeah, I watch a lot of TikTok. I said, what? And then like, folks, our generation, gins, genin, you know what's it called? What do we call us? What do they call it? Gen X and millennials. Old. Yes.

Old gin. Old gin old. We gin. Classic. There we go. 

Mr. Benja: Gin classic . 

Theo: I love it. G I'm mean Gin. Classic Baby Classic series. Yeah, we prefer streaming, right? And so it's, and then now TikTok the algorithm is starting to get smart on searching. You know, it's becoming, you hear a lot of TikTok ERs talking about like s e o, right?

You, how you create s e o in your tos. So TikTok is really, you know, really starting to become a dominant player. Question is, are they gonna be banned next year? Right? Because of the ch Chinese influence or, or be, you know, bought, sold to a, you know, true American company. So, so I would say that's becoming, you know, the top go-to for a lot of you know, the next generation.

So, and that's changing entertainment cuz now someone made a good point that content course I'm taking, they talk about this, like, even YouTube videos in shorts have to be more like tos, right? Even, you know, if you're doing 10 minute video, that first five seconds has to be boom. I'm gonna hit you hard.

Yeah. And then you get into your story and you can see that with content, you know, from just a year ago when people just, you know, doing static things. This is how you make a million dollars, let me get my whiteboard out to, Hey guys, this is how you gonna make a million dollars? You know, 3, 3, 3. Boom, let's talk about it.

And then they get into it. So it's like, wow. So that, that, that, that tension span is shrinking. So that's kind of all I wanna say with that. 

Mr. Benja: Yeah, man. I know. You're totally right. It's like the, the continue, the repeated, I mean, this is a way of, you know, gamification from video games. Anytime you interact with something, you feel like you did something.

So you do something, you perform in action and you get a response back if that response is positive. You started a positive feedback loop, and we got this back in the day with flipping through channels on tv. It's like, even if, even if you were feeling good about what you were watching, I mean, people are cr this will sound crazy to people, but not all TVs had remote controls and you actually actually get up.

And so when you got a TV with a remote control and you had come from not having one, it was like, I wonder what's on this channel? And all of a sudden you'd see something, it's like, hey, you get that new spike of this is something new, something fresh. You hit the button again, got that spike of something new, something fresh.

He kept doing that and it became like channel surfing. We were just bouncing between channels. , it's that interaction. I get something back. The you have a similar thing going on with the swipe. So you swipe, ah, I see something new, swipe, ah, I see something new. Swipe, oh, I actually like this one. I'll hit, I'll hit the heart, I'll save it.

And you know, the heart and save don't have as much feedback, but there's that gambling chance that if you liked something, somebody may like your stuff back. Or if you comment, if you comment, somebody may comment back. There's that, it's that little bit of gambling they're throwing in. So it's a very, it seems very simple and obvious, but it's a sophisticated system of, you know input, feedback trying something out, gambling.

It's got a lot of these little bits into it where lights are flashing and Yeah, 

Theo: good point. It is like binging ding ding, you know, , I had some good content. 

Mr. Benja: Ooh, . Yeah. So, no, it's, it's totally adjusting your, your dopamine receptors and everything in your brain. It's literally changing the way you think and you operate.

So it's, it's just wild stuff. So yeah, everybody's gonna be trying to do different things. I'm sure, you know, Facebook is thinking about not just reels, I mean not just, you know, showing you short videos and having you slick on I'm, I'm talking about like, how can we start applying that model of. Tap this, swipe this, this shows up for you.

Automating the entire process a little more. It's, it's it's coming. 

Theo: And we talked, we already talked about the form factor, right? Everything's vertical now, right now horizontal and trying to swipe up. And so reels is getting like that. Shorts is like that for YouTube. So Yeah. At least the look of it, right?

The, everyone's kind of copying that and figuring out what that looks like. So but you know, you kind of have to do it. I mean, you know, the, the recommendation they're saying if you're trying to get known, cuz the algorithm is so good, you might, as it's better to do short form, right? To kind of just get people to discover you.

Yeah. So that's one area. And then, you know, and then you can do, you know what's it called? Tri jacking, right? Where you're just like, oh, I'm going to create content that tracks to Alex Somos, right? Who gets like, you know, millions of views. But you should also have content that's evergreen. So basically this, you know, people, you know, if they searching for something like how to build, you know, for my industry it would be something like, you know, an SEO type topic.

You know, how to, you know, how to, you know, build for this. Service. That's Evergreen content. People searching for it. They, they'll probably find me on Google. So it's kind of like YouTube, I think, you know, they have a front row seat because they have so much knowledge around searching habits that they can stop, you know, using the video to kind of source things and get the algorithm better.

And plus they're paying more to creators to create more in shorts. So, so I don't know. We'll see where it goes. But, you know, TikTok does have, you know, you know, TikTok does have a, a Challenger and YouTube shorts and stuff. But I don't know, man, people, people stuck on YouTube. I mean TikTok, they love it.

And, and so we'll see. And the outer room is so good. Once you, you know, start trapping it, liking it what you like, they're gonna keep feeding that to you to like, you know, I mean, we've all been there, you know, you spend like an hour on TikTok, you're like, where did time go? ? Cause I've been watching all this stuff.

So so anyway, so like I said, I think that's gonna be interesting what's gonna happen there with the short form video. What's the other thing we want to discuss here? I think we had talked about do you ever, 

Mr. Benja: do you ever follow, like like you ever jump into hashtag on TikTok and like follow a mm-hmm.

dude type in almost any hashtag with and put talk behind it. Like if you're into Guns Gun Talk or Bible, Bible talk. Hmm. And any topic that you've put, talk behind, you can guarantee. It's just like, Hmm. I'm thinking about health, health talk, your wife's, it's . It's, it's pretty phenomenal. You'll just like, oh yeah, all I want to know about health.

Or you're sitting in airports, Denver talk, all TikTok is about Denver, Colorado or whatever. It's, oh, it's a way to just you know, make sure you're still in that rabbit hole. 

Theo: Okay. Okay. Might try that. Let's see, let's just, theater's dying real quick cause I got some data here. 

Mr. Benja: Man, if things did, 

Theo: yeah, , I mean, so Matt Bella, who writes the column over at the puck News and I send you those, you know, he does a podcast called The Town.

He, he says here in one of his latest newsletters, says Avatar the Way of Water, even it performs as Hollywood hopes, you know, roughly like 170, 75 million opening. Said it still won't save the cinema this year will end with Thea theatrical revenue down about a third versus 2019. And he says basically the, the movies that you know done well, top Gun Maverick and the Spiderman, no one home, no Way Home from last, you know, December to beginning of the winter of what this year.

Those are like the biggest movies, but it's still down. 30% and And I know, and just anecdotally, right, I 

Mr. Benja: kind of, wait, wait, you don't want wait down 30% or down two 30% from what it was? 

Theo: About a third versus, so it was a hundred million. I'm assuming. It's like, you know, I'm just throwing it out there.

It's a hundred billion then. It's only 75 billion. Right. That came in last year, but I don't think if it was that high. Okay, down. I'll give you the, yeah, so I'll give you the numbers in a second as I'm scrolling down there. But I guess he doesn't have it. He just gimme some general numbers. But yeah, we'll figure it out what that is.

But you know, it's just like, I mean, we understand 2020 was gonna be down cuz of the pandemic. You know, our movies are closed, 2021 is gonna be down, but now the movies are just not growing like they were. Right. And I can test to that. I think, you know, Anna Doley, I kind of, we talked, I talked about it was like, I literally, you know, I thought about it like before, you know, black Panther come, came out, was supposed to come out, you know, here in November and then of course way of the water.

But there was a gap in that fall where there was nothing. I mean, you know, I literally went to the movie theater. They had smile horror film, you know, did about close to a hundred million. , what's the, what's the name? The woman king, you know, that did pretty decent for the content. 75 million or so. And that's it, man.

Nothing else. Just even crossed a hundred million, really close to a hundred million last, you know, I mean, black Adam, you know, did, you know decent, but it didn't, you know, set the world on fire, like half a billion or even, I mean, a billion or even half a billion. So it was just like a fallow ground in August and it was like periods of that, like the beginning of this year after, you know, Spiderman, no way Home

And, you know, somewhat in the summer, like August, where it's just like months where there was like nothing, no incentive to go there. And so it's just like the theaters, man, I don't think, you know, this is, this is not sustainable if they don't have quality movies that make people wanna go. And then we just talked about it.

People are, you know, TikTok is everything, you know, it's like extremely 

Mr. Benja: well thing. That's the thing you said, you said quality. But is it, once again, is it really quality now? Are we talking about marketing your point? What is the thing that will make somebody that will qualify them or that, what qualifying thing do you have that's gonna make somebody get up and say, you know what, I have to stand up, get in the car, pay money, you know, put my jacket on, drive to a theater, wait, you know, file into some dark room.

I mean, it's a good experience, but. , that's a lot of work to get the reward when you can just pick up your phone and be like, let's go. So I, I think that may be a bit of a, a bit of a piece of work for them. And one thing I've noticed with Marvel they're pushing a lot on the, they're pushing apps. They've got this new game, Marvel Snap and they're pushing some other games and things.

They're you know, they're trying to make sure their, their, their presence on, on mobile is good. So it's funny, I'm seeing people like swiping and touching and all this on their phones with Marvel stuff. And I'm wondering, is that a play to like, Hey, you know, while you're doing this, you can continue that experience in the theater a little more.

You can, I wonder if it's a little more of a direct connection, you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. . 

Theo: Mm-hmm. . Good point. I think that's, you know, yeah. There's something trying to, 

Mr. Benja: there's something there. Yeah. 

Theo: I think, you know, the theater is just, haven't made the case to why it's important to go. Right. But I mean, you know, scary movies.

That's why we had so many scary movies, cuz that is a communal experience. You know, watching Spider-Man Nowhere Home. Right. I began this year, even last year was, you know, just being, you know, we talked about this, just the shock of people seeing , you know, the, the old Spider-Man, you know, pop up into the movie.

Right. You know, Andy Gar Garfield and Toby McGuire. I mean, that was experience I'll never forget. Right. Seeing that in the theater. Yeah. Or you know what was another big story? I mean, you know, I guess the multiverse of Madness, you know, seeing the in Illuminati Right. You know, show up, you know, the quality wasn't there, but, you know, got people excited and talking about the, the visible gasp in the theater.

You don't get that nowhere else, but it's gotta be a compelling reason to do so. And it's like, you know, if you can't paint that picture, then it's, I mean, the only one who can still do that, you know, somewhat is Marvel. Everyone else is just, you know, everything every, everywhere. All at once is, I think it's the first what's it called?

8 24 4. Yeah. They have a good brand studio that, you know, really entice people to go see cuz the quality, right. People's like, it's just so good. You gotta watch it. But yeah, it's, it's tough man. I think you know it, they gotta have more movies coming out and they made a good point. Next year they're probably gonna have more coming out.

They, I'm looking at the hits here. They say Aunt Man three Cree, three, Shaza, two John Wick, four Dungeons and Dragons Super Mario Brothers. Guardians of Galaxy Three. Fast 10, fast and Furious. 10, despite of verse two, transformer performer seven, the Flash Indian Zones five Mission Impossible, seven Barbie, the Marvels Dune two Hunger Games, five Ghostbusters, five Aquaman two.

So yeah, so they got some good hits, you know, what's that? I think that's about 15 or so. So hopefully, you know, that's gonna start getting people to want to go to the movie theaters again. Nope.


Mr. Benja: happen. You not, you hype about Barbie? Come on man. Dude, I was talking to a friend of mine, he's like, oh man, I gotta get out and see Black Panther. I saw him a week after it was released. Hey man, you know, I got caught up. My girl couldn't go with me, we couldn't get our time together, so we're gonna wait till this weekend week after that.

Well, you know, we're gonna see it and then finally talk to him. Hey man, I'm just gonna wait till his Disney Plus. 

Theo: Yeah. And well, H B O Mac like I said to you last night, I didn't know it was gonna be that fast. The show Black Adam. I literally wasn't gonna watch it. It was just like I had a ramad that just took my son.

I was like, man, I could have waited till that came on. H B O Max

Mr. Benja: So I, I couldn't wait. I wanted to in, in theater experience so I could cry.

Theo: what part was the most emotional for you? . 

Mr. Benja: God. It was, it was, it was a long sequence, man. It wasn't like one balling point, but you know, when, when you started to figure out who he was and who his history was mm-hmm. , and I was like, Aw man, here we go. And it 

Theo: just, it's almost like, you know, I think they telegraphed that, be honest with you, it is like, they didn't show the dad's face for so long.

I was like, oh, that's probably him. . Hey man. Hey . 

Mr. Benja: It worked for me. All right.

Theo: All right. And then last but not least, M C U well, we already know D C U is a mess. We, we'll be talking about extensively about that. So maybe we'll have Pete on the, on the pod one time next week next, next year, talking about his plans. So Snyder versus Dead, hashtag dead Snyder, versus his trending.

But yeah, we definitely gotta talk about him, about this whole Cav thing. But M C U. There's been some rumblings that M C U has kind of lost its way with all this content coming out on Disney Plus nothing as quality. And then the movies this year not doing as well, basically movies, not this last two years, you know?

I mean, yes, they had Black Panther too. They had Thor Love and Thunder and they had multiverse, mad Madness, you know, all approach a billion or you know, over a billion. But nothing just really captured on fire. 

Mr. Benja: So what are your thoughts? I think that the Disney play, and it worked for what they were trying to do, I believe, was to expand the audience and make sure that the audience was all with them.

And what I mean by expand the audience and make sure they're with them is basically diversify and kind of solidify. So, you know, you start with Wanda Vision, black Widow Falcon and the winner Soldier Sh Chi. What if, you know, for Ragner Rock even was a different tone. This is, these are expansion moves where you're looking to get all of the people under your umbrella.

It doesn't matter if they're having fun under the umbrella, you just gotta get them all under the umbrella because now you've already got the comic fans. The comic fans were the people who rocked with this all this time. Now it's like, , here's Miss Marvel. And they're like, oh, okay. That's something I can get into.

And you'll find your rabid fans from Miss Marvel. Oh, Shong Chi. It's about time. We had this type of Asian representation. Oh. You know, we got the new captain, black Falcon American , he's got wings. And you know, he's got this whole Bubba Shrimp thing going on. I love it. You know, and you're kind of corralling all these people and now you've got this, you've expanded your base a little bit.

Mm-hmm. . So now you've got a diverse crowd. And I think now that you've got this diverse crowd together, you can take all of those people to a new place. It's a, it's not an uncommon strategy where you, you know, you build something that's awesome and a certain group likes it, then you expand that group and you spend time doing that, and then you build the next awesome thing for that new larger group.

So I think that's just what happened in this phase. 

Theo: Yeah. I mean, you know, I don't think it's as awful as people think. Cuz I think, I, I mentioned to you, I was listening watched, listened to or saw some data. I mean, even the shows that people are kind of, you know, questioning like she Hulk or miss Marvel mm-hmm.

that they expanded the pie a little bit more. Right. You know, I watched Miss Marvel, my kids, I didn't watch all Disney plus shows like that. And then she Hulk expanded. Right. It was basically, you know, a a, a comedy, a workplace comedy. Right. Even though you. Quote, unquote, core fans did not like any of those, those shows, but I think it did kind of open up the pile a bit and try to cross pollinate between different audiences.

Yeah. So I see what they were doing with that. Right. And, and I, and absolutely the first couple ones, like, especially Wanda Vision and Loki, you know, really kind of sold that storyline of what the TV shows could be. Right. To kinda build on what the future is gonna look like inside these movies. Yeah. So I don't know.

I think the content is probably gonna slow down a little bit. I think now that chap picks no longer there, it was just like, Hey chap's, like I gotta, you know, pull the content. 

Mr. Benja: Well, they said that directly, right? Yeah. 

Theo: They're, they that they're gonna slow down, slow 

Mr. Benja: that down, they're going quote unquote quality over quantity, whatever that 

Theo: means.

Yeah. I mean, they remember there was a , was Armor Wars, right? It was supposed to be a TV show. They now moved it to a movie. And so so stuff like that, we're gonna start see more of that, less movies. So what does that mean for Disney Plus, you know, that's gonna be interesting. But I think they're gonna try to figure out Marvel, you know, is gonna try to figure out how to make better quality movies to get people enticed.

But I do question, you know, and I hope you listen to that podcast that sent you from Nate Moore on you know, the, the farm system or how they create these movies. You know, I think that that form needs to be mixed up a little bit more, right? It does seem it's becoming, still, we're starting to see the, you know this is the third act, you know, we gonna have some CGI I stuff popping off Right.

third eye. Right. You know, so I think they kind of need to think through that. And then I guess the true test is gonna be at Man, right? It's supposed to be their big thing to open up what's it called? Phase five. And see, you know, they're gonna finally have king popping up again. I'm gonna see what, it's gonna be curious to see what they do with that.

Right. And so so anyway, more to come. But yeah, the quality issue is real with Marvel and, you know, Ken, they sustain, I mean, they, they've been going strong for over 10 years. I mean, endgame was phenomenal, right? It took all that time to get to that one scene, the Captain Hope Cap, hoping the you know, Munk at the end.

Yeah. And everybody popping up. I mean, that's classic, but can recreate that in the next 10 years, that's gonna be a thing. 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. I, I'm, I'm totally confident and you know, , as I said, they have their, they have their ace up their sleeve with the mutants, so 

Theo: That's right. You know, that's give a flip point, and we talked about this.

I think, you know, you, you know, if they, if Kevin White, Figgy iss smart, he needs to just have a parallel track and just go all down and the mutants, it's gonna be a whole different vibe. Don't change up the, the Marvel way and make a new way for the mutants. Because, 

Mr. Benja: you know, and, and this is something extremely unique about comic books or comic book movies, that you don't have to have a hit show that has a spinoff.

You can have parallel shows in the same universe. Mm-hmm. . And I think everybody has the, the spinoff idea because, you know, if you like, cheers, well, let's have Frazier instead. And that's a spinoff idea as opposed to a parallel idea where you can have Batman or let's stick with Marvels. You can have Ironman completely different track than Thor completely different track than the Hulk.

You could actually release these separately and they just exist in the same universe. How much you want to cross over is up to you, but there's not this spinoff idea. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . So I think if they, I think if they continue on that idea where you have these separate silos where I watch the fantasy stuff or I watch the Down to Earth marvel that you can still.

Theo: Yeah. So more to come there. But yeah, some trends we're gonna watch and some trends we've been watching. Well, Mr. Benja, we did it a hundred episodes, man. Woo woo woo, . So I'm hyped, man. We did it. Yeah, I'm just, I don't know what to say, Mr. Benja. I mean, we, like I said, you guys got a little snippet of, you know, this is two hour pod, but this is, you know, we got a little snippet of kind of some outline stuff we talked about, but we actually, some stuff we didn't even script.

And I'm gonna listen to this one cuz there's some good stuff we both talked about. So Mr. Benes, we near the holiday season, anything you got planned coming up? 

Mr. Benja: I am working on the next phase of Mr. Ben's a d d experience. For those that don't know, I call it the experience, not a podcast because it's all this flowing idea that's not just a podcast.

It's not just this little audio show that I do. It's a mixture of what I'm putting out on the podcast, what I'm putting out on YouTube, what I'm putting out on Instagram and so forth. So the next phase of that is coming in 2023. I've been kind of planning it out, hinting out some stuff here and there, but that's happening and it's gonna be awesome.

Theo: Man, I'm, I'm hype brother. I'm hype. Yeah man. Same here, man. I'm trying to brand create a brand over my personal brand. So you'll start seeing Theo Harvey, you know. Consultant extraordinaire, in leveraging that to cross pollinate audiences into my, you know, my business brand, my business as well as, you know, some of the stuff I wanna start doing.

So you're gonna start seeing some YouTube stuff out there just in my personal brand. So hopefully I can cross pollinate, you know, some of the stuff we talk about in, you know, entertainment, how it relates to healthcare. So so I'm excited about that. So that's cool. I'm gonna put myself out there. Cuz you know, you just gotta do it man.

I mean, you know, at first I was kind of hesitant, but it's like, man, who cares? , I gotta get to that point, man. And someone made a good point. Alex Homo said this and I mean, I don't want to give him all this props, but he's, he thinks deeply about these things. He said, look, you know, I think everybody was at this point, if you're a true business person, just like, do I really wanna put myself out there, my brand, you know, my face and all this kind of crap.

I'm just a businessman, I'm just gonna make money. But I think that world is done, man. We can't just be business people more. You have to be an influencer, you have to be a brand as a person. Cuz ultimately you wanna have impact and the bigger impact you have, you're going to have trash come your way. But should that stop you from having the impact that you really wanna have in the world and it shouldn't.

So, you know, even Jesus is persecuted. So, so that's really been my mind shift over the last couple of months to just put myself, our brand out there and, you know, just be consistent with it. So, so this is gonna be a year of self-discovery. See what I can do there. So that's coming out my brand, my business.

And then, you know, hopefully I can cross pronate this with, you know, what I'm doing with my personal brand cuz. Part of who I am too. So so I'm excited about that. So we'll see in the next 12 months, you know, how this evolves and and vice vicea versa to Mr. Benja. You know, you can be on my pod. Pod You be yours.

Keep doing this. Yeah, I'm excited man. I'm, I'm just, yeah, you've, you've got me on my shell. I, I feel like I can talk more. Yes, you can. You inspired me too by doing this on your own too. So, so yeah. So I'm excited about that for next year. So, anything, man, Mr. Ben, just, this has been great, man. I, I always enjoy talking to you.

Got some new ideas, everyone, man, this has been great. Please light, subscribe and comment at show's business on Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. Listen to us at Spotify, iTunes, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit us on our website at show versus business. But if you want to hear us live, please check us out around nine Eastern, six specific Wednesdays, not on IG live any anymore, but looking like Twitter 

Mr. Benja: spaces.

We'll, we'll, we'll figure it out, man. Twitter pulled a, a move on me so I can't do it the way I want to do on Twitter, but, we'll, we'll figure it out. Elon, 

Theo: you're killing us. Help us. 

Mr. Benja: Help me. No, you, you can't download individual Twitter spaces. You have to download your entire archive. So I'm gonna have to set up a recording solution, which I think I can do, but it might be weird.

Theo: Well, you too live, man. I don't know. Let's just do something like I said. Yeah, if we do it we'll, we'll make it happen. All right? But check us out. We're gonna be somewhere guys. . might be on the corner. Go check us out on the corner, right? spitting his knowledge, but go check us out especially connected to Mr.

Benja and his a d d experience. But everyone, thank you for your time. Appreciate it, Mr. Benja. 

Mr. Benja: Take care. Peace for 2022.