Show Vs. Business

SvB: #108 Are There Too Many Superheroes Trying To Save Us?

Theo Harvey | Mr Benja

The guys, @mrbenja and @therealtheoharvey, discuss the issues with having too many Superheroes in our entertainment. We discuss the slow down for the MCU, the reboot at DCEU, and other hero properties that just never got off the ground.  At the of the pod the guys discuss other genres that could replace our current superhero fascination

Show vs. Business is your weekly take on Pop Culture from two very different perspectives. Your hosts Theo and  Mr. Benja provide all the relevant info to get your week started right.


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Theo: Mr. Benja, man, I am so tired. What? 

Mr. Benja: You, you, you look, you're the lively one. 

Theo: No, man. I am tired of all these superhero movies, man. I think it's too many. It's too many. Oh. 

Mr. Benja: Oh no. Oh, no. We've lost you. We've gone too far. Have they gone too far? ? 

Theo: Yes, they have. Man, and I, I don't think we're, I'm the only one that's noticing

Mr. Benja: Wait, hold on. See, now I'm imagining you like walking out of Quantum Mania. Just kind of, you know, shuffling your, your, you know, checking your pockets and putting your hand over your chest. Like, what, what's that feeling? Is something in my chest, I don't know what it is. Maybe this is too much. 

Theo: It's too much of a good thing, I guess, , or was it, or was it ever a good thing?

I don't know, man. You know, there's so many ways we could, angles we can kind of cover this today, but if you, if you don't know listeners, you know, I think we're ending entering a, a period of peak superhero fatigue right now. And I think we're seeing some cracks in the system. Notwithstanding I think quantum mania, aunt Manos quantum mania.

Just that na name alone, I'm exhausted of saying that. Just, it's, it's, it's starting to hit a point where I think the populous regular fans are kind of almost exhausted with this whole enterprise chasing a high that we may never get. I don't know if Mr. Benja, we talked about quantum mania, you know, last time and a little bit and, and, and gave some our insights on it.

But what are your thoughts, Mr. Benja? Where, where, where are you at when it comes to just, you know, superhero fatigue and the, the amount of content out there around s heroic? 

Mr. Benja: You know, I get, I get upset with people when they say, oh, it's over. It's done. This needs to, how do we, we need to grow. And I think when I hear a lot of that, people just want to really like bug out and go left, right.

And then you have studios who want to keep things. They want to keep that same, you know, oh, let's, you know, we just want to keep churning out the next thing. And, you know, oh my gosh, this is supposed to be like hamburgers. It's supposed to be a little bit of work, and we keep refining the process, so we make it cheaper.

We bring in more money. It becomes a whole system. Right? A big machine. And that's hard to do with it, it, it's gonna be hard to do for a, a really long length of time. And what are we going on with for hero movies now? Like, I mean, you know, of course the fervor really popped off with Ironman in the new 2008.

Yeah, yeah. But we've had it going on for a while back since to Batman in the eighties, right? Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . When, when did that come out? 80, 89. Nine. Yeah, almost nineties. So, I mean, hearing movies have been around and it's finally hit the mainstream. And once that happens, , can it survive? Like they used to ask music artists this, can they survive going mainstream?

You know, do they have what it takes to really flesh themselves out? Or is it just gonna turn into the, that that trend? that lasted for X amount of years, and then people went on to the next thing. Like westerns, we've never really gotten westerns back. 

Theo: Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. , you know. Yeah, good point. You know what, and that's a good comparison.

They just hip hop, just cel celebrating its 50th, you know, anniversary. Right. I guess 1973 is when they said that it, it, it officially launched. Right. And so they had a big thing at the Grammys. I don't know if you saw that. It was all over the internet for a little bit where, you know, you had LL Cool J you had, you know, MC Light, you had like old school heads, you know, just coming out slick Rick and just, you know, reminiscing on just how hip hop has lasted so long as a genre.

Right. Music genre, rap and all that. And so you know, now we're in this, this next phase where basically it's the dominant , you know, music genre. I mean, you know, if you don't listen to TikTok, if you don't watch TikTok, you would know. You would think that's all that existed, right? Yeah. But you know, so I think You know, that shows you that these some art forms can persist, right?

It's in the art form of music, but it's a subgenre that's just become the dominant genre out of it. And so can superheroes do the same? That's what, you know, Kevin Faigy was, you know, hoping to prove. But I don't know, man, it, it does seem like we're kind of hitting our limit. I think that high that we chase after infinity.

Avengers. Fendi. War or Endgame. Endgame, yeah. Yeah. Avengers Endgame. Where, you know, we talked about this on the pot, you know, captain American got that, that hammer, that Thor Munk hammer and just said Avengers assemble. Man. That was the hype is thing. You know, we probably seen that's up there. That's up there.

I'm not gonna lie, but it took what, 20 something movies? , yeah. Over 10 years to get to that and what 50 different actors to get to that point. Now we're in this thing, the multiverse, you know, arc, and it's just, you know, there's, it is almost in the sense there's, you're thinking, thinking about this multiverse.

There's really no, no endgame to that really, because it's just, it's, it's in infinite, right? Because it's infinite universes. So it's kinda like, what are we building toward, you know, because Yeah, there's no real ending really. 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. But does, okay, I have two questions on that. What are we building towards?

Okay. , does there have to be something that we're building to an end point? Can it just kind of go on? Like, you know, sci-fi has, you know, had its ups and downs. You know, maybe the sixties, seventies, I'm not sure. Maybe that was a heyday for sci-fi. But you know, I mean, you had all these Mars attacks and you had you know, coming out as the industrial age was going on, people were like, Hey, you know, well we built a, a steam engine, you know, what about building flying cars and all that stuff?

And it, you know, that's when science fiction seemed to really pop off. Mm-hmm. Please, anybody with historic knowledge, correct me on that. . But yeah, with like superhero. Maybe it's just the time for it because of the whole zeitgeist of information, these long-lasting stories, the connectivity of it, the, the deep dives that you can do with the internet that you just simply couldn't do before.

Mm-hmm. You know, reactions and who we went in a fight videos and, I mean, we're making videos right now on it. Right? Yeah. So content, does it have to end? I'm not even so sure that it has to go anywhere, but I hear what you're saying. People do want to kind of understand like, well, especially with the mcu, is this like a big commercial for the next thing?

Is it a Ponzi scheme of, you know, of entertainment And on DC side they have the opposite problem. It's like, I can't go to movies and feel any kind of continuity. Mm. So good point. They, they've got the opposite problem and I just don't think people are making as good quality. stories or a good quality piece of work as they can.

They're just starting to, on marbles end, fart 'em out. And then on DC's end, they never got the chance to really get together to make a quality series of 

Theo: products. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . No, that's a good point. They got two opposite problems. Right. And I mean, but you know, I just go back to Marvel, I mean, end.

Just by the name Avengers Endgame. Yeah. There was an end to this, right? . So it's like there was a beginning, middle, and the end. And so to, you know, watching all the different pieces and all the different shows and all, all the, you know, they didn't really have shows then during, before that. But, you know, just kind of watching all this play out over these 20 movies and, and then you say, okay, there was a purpose to watch all this.

Right? And now it's end. Whereas now, you know, not only are they getting into the multiverse, but they have new distribution channels like tv right. To deliver the M C U brand. And so now people are like, I gotta, like for instance, you know, I think we saw the wheels kind of starting to come off obviously a little bit with Eternals ob.

Absolutely. But really, you know, multiverse, , absolutely. Yes. 

Mr. Benja: Yes. So I just, I just love the, the, the phrase, you know, you start to see the wheels come off, you know? Oh yeah. You know, I could just drive. You hit a, you hit a speed bump and your hope cat goes 

Theo: as, as expert Mario Cart. You know, professionals.

Yes. We remember those days. The wheels were coming off literally and other things. But yeah, man, I think that whole scenario is just understanding, you know, where this could go. But people like, oh, when I was saying was the wheels were falling off when we looked at you know Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, right?

It was like, mm-hmm. , okay. Oh, everybody's hype. Okay, this is the beginning of the multiverse kind of thing. But you know, if you didn't watch Wanda Vision , if you didn't kinda watch Loki, you are still kind of like, okay, what's going on here? And. and in this whole infinite world, they really only went to what one weird, weird, weird world everywhere else was kind of basic.

And so it's kind of like, what are we doing here? You know, , it's, yeah, it was kinda like you know, it, it, it was kind of over underwhelming, right? And so I think you know, Marvel, you know, it is kinda lack of imagination of what this could mean. I mean, really the only really truly in inspiring part of this whole saga for M C U was Lokey season one, when, you know king or, well, the one who remains a version of King right?

Pops up at the end of a TV show. and he didn't really have no special effect. He just sat talking on a desk and it was the most compelling thing I've seen from M C U since Munk , right. So I'm like, but they, you know, it's like, that was like amazing. But since then, I, I don't know, man, this whole, you know, vision of where they're going, it, it is starting to, you know, show fatigue overall.

Mr. Benja: Yeah. And this, this, this frustrates me as a creator, cuz I know you have to put in a big initial investment and people don't want to mess something up when they're trying to put out that first thing. So you end up with usually a a when you have a good strong initial opening Ironman in this case and followed up, you know, with, for Captain America and the others who people got excited about you know, it's like you, when you're in a, a corporation that creates stuff like this, you have to actually stop and say, Hold on a second.

You know, you put down your champagne glass, you know, you get back in the gym, you go, go read books again cuz you're out of touch with the comic book community and everybody has to go get back on their game to get back into the system. It's, it's hard to keep it, keep it tight. So when when Fgi was talking and he said he was gonna cut back on and you, you let me know because you're, you're more familiar with that what he said than I am.

But he went back and was talking about creating quality and more, more quality, less quantity, right? Mm-hmm. . 

Theo: Yep. Definitely. It was one of those things where he was like, you know, it's too much and we gotta, well, but the thing was, check this out. I've never seen this too. This is, see like I said, this is when, you know, you know, we are seeing, you know, they seen that.

They like uhoh. I made a, I made a terrible mistake. Right? I don't know if you watched Arrested development back in the day. But every time someone said that, that, that phrase Right. Something terrible was about to happen. But it does seem like figgy and, and the crew is like, uhoh, we may have done too much.

Right. And so, and he's, you know, kind of giving credence to the fact that there's just too much shit out there. Right. And so they release, saw all these TV shows and all these movies, right. And, you know, they've been, you know, pretty much un underwhelming. Right. And there's not, there's nothing ground shaken about some of maybe the first like Lokey Wanda Vision cuz it was the first one.

It was kind of interesting, unique, and different, what they were trying to do. You know, few ones that, that stood out that we talked about with. On this pod before black American Falcon. I mean, you know, that that wasn't received as well, but, you know, we thought was interesting. Yeah. But you know, I think that is something that, you know, he's realizing that there's just too much, right.

And and, and it is, it is becoming a point where he's I'll go through a list later, but there's a bunch of shows that were supposed to be slated even this year alone, that they all just got pushed, right? Yeah. Because they realized that, you know, it's just too much content out there and the fatigue is real, 

Mr. Benja: you know the, the thing that they've been trying to do that really pisses me off, and this is why, this is one of the reasons I didn't enjoy Quantum mania as much as I wanted to.

No spoilers here, but I, I felt that they, they already knew the problem of having a setup and then not having a payoff with the strong movie that exists on its own. When they did you know, Spiderman Dr. Strange, and you know, the single verse of mid, it's like you gotta. , you gotta take the chance to knock those out of the park.

Mm-hmm. , you know, if, if you're, if you're doing a setup and then a payoff thing. But as I said, the thing that got mad with Quantum Mania is it was, it felt like there was a setup with Loki and other movies leading into what was supposed to be a big bang. And it was more of a setup. Yeah. And that's, I don't think that's a spoiler for anybody, but it's just more of a setup.

And I'm like, how, how, how dare you just pass off a setup for something else that was already a setup? I mean, , I get, I get the whole concentric circle kind of thing, but 

Theo: Okay. Set up for the setup son, 

Mr. Benja: No, no, no. This wasn't what you really waited months for. You're gonna wait years for, I'm like, look, . I'm like, look dude, you came, you came at me with Shong Chi.

You came at me with she, you came at me with what was the, yeah. As you said Bucky and captain Falcon Black 

Theo: Falcon. Yeah. . Black American Falcon. 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. Black American. Captain Falcon of of war war machine. I should tag that on the end of that. You know, Wakanda forever, and I kind of wanna leave Wakanda forever out of that one, but, eh, I I'll leave it there.

What I'm saying is none of these have lit anyone on fire. Yeah. Where it's just like, oh my God. You know, you just like, you're screaming hooting and hollering, like, finally we got this, we got that, or something happened. I mean, dude, I just, lemme tell you, I got to a bored. I wouldn't re-upped on Netflix. Oh, no

So I could watch Morbius. . 

Theo: It's Morby Time. 

Mr. Benja: Boy, I love it. It took me a while, but who let that one go? I don't, come on, 

Theo: man. I gotta watch it. I haven't watched it yet. So I mean, yeah, I, I, I, I, I'm about to watch it. I think they, they figured, you know, look man, work with Tom Hardy, you know, he made, he made venom work.

Venom should not work, but he made it work. And then of course they got the spidey, you know, Sony in their own little universe. We don't really talk about them because basically they're barring characters from M C U. Mm-hmm. . But yeah, we'll see, man. I don't know, man. Like I said, I think we saw, look, the reason why we're kind of talking about this, I guess, is because, you know, this is, you know, we're recording this second week of.

Antman the wasp, and it, it, it clearly did underperform it, man. I think people worried it wouldn't open. That was one of the first fears. But then when it kind of opened to a hundred, over a hundred million that first weekend, people said, okay, okay, let's see what happened. Second weekend. Second weekend went from 106 minutes to 32 million.

And just one weekend, which is the biggest dip a Marvel movie has ever fallen. That's around 69, almost 70%. So you know, just the re watchability is kind of like, you know, almost like homework. You know, the diehard fans went to go see it just to say, Hey, I, I, I checked the box, you know, I have my bingo card here.

You know, I watch all the Marvel movies in the movie theater. Now I'm done. Right? Yeah. And so, but you know, I can, I can kind of one hand. Then last year, the Marvel movies I watched twice. You know, the new ones that came out. The only one really I watched more than. Was Spider-Man. No way home. And you know, that was it.

Everywhere. Everything, everything else will kind of forever. I'm just thinking through it, you know, not yeah. Dr. Strange Nochi, I did watch again with the kids. That was pretty good. Mm-hmm. rewatch. But yeah, everything else, man, it's been few and far between, man, and that to me is a good indicator. I think, you know, that's a good, you know, it correlates well with how well this, the movie as itself, you know stands up.

Mr. Benja: Yeah. It's I'm trying to think what have I, yeah, there, there are a couple when I, back when I had Disney plus , which I'm, I'm threatening myself to get back on it. But I have Hulu now, so that'll pause me for a little bit. I love it. Anyway I was going through like the, some of the movies and I was thinking, which ones do I wanna watch again?

And. , it was Captain America, iron Man. And yeah, it's like there's something about just that strong core story of beats that you wanna watch something again in Black Panther, I suppose. But why did I, yeah, I think those are the only ones that really caught my eye. Like I could watch that again. 

Theo: Yeah.

Low key man, captain America. Win a Soldier. That was, that was a banger man. Mm-hmm. . I mean, you know, I mean, it wasn't like the big fireworks of, you know civil War and it wasn't the, the first one, right. Which was, you know, kind of a cute, you know, throwback movie. But man, that second one man, I mean, I, that.

I'm in that, that was pretty good stuff, man. . Yeah, I like that one. This is that. And that probably gave Russo's the, you know, the Russo brothers, their, their, their opening shot to get access to the Avengers. But so yeah, so, so you're right man. Those are the ones that the Ironman won. I mean, I can remember watching in theaters like twice.

It was just so good. I mean, and so that was good. Thor, you know, I wasn't been fan of Thor. It wasn't until Ragner Rock, right? When, you know, they figured out the comedy around it. But but I'm trying to think in the Spider-Man, those are the core four. I mean, Dr. Strange, I can't remember watching twice.

Maybe the first time was, it was enough for me. I'm just not a Dr. Strange fan. And yeah, that's pretty much it, man. , I don't think I don't think I went back to see any of 'em like that. So anyway, mega long story. Oh, black Panther. Of course, I watched that, like multiple times. The, the, the original one.

But yeah man. So anyway, I think, you know, there's some fatigue on M C U, but do you mind if we switch over to, 

Mr. Benja: actually, actually, I watched, I watched Antman twice. 

Theo: Oh yeah. You know, the first one was quaint. It, I really liked it. . 

Mr. Benja: It was, it's quaint. I, I just 

Theo: literally was, it was shrink small. He is in a bathtub.

The water, the perspective I think that's people were complaining about this one was that you really didn't get a sense of perspective, which, which made it kind of, you know, he was fighting on a tour train, right? Thomas the train and, 

Mr. Benja: yeah. , no, their, their, their biggest, their biggest I forgot what he call it.

You know, zero level, that base level draw that you get from those movies is seeing stuff go big and small. Yeah. And they didn't have that in this movie, so Not at all. For, for people wondering, like, one of my criteria for movies, cuz they're always confused why I like this and don't like that. It's kind of, because there's something you expect and I kind of want people to play it out properly.

Like a grilled cheese sandwich. It's like, look, if I'm gonna get a grilled cheese sandwich, you can't come out here with some, you know, actually those aren't slices of bread. What this is a, is a patty of arugula, right. And it's built up with, with bean paste and instead of cheese we've got this, you know, yogurt dressing.

And I'm like, look man, that, that might taste well, wonderful and good and all that, but somewhere along the way that's not a grilled cheese. Get it out. Mm-hmm. . So at some point along the way I'm thinking, okay, this family, I got the family. Okay. Okay. Darren's here. Okay. That's yellow jacket. Sure. we're getting away from the, the, the type of, the highest, I guess it was the highest.

Maybe, you know, we, we talked about this. Yeah. You can go back to the other one and listen to our whole breakdown about that. Spoiler field episode. But it was good. So, yeah. With these, it's like, what? This is interesting cuz it was supposed to be the beginning of like the next, oh my gosh. We're starting up this next part of the, the Marvel, the MCU U and yeah.

Now you got the writer out here justifying the ending. What? Oh man, 

Theo: what did he say? Oh man, that was crazy. Have you heard that in your life? Or why writer out here trying to defend the ending toman in the, was quantum mania Don't spoil? Did. Yeah, it's just, I mean, just the, the process of, I mean, I've never heard that before.

Mean, maybe director say something like that, but he knows it was so badly. P. Received that he had to justify why they made the decision. And then when you read his example, it was just like, yeah, it's still a cop out . It's just like, he basically said, we did something similar to this before and we didn't want to do it the same thing again, but Okay.

It worked before. Yeah, it worked. And then also the stakes are different now. I don't know, . Whereas before you were a Jack man was a jackass, now he's the, you know, a messenger that can get, you know, can really help, you know warn for some evil or something like that. Right. He just kind of fell into it.

So anyway, I don't know. It just seems like it was a cop out and I just never saw that before in my life that a writer went out out here in these streets. And also, I think he is the writer, currently writer on the on the new the, the next King Dynasty Avengers, the next Avengers. Movie, which would be King Dynasty probably coming out what, 2026 or something like that?

2025. Yeah. And so, so you know, he's kind of saying well you know, let me justify my job here. Right. so I can keep it going, get that paycheck coming in. 

Mr. Benja: I don't know if I have full faith in these people who have dubious backgrounds, and I don't mean like he should be canceled. I'm saying the only thing people know him for is Rick and Morty.

Mm-hmm. , as much as I might love that, or, you know, dig it, it doesn't, doesn't have a comparison. You know, are they gonna bring in the I'm just wondering, what are you getting with that kind of background? I dunno. Maybe a great thing. 

Theo: Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . I mean, you know, he wrote for. You know, Rick and Morty.

I mean, you know, if you watch, you know, I'm a fan. Unfortunately what's happening to the creator that, that's a whole nother story. Won't, probably, won't go into now, but he's basically removed from that experience. I said, I don't know how they're gonna do the voices anymore. But anyway, so Rick and Morty, you know, it's, it is definitely guys's fans.

I'm one of 'em. And, and what they, the stuff they come up with is, is ingenious. But I do feel like it doesn't have a lot of heart to it. Right. And so and so that kind of made sense to me now that when I looked at, you know, aunt Moon, the wasp, you know, there's just a lot of, you know, interesting ideas in it, but it's like really no heart.

And that works well in a cartoon. It's interesting. You can throw it off real quick, right? You can just do a little quick at it and move on to the next thing. Cuz literally, I, I've, I've watched Rick and Morty episodes and I'll usually have to stop it and rewind it again. It's like, that was, that was a genius idea or thought, right?

But that's it, you know, there's no. 

Mr. Benja: There's no core to it. Yeah, but that would've been interesting if we would've gotten more of that from Quantum 

Theo: Mania too. Good point. I think they had a little pieces of it, but because it's a, you know, still movie and it's live action, they can't cut as fast. Right.

Between, you know, you could just, and it's, it is, it was, you know, Rick and Moore is just joke, you know, everything at the expense of, at the joke. Right. That's all that matters. So anyway, make a long story short, you know, I think I mean, you know, sure he's good, but yeah, man, I don't know man. It's, it does seem like, you know, he's out here justifying, you know, why he needs to keep getting these M C U checks,

So kudos to him. Well, we'll see, you know, but you know, I think Kevin Figes a man, he's a producer, man of mission and so if ain't Morgan, he will cut that thing all so quick. I mean, cuz you remember, you know who was supposed to originally supposed to be on these Antman films, the director you remember?

No. . Oh man. See, now I'm drawing a blank myself, but I'll come to me a second. He, he did scout Pilgrim. Oh. 

Mr. Benja: The, the producer or director or who? Director. Okay. Oh, nice. I like that guy. . 

Theo: Yeah. So he was originally supposed to come in there, but I think, you know, because you know, he has his own vision, vision of how you know it should be done.

They kind of kicked him to the Marvel, kicked him to the curb, but yeah. Edgar Wright. Edgar Wright. Edgar Wright, yeah. This guy, his own vision. He's really originally supposed to be on Ant Man. And you know, you see why, you know he is got a good sensibility. If you watch any of his movies, show him The Dead, you know scout Pilgrim, those are some of the classics I saw.

Ba Baby Driver, I didn't see his la the the latest one he did last night in Soho. But but yeah, he's got his own, you know, perspective on things, but I believe he could do 

Mr. Benja: it. I mean, so, so well, but they say he's too much of an Artur. I whatever. 

Theo: Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . So anyway, so yeah, he was slated. The dude, the aunt, man, matter of fact, I think he has a writing credit on it.

Let me look here. Yeah, he does. He's got a writing credit on the first Aunt Man. Oh, nice. Along with, that's right. As long as long as, you know, like 20 other people. Paul Red is on here, being Reid . So anyways, 

Mr. Benja: call him to write a scene. I love that. Yeah. Yeah. 

Theo: So anyway, so make a long story short, so we'll see what happens next with it.

But real quick, one thing and show end up on mcu. So here's the shows like getting push back because of this what we call correction in M C U Vision Now, or, or, or plan of action. Mm-hmm. . So Invasion Secret Wars is still coming out. That hasn't changed. So that'll be out this year. And That's pretty much, much it.

Oh, in Lokey season two, those are the ones that are coming out this year. So it looks like, I think before they were releasing some, some, some, as many as four Right. TV shows in one year. Yeah. Now it looks like they're going down to two. And so the ones that were slate to come out this year, they all got pushback.

Echo, which is the character from Hawkeye. She's, you know, getting her TV show and I think Daredevil and Kingpin is supposed to appear in that, you know, that's moving to 2024. Yeah. Hawkeye season two. Moving to 2024. What if a show that that's near and dear to you and i's Heart, you know, and saw some potential there with it?

You know, it's a cartoon. There's ar, you know, animated series and so that, you know, they can do what they want with it, but that's being moved to 2024 Iron Heart. . Yeah. So it, she's getting moved and you know, the character from Wakanda forever, and then I guess quote unquote, you know, a new Tony Stark.

Right. So Tony Stark shows up again, I guess, and then Agatha Kevin of whatever, madness or whatever. You don't call it , the new Go ahead. 

Mr. Benja: This whole thing, man. It's just like, is Hawkeye season two about Hawkeye, if there's Echo or are they two separate? 

Theo: And then, and, and, and guess what? And their devil is, you know, having his own series right.

Coming out and that, that's, that's already was slave between 24. I think we talked about something unheard of, like 20 episodes. It's just ridiculous. 

Mr. Benja: I think they, did they settle on 12 I or did they 

Theo: Oh, they went down. They 

Mr. Benja: needed to. Yeah, I, I was also gonna mention that because I'm wondering about their strategy for, you know, padding the service talking about Disney plus, you know, if you've got something that's only six episodes and or yeah, six episodes and the first two come out at the same time, then you only need, you definitely don't need three months to watch that.

Yeah. But if it's 12 episodes, that, that like, gets you in that threshold of, hey, you're doing this over the span of, you know, 11, 12, 13, 14 weeks maybe, where you have to show up every day and, you know, it gets harder to to churn out and disconnect from the service and come back on if you got more overlap.


Theo: Good point. I mean, you know, I mean, you know that, that makes sense from a, a quarterly reporting numbers. Right? So just kinda like what Netflix did with Stranger Things that they did in two parts so they can Yeah. Show the crossover and, you know, let's churn. Look, we didn't churn over two months.

Yeah. Every two quarters. Yeah. Cuz you had your things pop up in two quarters. Right? Even though it should have been just in one. So Yeah, I get the shenanigans, but you know what, be honest with you. Wall Street is not evaluating these, these companies on growth or even churn. They're looking at profitability and we already know Disney Plus, just like all the.

streamers are losing tons of money, you know, to create this content. So, you know, when you look at Disney, they're looking at like, how do we make quality? But it doesn't mean about quantity anymore. They're not trying to grow at all cost. So to them, I think they really wanna focus on quality and kind of keeping people in ecosystem system.

And to your point, maybe churn may be a good indicator of keeping people on the platform longer. But I don't know, man, you know, if you don't have good content and then you know you got content, I mean, when's the last new Disney Plus show came out? They had bad batch re recently you know, released you know, they did some high school musical stuff.

They did some other things, but now they're gonna have Mandalorian, right? That's popping up March. That should get people through and hopefully to invasion. Then after that, What's next? So it's gonna be interesting to see how they kind of, they can just do the Star Wars, what is Star Wars? To, to M C U thing.

Mr. Benja: All right, keep on. Cause those two audiences are, 

Theo: yeah, if you keep that dance going just enough, you know, the Star Wars, then you got M C U, they got Star Wars and M C U, you ain't going nowhere, 

Mr. Benja: basically. Do you, do you think the, the push from fgi to say, to go, Hey, we want to go more, you know, terrestrial the small, we want to go more into like the neighborhoods and the whole Spider-Man, Daredevil, Hawkeye push being neighborhood kind of things.

You think they're pushing that because it's cheaper? Is that part of the idea? 

Theo: Ooh, that's, that's a good point. But maybe more relatable too, man. I mean, but yeah. I mean, but from my understanding that the volume makes a lot of these, you know, quote unquote, High effects type organ things a lot more easy to produce, right?

Because now you just stick to actors and I mean, if you watch Aunt Man Watts looks like they just live their life in that, that volume technology. Right. basically just put the actors in there. They create virtual backgrounds. Yeah. And now the actors, you know, they don't have to pretend as much cuz they actually see what you see.

Mr. Benja: you know what, you know what, this just gave me an idea for. What's that? I want to see Professor X chilling at a wine bar. It'll be like, cheers. But X-men and real, real cheap, inexpensive and Professor X is just sitting around talking to people as they walk in and out playing chess, whatever. 

Theo: Oh, that is cool.

Yeah. I have like a virtual visit with Professor X while he's sitting there drinking. I. 

Mr. Benja: I mean virtual, or he's actually, you know, in some bar somewhere, , 

Theo: that's random. Where'd that come from? 

Mr. Benja: just, no, we were thinking about, like, I was thinking about the opposite of the volume, you know, making something as cheap as possible, and having just one set, I was like, what's one set be something like, cheers.

Hey, what a Professor X was just sitting around acting like Frazier and talking to people, you know, weird people as they come in the bar. 

Theo: I love it. I love it. So anyway, so that's what's Marvel. And then we also know Marvel's the, the, the, the, the movie you know about Miss Marvel. , captain Marvel and you know, spectrum, you know, they're going, it is got pushed in November, so, so yeah.

So that's Marvel. But real quick, let's talk about dc I mean, DC's a mess. We all know that. They just talked, but yeah, James Gunn did his hostage video. release. release. What's the vision 

Mr. Benja: for correction? Yeah, I thought it was a dingy curtain. It was just a, it was just a low res pattern background that looked like was made in Ms.

Paint and then got blurry. Save 

Theo: me . Yes, he is captured by the D C U, but you know, he came from mcu, so he had to put his, his, his shots out there. Basically just say, Hey, the MCU process, they don't, they don't write their movies all the way out, right? They don't have a third act. Usually. He's either already done from CGI i's perspective, or they just do it.

You know, as they kind of write, yeah. As they're, you know, on set and he's like, what? Well, we're gonna do it di differently. We're gonna write the whole movie out before we even put one piece of, you know, content out there. I said, okay, shots fired. 

Mr. Benja: We'll see. So e e explain how that that actually could work, cuz that, I don't know how that sounds to people when you say they don't write the ending for a script, , how does Mar how, how does Marble do it?


Theo: that sounds. I, Hey man, I don't know man. You are more the artist than I am, man. I have no idea. I think, I don't, I'm just shocked that they do that. Maybe they have the beginning. I mean, cuz you know, films are filmed outta order, so we know that, right? Mm-hmm. . And so they can film it any way they want and they just put it together later in editing.

But man, I, I have no idea, man. I mean, you know, maybe they come in and they start doing a lot of middle cause maybe that's already built out because the beginning and the ending, they kind of. Inform each other. Right? And so I would assume that like, if there's a, like let's say he's a Spider-Man. No way Home, remember, I think they were talking about they didn't know how it was gonna end.

And that made sense because, you know, spoiler alert, you know, they had to probably get contracts in place for other actors to pop up and show. Oh yeah. 

Mr. Benja: Well, people know that they should just turn off this podcast and

Theo: get outta here. What, what'd you listen to us for ? 

Mr. Benja: But yeah, the other pe other people show up in that movie and how getting the contracts together, I'm sorry, 

Theo: go on. Yeah, but so, you know, that pro, you know, kind of delayed. So what if that person couldn't show up right in the portal at the end, right. Or whatever.

Well, we gotta write something else, right? ? Yeah. Hey, instead of Toby McGuire, we got we got the lizard. Hey, lizard, how you doing? Or you know, Jamie Fox, you know, popping up again. Yeah. You know, so, I don't know. It, it is, it is kind of one of those things, but I, I have no, I mean, I, you tell me how do you think they kind 

Mr. Benja: of do it?

Okay, so, you know, you, you, you write out. The basic script, the way you think it should go. And then people were like, okay, fine. And then they start asking for alternates. This could happen if you get, this definitely happens if you get another actor on. I remember Sylvester Stallone ended up getting his hand on a script and he came back to them and said, here, all these parts of the script have been rewritten.

If you should put, get me in the role. And they're like, okay, now I got two versions of the script. So that's, you know, I can learn that, you know, people start like customizing scripts for the different people they get because mm-hmm. , I don't know, maybe this person isn't as physically strong or, you know, maybe you know, if, if the story is about a young kid in Harlem and it's like, Hey, we have a chance to get Matthew Broderick, it's like, well, it's not a kid and he's not.

From Harlem, hold on a second. And you have to write all these other versions. So you get a lot of these versions and chapters and you know, reordering of all this stuff in pretty early. But what usually happens is you have something called a lock where the script is basically locked. It's like, this is pretty much it.

Anything else is gonna cost us money, time, and possibly your job after this is over. You know? So you get to a point where it's locked and once it's locked or getting very close to being locked, that's when you start filming, when you know you have it in order. Because as you said, you know, if you're, if you're filming a guy and he's having a intense moment with somebody, if you, if that's supposed to pay off at the end, then you know, you can film it a certain way.

It's like, yes, intense moment, because it's gonna pay off in the end. , but then if it's kind of filmed outta order or stuff's removed or you're not sure of how the ending or the beginning is gonna be, somebody could come out of a movie. It's like, yeah. That guy seemed really intense in the beginning, but the end, he's just kinda like, whatever.

What, what was that about? So you end up with the, so you end up with a weaker product just because it's not as, it's not as tight. It's not 

Theo: as together. Yeah. Yeah. It's not congruent. Right. It doesn't make sense. Yeah. So, and, and to your point, I'm sure the actors, they probably say, okay, do it this way, you know, or do it that way.

Or maybe the actor gives you something a little bit different. You're like, Hmm, maybe we can use that later in third act. So yeah, it's kind of weird. You're right. They can create all kind of different versions. I mean, that's why it's the true collaborative environment, right? Yeah. Because you know, the actors are feeding off what the director's telling them, right.

And what the other actors are giving them. And then the director and is feeding off of that and say, oh, maybe we do a closeup. Cuz now he's crying. I, I didn't think he crying this scene, but let's go for it. You know, . And then, then, then, then you got the writer. Hmm. He's crying. So. Hmm. Do we need to write, rewrite that at the beginning to show, you know, that pain, you know?

Yeah. Before he cries. So I get it now. Okay. Yeah. That's fascinating. 

Mr. Benja: I will tell you on the little behind the scenes when we were making table tens, the video game, we weren't sure about one of the characters how they should be re how they should be recognized. So we finished, we finished recording the guy and we were like, Hey, you know, he's got like x amount of time left, right?

And you don't want to usually pressure them too much to, to milk out at every last little minute of time you've got together. You know, that's just kind of rude where it's like, dude, you've got two minutes. Sit your, sit back down, , you know, if it's going, if it's going good, if it's going good, they'll go overtime.

Some, you know, just to, no, no, I want to get this right. Let's go overtime and it's fine. But if you're just, if they see you're just trying to milk it and like ask 'em to do dumb stuff, then it gets kind of. Anyway, we were at the, getting towards the end of one session and we're like, you know what? We're not exactly sure about this one character how we're gonna address him.

Could you do these lines over as if it was like this? Mm-hmm. . And this was for a table tennis game. So like, you're playing against somebody and you know, I'll, I'll use street fighter names. You know, if Ken and Gail, you know, I'll kick your ass Gail. Mm-hmm. , you know, you'd have to change that around to, eh, maybe you address 'em a little differently, you know?

Gotcha. All right. Guy, you know, come back for a rematch or something like that. Just have 'em re say some lines over again. They do that a lot in movies and this whole cobbling together thing. We'll see if it works. I'd like the idea of what James Gun is doing, because that means everybody can get behind the direction and tone all at 

Theo: once.

Yeah. Yeah. You know, and that's usually how, you know, movies, they have the script in place for, cuz that script is the first, the calling card. Just what the, what the movie could be. Right? Yeah. And then now you're trying to get, draw all your collaborators who, who see the vision and they all wanna be aligned to that and usually makes a pretty good movie right.

When it's aligned like that. But, you know, marvelous machine , 

Mr. Benja: if you're, if you're talking about if you've ever seen that credits list fly up, I mean, it was hard keeping the, you know, table tennis or any video game crew together. And we're, we're nowhere near that big, you know, you're trying to keep somebody on the same page.

So when you look at the game the next day after everybody's submitted their, their check-ins, it's like, all right, who did this? And what is that? What is that? Somebody thinks it's a good idea. It's like, well I thought it was a good idea. And, you know. Yeah. That's a 

Theo: good point, man. I never thought of it like that.

Someone mentioned to me, it's like creating a a hundred million. Million dollar company, right? Over three years, . But you don't know if we going, but you're gonna make it all in like one weekend, . Yeah. And so it's like, when you think of it like that, you gotta have the, the same process. You have a vision, you know, kinda like when I built my company, you got vision, you know, you have to lead by No, you got communicate, but you know, we have milestones, right?

We see revenue coming in EV every month, right? But mm-hmm. , you know, the, the, there's no revenue company to fit. Everything's done. And then, you know, if it was successful or not, I was like, wow. Yeah, that's a good point. So anyway so we'll see what James Gun, but also they're having an issues. I mean, you know, they got what, three movies they got released here, the Flash Shaza and Aquaman two but have nothing to do with the new fishing.

And so they were delayed for what, almost a year and a half, a lot of these movies. And so they're not kind of coming out. The next one, Shaza for DC Studios. Excuse me. Not DC u what's, all right. DC Studios all. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's, it's passable, but you know, is there any continuity to it, to your point?

Is there a reason to watch it? James Gun, he's, the funny thing is he said the theme is Gods and Monsters. And I said, saw nothing with his AM in there at all. Or Black Adam or anything, which technically Yeah. Or, and, and then the only, you know, pseudo God they had was is Wonder Woman and it's a TV show about her growing up.

So it's kinda like, no, you don't see her. 

Mr. Benja: Exactly. Good point. It's not about her growing up, it's about the Amazonians . So it's like, 

Theo: so yeah, it's, where's the Gods at? And this guy's in monsters. I guess Superman is a God. Okay. There 

Mr. Benja: it is. Yeah. We'll see. But you know, speaking of we were talking about the whole superhero fatigue, you know, it's like, okay, Marvel.

They're the big gut dogs on the yard. We get where their, their fatigue is setting in DC it's like people are about to give up on them. This, this, this flash trailer, this, this flash trailer though might have redeemed them. If they can make this movie pop. Everybody's gonna be running around DC like mad.

Trying to figure out where is that. Can 

Theo: I just say something real quick? Yeah, man. Peop people are saying this is a hot movie. I don't know if it's just the, it's just the, the internets the inner weed webs or what's going on, but man, there's Aquaman too. Not so much. I mean, for, I'm hearing, but there's this, this Flash movie.

Supposed to be the bees knees. Man, I, I, I'm, I'm, I'm, I mean, you know, you can't go wrong with Batman, I guess, and then bringing bat Michael Keaton, but I don't know, man. What are your thoughts, 

Mr. Benja: dude? You can talk about watching stuff over and over again. I swear I watched that trailer for at least a solid half hour.

Theo: Oh no, I mean, not the tenant, tenant the tenant days. Oh no, you going back, 

Mr. Benja: man. I watched it then I've watched it, then I watched other people watch it with reactions. I've watched breakdowns. I was like, holy crap. Finally, finally, some awesome DC actions coming back. Nostalgia, straight up hero stuff, you know?

So I got, I got really hyped about it. And I think that, I don't know, we'll, we'll see if this is their last one, because I got hyped over Loki. Watch that last episode a couple times. Did the same thing, and they did me dirty . So we'll see what happens with this. But yeah, that's, that's, I mean, that's, that's dc We'll, we'll see.


Theo: No, I get it. I get it. So, real quick. I mean, not really. I mean, you know, Ezra Miller problems, you know, I mean, Batman is Batman. I mean, it's good to see Michael Keaton, but I don't know, man. But I, I mean, I'm gonna go with it. I just, I don't know, man. It's, it, it, we'll see. I mean, Ezra Miller, I thought he was a fascinating flash and he's definitely doing something interesting there.

So I thought that was kind of cool. You know, so even. Yeah, I don't know, man. We gotta see where this goes. But I mean, who doesn't love the TV show? Just the last season of the TV show I have, I need to catch back up on it, you know, but I mean, you know, flash has got good goodwill. 

Mr. Benja: Remember? Do you remember I told you I was so happy that one episode where the bad guys won?

I, I was, I was cheering dog. I was like, oh, thank God the flash has gotten so bad. I really want the bad guys to win. I was actually cheering and they did . 

Theo: Yes, you lose 

Mr. Benja: losers . 

Theo: So anyway, so let's just end this on a hap you know, on a, okay. 

Mr. Benja: Hold, hold. We, I, I know you. It's it's time. I wanna do this quick though.

There's some other, no other studios are really doing anything for the whole hero fatigue mil world, getting stuff canceled, not really popping off on, on Netflix. Like when you talk 

Theo: about Jupiter's, Jupiter's world was awesome. 

Mr. Benja: Man, got everything. 

Theo: I'm, I'm a stand for Jupiter's world, man.

Mr. Benja: Jupiter's, Jupiter's a stagnant, 

Theo: oh, ju Jupi, Jupiter's legacy. Excuse me, I haven't said it wrong. Jupiter Legacy. Jupiter's 

Mr. Benja: Stagnancy. . All right. Possibly they, they're supposed, possibly they could have a spinoff or whatever, but Yeah. You know, image Comics was supposed to do something spawned with Jamie Fox is, is somewhere out there.

I don't know what's happening with that. Really? I didn't know that. What do you mean 

Theo: that is still out there? No, I didn't know that. Jamie Fox is engaged in that. Okay. 

Mr. Benja: Didn't know. Yeah. Yeah. So that's expected to be something is, but that was like pre pandemic. So I don't know what the, what the past couple years have done for that, that movie.

Dark Horse, they've got some great characters that would make for really interesting movies, but no one's heard from them. Valiant released some stuff like live action. Kind of weirdness. Little short stuff they put on their website, but they're, they're, they're not going anywhere. They're corny and they've, they fumbled the ball unless they bring out a Tur Rock movie.

Then I'll, I'll cheerlead them again. Tur Rock. Ah, 

Theo: love it. Love it. Yeah. So you don't give any credence to anything coming from other studios right now? That's Well, hey man, you know what? There's one we forgot. We forgot the boys. . Sure, sure. That is the one that's, you know, I think, and you know, you can put lump in invincible in there.

Right. I think, you know, this ultraviolet fa profane kinda way of viewing superheroes Yeah. Is, is is almost, you know, quaint and new. Right. You know, and people are kind of digging that piece of it. So, so we'll see when, when they come back, you know, are people still watching it, you know, at that level.

But I think they do bring a, a much needed refreshness Right. To this whole superhero genre where, you know, I mean, look, if they was, if you were a superhero, you know, you know, they just think the worst. And people, and there's something, you know, something that rings true to that a little bit. I mean, let's be honest, spider-Man, you know, if he, if he didn't, didn't think, didn't happen to Uncle Ben, he, that's why he's probably one of the most endearing characters, cuz Yep.

Yep. He. Was us and he did the worst. He would did the, the, he was trying to get that gu man, he was trying to get that money. And the boards had said, what if you had all the superheroes be like Spider-Man? And they had no Uncle Ben . Yeah. Yeah. That's basically what that is. And, and, and I love it. I'm I'm, I'm there for it.

So, so anyways, I think that's kind of holding back a little bit from the fatigue, you know, of it all. 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. Oh, blood support was the other, blood shot was the other valiant guy I was thinking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shout out to Mr. Family Man. VIN Diesel. It's all about the family. Shout out to Bloodshot, which I actually, I actually purchased so I could watch again and. . 

Theo: I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. So cool, man. Well no, I did, I did wanna say, hey, you know, and before we end it all, you know, you put on here like, you know, in our little notes here, what's next?

I mean, went through all these different options and everything. Anime, sci-fi, romance, comedy rom com, sports action, thriller horror. You pick one. I pick one. How about that? And give our case. 

Mr. Benja: I think we're going to see a, a new version of action heavily inspired by anime. Okay. Anime inspired 

Theo: action. Is there an example of a recent movie or something that gives you hope that this is direction it's.

Not hope, but just, you know, gives you a 

Mr. Benja: sense, think of where we're coming from, the Fast series x versus sever. If it was actually any good , you know, . Ooh, that's a 

Theo: deep cut. , deep cut . Cool name, cool name, though. 

Mr. Benja: You know, this, the kind of, you know, madcap really into the heads of the guy train spotting, taken, seeing how these movies popped off.

I think the next generation of not train spotting you know, with the action, dude, with the movie on the train. 

Theo: Man, I can't remember. 

Mr. Benja: You remember the adrenal adrenaline thing? All right. Yeah. But yeah, anime inspired action. John Wick falls in that category too. That's, that's a good example.

John Wick. So I think we're gonna see more. 

Theo: Hi, high action. Just like the one you sent me via text that time got me hyped . Oh, feed a messenger. I dunno, where's that from? Where's that anate from? But it was awesome. What was it? The one that they were fighting? Yeah, were fighting and you know. 

Mr. Benja: Oh, in like a Oh yeah, dude had the sword and was running up on the other guy.

Yeah, that was a full metal alchemist. 

Theo: Oh yeah. Yeah. Good stuff. Good stuff. No, I agree. I think there's some opportunities there. I mean, you know, they're also playing with an ma just anime in general, right. With my hero academia coming out on movies. I mean, it seems like they have a new, an ma coming out at least once a month now.

To see what happens to y'all. Yeah. Oh, really? Okay. Yeah. My, my, my kids are into, man anime is like huge now, man. Shit. I remember being my, my kid's age, I had to sneak and go watch, you know, a Kira man. Like, okay guys, ninja scroll, I'll show you something. Ninja. Yeah. Ninja scroll. But I'm talking about high school, man.

You know, when, you know anime was first popping off, you had to get the, the special version from Japan. You gotta go, you know, after school when no parents are around to go watch it. You like, oh, this, this is some violent stuff, man, I don't know if you ready for it. Freak me out when you see it for the first time.

The hardcore stuff. . 

Mr. Benja: Yeah. I, I got in trouble with the family for having anime around. Somebody said they wanted to borrow one of my video tapes and they said, they said, what is this? It's a cartoon. And the parent was just like, and they took it. I wasn't there at the time, you know I let my cousin borrow my tapes or whatever, but he borrowed it and next thing I know, my aunt's like, you and your mother are gonna have a good sit down talk.

And I was the hell's this. Yeah. My mom was like, Hey, listen we know the anime, that's fine, but your aunt can't handle that stuff. And it was a, it was Ninja scroll. And I think there's a, there's some bad scenes in Ninja Scroll that could have some parents alarmed . 

Theo: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So no.

Okay, so okay. My shot horror man. I think, you know, I'm not a big horror guy, but I mean, you know, I mean that's, it is either superhero or horror that always make money. We just saw that with Megan and. I think, you know, they're just gonna do more of that. I mean, because think about that, that's one of the few experiences.

Horror is always better in the theater cuz you know, you hear people laughing, giggling or, you know, don't go in that room, you know, if you're in a, a lively crowd. And so just something about it, you know? Yeah. And then also makes money, I mean, tons of money basically. They can make these movies for like dirt cheap.

I mean, you know, we, we talked about, what's that? The ER too. I think they made, they made that stupid movie for like, what, a couple hundred thousand dollars and they end up making like 5 million. I mean, you can make money off these things and to you, a lot of art directors get their start, you know, and actors get their start in horror man.

And it's like one of those things that just like, you just get so, you know, you can get in it so quick and easy. Make a name for yourself and then now you can kind of do other things with it. I mean, 

Mr. Benja: so like, like your boy, Eli Ross. 

Theo: Eli Roth. Oh yeah. Shout out to Eli. Getting a, getting another shot at the Thanksgiving Horror Film Classic.

If you guys haven't seen And the Grindhouse vision. So a couple years, shoot, this came out when we were in college, right when the Grindhouse came out? Or was it after college? I can't 

Mr. Benja: remember. It was after college. 

Theo: And yeah, so Quentin Tarantino did this thing called Grindhouse, where just these old type of you know, kind of, what was it?

Shock, shock value kind of movies where, you know, things were happening that was crazy. It wasn't really horror, but it was just like shocky. And then it had these trailers in the middle. Cause I guess back in the day, they would, while you watched the movie, they would have trailers for other movies in the movie.

And in between the different movies, they had these trailers. That one was called Thanksgiving. Funniest thing you ever see in your life, man.

Mr. Benja: almost. I'm gonna watch that again, 

Theo: man. Me too. I'm about to watch that after this. Cause I gotta watch that. Just, just, just all the, you know, just think about like, you know, the Christmas horror films that we always see every now and then, like black Christmas, you know, you know, Santa Killing. It's just the same thing.

But now you. , Turkey and pilgrims, right? You're running around trying to kill people or . Yeah. This is one scene that's so profan 

Mr. Benja: I can't even mention here, but yeah, you'll have to watch the crowd for 

Theo: yourself. Cracks me up every time, man. Crack cracks me up every time. Just imagine a family sitting around having Thanksgiving dinner or most profane thing you ever seen happening and they're just standing there like, oh, well this is regular day

So it's anyway, they're remaking that . So I was like, man, good old Hollywood man. No ideas ever forgotten . Yeah. Say. Anyway anything else man? He wanted 

Mr. Benja: to bring up? No. You know, any, we're, we're all good here. Is superhero fatigue setting in, you know what I mean? I, I really hope not. Cause I just hope that they stop and like try to get back to the quality of it all.

But I actually shuder to think about that because there's so many bad actors in the Hollywood space. Pun intended, cuz, and it's like, it's like they're building up for something that's, that they don't want to even like, they don't like these hero movies. A lot of Hollywood just doesn't like the hero movie thing.

When I say the Bad actors, they sabotage a hero movie just so they could go on and make whatever other kind of movie they wanted to make. And you know, as I said, Disney doesn't have, it'll be a big cost to Disney if, if heroes go out of favor. It'll be a big cost to wb Warner Discovery if heroes go out of favor.

So there's a lot of money riding on it, but, I hope they do the right thing instead of making dumb shit. Cause I don't like dumb shit . 

Theo: No, well said, well said man. You know, I think you, you kind of sum to that best and I think, you know, we're all in that boat. I mean, you know, as a lover of these stories and you know, comic collector in the past myself, I mean, you know, I'm still gonna keep going man.

I mean, you know, I'm almost like a abuse, you know, I hate to use this term, but just like someone that's been an abusive relationship, but, you know, they keep telling me they love me and so you know, I just want that high cuz I know how good it could be, right? Yes. I, I see that and you gonna always get excited about that potential.

And, and so I think, you know, cuz I've been there with this spider-Man amazing, you know, spider-Man two, or, or Spider-Man fall from you know, far from home or you know, Avengers endgame. So there've been some highs, man. So I'm just kind of looking for those highs again and I think you can get there.

But you just gotta have faith. So, so like I said I mean it is. You know, disheartening, but you know, I'm still going. I'm gonna still show. I'm going pitch, you know, punch my ticket and show up. Good job. You know, get you out. Yeah. So, and also I need con, I need Concha to talk about man on my, my own stuff.

So . Oh, that's right, 

Mr. Benja: that's right. Yeah, you're doing, you're doing good out there. The real Theo Harvey like what you're doing, you're jumping out there doing your media thing so pro. 

Theo: Nah, man, man, you gave me inspiration, man. So so man, yeah, definitely. I'm trying to figure out how I'm gonna eventually kind of, you know, leverage this, this is good content.

So, you know, maybe eventually I'll start, you know, inter interjecting that once I'm known for one thing and start to expand the brand a little bit more. But but yeah, man, I enjoy it man. And I want to have some more stuff coming out. So yeah, I appreciate it. Go check me out the real Theo Harvey.

But Mr. Benja, what, what you got cooking, man? I know you got, you got something popping off, man. About to send out some good stuff to the people. Oh 

Mr. Benja: yeah, man. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm good into my, my, my, the first of many eBooks that I've been setting up. So you'll be able to get those from mr was working on my studio for a little bit to, to do some more recordings.

So I got some podcasts episodes that are, that are coming out along with these eBooks that are coming out. It's all in a good flow. I'm in a really happy place with my work right now. So just knocking it out, man. 

Theo: Yeah, I love it, man. Execution speed. That's what it's about. I, Hey everyone. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you for listening to show versus business, you know, definitely check us out on, you know, , all the different sites that you kinda listen in on at us at, oh, sorry. I'm just, Mr. Benja, I'm just messing everything up. So I'm gonna start from scratch. . Everyone please like, subscribe and comment at Share versus Business on Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.

Listen to us at Spotify, iTunes, or wherever you listen to podcasts. If you like us, go check this out as our website at Chau Vista's business. All right, Mr. Benja, take care. Peace.