The Buena Vida Podcast

Todd Whitthorne: Languishing, Flow, and Inspiring Interviews

Lacy Wolff Season 1 Episode 15

Lacy walks and talks at sunrise with Todd Whitthorne, the aptly titled Chief Inspiration Officer for Wondr Health, as he walks round Andy Brown Park East in Coppell, Texas. In our world of distractions and an ongoing pandemic, many of us feel kinda “meh”…. as if we are languishing. Todd shares his antidote: strategies for flourishing, living life with intention, taking our attention back and prioritizing our passions. What does he consider an essential element for a perfect day? Who inspires a Chief Inspiration Officer? Find out in this episode.

Here is the direct link to the HealthSelect Wondr Health page where you can learn more about this life changing program and apply to participate.

Todd will also be our Keynote Speaker for an upcoming Virtual Wellness Fair on October 18th! Register to hear him live through the ERS Wellness Events Calendar.

If you are listening to this after the event has passed you can find the recorded version in the ERS Wellness Events Channel.