ASMP Experts & Masters

Ep 12 - Jodi Baretz

American Society of Media Photographers Season 1 Episode 9

In this episode Tom Kennedy speaks with Jodi Baretz — a psychotherapist and holistic health coach. 

 Jodi contributes regularly to The Huffington Post, The Mindfulness App, Westchester Magazine, Inside Chappaqua and Inside Armonk magazines. Most recently Baretz’ book has been featured in Thrive Global and on several podcasts, including Thrive LOUD, Here to Thrive, and Be Healthy and Thrive. She has also teamed up with “Maximize Your Talent,” a company that trains companies in emotional intelligence, and runs a women’s mindfulness bootcamp for them. Jodi’s mission is to help women learn to manage stress and their minds so they can cope more effectively with the struggles of daily life and thrive. 

 Jodi Baretz is a licensed clinical social worker and certified health and wellness coach with more than twenty years experience providing clinical services, psychotherapy, nutritional and career counseling. 

 She has a Masters of Social Work degree from Columbia University and health coach certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. In addition, she has had intensive training in “Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction” (MBSR), founded at the University of Mass. Medical School, Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, and AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy) training. Jodi has a private practice at The Center for Health and Healing in Mt. Kisco. 

Jodi's latest book "Mindful Is the New Skinny" is available here

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