The SALTcast

Have You Just Started Your Business and Want to Get Sales Tax Right?

Ryan Johnson, Daniel M. Peisner, CMI, Jason Parr CEO, Paul Johnson, VP

When you are getting your business started there are a lot of things to worry about. One of those things may or may not be sales tax compliance. A lot of people reach out to us about their situation. I invited Paul and Jason on to give their advice on what you should be doing.

Questions Answered:

How  do I know when I should be collecting sales tax?

What is sales tax nexus?

Where should I register for sales tax?

Does sales tax keep you up at night?

When I first start my business do I ned to collect sales tax everywhere?

Do I have to do anything about sales tax when I fist start my business?

Do I have to collect sales tax after I hit economic nexus thresholds?