The SALTcast

What Kinds of Companies Get Audited?

Andrew Johnson, CPA

Have you ever wondered how your client or company was selected for a sales tax audit? Do you worry that you or client will soon come under sales tax audit? Is there a way that you can prepare for a sales tax audit? Andy has seen 100’s maybe even 1000’s of sales tax audits and has written many articles on these very questions. Listen in as Andy shares his knowledge and experience with sales tax audits.

Additional Questions Answered:

  • How can I know if my client will be audited for sales tax?
  • How can I prevent my clients from being audited for sales tax?
  • What chances does my client have of being audited for sales tax?
  • What factors should I look at when it comes to sales tax audits?
  • Does the industry play a role in who is selected for a sales tax audit?
  • What kinds of sampling do sales tax auditors use?
  • What are the biggest errors found in sales tax audits?
  • What industries are selected for sales tax audits most often in California?
  • What industries are selected for sales tax audits most often in Texas?

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