
Navigate Change with Greater Ease

Carla Reeves

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Change requires resilience.  Many people struggle with change because they become fixated on the areas where they have little or no ability to change or influence their circumstances and feel powerless.  

According to a study by the Center for Confidence and Wellbeing, resilience is an active, dynamic process and that although some people seem to be born with more resilience, we can all learn to boost our ability to cope, thrive and flourish through change.

What if your ability to thrive through change has little to do with whether you have what it takes and EVERYTHING to do with being equipped with the mindset and tools for navigating change with greater ease?

In this episoce, we will explore four things you CAN control that will elevate your ability to navigate change with greater ease.

Get your Navigating Change Checklist here!

Learn more about Carla:  https:/www.carlareeves.com/

Connect on IG:  https://www.instagram.com/carlasreeves/

Learn more about Carla:
Website: https:/www.carlareeves.com/
Connect on LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reevescarla/
Connect on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@differentlythepodcast

Go to https://www.carlareeves.com/getunstuck.com to download Carla's on demand journaling workshop + exercise to help you stop spinning and start moving forward.

Explore Coaching with Carla: https://bookme.name/carlareeves/lite/explore-coaching

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