Differently: Rethink what's possible

The Art of Everyday Skydiving

December 02, 2021
The Art of Everyday Skydiving
Differently: Rethink what's possible
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Differently: Rethink what's possible
The Art of Everyday Skydiving
Dec 02, 2021

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Do you find yourself wishing you had stepped out, spoken up or taken that action? Do you dream about being your brave, authentic self, but then hold back when the moment arises?

What if living a brave, intentional life isn’t just for extroverts and doesn’t require you to be more courageous or confident?

Let’s explore the real barriers to living a more alive, engaged, authentic life and equip you to let go and leap into your everyday life!

Episode #3:  The Someday Illusion

Connect on IG:  https://www.instagram.com/carlasreeves/

Learn more about Carla:  https:/www.carlareeves.com/

Show Notes

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Do you find yourself wishing you had stepped out, spoken up or taken that action? Do you dream about being your brave, authentic self, but then hold back when the moment arises?

What if living a brave, intentional life isn’t just for extroverts and doesn’t require you to be more courageous or confident?

Let’s explore the real barriers to living a more alive, engaged, authentic life and equip you to let go and leap into your everyday life!

Episode #3:  The Someday Illusion

Connect on IG:  https://www.instagram.com/carlasreeves/

Learn more about Carla:  https:/www.carlareeves.com/