The Josh Bolton Show

Let's Take Your Business to the Next Level! | Tim Redmond

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For over 35 years, Tim Redmond has been growing highly successful businesses, which includes his work at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, growing a software company from two to 400 employees then selling it to Intuit, Inc., and also helping thousands of business owners gain time and financial freedom. Tim is an author and speaker, with leadership maxims that have been featured in John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.

He currently leads one of the most successful business growth coaching firms in the world, with a team that has guided over 1500 business owners through their unique and powerful processes to improve all areas of their business to more than double revenues and triple profits. Tim helps leaders realign their businesses so owners can boldly live their purpose, love their families, and better serve their communities.

Tim often says, “Casualness creates casualties” to help business owners and leaders of organizations move from casualness to excellence to dramatically increase their success, influence, and impact on others.







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Tim Redmond:

Hello, how are you doing? Hello, how you doing? Right? I know I'm Hold on just a moment here. Boom, boom, boom. Get the sound here trying to figure out where your podcast is that I was playing. Okay, pop that off. Josh. How you doing, sir?

Josh Bolton:

Good and yourself? Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Can you hear me?

Tim Redmond:

Yeah. Okay, there we go. All right. Well, very good man how you doing?

Josh Bolton:

Pretty good. I'm just checking my mic. Yeah, I was actually

Tim Redmond:

doing a love still setting up here too. I'm just coming out of the meeting coming into another one to get this thing going Ah well, let's try that again. All right, that's show boom, boom All right, there we go. Can you hear me okay now?

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, that's good. Coming through great.

Tim Redmond:

All right very good what Josh Bolton the man the myth, the legend here we go.

Josh Bolton:

Thank you. Thank you. I was the same can be said about you I was doing my research on you.

Tim Redmond:

Yeah, well, I'm an old fart that just doesn't give up and just keeps going after stuff. So I just wrote a 25 year plan last year when I turned 60. So yeah, it's the is the 25,000,200 $50 million plan. So

Josh Bolton:

as interesting

Tim Redmond:

as the 10x and the 100x.

Josh Bolton:

Oh, shoot. So 10x is 10 years? Or is it?

Tim Redmond:

Or is it 10 10x is 10 times bigger? My coaching program that I've got, I want it to be 10x. So back at that time, it was about two and a half million. So I want to get to 25 million. And then there's the the second phase of what we do, which is buying and selling businesses. I want that to grow to where we're at where we got businesses that we purchased that are generating $250 million. So anyways, it just it gives me something to think about. We may go past that. We may not get to it, but I've got a lotta a lot of drive here that I'm not slowing down and oh into retirement, stop cursing at me. Stop

Josh Bolton:

it. Why are they cursing you?

Tim Redmond:

Well, if somebody is going to try to imprison me to put me into retirement, you know, it might just kill you, then you always go two directions here. When you're going to something you're coming from something right, right. So if you go to retirement, what are you coming from functioning and being a contributing asset to society? Society in some way, right. I just refuse to go down without swinging itself. Anyway.

Josh Bolton:

It sounds familiar. It was a lot of people tell me like, Oh, why do you keep doing I'm like, I'm just too stubborn to admit defeat. I probably should have a long, long time ago. Yeah, but I missed the window. And I'm just gonna keep going. Yeah,

Tim Redmond:

that's good. That's really good. That'll work all day long, man. So,

Josh Bolton:

so I was listening to a few of your episode, you essentially helped design the software that the QuickBooks essentially bought, right?

Tim Redmond:

Yeah, we we actually had on the they got to, they got two divisions for their, their software, one for CPAs to do tax, you know, taxes for their clients and bookkeeping for the clients. And, and then we have for the end user, like QuickBooks and quicken and that type of things. You know, TurboTax, you do it yourself for the taxes for you. So we're on the professional side. I'm originally I used to be a CPA. And and so we, we had the fourth largest CPA software firm in the country. And so the largest which is into it, they bought us, so we sold our business to them. And so they took over we had about 400 employees, and they, they took 121 employees over and converted them and just really sharp and then they took some of our technology, and they still use some of it. So yeah, that's good. 20 years ago, yeah,

Josh Bolton:

I'd say 20 years ago, and they're still using it. That's, I mean, you were definitely ahead of the game back then. Yeah.

Tim Redmond:

Yeah. I mean, they, I mean, they knew general Have it, you know, so technology changes. So are the guts of it changes, but the functionality is still the same. So anyway, awesome. Yeah.

Josh Bolton:

So then I'm curious. How did you scale your your software company to the point that you're hiring different people? What was some of the smells? Are we on? Are we on the interview now? Mice? Well, obviously, I'm loving this intro already.

Tim Redmond:

Okay. All right. Well, let's

Josh Bolton:

do it. Obviously, introduce yourself, Tim.

Tim Redmond:

Alright, Tim Redmond, and Corrine, my wife, I'm a little bit too spastic care for my age. But I love to play hard and work hard and make a difference. I actually, Josh, I used to go around to a nonprofit and train people leadership and growth and talk to business leaders and pastors and government leaders all over the world. I remember one time I was making to a group of 20,000 people in Brasilia, Brazil. And I feel the smile of God on me as much talking to a plumber that is having a rough time making payroll. And one guy I'm thinking of in particular, he's making about $3,000 a month, barely able to support his family really not able to support his family, and two years into work with us like he's at 30,000 plus a month in profits. Nice. Yeah. So I feel the smile got on me as much doing bad as I did. Yelling at a whole bunch of 1000s of people. So I love what I do. And it's awesome. But yeah, so we that's the introduction as i i work with business owners, I help them grow the business. And we we have a coaching program as more of a do it for you coaching program. We do it with you some too. And but yeah, there were a lot, a lot of fun.

Josh Bolton:

Okay, I'm curious to do it for you. Is that mean? Like you essentially do a lot of the backend work like, yeah,

Tim Redmond:

so we just met one of our sales staff just shared a document with me and said, Hey, this guy, he jumped on board were our three month program. And we basically just show him the blueprint, then we implement it, we do 98% of the work on it. And he said, You know, I've, I've used like, I think he said he had seven marketing companies that he had used before wasted all kinds of money. And I said, Well, marketing is just some of what we do. We're really a business growth company. And so you'll see that we first of all, we meet with you every week. How many times did you meet with the other company? Oh, never. Okay. Except if you didn't pay the bill. So we, you know, we were just doing a lot of stuff. For years. I coached Josh I coach in a way that I would tell them seven things, this 23 things that let's get these things done. There's two things you got to just get knocked out here this next week. come back the next week. And did you do them now I'm too busy. So that's where I just expanded my business. I've got about 25 people that we actually do all the work, we build the websites, we do the SEO, we do the the online marketing and advertising, we do the reputation management, marketing, we help them build their customer list, we write the scripts for them. We basically it's a do it for you company, but we're doing it with them too. They've got to sign off on it, but right a lot of fun. And were they the results are day and night from a typical coach to what I'm doing now. So love it.

Josh Bolton:

That's interesting, because so actually, a guy asked me to come on his show, and then pretty much pick my brain freely about podcasting. And now he's like, can you be my coach? And I'm like, sure, yeah. But then it was one of those, he wanted me to essentially do what you're doing, but I'm like, okay, but that's a lot of backend work. You're not gonna get like my services for 100 bucks a month kind

Tim Redmond:

of thing. You got to pay to play.

Josh Bolton:

Like, I'm not going to scalp you, but it's also not going to be cheap, either. No,

Tim Redmond:

no, and you don't need to apologize for that. Specially if you'll hold yourself to a, you know, a standard of saying, hey, if I don't like you, or you don't like me, we can fire each other anytime along the way. Boom, done, you know. And so that's kind of what we do is we you know, they don't like what we do kick us to the curb as really rudely as they want to and and then if we find that there, we work with a lot of contractors like plumbers and electricians and home builders and remodelers and people that put in pool just any kind of home services and commercial services. So if we find that they're taking advantage of some 78 year old granny and overcharging them and tell them they need a bunch of stuff repair. They don't, you know, we reserve the right to fire our clients as well, too. I know that doesn't help from my podcast, but you know, you got to have an honest conversation, right? Josh? Somebody wants your, how many hours? How many dollars? Have you wasted? Have you tried out things? Have you been in this podcast? And and they want all that for free? And then it makes sense.

Josh Bolton:

Oh, no time. Or they're like, oh, we'll pay like 100 bucks for a quick cheat sheet. And I'm like, gather that you still you're going to need me to explain why I said that kind of thing.

Tim Redmond:

Yeah. Yeah, they they want they want a treasure map that you spent so $100,000 to write and create. They want that for for three pennies on the dollar. And so I was like, but most people are not doers. That's another thing. Most people aren't doers. And I'm not down on humanity. You know, I'm, I'm part of humanity. And I know, that's why I hire coaching organizations to check my if I say kick my ass is that do we need to take that off?

Josh Bolton:

I can just put explicit on keep going. Okay, yeah, there we go.

Tim Redmond:

So, you know, we we all need some butt kick, and how about that, and accountability and all that without, without accountability, nothing improves, nothing, nothing, nothing improves. So I set up accountability to keep me off my butt moving forward, you know. So, you know, most people aren't knowers you can give them a detail list and that they're not going to most people won't do squat. So

Josh Bolton:

and that's where and I told him point blank, I said, I know you're trying to hire me. So you can get everything out of me doing your assistant, she's, she's focused one, and I like her. But I'm like, I know in like six months, you're gonna kick me to the curb? And then I have nothing to do. I said, so I told him I said you're paying for essentially me to hyper train your assistant to be your second. That's, um, like the knowledge I'm gonna give her you're probably gonna have to give her a raise, just so you know, get a thing.

Tim Redmond:

That's good. Yeah. So you know, I find that poverty is promoted. With a with pursuing free prosperity is promoted by pursuing exchange. And you create I have redefined in this book power to create redefine what wealth is, it's not something you gather, it can be, you know, bank account, houses or properties or whatever you but you know, wealth is something that flows from you, it's you create is the creation of value to serve people and you create it so well, people want to exchange something of value to get it. And so we want to encourage that exchange and it's, it's just helped a lot a lot of my clients here and

Josh Bolton:

it also just reminds me of I'm probably paraphrasing it terribly, but it's the richest man in Babylon.

Tim Redmond:

Oh, I love that book. Yes, yeah. Cuz

Josh Bolton:

this read like the he was explained to the students right? Oh, well, wealth is money is like no, it's the ability to give freely and not worry about the right income kind of thing.

Tim Redmond:

It's perfectly short book. Didn't have any pictures in it. So it took me a while to get through. But I love that I've given that book to all my kids. I got four above average kids thanks to my wife. And but yeah, there that's a phenomenal story just and you know, who wrote it? It was a mapmaker in 1926 from Colorado, traveled around the world and saw were people in the roaring 20s People were just being foolish with their money. And so he wrote riches Bab Richest Man in Babylon as kind of a story to give them so that they would read so they better manage their money. And then boom, we got 1929 to happens a Great Depression. You know, it begins and and people started managing the money a bit better. Everybody, but I'd say the government maybe

Josh Bolton:

since day one or founding this country, they haven't done so well. But that's a different story for an artist. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, that's the biggest one I tell people because really, oh, Josh, you can be very successful in this now. Mike, what are two books that were willing to read to Mike Richman, Babylon thinking Grow Rich. After that I can give you a great list but if you can conquer those two you you pretty much have the road metal

Tim Redmond:

that and that covers both side both ditches there on that here, money management and the creation of money through your thinking process and your intention and intensity of desire. Yeah, I love that. Matter of fact, I've got I got one of my one of my coaching clients. I'm actually going through thinking Grow Rich right now. So just love it. I've been through it a bunch but I just I'd like to read it as if it's the first time and just do all the exercises just like it's the first time and it just boom, you know,

Josh Bolton:

I make it a personal rule to release, reread it once a year.

Tim Redmond:

That that's Josh, that's a great idea to do that just to keep your mind thinking along those lines. So,

Josh Bolton:

so I'm curious for you, you mentioned the coaching and going over rich man, sorry, thinking grow rich with them, or was a rich man

Tim Redmond:

thinking Grow Rich, I've got I've got a client, I'm going to think and grow rich, we we recommend that book. We recommend a number of books. One is the best leadership book ever written is called Leadership and self deception by the Arbinger group, and consulting group based in Utah, and anyway, that's a great book. Richest Man in Babylon is a great book. You know, Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People still a great book, you know, it was like one of the most influential business books of the of the of the 20th century, but here in the 21st century still applies, you

Josh Bolton:

know, so if we haven't changed that much in that much time, no. As right. So with the reason I was asking that question is, is it during your, your session, your weekly session with them? You're going over the book? Or is it more like, Okay, this is the chapter I want you to get over? Kind of thing?

Tim Redmond:

Well, yeah, well, yeah. I mean, I have a handful of clients that I coach, I've got six coaches, and they they carry the the lion's share of the we got about 150 clients, we're rapidly growing, actually. And so anyway, with the handful of clients, I maintain, I will, we'll cover a lot of the, you know, how are you winning? And what's the big, you know, burning fires that we got to address and, you know, what are some tactical things we can begin to do. And then for him, he's a CEO of a, of a fast growing construction company in the Dallas area. And so we're, we're covering on just his personal power planning. And then his team management, you know, with the new loop, the feedback do loop and all that we set up, and it's just, his productivity has just gone through the roof as a result, but we'll take about 15 minutes of our 15 minute call, and we'll just hammer on it. Like right now we're on chapter three, and we're just gonna hammer that garbage out of that tomorrow morning. Just love it. So awesome.

Josh Bolton:

So then I'm curious, then how did you How do you market yourself? Or is it just podcast to get more clients,

Tim Redmond:

though, podcasts is fairly new. And I'm saying basically, I'm testing this to see if it works, you know, so mine actually picked up a number of clients from it just from an offer that, that we, you know, kind podcasters like yourself, allow us to offer. And we offer your services for free, Josh. No, I'm just kidding. That's not the offer. Oh, well, but anyway, yeah, we just do for business owners, we do a deep dive into the business. And it's a, it's a fairly cool process, where we give them a new business model and a three year tactical action items to get to their three year goal. But so we will, you know, we'll bring people through a process in our coaching, where we're working on what needs to be worked on. That's yelling the loudest right now. And most most of our clients are, you're wasting marketing dollars. And they are, they're, they're guessing on this guessing on that, but I do want to I want to do a lot of these podcasts to test it out. And then I'm going to do my own podcast, and I will be inviting you to it too. I

Josh Bolton:

hope. Yeah. Well, GM,

Tim Redmond:

just to share all your secrets about guests. You know, I'm not I'm not you know, we'll talk about whatever you want to we can talk about your obsession about four leaf clovers. I don't know. I don't think that's your obsession. I'm just making that up. But anyway, people like I know Josh was he was really his obsession. I never knew that. Yeah, he never told me that either. But so we the way we market is we do we do a lot of our SEO is really strong. Like if you type in Tulsa business coach, or you type in plumber marketing or you type in, like I do a lot of faith based things, Josh, and so if you type in Christian business coach, I'll show up on page one somewhere. And so we get a lot of it from SEO. We we spend a lot of money with Facebook and Insta. We've tried YouTube and it hasn't worked as well but we're probably going to try that again soon. So we we do a lot of social media marketing and we're really fine tuning that. You know, but were will spend 12 $15,000 a month just on on Facebook alone, you know? So you know, but we're, you know, it's, we find what works. And we pursue that. And that stuff that doesn't work we don't spend as much money on, we don't try to make it work for us, you know, we write people keep spending money on things. I had one guy that was doing Google AdWords, and it's like he was spending$3,000 a month and I talked to the coach about and said, How many? How many sales? Is he got on this thing? Well, not none, I go, okay, $3,000 a month, it's a lot of money in my book. That's how many leads as he talked to Well, I don't know that he's even talked to any leads. I said, let's stop that. Until we can figure out how to get the fish bite, and you know, don't don't pay, have good money chasing after bad projects that don't work, they may work for somebody else, but the way you're doing it doesn't work, you know, clear. So we actually put a timeout on that we're gonna I'm gonna have my team just review everything. Because this guy does a lot on his own. We just want to take it over and just say, let's do it. And let's do kind of a crawl, walk run before we start spending 3000 bucks $100 a day on it. Just hold off on this. Make sure when it's proven itself. So I don't know if that answers your question or not. But it does.

Josh Bolton:

But then another one, I was thinking because you're very business but also faith based. Have you looked into LinkedIn ads, I know they're expensive, but I hear they're very effective.

Tim Redmond:

The LinkedIn, I've tested some LinkedIn, I've done some, some lead my chat. And it's the return on our money has actually been pretty good. But it's just too much work for compared to some other activities. So it's not bad. But I haven't spend money directly on LinkedIn, as I've just subscribed to Sales Navigator, and then I've hired somebody else to say, Okay, go find some people that we want to have conversations with, boom, boom, boom, and then we kind of take over after he accused them up and they go, Hey, how can I find out more information? Boom, here we come in. Sorry. It's, frankly, Josh, it wasn't, it wasn't enough for me to spend a lot more time and money on it. Okay, I'm not downing it, though. It's worked great for a lot of people.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, I had a mentor. And one of his big success stories is this guy hyperfocused. In the he wanted to do like, three day retreats for executives, they're struggling, whatever. And so he ran says to hyperfocus add that essentially, he has a lead list for rest of his life. It's so insane how focused he was. But the guy it's like, you have to spend like almost 50 60k for the month to get that lead list. I was like, Yeah, I don't have that much money. I don't know, I could even get

Tim Redmond:

50k a month. But what's the kind of return? I mean, it's a simple mathematical equation, you know? And, you know, how much does it cost to deliver your product, and it is really low, it's all digitized, and that's great. So you can go up to, you know, spending 25 or even 40% on it, you know, if you've got jayvees and you're given half the money to if your cost of delivery is not as high now if you're a homebuilder, you're buying lumber and, and all this kind of stuff, your costs and delivery, you know, all that labor and all that you're easily 70%, you know, and then you got your overhead. And so, you know, with our clients, we want them remodelers, we want them to be north of 20%, but home builders and that we want to get them as close as we can to the 20% You know, so you don't you don't want to you just want to spend money wisely here you get a lead? And how much did it cost for you to land the sale on that? And was that worth of profit, you're going to get on that not just how much what's your sale is what's your profit you're going to generate from that. And if it works out, then just turn up the spec and go for it. Um, I'm testing this sales funnel right now within Facebook, that the first round, you know, we we got one solid lead from it, we close them. So we're batting 1000 is great. But, you know, it's like, I spent like, just under 900 bucks to get that it's not bad for getting a client but you know, it's not ready to turn up the spec at the scale that it's just you know, as we got to get that under 200 bucks per phone call. So yeah,

Josh Bolton:

I was just he is that 1000 bucks a month or is that just a one time fee?

Tim Redmond:

Well, it's uh, you know, we would you know that I ran it for About a month so. And so I, you know, about two weeks into it, I saw that I had a desktop and a mobile version, the desktop was not working Josh, I shut that down says, Hey, you're, you're in timeout, then had the mobile and that ran has some good leads from it but it didn't really, it really didn't come to me having a phone call. And so that's what I'm doing. So I'm reefer I'm just retooling that entire sales funnel, and then we're going to test it out, once we get it to where we can get a phone call for 150 $200 We'll close one out of three, one out of four of those easy out for a real high priced item that we sell. And, and we you know, we promise you'll get back usually get double back in the first three months you use it, but add another 100,000 to your bottom line and the next year. So we you know, we have a lot of promises on it really delivers. But you know, it's just once once you nail it, then you scale it but don't scale it until after you nail it. So that's that's, that's where we spend a lot of money advertising wrongly is we're trying to scale something and we hadn't even nail that yet the numbers aren't working. Don't make them work on the small than you make them big. If the numbers keep staying the same, great. If something falls apart, pull back, learn your lesson, make the adjustment and get back scaling.

Josh Bolton:

Nine times out of 10 the data doesn't lie to you. So just you know do it. Yes.

Tim Redmond:

That's so true. That's that's exactly what happens on that. So anyway, what did you have any questions or you think you're the people that listen to this thing? What what questions you guys have or drained my brain? I want to give you all kinds of free stuff here if you if you're

Josh Bolton:

awesome. So I was curious, because you mentioned earlier your 10 and 25 year goal? How do you plan out 25 years worth of growth?

Tim Redmond:

Well, it I don't get super specific. A 25 year plan from me is to it's a 10x of my core coaching business. And because that'll be at a level where I have enough where I'm training my coaches to do the real work that I want them to do, which is the 100x. Vision, which is to get to where we're buying businesses and building them up. And sometimes we'll sell them but I want my coaches that I've trained and how to build a business I want them running as businesses. Okay, so that's the business model that I'm I'm having. So I just, I have a really just those two big numbers are the core part of that vision. And then we as we go in, we'll we'll have a 10 year lookout I follow a lot of attraction stuff, Gina Whitman, traction where you have a 10 year target. And you you're looking out three years, and then you have on your one year goal and you have your quarterly rocks. That's kind of how we run our business here. And so I just, but I like just looking out 25 years, I'll be 85 And I'm wanting I'm wanting all pistons to be popping at that point. So I don't want to be in a rocking chair waiting to die, that's for sure. You know,

Josh Bolton:

I would say you strike me as the guy if the lessons vacation even then you're like I got to fix this chair. Got to fix this.

Tim Redmond:

Yeah, yeah. And I mean, I I right now. Yeah, I'm married to a woman that's better than I deserve. And the kids are growing up my youngest, I got three boys and a girl. And the youngest is in my girl is in dental school first just finished in your first year. So we hardly get to see her at all. It's just very intense. And boy to a family vacation. But I'm, I take my wife to places that we used to go to when I would speak at an event and you know, hey, they're paying our airfare and they're gonna maybe give me a couple of dollars if I yell at people and get them laughing and hooting and hollering. So we do that I go no, I'm taking her now to resort places and different places she wants to go and I don't have to work, you know. So that's the that's the fun so I get to chase her. I like to chase her around resorts and all that so that's going to be part of my work part of my no 10x and that vision here. And it's like my great grandmother said from Ireland. The logs they chased the losses until she catches him so also like what Yeah, pretty good one. Yeah. Yeah. Boys chase girls until the girls catch the boys. Anyway, I don't know that's probably not politically correct. nowadays. I don't know what to think about. that is whatever.

Josh Bolton:

I just had a guy. I had a guy on yesterday talking about how women are getting more alpha and testosterone and men are becoming more bitches. And I'm like, Is that to say, but it's kind of true.

Tim Redmond:

Oh, Jesus. Well, yeah, I grew up. I'm one one of 11 kids, mostly boys, eight boys or seven boys for girls. And we're all athletic, all wrestlers, and we wrote hundreds of 1000s of dollars for their furniture, My poor mom, so. So we, yeah, the whole gender thing. There was no gender confusion on that. But you know, some people, I don't judge anybody on it. I just, you know, you have a job. Was that? Is it?

Josh Bolton:

Is that your style? Go for

Tim Redmond:

it? Yeah, no, I just when you have a Supreme Court justice that couldn't define what a woman was, I'm like, Okay, well, I respect where she's coming from, because she doesn't, you know, it's, it's confusing. And some people get really reactive. It's a very reactive culture. And so if you say something wrong, then you're canceled out, or you're attacked almost. And so she or she was extremely intelligent, very accomplished lady, very articulate, just to define something real simple. So like, well, we're, you know, it's kind of indicative of our times, you know, so what I like to do is I like to say, Okay, well, what, what value can I create to make somebody's life better? And, and so I had a guy yesterday from Minnesota call me, and he was hauling trash. And you know, I asked what his business model was, and it was, you know, is a pretty good sized company, but he just was making, he was barely making labor wages. For his profit. I go, Well, you that's not profit, that's your pay as you're making $4,000 a month, and you can hardly support your family on that. You know, you said, that's your, that's your profit. Well, no, that's, that's your labor, you're doing the work. And so I spent about an hour on the phone with him coach him and says, You can't afford our stuff. But do this, if you do this, call me back. And after it's done, then I'll give you another hour worth of my time, until you can afford to come on board with us. So it's, I love helping businesses, whether I get paid or not mostly when I get paid, but, but I just I love seeing somebody use their talent, their focus their energy to create something to serve other people. And hopefully, those people are happy enough to keep using that product. So

Josh Bolton:

anyway, 2% and that's that's like for me, one of the biggest tricks I do is like this guy, I know he has money. He does real estate, apartment syndication. So like he's making stupid money every month, and he acts like he's broke. And I'm like, I get it. You want to seem like you're broke. And no one wants to overcharge you. But am I saying apartment syndication? You're making a shit ton of money.

Tim Redmond:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, really, let's just don't poor mouth. It just you can be low key but don't lie, you know, just and, and you know, I even get into it i in this book power to create, which I'll copy here. Just this power to create is a faith based book, but it's not. It's not. It's really easy to read. And I've had people from all religions and no religions read it, and get a lot of help. It's a lot of our coaching program and how to build a company with it. But you know, it's amazing because one of the things that we deal with is handling money and some people like feel like making a profit is like a dirty unclean thing. You know, they got they got something they're gonna sell to their friend and and, and their friends. Are you gonna make a profit on this? Oh, no, I don't dare do that. I'm like, I'm like, what kind of numbskull is that? You know what, I

Josh Bolton:

want them as a friend then. Yeah.

Tim Redmond:

Thank you. Thank you very much, Josh. So there is this thing called the morality of a prophet. I know this will probably get a lot of calls and people wanting to protest. Tim Redman and my you know, I'll give you my address, and my email is Tim at Redmond grow and you can yell at me all you want. But there's a morality of profit. Like if you don't have enough profit in your business, your business won't continue. So those families work and for the business that rely on that income, that's that becomes unreliable, that shuts down the customers that are relying on you delivering that product or service on a regular basis. If you don't make enough profit, you're going to shut down. And so there's almost like a moral obligation to the people that rely on this business to make sure you have enough profit so that you can keep going you don't have to apologize for it. So

Josh Bolton:

oh, it That's the biggest one I tell people is like, cuz everyone or I currently work with, they're all web workers and, and I realized I'm an entrepreneur, I'm still using them to get some cash flow, but I'm getting out soon. And they're all they make stupid profit every day. And I'm like, let's put in really, really simple math. You have to rent out a building. Let's say it's 50k a month, you say we make 50k a week, do i right? So that's one week gone than that to pay us that's probably another 50k gone, then they have to pay insurance and shit. And this is just our stuff, like area that's under 50k. Gone. So they barely have maybe towards the

Tim Redmond:

profit, right? Yeah. Yeah. So we're, you know, with my CPA background, we actually help people with our cash management, you know, we let's get their business. rockin and rollin. Let's make sure that their product or service is profitable. And then how to sell that if even if the razor price we do it in a way where they're not people aren't losing customers over it, or they're losing the right customers. But then Well, what how do you begin to manage that cash. And so we actually, I mean, I apply everything that I teach, and I pour into people, I actually apply it in our own business, my own life. And so it's really, really a lot of fun to see people really get a master at that, how to how to have a guy that's like, he's an Arkansas. And he came to us, and he had about $100,000 a month business building sheds, and interesting, okay, well, small things like that, and had a pretty good business, but he had like a 5% profit. So he's working his butt off. And what's left over, he wasn't even paying himself. So yeah, I have $1,000 wasn't even worth the labor. And so we've worked through that process. Now. He's hitting around$600,000 a month, but he's hitting a 15, between 15 and 20%. Profit. And right now is probably more closer to 15%. But he's paying himself a very reasonable salary, where he can support his family on that. And he's an older guy that he's 67. He goes, you know, what, I'm now starting to dream for the first time, my business is providing enough for me that I'm, I'm actually setting up legacy for my grandkids and in helping them get where they need to go. And so it's just really fun to be able to be part of that. So

Josh Bolton:

it is it is. So I'm curious for you, you mentioned it earlier, we kind of just went past it. But how do you pick your coaches? To get them on the team? Train them up? And have them do that? That

Tim Redmond:

is a great question, Josh. So first of all, I'm I look for you, you hire for character, you train for skill, right? And you've heard that that was real, it was a real popular saying in the 90s. And, but it's still true today. So I, you know, we look for folks, now we generally are not looking for people with experience in consulting, because I want to teach them my system, and my methodology. And it's pretty intense. And but we'll have people come on, they gotta one of the number one things I mean, they got to be intelligent, they got to be curious, they gotta they gotta want to learn, you know, so that's all like the one area the other area is how coachable are they? And are they a No at all? And are they you know, because our coaching is really even designed around the, the client is actually teaching us or coaching us in their business so we can help coach them and how to expand it. And we like to do it safely. We like to do it where for the most part their growth actually funds their own growth, you know, the the the excess profits, so not having to borrow money. And so, you know, it's it's, we look for those kind of folks and it doesn't matter whether they got a degree or not they just have to be thinking they gotta be curious they got to be able to handle is like a psychologist sometimes with people and and they've got to not just tolerate people when I look for people that really have a love for people. And our clients sometimes were rough with most of them would say you know what, the Redman group they I feel like they they they love me and they love they love what I'm doing and they they're they're more they're more obsessed with making my wallet obese than I am, you know, destroying my gromek bank account more than I am. So you know, those are those are the characters Risk six has a character traits we need. We need intelligence, we need curiosity, we need coachability. We need kind of a compassion and empathy. And we need to have people that are comfortable not having the exact answer in the moment, because we're gathering it. Now, the sheer fact that we've coached over 2000 contractors and spent we, we focus on contractors and specialty Doc's like chiropractors, dentists, pain management specialist surgeons. So, you know, when these guys, we've done so many of them that we've actually already solved the problem they haven't even run into yet. But we've solved that problem hundreds of times. So there is a collective wisdom that we're gathering. But there's a lot of in the moment of having to really determine what's going on. I've got I've got a call out to one of our clients whose dad is about near death. And he's really confused and say, Well, I can't really own a business and take care of my dad. I'm like, well, but I didn't really tell him that I'm not going to have you on the phone coaching Josh.

Josh Bolton:

I didn't pass the interview.

Tim Redmond:

No, no, we use that term to describe mindset here that's not serving people. Well, we've used that we've used other animals, and, you know, the fecal matter that they produce. And so, anyway, but yeah, that, you know, he's like, he's making what I call it is a dumb dichotomy. You know, it's just like, you know, how can I, you know, I don't want to get, you know, like a dumb dichotomy as well. If I'm gonna get rich, I'm have to work too hard. I don't want to just lose, I don't want to lose my family. So either I, I get rich, or I lose my family as well. That's like a dumb dichotomy. Why do you need to lose your family? You know, you spend more time with your family. You know, I had one guy that was actually doing a church service, like, what they call marketplace ministry, was using the Bible to talk about how to grow your business. And one guy came up to me and said, Hey, I've got a good business, but I want to improve it. And I want to hire you to be my coach. I said, Well, great. Sounds great. He goes, Yeah, but I don't want to grow. I said, Well, I don't know if I want to be your coach, that sounds boring to me not to grow something. He goes, Well, I just don't want to work any more hours and I'm working, I go well, that's, that's a scarcity. You thought you think either you work a lot and get a big company, or you don't work as much and you keep your business smaller. So that's a that's, that's a scary thought. Either this or that will just go into abundance was and in both lists, only grow your business, if we can reduce the hours you work. And so we've got on now down to where was he at $5 million. He's making about $800,000. I mean, he's not hurting Cash Wise. And He's based in Canada. So maybe he is hurting Cash Wise, because the tax tax. But But anyway, he's, he's a really good man cares for the community. He, He gives to his local church and helps mentor young men and women, you know, want to get started in business. He's, he's just a prince of a man. But, you know, we, we did a two day, you know, when we went through the annual program, and he had hit, like, he had almost double the hit just under $9 million. But his net income went from 16% to 24%. He's actually made over $2 million in profit. And, and he's only working 20 hours a week, you know, and he only has to work five hours a week, just so you know, we just that's what we have to attack that kind of thing that you call home horseshit. It's it's a mindset that's not serving people well and that's why I paid coaching organizations to help help me see what I want I'm blind to

Josh Bolton:

Oh, yeah. And that that's the biggest one I've learned on this show in general talking to awesome guys like you is coaches are not necessarily you have to pay him. But I tell people it is good to pay them because then you're invested in results. Yeah.

Tim Redmond:

Oh, yeah. Yeah, we're, we you know, with our clients they pay at the first of the month we don't pay at the end of the month. Well, let me see what you do for me now. If you're not in it, I'm not in it. So right. Plus, my wife loves me more when I've got let's begin the month with a whole lot of money in the bank. So that's also one of my motivations. So anyway, but no, yeah, you want it you want to make sure you got skin in the game. And it is amazing. You know what I find there are some people's businesses there. are just so messed up. And yet, the owners like defending themselves, they're not coachable. And yet I see these really successful and the not all of them, because we've turned around some messes of businesses that are just just humming right now. And just they're doing very well there, they would be considered probably wealthy at this point, they don't need to their business and where they can sell their business or leave their business going and get enough to live for another 200 years. But I find that the people that are really diligent, those become some of the best customer because the little bit that they get from you, they take it and they run with it, and then boom, you know, you get these huge results. And so it's, it's kind of like, you know, you go to the church service, and they have this special marriage retreat or the special marriage training. And, you know, the people with strong marriages, they attend the people whose marriages are falling apart. They don't have time for that garbage. like, Hmm, okay, well, maybe that's that's one of the mysteries or the paradoxes of life, I suppose. So, understanding humans

Josh Bolton:

is an it'll be an ever ongoing situation. I'm for like, for me, like I grew up. We'll just skip all the nitty gritty stuff. But essentially, I got misdiagnosis. Like schizophrenic. I was on drugs, most of my lives. Oh, seeing shit. Yeah. Oh,

Tim Redmond:

my gosh, that's tough. Go ahead. Go ahead. So essentially,

Josh Bolton:

one, like recently, when I finally got off it, and my infrastructure, you said, like, how did you like survive? Because he picked me up when I was 13. I tried to take my life like six months before and I'm a tough son of a bitch to kill. So I only passed out.

Tim Redmond:

It was not really a laughing matter. But John, gosh, well, right.

Josh Bolton:

That's where then essentially he asked me like, What do you think? Where do you think you would be? And like, honestly, if you did not pick me up? I'm like, I'm like, pretty much certain I'd be getting together somewhere. Because I was so crazy.

Tim Redmond:

Wow, Josh, and look what you're doing now. You're a manager. And it's like, how many people are you helping out?

Josh Bolton:

Oh, yeah, it's a countless now I don't even know. I'm just I know that. I'm helping a lot of people. And that's, that's the big one. He said, he's like, you know, like, pretty much since day one of like, you started elementary, you were set to fail, but you reset your path. And I'm like, okay, like I told you earlier. I'm like, I'm just too stubborn to admit it. Yeah, I'm seeing weird shit in the corner. And it's fine with whatever. Typical Tuesday.

Tim Redmond:

Yeah, yeah, no, as good as that's amazing. So now who, you know, who are the main folks that watch this podcast? Just, I did the reading on it, but just to hear directly from you.

Josh Bolton:

So it's predominantly entrepreneurs, business owners, but then also open minded thinkers. I've had a guy come on, he's very Hindu. And we talked about his stuff. And that's awesome. Yeah, it's just it's predominately business. I'm always known as a business guy now. But it's now it's just like this one. I find someone interesting to chat with them, too.

Tim Redmond:

Yeah. Yeah. So what. And by the way, anybody can be an entrepreneur, if they find a need, and they figure out a way to fill it and meet it. And do it in a way that's so good that people want to pay for it. And there's, there's 10 trillion opportunities out there right now. So what what do you think is some of the biggest challenges that your business owners or entrepreneurs that are watching this podcast, what are some of their biggest challenges you think?

Josh Bolton:

So actually, one of them I'm, I've been giving them a lot of free coaching to help them out is its commitment more than anything? Right? And that's where I told him, Mike, it's one of those, they say, and it sounds like cliche, but a shoe, do what you love, and the money will figure itself out. Right, right. And that's where I told him, I'm like, I love helping people. I said, I'm martial artists, I love figuring out the story behind a form. And then how my brain works, I can break it down to the most granular level without destroying the value until you it I said, That's just how I work. Give me a ton of data. I can sort it and I can give it to a five year old easy,

Tim Redmond:

and that's a skill right there. That's that's pretty awesome at a

Josh Bolton:

joke that was used to Joe for the longest time now I stopped doing it because it was giving me like bad mojo or whatever. I said, Oh, I have this great skill, but I don't know how to make money with it's like, well, now I do.

Tim Redmond:

Well, you got it. And that's that's the idea of just really monetizing. You know what, what gives you joy and what, you know what, when you're working on it, it's just you know, you're able to help people in a way that they turn around they go wow, thanks and is all about focused on serving others. I know some of the big problems that we've had when we work with clients is they kind of feel lost in the shuffle as they don't know how to advertise what they offer in a real, poignant, kind of almost shocking way to get people's attention. And so we talk about what Seth good, and you probably read the book, he wrote it 20 years ago, but it's called the Purple Cow. So helping businesses find the Purple Cow, what, what makes him stand out? He's, well, I'm a plumber. And there's 3000 Other plumbers in this town here. How, you know, what I do fix pipes, you know, fix leaks, and that's what everybody else does. So well, there's there's unique ways of doing that. You know, I mean, one, one guy is right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we're base I mean, our clients are all over the US and Canada. But he, like I looked at his, his van, and he says, we wear belts, I go, we wear belts, why do you say that? He said, Well, you know, we just don't want, we don't want to fall into what plumbers fall into, which is, you know, when they're working by can see their bud crack. And so we actually had, we actually built a marking around that as part of the Purple Cow, is we have a no bud crack guarantee. So people are calling on the phone, and they're laughing and says, Yeah, are you guys the one with a no, but cracker and D. And then what it is, is if you see our butt crack during the job here, it's Labour's free, you know? Anyway, so it's just, you know, people find in their Purple Cow, really knowing how to engage their customers. And we have this one process where we build every business, we build, roll successfully build on the on the foundation stone as their reputation, their character and their competency together, working together these two. And so we build a whole reputation where the whole community knows Wow, these guys are awesome. So that that helps out. Any other questions you might have, that we can talk about on helping your business owners?

Josh Bolton:

I just got a side question. How long do I got you for?

Tim Redmond:

Well, because I have a let me just go out here just for a second. Nobody's gonna see what I'm looking at. Right? No, God, no. Okay. You don't have a share screen. Hey, I've got I've got it looks like I can go till as late as 10. After. So I've got upwards of 20 minutes, okay. Or if it's fine, you know, whatever, whenever you want their boss, but I've got a fairly light afternoon. So that's where I got a plug in to another meeting at 10. After.

Josh Bolton:

Okay, so then my one question is on the Purple Cow point. Let's say just hypothetically, someone has an idea. And I tell people this, it's like, oh, I'm good. I'm like everyone else. But I'm like, but I tell them, are you gonna email? Are you gonna follow up? And Xin question is that, that one thing if they're good with just follow up or quickly replying to emails? Is that worth making a Purple Cow around?

Tim Redmond:

Yeah, yeah. So if you find the need, like I just hired, I'm changing my CRM, okay, and change it to another company that's based in Australia, believe it or not, and they have some relatively low cost professionals that can help you help them run it. And so the gal that we ended up hiring her specialty was a DM responder. So, you know, it's like, my son has got this. One of my sons work in the business with me and he's brilliant. He's really been kind of the, he's the CEO. So he allows me to have time to chase my wife around resorts. But I've got another son who's played college ball college football, and he stays in good shape. And so he's doing fitness coaching and so they, they were looking at one of the services that they offered him was signing the DM person, when direct messaging person or email person or, you know, scratcher bot on Tuesday person, I mean, you name it, they probably have something you know, there's, you know, any rule that you have becomes marketable. What I have found that's been fascinating to me, is these people that become virtual assistants. And so there are those that are based in the United States, they charge quite a bit more. But there are some virtual assistants that basically go for anywhere from four to $8. An hour is just a fraction of what you'd pay here in America, in the US. And so there's, there's all kinds of opportunities that you can build a Purple Cow around. And you don't despise what you offer. Because your opinion of yourself and your opinion of that product, you're going to project that whether you know it or not. And I think it's a it's a, it's an awesome thing. It's a righteous thing. It's a, it's a means for you, I wrote in this book, honest to gosh, okay, so the first chapter in this book, I'm down in Costa Rica, training a bunch of pastors, and with a team, and we go to this village and fairly small village, and this guy's got this. He's a pastor Soto is his name Costa Rica. And he has this huge church that seats 4000 people that we're going to do the seminar at. And he packs it out, and I go, how'd you build this thing? He goes, Well, let me tell you the story behind the story. And he preached the sermon, Josh, that he said, Hey, you know, take, it's like the Parable of the Talents where Jesus gave one, five and two, and one and two of them doubled it, doubled the talents, you know, when buried it, and then I want you to take and then the pastor went to a few people and gave him a couple of dollars equivalent to that is a take your skill and double this. And so he came to this one lady, and says, well take your skill and double this, she goes, I can't take your money. I don't have any skill. I don't have any skill. And that's, that's bad. That's rude of you to do this, you know, my husband left me. And I've got three hungry kids, I can hardly feed and, and life has been so hard and miserable. And sometimes opportunity knocks on your door. And and you know, it looks attractive when you first see it. And so she said, you know, the only thing I know how to do is make pancakes. And honest to goodness, the guy says, Well, I want you to pastor said, I want you to go buy all the pancake batter you the mix, you can get up super early, make as many pancakes as you can with this money. And I want you to go down to the merchants and I want you to sell the pancakes. Oh, it won't work. It won't work. It won't work. Well, she did it anyway, she came running back to the past and the next day and said, You wouldn't believe it. They bought all my pancakes. And so business was born. People in the town looked at this single mother with 300 kids, she became she built a breakfast place, she built a catering place. And she became one of the largest givers in the church and she sparked an economic revolution to yours. People said is that the is that the lady that's making the pancakes is this that the gal that her husband left her with all these kids and will his horrible story was she turned it around, and she became a catalyst for an economic revolution, you know, so you can't despise what you have. And what you you know, sometimes the smallest idea was waiting for his for you to act on it. And just go for it. You know, so true. And if you have to do the first couple of clients to get a testimony, you have to offer your services for free for a few days just to see if they like it, boom, whatever. But you get the flywheel going like Jim Collins talked about and good degrade. And this thing begins to create a momentum on its own. So

Josh Bolton:

100% And that's a lot of people have said the same will not her story, but a very similar where they're like, the guy just was like, He's the guy. He said to me that they could personally part with the money. It wasn't like a deal. It was more of a learning lesson. But he said they just said the same thing. I think he was saying using the analogy of a homeless person. He said he sent you gave him 100 bucks. And they befriended and essentially gave him a journal and 100 bucks. He said, Write down what you use the money on and he said the first three weeks, he spent it all on booze. And he was like, he was just appreciative that he even wrote it down kind of thing. But then it got to a point he realized, oh, and month end, I'm wasting this money. So he started. It was one of those he would buy candy bars and go to us a lot and sell for two. So we bought 100 And so he got 200. And then he said then he started doing the same thing He's like, he's like, then suddenly, he had more money than he realized what he could do with and he's like He started buying vending machines, because he like you don't need out. He's like you don't need him. Home to have vending machines. Can you say you just need to be able to pay the storage unit at the store? And he's like, he's like now that homeless man is teaching all his fellow brothers in hiring them.

Tim Redmond:

Oh, that's kind of like that one. That is amazing. That is amazing here. But yeah, and that's where,

Josh Bolton:

but his His thing was he Well, he didn't really give me the story of why he was homeless. But essentially, he was like, really naturally good upsets. That's why he could easily sell the candy bars, no problem. And that's where the rich man told him. He's like, You have a knack for selling but you only sell to those, you know, want it and can do it. You think that is very valuable in sales

Tim Redmond:

as huge, as huge? Yeah, I have a son that he was a accounting finance, but he actually finance student of the year the football player. And he was working in auditing at a very prestigious CPA firm here in town. He just was drying up. And he, he, he left that job. And he started buying and selling furniture on Facebook marketplace, and he actually makes more money every month on that then at this prestigious CPA firm that, you know, he was actually making good money out there. So there's all kinds of opportunity, that's for sure.

Josh Bolton:

Oh, there is my when I just why learn trading? I'm say he can see it the others more. I have all these books on trading and business and all that. Yeah. And I so I reached out. Do you know Ken Roberts?

Tim Redmond:

I know I know of Ken Roberts. Yeah.

Josh Bolton:

So I actually reached out to him for the show. And then, um, his whole thing is opportunity is now here. And then like, he has it spilled out. So where it looks like, you read it wrong, it looks like opportunities nowhere or is now here. So we were just chatting. And that's essentially at home again. The March 2020, crash piqued my interest on how to make money with US markets in general. So then, he coached me up and he gave me his free package and all that. He I called him recently, and essentially, he invited me to his personal trading group, there's no payment, but he's like, we don't really invite people into this group once you ran if you like it's done. And I've now made like, so much money from this group. Oh, my gosh. And I told him, I'm like, this is like the biggest opportunity because I love it. I get to talk to people. And it's great that we're all fellow like minded people.

Tim Redmond:

Yeah, I think that's, that's excellent. Yeah, I love that. That's, that'll work that will absolutely work. Hey, I wanted to, you know, before we finish, I want to actually tell for for anybody that is a business owner. And I've had some podcasters actually join this, me and doing this, but we do what we call a growth plan for our clients. And we know in charge $2,500 Because we analyze her business, we build a business model that's better than the business model they have built on us coaching so many other businesses before we build a business model for them. And then we give them anywhere from eight to 10 concrete action items that if they will act on those, they'll they'll add at least $100,000 of profit onto their business in the next 12 months. And some people gladly pay the 2500 just because it's such a great rate of return. But if they will identify that I love Josh or I love Josh's podcast, they identify themselves to you and they email me directly or they go on the website of Redmond Or Ed mo nd If they will get a hold of me and say hey, what about that growth plan I left Josh of five star review or I love Josh if they somehow tie into that, we will waive that$2,500 fee. And we'll bring them through they're not going to get a cheapen version that will bring them through the full growth plan. And, you know, we give them all that even if they don't work with us, okay? Because we implement so much thing you know, most people come on board with us. But there's no there's no hard sale we don't we're not a hard sell group. But we we would love to be able to dive into your business, give you a new set of eyes on it and give you some concrete things you can do and it's I've never had a business owner say wow, that was a waste they you know, it's an hour or less. And what you walk away with is basically a game plan to say boom, let's let's add another 100,000 to our net profits.

Josh Bolton:

That's awesome. I'm gonna make a note to mentioned in beginning of the show, so they've listened to then. Yeah,

Tim Redmond:

yeah, so but as Tim at Redmond growth or they look us up revenue growth consulting will show up on Google. We've got over four 100 Google reviews that are, you know, from these are our contracting, you know, Doctor buddies. And I think most of them were five star, we have two one star that are people that I actually personally track that they just don't exist. I can't. But Google may have gotten rid of those but but now we really would love to be able to help your folks and they will love the process, even if they know they don't want to sign up. I just the only thing I asked is it's got to be a legitimate business. You know, it's like, Well, hey, I you know, you go door to door and selling cookies. Well, yeah, I mean, if you're Mrs. Fields, cookies in the making great. We can help you but which is another story here. We had a somebody that were helping out with a cupcakes. And they had a cupcake. She always wanted to make these fancy cupcakes. And so we asked on the front end as well, what kind of month? What kind of monthly profits Do you want to make? And while I'd like to make $10,000 a month, yeah, okay, well, alright, let's find out what your how much profit do you make per cupcake? She goes, I have no idea. So we took the time to break all that down. And that found out we found out that she was making 10 cents per cupcake and profit, who? So he said, Okay, well, to reach this goal, you got to sell 100,000 Cupcakes a month? You know, are you close to that? Or no, not, I'm not going to sell that in a year, you know. So the business model is wrong, let's change our business model, we actually changed the business model. And her making these wedding cakes, where she was making five to$800 profit per wedding cake. She only needed to sell, you know, 12 to 20 of those a month, and boom, she was there. And then we we had her come back around and do the cupcakes for profit, you know. And so there's there just all kinds of ways that that your business can grow the profits and hopefully even give you the the time freedom where you don't have to be a slave to your business.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, I just have a side question that's probably came to my mind, and probably everyone else thinking this, let's say they have an E, idea for business, but they don't have income, because they still reach out to you.

Tim Redmond:

They can reach out, we're probably not going to spend, I mean, we have to go through numbers, and we have to go through projections based on what we can do. And then usually what people are lacking is having quality leads, or they lack the proper pricing where they're making much of a profit. So they can call and wouldn't spend a little bit of time with them. And the best, the best thing here, Josh, is, when you have an idea, don't look at it as the last idea you ever gonna have. I was I was talking to one actually is in a church. And I told the pastor, hey, get all your business leaders and owners together, I would do a Sunday school class before I was preaching at the service or doing the Sunday morning service. And so I had him there. And then I shared some growth principles, and it's about q&a. So one gal said, Hey, I've got this idea that this god given idea, and I, I just want to know about how to write a prototype, create a prototype for it. So what tell me about the idea, she looked around, she just, I don't want to say it here, because I don't want anybody steal my idea. And so I go, Okay, well, people are probably not as interested in your idea as anybody else. And they're busy with their own lives. But, you know, when did you have this idea of comedy, and she goes, Well, about seven years ago, you've wasted seven years of your life. So this idea was mainly designed for you to get in motion to learn disciplines for a bigger idea. So what are those people with the ideas, we can help them? We can help them with some first steps. But you can probably find just as good information on Google by saying, you know, how do I start a business? Or how do I take an idea and make it a business and there's Google give you seven steps or three steps, and they're pretty solid things, you know, but I don't mind talking to them. So all that to say is the important thing is he get busy doing something with that idea?

Josh Bolton:

So if you're gonna reach out to him actually do what he says kind of thing.

Tim Redmond:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But I would love to talk to him. I love to talk to your folks, your tribe and the folks that like to follow what you're doing. And I listened to some of your podcasts are kind of low key. You're pretty intense on the inside as I talk to you, more so than I anticipated. Just listen to your podcast, but you're really into just stimulating people's minds by the variety of topics that you cover so I will say I appreciate that about you I think that's a phenomenal trait to have so

Josh Bolton:

thank you actually say I'm we're going out that's one of the one of my guests they had on he said like, he was nervous be on leave like shaking like a dog and I was like, What are you worried about? He's like, I'm like, do we bite that intense?

Tim Redmond:

Well, I love I love that intensity, but you got a very, very a great voice to listen to, you know, it's even calming and, and just inquisitive. And, but just as I as I talk to you, I'll remind you, you said on this air, you said horseshit, okay. As as a coaching mechanism of how I should have responded to one of my clients. So I like that intensity, what can I say?

Josh Bolton:

Okay, I suppose if we hit into the 10 After we gotta let him go in right, obviously, it's been an absolute honor and pleasure. If you see on my booking like you're always welcome back on.

Tim Redmond:

Yeah, that's great. Thanks so much, Josh. I appreciate Thank you have a good one.