The Josh Bolton Show

Entrepreneurial Coaching | Liz Wolfe

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   Liz Wolfe is a skilled and energetic motivational speaker, coach, and trainer. For more than 20 years, she has inspired hundreds of people with her passionate stand of abundance: “There is plenty for everyone, including me.”

   Liz got her entrepreneurial start growing up on a sheep farm in Western Pennsylvania with her mother and two sisters.  They had a cottage industry making and selling wool items, where Liz developed her public speaking and selling skills.  Later she moved to NYC to get as far away from the farming life as possible.  Her inner entrepreneurial spirit traveled with her, and she created a successful computer consulting business with her husband, Jon.

   Eventually, she transitioned out of the technology business to apply her experience in a more interpersonal context.  She now coaches entrepreneurs to overcome their self-doubts to sell with confidence and create an abundant business.

   Liz says that one of her greatest accomplishments is staying married to her husband for 22 years while running a business with him.  They have two wonderful children.  Always eager to get in front of a crowd, Liz also plays the ukulele and is half of the singing duo Ukulicious.


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Thank you for accepting. Are we videoing? Oh yeah, we can video i just i usually turn it off, that's all. Well, I wasn't I wasn't sure what your usual. He was right, Josh. Hello, Josh. Hello. How are you, Liz? I'm doing well. I have had a somewhat busy, crazy hectic day. And that is the fun of life right there. It is learning to deal with the chaos. Yeah. So I'm gonna let you lead the way since you know more about what you want to do on this call and create with me than I do. And I do have an immediate question, which is they're doing construction outside so if it's not too loud, it shouldn't pick it up. I have this set to when it's recording because I have a wind machine of computer to cut that out. So it is it anyways to stay at home season. People got to get used to that. The dogs barking the kids crying. Did you see that video of the of the weather caster? Yes. That was so funny. She just took it. So in stride. She just was like, Oh, yeah, my baby's walking now. Look at her go. Now back to the weather. All right, yeah. So how would you? I'll let you lead the way. All right. Sounds good. Liz. So then just tell me about yourself. What you do, where you live kind of thing. Yeah, where I, what I do and where I live. So my name is Liz wolf. And I live in work in New York City. I live in Hamilton heights area of New York City. After the big Hamilton funds fun right at the bottom of my street is Alexander Hamilton's house. Historic District. Nice. I live on. I've been here for about 10 years. And so were you in the heart of all the COVID when it was going down. You could say I was in the heart of all the COVID when it was going down except for I mainly isolated. I just I'm very fortunate we have a townhouse here, which is where we my husband and I work together we work out of this townhouse. And basically I just a lot been ordering a lot out. And ordering out, you know, and we're very fortunate we have a place upstate as well. And it's in a less populated County. That's very important. Yeah, actually, like this is the time when we're working from home and all that stuff. So I feel very fortunate that a lot of the coaching that I do because I coach entrepreneurs, that I've been able to keep my business going during this COVID time because so much of thank goodness resume so much of it and I spent a part of the spring just being upstate away from everything, but that's good, though. At least least you weren't in the heart in the trenches. I still during all this and working a night shift job and I actually got COVID back in December. Yeah, so Oh, it was just it was a rough it was the initial when they say like you have a fever, you should really take that serious, because that was the first sign kind of thing. And then it was just a cough. I personally feel asleep for like two days. Apparently I was super functional. But I don't remember the two days. So other than that. It was a long, lingering cough. It felt like I smoked like 50 packs a day. Yeah, I just decided I was gonna do the isolated thing that you know what's really interesting to me also, because I know that a lot of businesses a big hit at the beginning of COVID. And I see some of our favorite places. I also play music. I'm a bluegrass musician and what I know it's so much fun. And bluegrass is all about getting together in groups and playing together. So we have been improvising in many ways to simulate the idea of being together. We were outside playing in like 50 degree weather which you would never do in a normal year. Right. And so it's just not being able to be in has been really, really challenging that way but other than that, I'm just Yeah, and it's one of those The masks do play a big role. So you said you're a coach for entrepreneurs. How does that work? No, thank you for asking. So my main focus and how I want to help people is I like to work with newer entrepreneurs, people want to launch a business really don't have any idea on how to start. Those are my favorite people to work with a little bit of my backstory is, when I was growing up, I was about five years old, my mother decided she was this lovely Pittsburgh housewife, she decided, had enough of city life. And she decided she wanted to buy a farm. Okay, moved out of the city. And I say she, my parents were together, but then they later divorced, because my father did not want to be a farmer. And that's a rough life. Yeah, he didn't want to do that he was a Westinghouse engineer for 43 years. That's what he did. But on the farm, we had to learn how to be entrepreneurs, we had to learn how to make money and sell money. So I've been basically doing that since then. And we weren't really that successful at it. Whereas we did keep things going. Eventually, my mother had to declare bankruptcy. And sometimes I think about now of what I know about running businesses and helping people that how much I would have loved to have been able to be somebody that could have helped my mom. Like there's so many people out there that have a dream like she did have a lot of she was a beautiful fiber artists, you could spin and leave and we dyed wool, and we did all these amazing things. But she just didn't have the business where with all to be successful. So from there, I learned a lot of lessons about being entrepreneur, I started my own business, the first one of which did not go so well. It's usually the that what happens though, there's that very few lucky ones, their first business is all they need it. And then they launch and go from there. And that wasn't at all what happened for me. That's good. You know, those are the learning lessons. But I tried to save people from from that being so impactful that you give up on it. I think a lot of people don't get past the hard part. And so that's what I focus on. And then I also love helping people that want to take their business to the next level. There was a saying, I heard I didn't make this up. I heard it from someone. New level new devil. So when? Oh, my gosh. It's the same as though you just started. And yeah, those are the like that feeling of being stuck. That's when I really like to help unravel that. Yeah. So I'm studying trading and book business in general, because I realized, like, I love puzzles, and the stock market's the biggest puzzle that will never be solved kind of thing. So I'm just like pigs and shit right now. I'm super happy trying to figure this out. But I also like talking to people like us. So I figured, wait, why don't I just do a podcast? It was the grassroot like back, bootstrap didn't figure it out kind of thing. But I like the trading, I can take my time. Because, like, if I do one wrong move, I can lose everything kind of thing. So it's just that just bouncing. Go ahead. Well, so just balancing the risk reward. And I, I like today, I lost God, I think like $400 on a trade. So I was like, I know, that's like nothing to the market. But I'm like, that still hurts. That was$400. I worked hard for it kind of thing. So and that, you know, I was just, every, every other Wednesday, I have a free group coaching call that I invite anybody who's an entrepreneur that wants to come on, and we just, we just have conversations. And and there's coaching involved in that. And then one of the things we were talking about today, as a matter of fact, was this idea that there's big boys, you know, that I'm just putting in quotes, you can't see the big boys, and like to some people $400 wouldn't be a lot, but to a lot of people$400 is a lot. And so it's impactful. So these little things that shouldn't shouldn't be impactful really are impactful. Well, and one thing actually a friend of mine said a friend and maybe even a co worker, they're like when you get to that point where you actually like have people's money and you're managing for them, like your$400 is not going to be 400 it's going to be multiple zeros afterwards. Because you have multiple things running at once and like yeah, there's the law of large number gets gets really scary, really quick. And part of again, another thing that a lot have like the Guru's say is we're all working for these big breakthrough results we're going to create, now we're going to be trading the big bucks. And I'm a strong believer in incremental success. Yes, of like, Alright, let's get used to losing the 400 bucks, because I know I'm going to talk to you next week, and you're gonna gain 600. Right, made it back and then some, there's gonna Yeah, there's gonna be more zeros after it eventually, but like, let's get used to losing $400 and then gaining 600. And then next time will be 4006 1000 the next time, and it's gonna balance out over time, the learning that you're doing, and I'm assuming that because I don't do trading, but I see that's the best route. So all these books up here, if those who can't see it, these are all different trading books, and they all say the same thing. And they're like, be smart. Yes, you lose whatever amount, but one of them's like go all the way as a turtle. He said, you're gonna get so many losses, you're gonna be thinking, why the hell am I doing this? But then there's that one that makes everything and then some back. He's like, I love what you're saying about that. Because I think that's a large part of the experience of being an entrepreneur is you get very similar in that any event you do might be super successful or you might get clients prospects that come in some of which are higher you some of which you don't. And you're gonna find that you're gonna get like getting that toehold you're going to get that one deal that's going to make a difference for you. Yeah, it's the the one deal that will make up for all the like, the four years of losses kind of thing. Yeah, the way of the turtle that's, yes, the waves the turtle. Another one I would recommend if you're gonna do books is called unless you've read it Thinking Fast and Slow. Oh, I just heard about this. Daniel. Daniel Kaufman, here. Oh, that put it up again. Yeah. I just thought I heard about that the first time. So that's the second time I've heard about that book in just a few days. Very, it's a very good one. So it explains the he calls him system one, system two, essentially, system one is just pure emotions, no logic, no thinking. You're just raw reaction. But system two is the methodical the calculator the time measure. So system two is like the subconscious, you are saying, Okay, I'm losing money right now. But I know in three weeks, I'm going to make it up. So you let your emotions run, but you don't let them control you kind of thing. And he just talked about all the different like priming marketing mindset. I'm only like seven chapters in it's like, wow, kind of thing. And the big thing that I love, what about what you're saying about this, and all of this is? It is what we're doing is we're making distinctions, slowing things down. And we're making distinctions. Because you've got, according to what you're just saying, We're let's, let's distinguish the emotional part of it from the thinking part of it, is that our emotions are going to want us to do something. Yeah, this is something that will often trip up entrepreneurs. And I, on that call I was having earlier my entrepreneur accelerator community call what this one woman was saying, and she said, I just did an event. And she got 15 people there, which was a huge win. Oh, that's huge. Even one person, there's a win. I know. And so she's like, it's so exciting. I got it. And we were like, a huge win. And then she said, and now I said, Well, let me do another one. And but I haven't scheduled it yet, like and it's almost like, how much success can you have? Before you go? Well, I'm going to tone that down. Right? So that's an emotional response. That's not a logical response. Right? logically, you would say, if you've got 15 people to one event, do it again, in another 15 people. But yeah, try to shoot for 15 if you can get 16 frickin great, awesome. And even if you have 10, because, like you said, with the trading, you got to keep going with it, you got to do fourth, you got to do you know 400. And again, you got to keep going with it. Because you will see over time, the slow success and increase and then it does escalate. I think I'm seeing that now even in my own business. A lot of people the pandemic was very challenging for but for me, it's actually been really, for a lot of people. It's been great because this is where people are able to stop and say, what is it that I really want to be doing right now? And do I want to work on my business and grow my business? And that's actually so when it first hit March, that's where I was confused. I'm like, why People in my store were like, I work as a night shift janitor. So the two of them are just praising This is the best thing since sex. Two people are crying. Like, this is the end of the world. And I'm sitting here going, why are these people happy? And those are sad. I don't understand. And that's where the rabbit hole start from there. That was the 10% crash day. Okay, so that that will give you a key point. So as I'm exploring, and I realized, Oh, they at least had enough like knowledge to realize Yes, it sucks right now. But they they went in and bought everything they could with their money. And now they're they're easy. I've heard them say they're 90 to 100% doubled what they made some of that's from like, dude, like, how do I achieve that? They said, just go with the the for dummies series like the for dummies for trading for dummies for this. Like, it's genius knowledge. just slow down chunked up. Yeah, and this is where it getting a coach or getting even whether it's a book. I mean, what I love about books is there's all these incredibly those for dummies books, they're written by very knowledgeable, very knowledgeable. And what I think one of the worst things that anyone can do in trying to run a business or like even what you're saying with the trading is doing it, thinking you're supposed to know how to do it, and then it should be easier than it is and you don't get support and help people do not like to ask for help. And yeah. You know, crazy. I mean, even coaches have coaches. I know. Yep, I have. I was interviewing a CEO very successful. The theme, I keep getting a fall for them. And they're like, we're not Where are you? We just have to make the hard decisions that no one wants to make. But like, sometimes we have to go call our own like our counselor, well, he's like, I call him my counsel. I'm like, Okay, he's like, these, these decisions I make affect more than just the business, they affect lives. He's like, I might just supposed to make a snap decision and be like, Oh, yeah, cut this, then that's a couple 1000 people in a sticky situation kind of thing. And that's where he says he's like, focusing, I'm added living a little He's like, I essentially call like a therapist or a counsel. Because it's like, I don't want to make this decision by myself. I don't know what I'm doing. And having someone help you think through and help you make those distinctions, that difference that it helps you to make those distinctions. And sometimes the question is, are you making it from an emotional place, like this woman who was saying, Oh, I did this one event, it was really successful. I know, she poured her heart into creating it. And being able to work with her to have her see that, you know, people call things Say, say they have a fear of success, what I have a different point of view. Okay, the different point of view that I have is that you can only receive a certain amount of success. In other words, you only receive as much success as you can receive. Everybody has some limit. Now some people's limit of receive ability is way bigger. That's true, not just success, but also money as well even take someone like you know, Michael Jackson, right? made millions lost it mostly at huge success. didn't have that context, ability, and eventually went away people who win the lottery. Perfect example. Yeah, I don't know if you know, the listeners know much about the story of lottery winners. It's usually within a year they lose everything right? They are worse off. Yeah. When they started, and the reason is, is I don't know about you if you have if you're a house plan person. Yes. There's one there and one behind the little white thing. Okay, well, I love houseplants, but I don't like watering. And I'm not so good at it right. And so whenever I water my plants, I always take them to the sink and take off or whatever. So I pour the water in and then I let it sit there because the water is gonna run right out the bottom. Don't water your plants, the soil gets dry, it does not absorb the water. Now if you water them regularly, then you can go over with your little watering jug or whatever. You can put some water in and then the water absorbs it. So you have to think of your context of receive ability like that soil if for millions of dollars into a the equivalent of a pot and it does not have the ability to receive that. It's just gonna pour right out. And that's why lottery winners, they don't have financial managers, they don't have already that context. And so there's no reason for this day, right? Definitely, yeah, I remember one guy got it was years ago, I like probably 203206 area. He won but he was smart. He was just it was the lottery is big. So he's like, Oh, it's $2 like I don't normally play the lottery, I was put $2 down kind of thing. He won. But because he was smart, he had a lawyer pick up the check. He had a financial manager waiting, everything like he had it set to where he was getting, like $10,000 dividends. So it was just one of those. He was one of the exceptions. He was smart. It was just by chance he wanted all. Yeah, I read once again, this is not original to me, but I so brilliant. woman was financial advisor person, she said, I know you want to win the lottery. So go get a financial advisor, that because you might never win the lottery. And if you do, you'll already have your financial advisor. But if you don't ever win the lottery, you're still gonna have somebody helping you. Because they have a fiduciary order to help you out. And, and that is one of the biggest things that I hear with newer entrepreneurs. They never know what their money situation ever. I might say my mom's a banker. So I've always grown up with the the more of like a scary monster, like don't have debt kind of thing. So I've always wanted to pay it off. But now I'm starting to realize, okay, certain debts, okay, like a house mortgage is okay. But you got to make sure you have enough money to pay that mortgage kind of thing? Or do I have to get a second job just to pay the mortgage kind of thing? Yes, living within your means? Yes. Beneath your means. I don't know that much about him. But I know, I heard that Warren Buffett still lives in the same house in a place in the Midwest. Omaha, Nebraska, something. Yeah. And he, you know, he didn't go out and buy a big huge mansion. This is a man who's literally a billionaire, he could own like half of America if he really wanted to. And he just stays in this very nice. I'm sure it's a very nice house. Probably, you know, we I think from what I've heard, other than the security he pays for, he literally lives off his 80,000 a year, check from the company. He's worth billions. But he literally lives within 80,000 a year. And bringing up a really interesting point. Because studies show that up until about$75,000, or maybe even $50,000. Like if you if you're making$20,000 a year, you really are living below the poverty doesn't mean that you can have a perfectly nice life by the way. But right. But impact of money in your life, between zero and about $70,000 is pretty dramatic. Like I really can change the quality of my life if I go from making 20,000 to$40,000 a year or 60,000. But after about 70 or $80,000 a year, quality of my life, the quality of my life is not going to go up that much. And I don't know there might be people listening to this golden mean, it's so much nicer to you know, own a multibillion dollar private place with bikini models from Russia. What are you talking about is crazy. That's crazy, but the quality of your life. You got a car, you got food, pay your bills, you can travel, all kinds of stuff. And you can have a perfectly fine life and very nice life. saying like after about 70 $75,000 in the studies that they've done, there, your life is not better. No, no. Yeah, you just so have you read the book, The Millionaire Next Door. That is also on my list, but I have not read that one yet. Okay, so if you're in the audiobooks, they have it free on YouTube. That's how I went through it. It's a it's a 10 hour read though. So I do listen to a lot of audiobooks. Okay. audiobooks. LibriVox on, it's an online open domain, book place. I've listened to masterpieces like Moby Dick while I'm working. Isn't that great? It's great. And it's one of those. As I'm just I popped in, I have headphones for work. And I just said go around. The God Moby Dick took me two months at about four hours day but that It was so awesome just going through listening to them talk I'm thinking wow stories nowadays are not as good as he used to be kind of thing. I love I love it I love audiobooks because usually the person reading is so good. And I don't read a lot of fiction it's a very it's long it's two Bibles combined so it's one of those you could take a pass on it I think it's like almost 2000 ish pages to do part of my I want you to come back to Millionaire Next Door I want you to tell me about that. But I do want to say before we get to that that my plan soon ish is to get an RV and drive around the United States have a map on my wall very, very I believe strongly in vision boards. So I have one on my wall there and on my wall is a map of every fifth the Ford lower 48 states right route to go through every single state and go to a national park that's in every single state. So that's awesome. Oh my god, the RV and you know now a zoom. I can be anywhere and still do my work. Yeah, just need a basic internet and you're good to go. Go to and then maybe Moby Dick will be my my audio book that I'll listen while I'm driving around. Oh my god, that would be amazing. Yeah, cuz I listened to it. When I was just I saw I have to use a big old scrubbing machine at work. I would just listen to it. I click I'm driving a boat kind of thing. I was just like, Oh, okay. Because it was a whole like, God, I want to say a third of it. Just in that see, nothing's really happening. It is one of those that like, yet nothing's happening. But it's super intriguing. At the same time, I'm like this author's genius. Okay, but you were telling me about Millionaire Next Door? What was it about? So the Millionaire Next Door is that you will play into your RV thing really well, it, it's explaining how to be frugal, how to be how to invest wisely, don't like take on risk kind of thing. Unless you know, it's one of those it's gonna dip. But it's gonna go back up kind of thing. Just be smart. Like, instead of buying like a fancy Tesla buy like a 2008 Prius kind of thing. If you're looking for fuel economy, it's got some miles it's got it's kind of shitty 3000 bucks, but it'll at least get you it'll keep within your means. And it's just, it's the whole blueprint of how to be wealthy without being a dick kind of thing. You know, and again, going back to the being an entrepreneur, and how to be successful and make your business work. I think this is another thing that gets people in, which is thinking, and I'm one of these people that has done this thinking that there are ways that if only you paid for them, like YouTube ads, or Facebook ads, or Google ads, something like that, or being a part of very high end marketing programs, because all those programs are going to tell you the answer. And you're going to want to know the answer. And I will often say to people, I took that $10,000 programs, you don't have to Yes, Yes, I did. Actually, I don't know that much. But like somewhere between 6010 $1,000 I've taken three year long programs like that. And I I took those so you don't have to and what I mean by that is, there are so many ways that you can grow your business that you're not necessarily thinking about and go with the Prius, you know, can I get clients driving a Prius 2008? Same way I can, can I get to where I want to go? Driving the Prius 2008 are driving the Tesla, is it? Sure. But can I get there and have a very enjoyable ride and be happy and value at the end of that? is right. Absolutely. I can't. And so I think sometimes, if I can't create spectacular results, what I end up happening when it ends up happening with people is they give up very early process. Oh, yeah. Yeah, as of talking to just online entrepreneurs, CEOs, CFOs they all have said the same thing. And they're like, it's boring. We all here we all know it, but we don't do it. Consistency, persistence, patience. They're like that's it. They're like if you're consistent and persistent. Nothing can stop you. There like the the quote, Twitter mobs can try all they want. But as long as you're patient, they'll eventually go away. And I just sat there to my Wow, we all heard But we don't get the meaning behind it. Yeah, and this is something else that I want to offer to listeners into this conversation. So a lot of things like let's use being consistent. Some people would say, Well, I would be consistent, but I'm not, I'm not that focus, or I'm very disorganized, or I procrastinate a lot. So what we end up doing is focus on consistency as a benchmark for how well we can do. Right, based on how we, you know, feel well. So what I would say to that is what I 100% I buy what you're selling, I think of those like tools in your entrepreneurial toolbox. So in other words, they're not the be all end all answer, you know, just like time management is in our getting to another, like, there's so many things that work really hard, get to know the right people get the right credentials. Those are all really awesome tools in your entrepreneurial toolbox that you want to pull out at the appropriate time. And I want to offer three more. Okay. And the reason I like these is because they are their skills that everyone can do. If you develop them, we started to talk about one of them earlier when you're talking about receiving, and they are asking powerfully giving wholeheartedly and receiving gracious. Okay, I'll give you the quick rundown on. Okay. If you think of it like steps, what would be the first thing if you want to create something, ask for it, ask for what you want. Anybody can ask. And when I say powerfully, what I mean by powerfully is you want to be very specific. So even today, I was doing my entrepreneur accelerator community call I mentioned already. And I got and I sat in front of my computer, and I said, to create eight people on my call today, I've had as many as three and as many as 25. But been pretty consistent somewhere between five and 10. So I said, I'm gonna create eight people today. And eight people came on, and then I was like, Damn, why didn't I say 10? Or 12? Or 15? So, but in other words, I when you're asking for what you want, don't say, I want a lot of people to come on my call today. Hey, what do you want to say? just interject there isn't gonna be one, because that could technically be a lot for one person. Right? Just like you said, you know, like, that's a huge win. But, you know, if Tony Robbins was getting on to do a call, he'd be like, 15 people that's know nothing. So you want to be specific? Right? Okay. Any questions or no? Keep going, I'm just upgrading of Not now. Okay. So, after, you know, when I'm when I'm doing this, I have this as a topic and some of the trainings that I do. And I always say, okay, you know, ask powerfully, that's the first step. And then I say, so everybody, what's the second step? And everybody says receive? And I say, No, the second step is, is and this so it's a little bit not as logical as you would think that you could you would say to yourself, What do you mean, I'm not giving something out? Have yet? How can they do that? So as an example, when I say give wholeheartedly, that's just a nice adjective to say. You're giving without, without an attachment to the result. So if I want more clients, I can help other people get more. If I'm feeling stuck around getting clients for myself, I can call up my buddy and say, What are you selling? What can I help you with? Or you go to a networking meeting, make connections. So that's just one example. The real spiritual people, they would say, give money to get money, give time to get time. And then everybody says, but I don't have money, or I have to. There's excuses. of reasons, right? So the giving comes between the asking and receiving and there's one other reason for that. Another reason is because when you give you actually create more of it in the universe, in other words, if I help my buddy to get clients, I've created literally more clients manifesting and creating even if I haven't done it for myself yet. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. So on just real quick on the manifesting thing, and then we can continue with the last part. So I've noticed that as i've i've just been doing this, and I'm I'm going through. And I just say to myself, you know, this is a hobby right now just just to get it in my head, like, I'm not making money technically. So I'm like, but I expect by the end of the year, this like, it's going to be a thing, where it's like the, it pays more to double down on the podcast, and it has to go to a normal job kind of thing. And it's, it's slowly ticking there. I'm barely recording this, what the 17th of February. Already in two months, I've tripled everything. And I'm just unfocused. And that's where I'm like, the manifesting, and all I do is I do the Tesla 369. Do you know what that is? I do not Tesla 369. So definitely a good thing to look up. It's Tesla's rule from manifesting anything. So you write the topic, I think it's you write it three times the topic, six ways you the action you're going to do and then nine is what you would get, would you you would give in return. And you do that? I think it's like, you have to do it three times for the day. Three is I'll pull it up. I saved a note my notes. And I love that the give is part of it. Yes. No, that was the key thing. He said it was like you have to give to get kind of thing. why that is, is not? My point is it's not? It's not magic. It's math. So if you're creating and that's Scott Adams says that it's not magic. It's math. So you're it's not like you're magically creating, because oh, by you know, you have to give to get like it's magic. No, it's Matt. You're giving and you're creating more of it in the world. And that's, that's why Yeah, I sent the message to you. Okay, right, your focus three times, attention of your focus six times explaining why you needed to happen. Plus the action, you're expecting nine times. gratitude. Thank you universe. Yeah. And that's just the writing one, the nurse the if you don't, you don't want to sit and write for like it took it takes me 45 minutes every day for each one. So it's like, if you don't want to do that, just focus the three, four, whatever. Same thing, just three, what's your topic? Six? What are you going to do? How are you going to be grateful? And you just keep thinking about it every day, just nonstop? how you're going to be grateful when it when it does come. And that brings us to the next part of the three parts, which is the Ask givers is when I say receive graciously. The first thing is I want to just flat out say that receiving is the hardest part even though a lot of people think asking is the hardest part. They think that oh giving everybody thinks Haha, not really. But they think oh I it's hard for me to ask. But if it came my way I'd take it. And that's actually not true. thieving is the hardest part. And one way to make expand your ability to deceive, is that gratitude component. And so sometimes I'll do an exercise with people where we are we do exactly what you just said, which is we are grateful for what we don't have yet. You're actually creating that energy of gratitude, like as if it's already happened. Correct? Yeah, and that's that's the one thing as of talking to all these like tycoons of industry, they say that they're like, as much as your they said, Unless your term slick as long as even though you're greedy, as long as you're grateful. It's almost like a balancing act, it balances itself out. They're like, actually, you should be more grateful that you're helping your friend. Even if you're not getting paid, you're spending a lot of gas to help them. Be grateful for that moment because they're like, I think it's one billionaire in Japan every day, no matter what he has to think of 1000 things to be grateful for. 1000 I sit there and I'm like, Okay, I'm grateful I have air, I have water. I get about 100 away. I don't know what else to say. Yeah, well, it is good to be. It's helpful. I should say that good. It's helpful to be able to identify a lot of things that we're grateful for because what we tend to do is to be grateful for what we have, and or what we've created. And so you can add who knows maybe the billionaire does this. You could add I could add 1000 things Just on all the things that don't have that I want, that's one thing is the same thing I was gonna get to that I think the one thing the ways you can do it every day is, there's more than 1000 things that he could be grateful for that haven't happened yet. And as long as he's manifesting it, thinking about it, kind of like the power board, it will inevitably be done. Whether we like it or not. And that reminds me of my favorite abundance quote, which comes from Boeing Dyer, familiar with him, it's also worth looking up. And he says, abundance is not what we acquire. It is what we tune into. Yes. And I just love the idea of it. And then but a lot of times people ask me, Well, how do I tune into abundance? That means the next logical question, great, thanks, Wayne, you know, but how do I tune into this, and one of the technique is to orient gratitude for what you have and what you don't have. And one of the exercises that we do in the training, when I do or talk about this is, I just tell people, okay, just close your eyes for a minute. feel grateful. In other words, you don't have to have anything to feel grateful for. I'm feeling grateful right now. Just because I'm talking about it. And that is literally tuning you in to the experience of abundance. Already. Yes. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. So I want to go, I usually love asking this question to everyone. I love the different opinions. Do you think social media has altered our perception of abundance and happiness? I do, because it's largely false. Okay, that's the same trot thought here. So do to tell continue? Yeah, well, here's the deal. And this might, might stir a little pots out there, but whatever. Which is. Don't believe people, when they tell you how great their life is, and how great their business is, and how much money they made? Yes, because it's 50% of the time, not true. They're just saying it to feel better. They're saying it to get you to buy the products that you you know, if it's like a marketing person, anything, so I'll give you an example. And this isn't this, this person that I worked with. But he was a marketing guy, and I went to one of his events, and he talked about how his business had hit a million dollars, you know, that seven, the elusive seven figures, okay, the previous year. And it happened, he and I were working together on another project, and I was doing some training for him, and he owed me $500, for whatever I'd done, you'd be $500 It took me four months to get that $500 from him. And he probably took it for someone else. And, you know, that is like, again, love the guy had a great relationship with them. And I'm sure he was making plenty of money. But you'll see, I find it really hard to accept somebody saying that they made a million dollars last year, they can't pay me my $500 cash flow problem. And I just use that as an example to say why why I don't ever promise anybody you will make six figures in 60 days is because that's a complete this bowl. Yeah, it's full. And even. And this is what I also have a couple books that I've published. And one of what I say in the you have to be really careful is that even if it were true, that they did, because sometimes they did make six figures. We don't know what went into that. In other words, they could have spent $99,000 90 $999 on Facebook ads to make$100,000. Right? They could have made, you know, there they could have inherited that money they could have like this. They could have been in business for 10 years, and finally made six figures like we don't know how they came to do it. Right. So becoming started. We don't hear that. That's the story you don't hear. And I just I can't do that. And so back to the social media, which is that I think we look at this stuff. We look at these seven figures. And they're and they seem like well, they could do it. Why not me and the reason is, is because they're talking about the last 110 of their 10 part journey. Right, maybe the last one 100 you're at part two. Yes. You're gonna feel like inadequate in the face of that. And I think that's a damn shame. Because I think a lot of people could be feeling a lot more successful and having more gaining more traction and coming from that experience of gratitude, which you do not have when you are preparing yourself to be. So one thing I used to get ads all the time until I switch web browsers was this one guy on YouTube saying, Hey, I will build you an Amazon FBA store completely automatic, we will run it, it'll guarantee $10,000 a month. He's like, but I just need $1,000 up front for deposit. That promise alone, I just did the math while you're talking, he would only need 1000 people to make a million dollars. Right? And 1000 people would bite that. So you guarantee me 10,000 Oh, small risk to reward kind of thing? Yeah. And then you get in there. And then Dennis, do you know, okay, I'm not gonna do the FBA. But I'm gonna sell you on my course, how to make courses online kind of thing. This $100,000 right there, but I promise you recoup everything. And that's why I always say to people, I took that $10,000 program. So you didn't have to, because, I mean, obviously, my coaching costs money. And although I do a lot of free events, as well, which everyone is welcome to join me for those calls and doing a sales challenge next week, I do a lot of stuff for free, which is my way of providing value, which is really what we want to be doing want to be providing value for people. Absolutely. To know like, and trust us. And it's, I hate to say it, but it's probably not gonna work for you. Do people win the lottery? Yes, they do. But you're probably not going to. So what's your what's Plan B? What What can we where are you authentically in your journey of being an entrepreneur? And how can you get yourself to the next place? Yes, it may or may not be. Could be like that woman I was talking about earlier, just doing another event and not worrying about the results. Yeah, so I do martial arts and I, my martial arts instructor is a super entrepreneur, like he, but he attracts a lot of other entrepreneurs kind of thing. And so I work out with a guy named Tony, insurance guy. And essentially, he leans in and tells me and my instructors that you guys want to know the real secrets of success. And my instructor Yeah, location, location, location. He's like, oh, screw that. You can be in the middle of nowhere. He's like, action, action, action action. Go somewhere, be somewhere do something. He's like, then no matter what, you're gonna succeed. Yeah, because there's no the force of the law of attraction, which I believe in, in practice, oh, yeah. Is that you cannot sit in your room and attract a big, nothing will happen until you take action. And again, I'm doing this sales challenge next week. And one of the one of the comments that comes up, one of the points I'm going to be making is it takes seven to 12 times of reaching out to a prospect before a sale is made, that is a average, seven to 12 times. And when the last time I did this sales challenge, I took a poll and I said, How many times do you follow up? Most people just said, for one or two. I know that. So when I was teaching martial arts, I did cold calling. Yeah, literally, my instructor just pulled out a big old yellow book and said, Alright, we're gonna start alphabetically, you're going to start with the first one. And I expect 100 people, even if they're all knows, I'll give you like, I think it was like two or three cents a call. I think I was gonna get like 10 bucks kind of thing. And literally, I went days, all I got was nose. But it was one of those one of the persons like, You're so kind of persistence, like, Oh, yeah, okay, like, they got you. They came in and I signed him up and everything that he like two months, and it was around the 10 to 12 calls kind of thing. Yeah, that's what it takes. And so going back to persistent, consistent and persistent, that's why that's a tool in your toolbox. And we get, we have this idea like, Oh, well, I reached out to them, and they didn't follow up with me. Now. I just want you to think for yourself when people reach out to you Always get back to them after the first or second time. Note, and I have, I always say, somebody says to me now it's a no for now. It's not a no for forever until they literally now unsubscribe or just tell me I'm really not interested. And no one does that. And I do these workshops. And I invite people and every time I do it, somebody comes and says, Well, for the past three years, Liz has been asking me to come to my workshop. And finally, I decided to do it. I've had people sign up for coaching programs after several years. Does that, by the way, is one of the advantages to being distant in your communication, whether it's an email, whether it's video, whatever it is. That goes back to ask, asking for assistance. your mic cut out on like, the whole thing. Oh, no. Okay, it's back now. It was, so it was so incredibly passionate. I like I had to literally turn up my volume. I don't know in the internet and fluctuate. So either way, it's the consistency, the persistence, to keep doing it, no matter what. I, like the one executive said it's like, that's all you need. law of attraction in that done. The world is what you said about action. So that's the thing is your action, nothing is gonna happen. Absolutely. Well, Liz, I want to cut it there. Anything you want to plug? I'm gonna definitely have to get an email from you for all your links to Oh, yeah. Well, first of all, again, my name is Liz wolf. And I you can find me online at Liz wolf And my last name is got an E. And I did want to make sure you get the joke of that I grew up on a farm for sheep. So I did not know about the sheep part. Yes, we bought we had sheep. And so Wolf's name sheep's the game. But so Wolf's name coaching is the game can find me online, and you're welcome to sign up for a business strategy session, there's go to the Lisbon, forward slash contact, you can sign up for a business strategy session with me. And I'd love to talk to you about your business and where you feel stuck and how I might be able to help and that would be great. And I often do events. And so whatever, like my community call, you go on my website and see all the information about that. So as the call just as we're going out, then went free, right? Yep. every other Wednesday, I had one today. So every other Wednesday, the schedules on the website. It's a it's a great base to come on, bring your challenges and get some coaching and support and the perspectives of other like minded entrepreneurs. And it's always a fascinating conversation. wonderful people join. You're welcome to come on, at any time. And again, all on my website. Find it right there. All right. Thank you, Liz. We definitely need to get you on in the future. Yeah, thank you. This is awesome. Thank you, Josh. You're welcome. It was I appreciate you and stay safe and stay well. Bye.