The Josh Bolton Show

How to find Affordable Health Care for Business | Noor Ali


Welcome to the Josh Bolton show where we dive interesting and inspiring conversations. And now your host, Josh Bolton. hight Today on the show we have nor Ali, I believe is her last name. She's a doctor. She specifically consults with entrepreneurs about healthcare and different options. And our system will let me just let her introduce herself. Here's nor, yeah, well, thank you so much thanks for this opportunity and having me on. So my name is nor I am a medical doctor from Monash. But I do have a business practice currently living in Tampa, Florida. And I work with entrepreneurs and small business owners all around the country, really helping advise them on their best health insurance option. And I try to do that with education and information. And I feel that can be really empowering when you just understand what you need to do about health insurance. So that's my work. Wonderful, then just give us a little bit of a background like you see you from Tampa. What else have you done? You can't just be living in Tampa forever kind of thing? Yeah, no, I grew up from New York, in New York City. So I'm definitely a queens girl at heart, or a city kid, immigrant kid that whole like, you know, archetypal dynamic I've experienced. And then I have my cultural side as well, because, you know, I spent a good chunk of my life like my prime years of living in Bangladesh, which is where I'm from, so I have a strong cultural side to me. And then we decided to settle in Tampa, Florida, you know, grow our family and enjoy the sunny weather. But I really have I love you know, the ability to work from anywhere, you know, my work is entirely virtual. I love that I can work with clients all across the country. So that flexibility is is amazing to me. Yeah, I bet the especially with everything going on with COVID making everything trenching from mine, that must have been extra for you with traffic. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Um, you know, there's pros and cons to every situation. And I'm really happy that this situation allowed me to make some adjustments and changes in my life and really helped me reprioritize like, what's really important, you know, what is the lifestyle that I really want? So it helped me realize that, and I'm living it, so it's great. I bet. So then, um, let's go into a little bit of Bangladesh. How, what was the vipers, like, someone like me who's never been kind of thing? Sure. So varnish is a very, very tiny country. For those who are who are not familiar, it used to rank as one of the top three most densely populated countries in the world. I don't know if it still holds that ranking. But it's a tiny country, right? south east of India, you guys probably all know India. But not everybody knows Bangladesh. And it's a developing country, it's certainly developing low resources. It's a new country, it's a young country. When I went to live and study there for medical school, I stayed in a very rural village where there was no like running water, no electricity. Now, it's come a long way since you know, since then, since my time there, but being in this low resource environment really challenged me to bring out my best, you know what, it helped me to diagnose patients without technology, it really forced me to think about innovative treatments and solutions. You know, there's things that I to this day that I experienced that aren't even in textbooks. So it really challenged me to use my brain. That's the biggest one. I learned from different doctors I've talked to they said like, yeah, this school is nice and on teaches the importance of what virus or whatever, but they're like, they don't teach you the the actual ship when you go into the field to like, no one talks about that. And you got to figure that out, usually five to 10 years in kind of thing. Yes, you really have to figure that out and think about, like, how much knowledge we consume in school? And how much of that do we really apply? And how much of that do you really remember? So absolutely, like when you're in the field and working, you have to either recall, you know, from recollection from memory, what you learned in med school, but more more often, you really just have to figure it figure it out on the spy. Yeah. The one doctor, I used to talk to you at a gathering place. He He said he's like, there were times I'd have to tell the patient like, give me like five minutes. I have to go reference my book, because it doesn't make sense. Yeah, yeah, you're right. And sometimes we don't always have that opportunity. But yeah, sometimes that's what you got to do. Because you'd have to do right by your, your patient, you know. So, um, can you we go into the health insurance, we're talking about the entrepreneur and health insurance, especially with COVID. It's very important now. What are the health insurance is for business owners and why is it important? Yeah, great question. So it's something for for many business owners or small businesses a big question mark, because there's really hardly any guideline out there that says, Well, this is what you need to do because most most things like in entrepreneurship, You really have to figure it out on your own, and no one's really telling you the right steps. So at your options as an entrepreneur, I know when I do console's, or when I talk to people, I try to really break it down into simple avenues, right? If you have to figure out your own health insurance, there's really two ways to go about it. Option A is going to be what's traditionally known as Obamacare, or the health care exchange healthcare marketplace,, that's all synonymous, that's one in the same. So you can essentially go online, you know, type in where you live, how much money you make, and you get a list of plans available to you. Now, there's pros and cons to that as well. Because if you're just starting out and your income is low, your business isn't making that much money, you can qualify for a subsidy on the marketplace and get pretty reduced premiums. However, as as the year goes on, or as your business grows, and the more money you make, having a health insurance premium tied to your income can be detrimental for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Because as you're growing, now your premiums are going up. And sometimes they can get crazy astronomical. And I talked to a lot of people whose health insurance premiums are bigger than their rents and their mortgages, which is crazy, right? So that's option A, and option B is really the private market. Tons and tons of options out there, Josh, and, you know, I'll talk a little bit about the type of plants I like to work with a lot and I endorse a lot because I believe it makes sense. And it works specially for small business owners. And that's a medically underwritten policy. And what that does is really put underwriting back into the equation of Obamacare. So with the Affordable Care Act in 2008, they took that piece out. So all Obamacare plans are guaranteed issue, meaning it doesn't matter if you're, if you have a pre existing condition, if you're, you know, sick or healthy, you're gonna get a plan. But what if you're a small business owner, and you're making a lot of money, but you're very young and healthy. This is a situation where a private medically underwritten policy can be a really good fit, because you're using health as your qualifier, not your income. So that's interesting. I've literally never heard of it. So now. So how does that work? How, let's say, I, who who would I call like, State Farm or something like that? Yeah, good question. So so so similarly to State Farm, if you need like home and auto insurance, you could call State Farm. But with health insurance, you also have to go through an agent or someone who's licensed who can write you a policy, if you start googling and putting your information out there, you are not going to be happy with with your phone getting blown up with calls. So if you know someone, it's important to work with them directly, or, or call me, you know, so that's, that's something that I do, and it doesn't cost a thing. It's absolutely free. So let's say Josh, you want, you need health insurance, you know what the heck to do, right? You give me a call, and I help you figure it out. If I can present a solution to you that's either better than what you have right now. Or it makes sense for you. That's all the benefits that you pay for. So it doesn't cost anything to use a licensed health insurance professional to help you figure out your health insurance. Interesting. So then, I'm actually thinking of a friend right now. So let's say someone who's making a good chunk of change, maybe like 200k a year like this, this is my instructor like those place. And his premiums insane. Like he's saying like his rent is like double his rent. He's like, why are you paying all this? Yes. So this is a situation where I would say for that person, you're making too much, you're making a great amount of money, you shouldn't be punished with health insurance premiums for doing well in your business. This is a great opportunity to explore private options. And that's where I can come in to help and find something that's definitely a lot better than what where he's at right now. Yeah, he, we have a like an insurance guy that's State Farm. So he he recommended, like, the government sites where he's like, these are the best, but I'm like, now this is like the boom, maybe there's, there's a better option here. Definitely better options. And it's not, you know, your fault or his fault, or your State Farm agents fault, because they just don't know better, you know, unless you're in the field, how can you know, because insurance is governed by state laws, which are changing, like every day. So you know, plans are changing, you know, it's impossible to keep up. So working with a professional really helps kind of draw out those options, messages. It doesn't cost anything. Exactly. So let's say someone that's listening, like gives you a call or shoot you an email, and you do the free thing for them. But what is your paid service for them? Like what is the once the foundation set like it is your core service? There is no paid service at all ever. Josh really knows it. Really. So let's say your friend calls me up when I say yes, I you know, I'm looking at some things I can definitely find your something better. Here's what here's the plan, I think is going to be the best for you and it's going to save you I don't know, 60% a year. The next step is really going through that plan, making sure they love it and just signing up and that's pretty much it and they don't have to pay me anything at any any part of the process. My goal is really just to draw out options. So okay, this is just me thinking aloud. Do you mean Your main cash flow is just from your practice itself. Right? Okay, so great question. So So let's talk about health insurance. What Where do I make money? Right? If I'm able to help them get on a policy that's significantly better than what they have, I would get a commission straight from the insurance company where I would sign them up on so that's where I make my money. Okay, so it's like an indirect affiliate marketing? Sure. Yep. Yep, exactly. So then, what would be the right health insurance for let's say, an entrepreneur doing martial arts kind of thing? Yeah, great question. So it's, I asked, I get asked this question, like, what is the best health insurance company, you know, and it's really not about the company at all. It's really just about benefits. So someone doing martial arts, I would want to put them on a policy where there's really good accident and injury coverage, you know, if you're a young healthy guy who's active, having an insurance policy that covers you know, heart attacks, and cancers really well might not make a lot of sense for you, if you're really concerned about breaking a leg or you know, an occupational injury. So those are the factors that I take into account when building or identifying coverage. It's not about the company, it's not about anything else. It's really about the coverage that's right for them, how old they are, where they live, in any and like you said, someone in martial arts, I would really recommend something with a very good accident coverage. Interesting. Yeah, they're a long time ago when I was young, and I didn't understand insurance. This one, like life, but not life insurance. It was pretty much a Ponzi scheme. Sure. But they were saying that if you got cancer, no matter what they would pay you and I'm like, Well, how are you going to make your money? Because you're only charging them like 100 bucks a month kind of thing? Yeah, cancer gets really expensive. Real quick. Yeah. What would be maybe an actual like provider you would say neighbor, someone struggling right now? And they it's not like, or they could have been diagnosed with stage one. How would they talk to you and be like, what are my options? So someone diagnosed with cancer or concerned about cancer coverage, two separate things right. concerned. Concerned about cancer coverage. So if you're currently are do not have cancer, you're young and healthy. This is a this is a time to get locked into a health based plan. Because you don't have cancer yet you're it's not a pre existing conditions, you're going to get better rates and better coverage, because you're so you're such a low risk for developing that cancer. So definitely go with a health based route. But if you already had cancer, now, that's a pre existing condition, it's going to be hard for you to qualify for those health based plans. So this is where a major medical Obamacare policy is going to come into play. Because they're guaranteed issue they don't care about when when was the last time you had cancer, so you can take advantage of that. So what I'm trying to illustrate here is that there's options for every state for every scenario, you just need to take advantage of what your situation is. And that's really what I try to help my clients do is take advantage of the situation you're in right now. And that can change right your business can grow your business can have loss in income, you have to change your and adjust your health insurance policy accordingly. So you're not overpaying at any point. So that's when then let's say maybe the year I call you up and I sign up for everything and DocuSign whatever. My my incomes great, but yeah, like you're seeing an entrepreneur ever know, maybe two years from now, it could be like Coronavirus, just literally it all dries up under the covers. So with again, what I call you again and be like, hey, my income is pretty much non existent. What are my options? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I'm willing to do this, like your whole life if you'd like you'd like, you know, I'd love to see clients through that journey. And and yeah, that's the time where I would say, you know, if you don't have an income, see if you can qualify for Medicaid, that's free health care, right? If you can show a lower income or a loss or whatever, take advantage of that situation. You know, there's always options. I A lot of people say like, well, I want health insurance, but I can't afford it. Yes, you can. Because there's gonna be an option for someone who's lower income. Absolutely. Yeah. Like you said the government or might be just you pay like a premium, but it's the good stuff, where maybe it's like 50 bucks a month. Instead of buying like, six Starbucks, you can just pay that instead. That's straight. Exactly. Yeah. Good perspective. Josh. Yeah. Then lysis go into the nuances of the health insurance for the different occupation. So let's say there's more of a sedentary person. What would be your recommendation? Would it be the government one or the on? The second option? Yeah, the practical. Yeah. The medic, be it really. So my evaluation on how I determine is really going to be I'm going to take a look at your income, how much money are you making, because if you're making, let's say, under 40, or 50k, I'm going to say the government option because you're going to qualify for a subsidy. But if you're more than that, and you don't get a subsidy, that's when the private options might be better for you. And I'm going to ask you like you're a sedentary person. And if you're generally healthy, and you really care about just a physical here and there You know, we're gonna make some modifications and adjustments, so you get what you want covered. But you also have a reasonable max out of pocket. So you're not facing medical bankruptcy, which is really the whole point of having health insurance, right? So you never experience huge medical bills that's going to affect your credit or make you bankrupt. Yeah, that's the biggest nightmare. I've heard from people to go in for like, I mean, shouldn't exaggeration for like a simple flu, and suddenly turns out, they're, like 20k in the hole. And they're like, how did this all happen? kind of thing? Exactly. Yes, absolutely not the number 60% of bankruptcies in America are due to medical bankruptcies. And so you want to make sure you're on a policy that you can prevent that, and you can afford that max out of pocket, or it's something reasonable for you that that's not going to put you in that situation. So then, let's say, hypothetically, I have a really big corporation, I'm making millions upon millions, would you still be able to help me because there are multiple employees? Or would that be very specialized? Maybe above you? Oh, great question. So I like to work with groups under 10. I like to work in that, you know, startup to growth phase for entrepreneurs, because the laws change as you increase in groups so that we've got, you know, to to 10 employees, and then 10 to 50, and then 50 plus, so the larger your corporation is the tax laws change, and your options also change. So although I can work with those large groups, I prefer to stay with individuals and small businesses that are family owned, and employees under 10. I just, I just feel like I can connect with that that smaller group more interesting. So would you say, the even a startup or like the person has maybe like three or four, just so happens the last two years, he has good cash flow, he would just call you up and be like, hey, I want to make sure my employees are covered. What is what's the what are the options? And there's a thank you for asking? That's a wonderful question. Because I feel like many entrepreneurs who have a team helping them grow their brand and all that, they want to reward them with benefits, but maybe they're 1099 employees, or they can't afford to pay for their health insurance. At this time, there's many things that we can do, you know, you can just say, you know, for the employees, you can just connect them to me and say, Hey, she can help you get a health insurance plan, just talk to her, but I'm sorry that I can't pay for that right now. Or they can say here's 100 bucks stipend or credit, go find your health insurance, and you know, use that towards whatever policy you want. Some people might want to pay a little bit more for a premium policy, you know, and the employer can't afford that. But you can just give a stipend or a credit. Or if they're happy to if they're ready to start paying employee insurance, they can charge all the premiums to a business billing bank account. So there's a lot of options that we can do and flexibility under groups of 10. Yeah, that's actually the biggest one I've heard is like you want your own business account in general, because like you mix it, that's a nightmare with IRS. So then, actually, I'm curious about the billing part, will the plan and the billing, let's say, just so happens, maybe it's like, a like person, whoever's listening has 15 employees? No, I Oh, shoot, I missed her like 10. Is that too high for you? No, not at all. I just prefer to work under 10. It really depends. I mean, there's it's so flexible, like I can do 50 as well. It's just it's just preference and what they want to do, and maybe all 15 of those employees will not want to opt in, you know what I'm saying? They might say, No, thank you, I'm covered through my spouse from his job or her job. And I'm happy with that. And so a lot of factors go into that, I would say just reach out to me, it's really difficult to offer like, exact numbers or because everyone's situation is so different. So if you're listening and you have any questions about yourself, your company you're in, please just reach out to me, and I'd be happy to help out. All her information will be in description. So here's one thing I was thinking about, because especially with California believe there's still rules to file your taxes, you need health insurance, but let's say it's lower income, minimum wage 20 hours a week, would that be more the little you're 40 to 50k? would be the government? So would you would help them be like, Oh, go to whatever, like I recommend this company in this company, because they can work with you. And you won't have to do Cobra and pay like 800 a month? Sure. Yeah. So I if you're referring to the tax penalty for not having health insurance, that was actually repealed, the penalty is still there. But it's been the penalty is $0. So Congress made a change in January 1 of 2019, where if you don't have health insurance, it's alright. It doesn't really matter. You don't have to pay a tax credit or a penalty for that. Interesting. I didn't know that. I've still been told I needed insurance upon my taxes. must be very good to know. So then, I want to go into going Congress. How can you explain to me from your perspective, working directly in this how the Harris healthcare system is and kind of how it's been extra screwed up lately? Yeah, great question. And that's a general question like we all ask ourselves, whether you're in the industry or not, is how, why? And how is our healthcare system? so screwed? The costs are just rising and rising, we have other countries who are clearly doing it and doing it better. Why can't we figure it out? What's wrong with that. And really, I think, as a professional and the industry, the crux of this problem is really tied very deeply to our economy. We have a capitalist economy, where our key players in the industry are monopolized by these big insurance companies. And you even if you wanted to unify it, or or, you know, find a federal system, like health care for all or Medicare for all, it's really difficult to just say, for these publicly traded insurance companies that are private, you can't just say that you're out of business, and we're going to, you know, do standardized health care for all. And it's deeply rooted in the in our economy, and the capitalist systems that that drive it. Do you think capitalism itself messed it up? Or was it some of the rules and taxation of it? No, I mean, you can say that that's a principle I don't I don't think that messed it up. But I think just the product of that the product of having a capitalist economy and its impact on healthcare is really what resulted in in the situation that we're in right now. Okay. And then we were just going into what we can do about it. So what is from especially from yours perspective, is you see all the benefits people get? What, what are we able to do about it? To fix the system? Yeah, great question. Because right now, it's kind of like a battle between like public and private, right, you've got, you know, federal programs, and then you've got private insurance companies kind of monopolizing the market, the best solution that I can think of is finding some sort of program or funding for the program that's going to help kind of mitigate those costs, that's going to appease the private market, as well as put more money into the federally funded programs to offer either better care or more subsidized cost for for premiums. And then the question comes in, who's going to fund that? Where does that money come from? We're already in trillions of dollars of debt. So either you're going to have to print money out of thin air, or you're going to have to defund one program to fund a health care program that's going to kind of balance these these costs. Yeah. And that's the hard question. Because it's like, Oh, we got to give, make sure the kids are educated. But we also got to make sure they have health insurance, but we have to cut one or the other. Yeah, it's like, well, then what's more important than learning? Or when they get sick, we have to pay 100 bucks kind of thing. So then, actually, I'm curious from you. I'm going to go like a little off track. Go back to the earlier you were saying you were in Bangladesh, about for you're actually studying medicine? Yeah, so went to medical school in Bangladesh. But now you are selling insurance. That's right now I'm in the health insurance space. Did you other than in Bangladesh, did you ever practice in America? I did not practice in America. So my license is active in several countries, but it's all in the eastern hemisphere. Yep. So that I didn't know because I've heard many doctors, but it also might be different per field is where they got it out of country. And then they could work in American. Yes, sir. That was No, that's okay. The process for for its were called foreign medical graduates for fmgs is once you graduate with your medical degree from a different country and you want to practice medicine in the States, you have to pass your usmle which is a United States medical licensing exam. And there's several several parts to that, and then you have to do residency, and then you can practice medicine in the States. Okay. Yeah, that that makes more sense. Like for me nine to field I don't know, I was like, I thought they, they just go out of state because it's cheaper. And then they come over here kind of thing. The whole process? Yep. So then, I'm curious. Cuz this is a very big misconception with a lot of people in general, including me. Let's say maybe I don't need like the the treatment like the physicals or the maybe like accident, but that's about it. On the mental health. Yeah. Is there? Um, obviously income, we can just ignore that part. But what is what's the difference in premiums? Like maybe there's the prescription one, but maybe it's like the doctor itself is expensive, or there's the two for one? Yeah, no, great question. Mental health is something that comes up a lot, frequently. And the best types of plan to cover mental health is going to be a major medical policy. And that's typically here, because Obamacare or an ACA compliant plan is bound to cover 10 out of the 10 minimum essential health benefits and one of those 10 categories is mental health. So when you if that's important to you, if getting mental health coverage is important to you. You want to be seeking out a major medical plan or an Obamacare plan. But you mentioned a good point like what if I don't need all that because that those plans can get really, really expensive, because they're covering things like maternity and drug, drug rehab and mental health. But what if you just need that one piece? Sometimes it makes sense to get a plan and just either pay out of pocket for mental health, because it's actually cheaper to do cash pay for mental health visits, then go through and trends because they bill higher for insurance rates. Yeah, yeah. It's really like a therapist, I think it's like$100 visit, but like, it's one of those that was kind of where I was trying to get as, like, would it be cheaper, maybe, like, call you and be like, I just only need like the therapist and the medicine. That's it? Is there a company I could call and it's 100 bucks 12 a month, instead of like, the four to 800 a month? Yeah, yeah, great question. You're right, they would, they would have to call me and I'll give that advice. Because sometimes it just doesn't make sense to get a whole big expensive policy just for mental health, when you don't really need all the bells and whistles. And now it is a lot of supplementary policies where you can either do telehealth, maybe you're okay with just speaking to your therapist over the phone, or virtually, which is mostly virtual now anyways, it more cost effective. There's apps where you can do therapist visits for anywhere between 40 to $90 per session. And you're okay with that, right. And you don't need a full policy. And they can send prescriptions where you can fill in, there's so many resources out there like good RX using prescription coupons where you don't necessarily need an insurance plan just to fill a prescription. So there's certainly lots of innovative ways to get it done. So it's interesting, I did not know about the app, though you pay look like the 40 to 90, what are some of the apps that you you know, have for that area, not an app I love and I work with this a lot every single plan that I try to, you know, work with my clients, I push this app a lot, because it's so user friendly. It's called MD live. And basically, if you don't even want health insurance, but you just want anything that you would will go to an urgent care for anything that you can treat with a medical console over the phone. Obviously, if you're not bleeding to death, or you have a limb off, you can use the app for and it's alive, medical professional in your state, and they send a prescription to your nearest pharmacy. So it's not even just like the console, you can actually get prescriptions and refills and all that. So I love that app. md live. Wonderful. You have heard of something like that, but I'd never heard the name. So that's actually nerve. Important thing I learned. So then, you said there were subsidiaries within this whole thing? earlier before MD live? What? What would be some of those? Maybe it's like the I don't know. They just go to like this one off the wall. We're specifically we're for this in this kind of thing. Well, what are the subsidiaries? We're talking about? subsidiary insurance? Um, okay. Do you mean something like where we can kind of make adjustments to like, customize your policy? Yeah, yeah, so totally. So if you mentioned, you know, as someone who's young and healthy and does martial arts, right, and they're really just looking for accident coverage, we can do that. And maybe they just want dental, you can do just accident and dental, you know, or someone who doesn't go to the doctor at all, but wants to make sure that if something catastrophic happens, they have just, you know, a cap, a stopwatch, or like a max out of pocket. So definitely lots of options to kind of work with, you know, what you want to do and custom build health insurance policies to so interesting. You mentioned something I was thinking about when considering the health industry, dental, is you also help with vision? Yes, I do. So there's some people who just want vision and dental they can say like, well, I work for a company and they gave me great health benefits, but they don't offer vision and dental. And I just need that and we could totally do that too. I do that all the time. Then I'm curious since you aren't pro that still services for the people do you also offer a type of life insurance? Yes, I do. I do I do. Again, it really depends on what they're looking for if they if head of household and they're looking for a really comprehensive policy I work with a lot of referral partners choose if there's anything that I don't I wouldn't endorse myself or I don't have access to I have tons of referral partners who can really feel helped me fill those gaps. So I do that as well and I have referral partners who can help me You really are you're just to grow if you have anything involving insurance anything you just call yeah help anything with health insurance just call me I promise I can help you figure it out. That's the bottom line guarantee that I can get. Okay, I'm curious so for bless you by the way for dental what are the different plans within that because you can you can kind of tell I don't have the straightest teeth in the world. Yeah, no, that's cool. So dental there what the variations and dental are really just coverage levels. Okay, if you're looking for cleanings you know you just want to make a plan that covers cleanings mostly every all plans cover cleanings well, but if you're looking for me, you know getting major work done orthodontic or like a bridge or a crown, you know, things that are really more expensive. You want a dental plan that has more coverage, right and you get a little bit more in premiums for that, but there's definitely options with that too. Also, even though it's a high premium, you save a lot more way long. Yes, because those services are built at such high rates, it's really going to be silly. If you try to get that done without insurance. You know, if you're looking to get dental work done, you want to make sure you've got a high good coverage health insurance plan, actually, yeah, the last time I went to the dentist before COVID, they were like, they were like, talking to me, like, oh, we'll help you straighten it out. And the doctor doctor comes in, he's like, Oh, that's gonna be at least $1,000 without insurance, and he's like, maybe with insurance is gonna cost you like still $3,000 I'm like, geez, kind of thing? Yeah, yeah, that's it. Those are words that Krishna brought up is like, is there maybe a plan, you know, specifically just for work kind of thing? Yeah, yeah, I just have so many, it's, it's difficult for me to give a name and a type because we modify, then the network comes into play, too. So we can do a higher coverage plan. But then there's variations and networks, if you have a preferred dentist, are they in network with this? Or are they in network with that, if you don't care what dentist you go to, you can shave a little bit dollars off your premium for by choosing a smaller network. So those are some variations. Yeah, so would it be like for me, because I live in like LA County, it would be more like, can you be within, like 10 mile radius of me? I prefer not to drive like 50 miles north and the thing. So I feel like Josh, a lot of the questions. Yeah, you and I are just gonna have to do a console where I can get you some numbers and solid, hard answers. I'm just asking this question. It's just a person in general is like, Okay, so what about this thing? But we can totally do that. Yeah. If you're like, hey, I need a dentist that I don't have to cross the state for. What can you do we can work on? Second, you have to keep going in Nevada. Every month for that? Yeah. Does that happen, though? Are their clients, they're like, I don't care. I just cheapest one. I'll figure a way to get there. That's more often than you think they would. Yeah, they're like, I don't care what I have to do. I just want the cheapest, like, out of pocket for me, just so I can say I have it. Yeah, you can spend more traveling but okay. I know. Exactly. Right. Well, it's sometimes it's not my place to point those things out. You know, I just do what I'm told. But okay. It's like Yeah, okay. Got you. That, um, this has been awesome. So, I'd like to ask you a few questions, specifically for you. So with all the COVID lockdowns and I'm presuming your business has gone way up with it, what are the things you do in your free time like Netflix, Amazon Prime podcasts kind of thing listening or getting on? Yeah, I thank you so much for asking. I've never been asked that. So that feels wonderful. So free time is very little now because I had a baby and COVID in 2020. So congrats. Thank you so much. If I'm not taking care of my child, I'm working on my business. But the little amounts of free time I have with my husband, we love watching movies together. Or if there's a really good Netflix show, we'll watch that together. But if it's by myself, I really love reading. I like to read a lot I read every night before I go to sleep. And I like to do audiobooks, because sometimes we just don't have time to sit there and read. And if I'm taking a shower or driving or commuting, I like to do audiobooks. And then when I'm in bed, and I have some time I either do my Kindle or a paper book. So what are the audio books you're listening to? And the the paper or Kindle you're reading? Oh, great question. So audio book. I'm currently doing four hour workweek by Tim Ferriss again, and I'm also doing the shoe dog by Phil Knight, which is which I'm finding so helpful. Ship Yeah, I thought because I'm a very non athletic person. So I'm like, Oh, I can't relate to this book. But it's really full of so many good nuggets about entrepreneurship. I don't know if it's just me catching it. But he's throwing like lesson after lesson after lesson about entrepreneurship. So I love that. And the paper book I'm reading. There's three or four I believe I'm one of them is called a paper wife. It's about Chinese immigration in the 1940s. to China to San Francisco. The other one is called the slight edge by Jeff Olson. And what are the other ones I'm reading? My husband just got me the midnight library by my for my birthday by Matt Hague. That was that's really good, too. Interesting. I've never heard any of those. So I'm gonna have to definitely look him up and get some copies later. Um, other than that, um, what are some maybe some tips and tricks for entrepreneurs that you would give them? Because you are definitely an entrepreneur over the way you're hustling? Yeah, for sure. I think you mentioned a good word, though. The one tip I have for all entrepreneurs is don't ever stop the hustle. There's going to be ups and downs. And there's going to be probably more downs than ups in your early career. But you really, really have to push through and don't stop. Everything is going to snowball and it's hard to see that once you're in it. And once you're in the moment, but you know, a few years later, when you just step back, I promise it'll all fall into place. So Do not stop the hustle. Wonderful, I love it. I'm gonna cut it there. Is there any links on descriptions, socials, etc that people can contact you on? Yeah, I'm super active on socials, you can find me and LinkedIn stories. You can find an ID stories all day long. You'll find the links to everything on my website at Dr. Nor That's Dr. NORHEALT h Comm. There, you'll find more about me what I do, how I can help you if you got a question about health insurance, definitely book a call with me. I just really love education, you know, educating and empowering with knowledge and information. So just reach out to me, I'd love to see if I can help you out for your situation. Absolutely. Nor I appreciate you We definitely got to get you on in the future for just in general talk to Yes, yes, I'd love to. There's so much other things outside of this business that I would love to talk to you about about like, you know, like motherhood mompreneur ship about my research work, which is regarding infertility and woman getting older and trying to have babies. So those are all like fun topics I'd love to talk about. Those are super fascinating. Yes, I definitely got a book slot with you in the future again. Yeah. All right. Thanks for your time, Josh. Thank you so much.