The Josh Bolton Show

The Popcorn Was Soggy | Emmanuel Noble Enime

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I am Emmanuel, the Character Coach. My goal is to help you look more attractive — not the person on the outside though, the person on the inside. The real you.

Book me as a guest if you would like to know more about the actual task to help improve your character. Singing in public is one of them. Please note that improving your character will help you improve your performance on your podcast. I imagine your listeners wouldn't mind your improvements. You might even inspire them to improve their characters as well. Oh, what a world this would be.

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Josh Bolton:

today's podcast is brought to you in part by powerful creators mentoring. Are you ready to manifest rapid growth in your business or your sales career? Head over to powerful creators dotnet backslash mentoring. And when you're checking out number two, enter in promo code, mentor 96 to get 96% off your first mentoring session. Today's show is also brought to you in part by naked warrior recovery. I have been on a personal health journey to improve myself. And after stumbling across naked warriors happy berry energy drink with all the good vitamins electrolytes to give you a great balance and mental clarity found the junk and jitters like other brands give you I personally can't get enough of naked warriors energy drink powder, and it actually tastes like happy berries. Click the link in the bio and type promo code J bulging at checkout for 20% off.

intro guy:

Welcome to the Josh Bolton show where we dive into interesting and inspiring conversations. And now your host Josh Bolton. There Yes.


Greetings Greetings. How you doing? Sir? I am doing? I'm doing very well. Okay. Yeah. And yourself. How are you doing?

Josh Bolton:

Doing pretty good to been working on my website? So any interesting events happened today? Being it's like 910 o'clock for you?


Oh, let's see. Hold on. Let me look at my schedule. Okay. What specifically did I do today? Well, I guess I'll say this. I was. I was on another podcast earlier today. And me and this gentleman had it was a pretty funny intro. Even before we started talking. We started talking about his hair. And then we were talking about my hair. And by the time we started, the time we started recording. We were like, just straight up laughing. And so and so that was that was a good chat. And yeah, I'm happy and I was able to spread a little bit of goodness. Alright. Yeah, a little bit of a little bit of wisdom in regards to how to maintain joy through the difficult times in life.

Josh Bolton:

That's interesting. That is a very important one to know, though.


Why do you say that's interesting, though? Why do you usually people

Josh Bolton:

push for happiness, I understand what you're going for joy. Joy is much more powerful and more effective than happiness.


Okay, and if you don't mind me asking, How did you discover that?

Josh Bolton:

I was through my 160 Different people I chatted with. It's just one that seemed to be the thing. They're like, are you happy? And like, yeah, they're like, but are you joyful? And sometimes I'm like, why do they keep saying that question.


Where you said that 160 People you chatted with,

Josh Bolton:

or 160 people on the show already?


Oh, okay. Okay. And do you find that a lot of guests are asking you that question. Yeah,

Josh Bolton:

would usually the pre like this, just which add catch up and then they're like, oh, so like, how's your day? Are you happy, kind of joyful? And now I realized after chatting with my Oh, they're this like a loaded question. They were wanting me to say too, but they knew I'd pick one.


Okay, okay. Well, it's I won't go into the complexities of it, but it's good to have both right. During the difficult times. And it's, it's possible for people to to achieve that. There are two women who, well, they've since passed. One of them. I don't know if you've heard of Amy Carmichael.

Josh Bolton:

I've heard the name. If I saw a face, I'd be like, Oh, I know that one. And the other one is Gladys L word. Okay, I'm gonna say that again. I I heard it but I don't I can't put a face to it. But okay.


Yeah, if you ever get a chance to, to go, I guess, watch our long video on YouTube. Check out those two women and and their lives. It is fascinating. And you see that they had that, that mindset of remaining joyful and happy during the difficult times, even to the point where it's it, like watching their stories is affected me and said, Hey man, like motivated.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, motivational beyond belief. I totally get that. So, um, tell me a little about you what you do as a job or income.


So as of right now I have what's the best way to say I have just started walking in one of my god given purposes. Okay. And so this, I discovered? Oh, I guess let me back up a little bit. Do you normally do an intro for the podcasts? Are you

Josh Bolton:

I usually cut out the pre stuff. But honestly, that's kind of what I'm asking now. So I could just chop all that out and then send it from that.


Okay, okay, so, so yeah, I officially discovered my god given purpose in about the beginning of January this year, or at least I should say, one of them. And, okay. And one of my god given purposes, is to help you look more attractive, but not the person on the outside the person on the inside the real you your character. And so, being that I just officially discovered my purpose. So at this moment, I am currently trying to establish my trademark ecosystem. And so because everything that I'll do any future business that are open, or any lectures on my give, everything will fall underneath that. So basically helping people work on the person on the inside. And so for example, one thing that's on the agenda is to open an ice cream cake and pastry shop. In the future, and it's what's really funny is how I ended up getting the name for it will detail. So I only give a little bit because it's long story. But so the name is a sweet combo. And it has meaning on a few different layers. And so it required me to take a ferry ride from an island here in Croatia to Dubrovnik. And so on that ferry ride, and this happened in the summer, on the ferry ride, I was noticing the landscape and the way the the homes were kind of built into the to the landscape on on the mountains. And I remember thinking on my man, this is like really beautiful. And I met this random guy from I think he's from Portland, OR Oregon or or just above me. And okay. And so me and him had a conversation. And then I think it was like a day later, I ran into him again. And so we're talking and I'm talking to him about my ferry ride down and I'm like, hey, it's so nice. The way the buildings are kind of peppered into the landscape. And, and he's like, Yeah, it's nice. It's like, it's a sweet combo. And then I'm like, yeah, a sweet combo. Sweet combos. Sweet Come on, then I'm then I walk off after the conversation. And that's like all my mind. Oh my mind. And then I'm like, Oh, that's a great name for an ice cream cake and pastry shop. It is. Yeah. And so, I mean, there's there's much more, I should say a lot more to the story. But nevertheless, that's the that's the quick of it. Okay.

Josh Bolton:

I'm just curious, then why did you specifically pick the ice cream, pastry and cake.


So I didn't pick it. Oh, it, it, it came to me in a dream. And I spent some time in, in prayer. And God told me that that's something on my agenda for the future. And so the, the exact date, or the exact year, I am going to open it or plan to open it. This I haven't nailed down yet. First, I need to prepare the environment in order to, in order to open that, that shop or any other business that I plan to open in the future, and so right now, just kind of figuring out the waters in regards to how and what are the first products that I can offer, given this given this purpose? Okay, I think the first the first product that I offer is a singing in public. Okay. Uh huh. It's it's a, it's a very fun thing to do. So. But it takes the right mindset in order to be able to do that. And part of the right mindset is not worrying about the, the opinions of others, or maybe to put it betters not letting the potential opinions of others overwhelm your mind. So I'm not saying that the opinions of others don't matter, because that's it, even opinions from strangers are important, because strangers can see things about me that other people that know me can't see or they're so used to it. It doesn't, it doesn't stand out. Like, for example, this is this is one of the reasons why I started doing podcasts. Because, because one of my consultants said, Hey, man, you're good at talking. And you have and, and someone else told me it's okay, you have a soothing voice.

Josh Bolton:

You really do, by the way? Oh,


thank you, sir. In so the consultant who advised me and said, Hey, you should do podcast. I thought about it. And as I thought about it a little bit more and said, hey, you know, that's actually a great idea. And, and part of the reason why there are multiple reasons why it's a good idea for me to do, do podcasts, but after, after speaking with him, I said, okay, yeah, let me do it. And so at that point, when he told me that we had met like maybe three or four times and so he's still relatively a stranger to me. And so to bring it back to singing in public, it it is important to hear opinions and critiques from strangers. And there's more detail about that, but I won't go into that. Less I give people too much promotion.

Josh Bolton:

But just don't take it to heart pretty much.


Right? Yes. Yeah. Don't take it too personal. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's Yeah, that's right. Yeah, don't take it, don't take it too personal. And also, again, don't let it overwhelm your mind because it will affect a person's performance. And it could keep a person from doing things that they need to do, or they want to do. Because it's like, oh, well, what is? What is Josh gonna think of me? Or what is the man you're gonna think of me? If I'm singing in public? Or? Or maybe I'm gonna mess the song up, and people are gonna laugh at me. And so one of the reasons why it's a it's a good training exercise one. Healthy fun, too, it can help people overcome some, some of the, some fears. And three, this is a big one. To help people get over the, the worry about other people's opinions. Like, can you say what you said, again, you

Josh Bolton:

use the tickets a heart or don't take it too personal? Yeah, don't


yeah, don't take it too personal. So, so, so this way. Because sometimes people incorporate the opinions or the potential opinions of others into their plans and into the things that they do. Like, for example, someone might do that. And married the wrong person. Like for like, for example. Some women have reported that, hey, my, they feel this peer pressure from their friends, or they feel this pressure from society to to hurry up, and, and get married, because people will think, think less of them. And, and so people in and with that, with that, on a, on a young lady's mind, this is kind of stressing them out. And they might make a faulty choice in a man just to just to one prove other people wrong or to or to not stand out is like, Oh, hey, this person doesn't, doesn't have a husband yet. And so it's important because it can, it can affect some very, very, very, very serious decisions.

Josh Bolton:

So again, so I love over going, but can we get a quick synopsis of who you are, and we'll pick up where we left off.


I'll play a quick synopsis your name? I'm Emmanuel nma. And yeah, I'm a I'll say the character coach, and like it in and so the mindset that a character coach wants to get whoever they're coaching to, is to have joy and happiness during the difficult times. 100%

Josh Bolton:

perfect, because I'm sitting here going like, this is too good of a story. I don't want it. It's like, quickly, just get who you are looking back to that. Ha.


Speaking of decisions. That's that looks like a pretty nice microphone that you have. Oh,

Josh Bolton:

thank you. It's the Blue Yeti. Okay, I'll see it looks like you have the road right.


It's iRig Oh, okay. How does this was really good. Oh, yeah. Okay, cool. Good. Yeah, this was a nice adventure to Tibet.

Josh Bolton:

That was it. That could be a whole story in of itself.


What's the every day there is there is some sort of story or some sort of interesting thing that I'm encountering. As I walk with God, it's like, I mean. In August, I was approaching random strangers on the street in Germany, trying to improve my small talk. I started writing, writing poetry. And I've read some poems to a few random strangers on the street. Yes,

Josh Bolton:

no, actually, I'm just smiling is not like a laugh, because I've had people do that, too, that it's just here in California, we have a little train system other than COVID. I used to take it all the time to downtown Los Angeles. And it's one random person just drew a picture of me and wrote a poem. And is it can I read it to you? And I was like, Sure, why not like you did all this work. I might as well hear it.


Okay, that's pretty. That's pretty interesting.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, it's just like blade. They just wrote this gorgeous poem on my Hey, can I get a copy of that or something? And they just handed it to me. They're just like, Here you go.


So why did they pick you? Was it because you're wearing those glasses?

Josh Bolton:

No, I only wear this year. Okay. Okay. Well,


I guess I like I like the tint on the

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, it is for blue light. So I'm okay. It blue light makes you mentally wake up. And it's hard to go to sleep. Okay. Yeah, that's just why I wear I'll take it off now. No, they just showed me because at that time, it was 2019. Early part of it, so long before COVID even hit. And I was just riding and that's when I was still a little angry. So it was funny. They nailed it. Word for word. I wish I still had the poem. It was just like, how there was an inner battle going on, and how the moon and the sun are almost about to collide. And it was just like, beautiful strokes of literature. Am i Wow. And they still have all just my eyes in my posture.


Oh, wow. So okay. Yeah, that's that's how quickly did they? Or I guess, let me back up. It was

Josh Bolton:

like a 10 minute segment they came on. So where I am in California, they come came on, like two cities over and I'm going like 1520 cities in. So they were on for like, seven, eight stops and then handed to me as they're leaving.


So like 20 minutes. And interesting. Very, very interesting. Right?

Josh Bolton:

No, I just watched it. I was just smiling. Because it's like, a personal thing for me I've learned with chatting with people is you actually don't take people's opinions too serious. They're too focused on themselves to care about you. I mean, intrinsically, we humans are good. And we will come together but like, on an individual basis, they don't really care about you as much as you think.


Can you elaborate on that a little bit more? What do you mean by I guess apply it to the situation? Who wrote the poem for you?

Josh Bolton:

Oh, so that one was just was kind of like he was just on the mission. That small chat. Super introverted, socially awkward. Oh, that was that was just their way of doing into like, sorry, it's so awkward. Am I just cool? I like it. Okay, but no, in general, I'm talking like, I currently still work a job and all that. And it's one of those I've learned that people are more fascinated with their phones and what's going on in their life, and what's happening to you. And there's nothing against the person, they're just more focused on them than others. And see, I focus on others and helping them before I help myself.


question, why do you think it is that people are? Because it's a big thing? Why do you think it is that people are so infatuated are so drawn to their phones?

Josh Bolton:

Ah, see, I didn't even say phones. I like how you picked up on that. It's, so it's the dopamine hit. A lot of the people have dopamine, it's like the happiness hit. And a lot of people like just simply turning on your screen, you get a dopamine reaction. So for us humans, it's more like we are literally wired and addicted to our phones. Because it's infinite entertainment box. Okay, but we as creatures as humans, we've always wanted entertainment. Back in feudal Japan, they had the plays and productions of the samurai in this and great music and orchestra and beautiful geisha girls dancing everywhere. In Japan. Sorry, I said that in English. Many Middle Ages, same thing. taverns, music playing, poets speaking, celebration, so we've always wanted with always celebrated and wanted entertainment. But now we just have unlimited entertainment right here. Why do we need to focus on others? When I could just focus here?


Okay? Okay, so my theory on on this is that a lot of people are missing a balance in their life. So and so they're binging on that thing that is out of balance, in, in their life. And so I've seen this with Barbara was on the tram the other day, and I saw this young guy, and he was just swiping through rails rails, or maybe it was rails or tick tock videos. And so my, my theory is that he's,

Josh Bolton:

he's looking for something, but he'll never find it.


But also that he's missing. And a part of, of his life. And so he's, he's kind of chasing that by looking at looking at other people's videos of adventure, or creativity. Or, I guess I'll also say, this way. I'll talk about Oktoberfest and in Germany. All right. So this is tying in that theory, one of the, one of the reasons why I believe that sometimes people from other countries come to Oktoberfest in Germany and get super super, super drunk is because they're missing a good work. Fun balance. And so and so once they get a little bit of time to, to have fun, they, they're trying to just make up for all the fun that they've that they've missed out on, because maybe they're working too much. And so they binge on, on fun. Or, or even with, like, net, Netflix shows, like people end up binge watching those Netflix, or some shows on Netflix. And part of my theory is that maybe that person is missing some adventure in their life. And so this is why they're there. They're seeking it so much.

Josh Bolton:

I can agree with that. Yeah, okay.


And yeah, also, or it's like, they just working too much. So when they get that time for, for relaxation, then it's like, man, let me cram all the relaxation, everything I can into this moment. So because, well, I'm going to go back and work, work, work, work, work, work, work.

Josh Bolton:

So there's the saying, at least you're in California, and generally America, I don't know about your side. But he's called the live for the weekend. You work Monday through Friday. And then you party on the weekend, because you couldn't party to do Monday through Friday. So it's like you get drunk Friday, kind of recover Saturday. Get ready Sunday, start the grind again. And like for me, I never could understand that. Even at a young age, where everyone's like, Oh, we have a party Friday and see all my co workers in this like, during the week they binge watch six, eight hours of shows when they just work 16 hours. So it's it tells me that they're not happy with life in general. They're on autopilot essentially. There's their existing barely is like a living dead situation. They're alive but they're internally dead, where a character coach that you would be amazing.


And you know, one thing that I'm hopeful for for people. So one thing that I do to try and make sure I get a good work rest balances. So my daily schedule, I It's I work about 15 minutes. 10 minute break. 15 minutes 10 minute break. So I think it's, I kind of modeled it after I think it's the Pomodoro Technique, or something like there's

Josh Bolton:

a lot of people who preach it. Yeah, I do the same thing. Like when I'm working on my website, I'll go an hour and then I'll take like a 15 minute break. Go walk around, get some popcorn. Get a drink of water and brown 15 ish minutes, get back to work. Just slam it out for an hour.


Got it? What kind of popcorn you like for just air popped

Josh Bolton:

off a little bit of salt on it.


Okay, aye. Aye. I guess I like the classic. Just just butter.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, obviously, I do that too. I have a little an old like 1960s air popper, like my grandparents bought it way back in the day. So I just pull her to kernels, and it pops up. And sometimes we'll pick like, some like butter and put it on or because it's kernels is not


is not in the bag. Right?

Josh Bolton:

So you have to be careful because you put too much it makes the kernels all soggy.


Okay, and so you have to you have to do some tinkering around to find out how to

Josh Bolton:

get butter. Popcorn ratio.


Okay. Fair enough. Fair enough. Maybe you should write a blog post about

Josh Bolton:

traffic ratio. But.


But But yeah, so back to my work schedule. So also, I work six weeks, take the seventh week off? Interesting. Okay. And I tell you, are you familiar with the term? Shower moment?

Josh Bolton:

And maybe it might have heard it differently? Can you explain it?


So I guess a lot of entrepreneurs use this term. So they'll get some great ideas in the shower. Right? Yeah. And so it's like, in a sense, it's like, you get some great ideas. Sometimes when you walk away from the thing that you're working on, when you take a break. Kind of let your mind reset. let things settle. So has space for new ideas to, to, to come in, or for old ones to reassemble. And so I would say for about the past year I have I've been doing this work six weeks, seven weeks, completely off. And So had I not done this, I would have never discovered my my purpose. Because every, every time I go into that week, there's either I get a new idea. And I'm like, Oh, that's great. Let me try that out. When I go back to what I go back to working in and trying to do things in regards to preaching. And so or maybe before the break, there was something that that I was kind of trying to figure out and couldn't find a way to get to, to get it to work. But break time came. And it's like, oh, that's how I go. That's the way I approach it. And additionally, something else that I add during break time is I try I try to go out into into nature. Some like maybe, like here, there's there's a mountain and sometimes I've walked up it this this past week. I take the bus up, but I walked down. Okay, but But yeah, it's it always, always happens. always happens in that seventh week. Get the rest, let my mind reset, and always get some new idea that helps me once I come back after break.

Josh Bolton:

So I got a trick for you. So you don't have to say this is one of those you can implement actually effective today. What I do to get my ideas. If I'm mulling something over and I'm having trouble. What I do is I say to myself until I might fully asleep pretty much is whatever the problem is It will resolve itself. And when I wake up, I will have my answer. Whatever it may be, and every time I've done it, no break, I just say like, Okay, I'm like, for me, I'm struggling with my website. Am I okay? Should it continue building my coaching program? Or should I focus on writing stories? When I wake up in the morning, I'll have my answer. I do that to pretty much I pass out or just fall asleep and can't talk anymore. Every time I wake up, boom, I have my answer.


Okay. Okay. Very, very interesting

Josh Bolton:

is when you see even though we're sleeping, we actually our subconscious, it fulfills the last thing you hear. So it literally is Oregon. Even though you're sleeping. It's like you're getting your RAM and your theta level of sleep and your dreams. It's actually solving that problem for you. And that's how I figured out so much quick. Because I just think, Okay, I'm struggling with this. What's the answer? Tell me in the morning.


Okay, and so. So you found that the continuously repeating repeating repeating repeating,

Josh Bolton:

I'd say, Emanuel will have his answer in the morning, whether it should be a strawberry ice cream, or cookies and cream ice cream. And they just keep saying that, I would say I will have my answer.


Perfectly buttered popcorn, or the perfect butter. Yes. Good.

Josh Bolton:

Okay. This is something to try out. And I have noticed too, because like this week, my boss gave me like three days off in a row. He's trying to read level here in America Super Bowls. A huge thing. I don't know about your side. But um, so because I work at a grocery store, our traffic's low. So they're like he's giving people he knows it won't financially ruin them. Three days off, yet it isn't. So he knows I live with my parents. And at the check is nice, but it's not necessary kind of thing. So that's where he gave me three days off. And this is because I work night shift. So 12 to six in the morning. Okay, so I had today off. And literally, I just sat there thinking same thing. It's just like, Okay, what's my mission? What's my goal? What am I supposed to do? And then when I woke up at like, four in the morning, I was like, there it is. I had my answer. And ironically, I was chatting with this one guy, about how to sell coaching and all that. And I told him again, I'm having trouble with my website. He's like, you know, I bet you anything this author, he's like, it's gonna resolve itself. And I was like, okay, like, Sure. And like, literally, when I was going to bed turning off everything, I was like, You know what, I'm gonna go check it. And it did. Now, it's just like, small little bugs that need to tweak. But my whole website now is just, I'm prepping it. And I was just like, wow, it's just all lining up. And it was just one of those same thing, just telling myself Okay, what am I supposed to do? When is it gonna happen kind of thing?


Uh huh. And yeah, so what you're saying also has similar elements to prayer. So what I'm saying, well, that but also stepping back, letting your mind catch its breath. And, and then in time, it's, you're able to, to find or discover that thing that that you need. And so well, let me not go into prayer because that's the that's a multi faceted, multi faceted topic, and I think we probably have, we don't have enough time. If we've probably already talked about a large number of things. But yeah, it's a good thing to, to come to balance. It is. And it's important if someone finds themself binging on something, to maybe look and see and try and discover, well, what is it that I might be missing? In my life, like maybe someone plays a lot of video games, that adventure. That was

Josh Bolton:

me for the longest time.


And so it might be a matter of like, man, that person. Person needs some some adventure in their life and like there's, they're there. They're seeking it through to the video games. And I say to can sing in public or

Josh Bolton:

start your own business. That's pretty adventurous too.


Yeah, yeah. And so well go there was something you said earlier about being on a train that that you were dealing with some anger issues and it was it was I guess a parent on your face Yes Did Did you Did you do anything in particular to to get over that?

Josh Bolton:

Okay, so this is a long I would say that's a very long story for the backstory but essentially let me give you like the quick snaps just like yours. I was sent she misdiagnosis. Bipolar and schizophrenic I was put on some heavy meds. So all my life I believed I was bipolar, schizophrenic monster that could snap and kill people and drop of a hat. Now I realized this dolt that was just propaganda fit to me, but I was on some really really heavy meds. So it's the kind I actually almost kind of trouble with the doctor went to just do a normal checkup. And she's like, this is the kind of prescriptions that clinically insane people in the asylum take and you're just walking around freely. Who are you? She started calling security I'm like, Bitch, I'm outta here.


Kind of thing. Which he started calling security. Julia

Josh Bolton:

asked me to take me back to the asylum, which I never been, by the way.


Oh, so she looked at your meds is like okay,

Josh Bolton:

this guy's crazy beyond belief. He's like


okay, so these meds this person had to have been in some sort of asylum.

Josh Bolton:

So pretty much most of my life so that that was like six or seven years ago when I was still on it. I when I was 13 when young impressionable. I was put on the gambit of drugs when I was eight so in general my most my life experiences is through the perception of drugged out emotional forgetful kids. So I had no context that's like my new thing is given context to whatever happens as like an homage to my younger self kind of thing.


What do you mean by that giving context to whatever happens what is

Josh Bolton:

so like, how I came to the conclusion? Don't take what people say to personally. You can see it my teeth a little outline, too. They were way more haggled on they truly look like a like a wolf or a beast. Okay, so people would always call me a monster and like oh, you're gonna bite our throat out You monster. Okay, let's see emotional young Josh didn't know I was just like, oh my god, I must be a monster. So then I started fulfilling that Mr. Thinking Wolf, a monster. I need to hide kind of like a werewolf can't see people I can't interact with people. And then because of the isolation I was very angry and very lonely. So that's, that's the funny thing is about when that was happening. My martial arts instructor picked me up. Six months earlier, I tried to take my life I just knocked myself out though. It was just belt trying to hit okay, clearly didn't work severe. And this was six months later, and he said the same thing. He got his funnel cake and soda and one for his buddy with the booth and he just literally jumped up to the booth grabbed me and dragged me in said, Hey, kid, you want me to teach you how to break limbs legally. Cool. I want to tailgate Yeah, let's do it.


Way what booth? What booth? Did he

Josh Bolton:

so here I am in like the Los Angeles area. There's a thing called that Los Angeles County Fair. So he bought a booth in the Fair Board and you're going through like eating your popcorn and all that and you go into games. There's a section of just merchants selling their wares. Okay, so he was selling free martial arts lessons. Okay, that's how he got his loophole in. And that's where he picked me up and that's where 15 years later essentially, I told him I thank you for picking me up when you did because I don't know where I'd be without you. Kind of thing. You literally changed my life.


Okay, okay. And

Josh Bolton:

that was his thing. He said I saw a rage in there that you you just needed to put it somewhere and he's like the beauty of martial arts you can put in a bag and ethically you can put your anger into other people without hurting them too much. We all signed a contract like jokingly Middle Eastern back we will same contract so it's okay if you break them. It's okay. Insurance covers it.


Okay, I go cuckoo Well, so what you're talking about is, is one of those things that are actually I should say that's something that I am focused on. helping people understand right now is, where does that anger and rage come from? A? And most of the times, it's tied into someone causing another person to feel some sort of shame.

Josh Bolton:

Oh, absolutely. No, that was the main cause for my problem.


And, and so it's when that happens, then maybe the best way to put it is then the person who feels shame develops an unforgiveness infection, in a sense. And so I'll put it, I'll put it I guess, this way. Simply, you get one thought of anger.

Josh Bolton:

And then like the ticket, yes, twice before?


Yes. And so. And so this is one of the reasons why a large number of people are in prison. This is one of the reason why almost all divorces happen. This is one of the reasons why Hitler went so far. Is because as you said, it multiplies that anger. It multiplies. It grows and, and eventually, it has to come out.

Josh Bolton:

And if you mistake for me, I would bottle it up.


And so yeah, good. I was

Josh Bolton:

just so it just got to the point like putting a Mentos in a coke. I thought I could just keep the pressure under check. And then the the whole, the mindset fulfillment, I would lash out like a wild beast at people angry and breaking things worse than I just merely resort back to oh, I need to reserve my anchor again. I can't show this the side of me and only perpetuates the problem.


Correct? Correct. And so this is actually what is happening. So God has a contract. Okay, and so essentially, this is the way his contract goes. So if I have unforgiveness against you, if if maybe you told me that Emanuel you made the popcorn soggy again. Like this is the fifth time I told you about this. And so maybe I I get angry at you because of that. That critique. And so there's that one seed of anger. And I'm like Josh's the popcorn is good it's and I start to have thoughts of anger against against you like I should throw this popcorn at Josh. And so this is God's contract he's like Emmanuel I forgiven you have a million a billion things forgiven Yeah, or or let me not go into go into that ankle but it's like Emmanuel I forgiven you have a million things. Forgive Josh this one thing about the popcorn besides the popcorn and soggy he's right. But and so what happens is, if I manually say, No, God, yeah, you forgave me those. A million things. You were kind to me, but I can't let this one go between me and me and Josh, and so God's contract is like, Okay. I have to I have to give you over to, to the devil and What the devil is going to do is he's going to plant those seeds of anger into your mind and multiply. And the devil will not stop until you forgive. And I can't, I can't stop him until you forgive. And so and so this is why, like, for example with with Hitler, he meant he had a lot of unforgiveness that built up through his life, from childhood rejection from art school.

Josh Bolton:

A lot of things were going to get


lost. And so and so all of this built up. And kind of like you said, it's like, became this pressure cooker for him to the point where he he had to act on on all of that, that anger and rage that was built up. And so this is, this is one of those things that I plead with people I like, I'm pleading, begging, please forgive, please, please, please guys forgive because it's the way to have a peaceful mind. Because when you forgive, then the devil can't put those those overwhelming thoughts of anger in your in in your mind due to that unforgiveness. Right. And so, I was the the podcast I was on earlier. As we were talking, this actually came up in a way in we were talking about canceled culture.

Josh Bolton:

It's very toxic now. Yeah.


And so and so that's one of those things that people who were, I guess, involved in wanting to cancel other people need to need to hear is like, you got to forgive that person. Please, you got to forgive that person. Because what's gonna happen is, as people seek vengeance, and revenge, because maybe somebody made them feel a certain way, it's, you're continuing to feed that infection, and it's gonna grow and it's gonna grow and it's going to grow. And it, it actually cannot stop. People will be physically, physically harmed if people don't forgive. And sometimes forgiveness is just this simple. It's just as simple. Hey, Josh, you're Hey, Josh. You're right. The popcorn was soggy. I'm sorry, I got angry. I forgive it sometimes.

Josh Bolton:

Gonna be the show's name, the popcorn. They're gonna get the joke like.


But might be a good title. But sometimes, it's just that simple. And I could save myself. Hours, months, years of anger. Sometimes it's, it's just that simple. There are other things sometimes that people need to do in order to get rid of that rage, that anger due to unforgiveness. But I will go to internet and

Josh Bolton:

say I buy well. The others can't see it. But you see the books back here? Yes, sir. So one of them was the book Thinking Fast and Slow. Okay. It's essentially the basic roadmap of how our mind works. And before I honestly am not a book reader, like this kind of book. It's for me, I get like a weird type of dyslexia letters just jump around for no reasons, like Mexican jumping beans, like where the hell they go. But, um, for me as I read it, and I realized, and that's where I actually paid an extra like 40 bucks and I bought the audio book and I listened to it every so often, essentially,


so audio book costs $40

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, it was like a 30 hour read.


So you're okay. So, okay.

Josh Bolton:

Essentially, for the what I was listening to, he said to Silja how he works his system One is emotion. System two is logical thinking system one or emotions can override logical thinking. But logical thinking cannot override emotions as not a full perfect yin and yang, he said, but there is a loophole. If emotions are overwhelming you and you can catch it. If you breathe for 10 breath like 10 seconds intense it gets out. He said it overrides emotion. He's so then it is a perfect, but he's like, you must know what is triggering you and why it's triggering you. Otherwise, it will just be an endless loop. That's what you were kind of indirectly touching on. And that's when when I picked onto that I was like, Oh, I'm angry because of this dismiss. So every time I catch myself by I don't, I don't get angry or


anything. And so, actually, you you said something very, very, very important. Okay, in in regards to emotional systems, overriding logical systems. In so Well, part of my work as, as a character coach is to heavily focus on because there are a lot of things that come from the emotional system, if you will, that will cause issues with a logical system that will cause issues with with performance, or productivity, fear, worry, and doubt pridefulness bad planning bad goal setting jealousy.

Josh Bolton:

Sorry, I'm just chuckling because that's all I struggled with. And after reading that book, it's like now I'm like that cold calculated guy where everyone's like, shoot, he has a really nice five years figured out where he


has the same last thing again. So free, he has five,

Josh Bolton:

like five years worth of stuff already planned out. Then if and if you talk to me, like two years ago, before I read that book, I would scattered like this is now controlled chaos. I know what it means. But if you came in, everything was everywhere. Okay, so now it's like I know it like even though it looks like chaos. I know what it means. So it's not chaos to me. And this isn't that's where I would never plan like when I first started the show. I was going by the cuff of my like, the just winging it the seat of your pants. Yeah, there it is. I was trying to figure out how


are you good? Yeah, and cuff also,

Josh Bolton:

there we go. So that's where at a certain point will maybe realize calm down and start listening to that guy is I overbooked myself. I was doing eight interviews a day. Okay, so that that was my chaotic emotional. I'm like I have to get as many in as possible. This NAD doesn't matter. And now like this, so you have a set time I get three a week be show up great. If not, Oh, well. I'm not gonna try to make extra.


Okay, okay. Yeah, it's it's important, very important to put the emotions in check. Yes. Very important. Fairy fairy important. It will cause people to Well, as I mentioned earlier, it can cause people to make some very bad decisions. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's like you just over overwhelmed fear worry, doubt. Pride. So you're not taking advice from from other people. And you think I got it, I got it. I got it. It's like,

Josh Bolton:

this person doesn't know what the hell I'm struggling with those. I'm not gonna listen to them.


And so it's like, man, it's well, I'm hopeful because I have a lot a lot a lot a lot of information to give to give to people. And once people understand and then I should I, I showed them ways that they can put these things into practice in order to more comprehensively develop their characters. I am Looking forward to too many people. What's the best way to say growing and developing and I look forward to many people reporting to you, Josh, because I got control of my emotions. I got the perfect mix I got the perfect mix for Butter Bob. Yeah. Because that that can affect someone's someone's cooking as well. Maybe you're

Josh Bolton:

like we can it affects everything. Yes,


yes, exactly, exactly. And this is what this is what I'm continuously striving to communicate with people. I'm glad we were able to communicate this with each other

Josh Bolton:

and meet you. Like, for me, the reason I point out the books is so the march 2020 market crash is what piqued my interest I went why are people dancing in the street like is the best thing ever since sex and some are crying like Beelzebub been ruined? I'm like, this makes no sense. So I did my research and I figured out and that's where my okay, I was a stock market crash what is the stock market? figured that out? My Okay, stock market is investing in business. What's that all about? My Oh, it's mindset. Okay. Mindset, what does that all about? Oh, it kind of ends up being more spiritualist than anything else. And I'm like, okay, then it kinda, it's just the rabbit hole kept going. But that's when I realized my Oh. So I want I am actually actively trading of different stuff. And it's just one of those, if you any of those pillars, pop off, your whole thing's ruined. So I joke with people my I've taught myself essentially, the mindset of a business person or a trader, like a stock trader, not like the pirates on the sea going garreg trader, but but it's just essentially, like, it's the kind of one of my co workers, he likes finance. So we talk I said, it's kind of weird, it became more of a spiritual journey than anything else. Um, to Yes, I said, I will be building a lot of wealth and a lot of whatever systems but I also know, in the end, in the end of this game, when I finally pass away and go on to wherever that might be, I can't take what I did here on, but I can build systems for it to keep going long after I'm dead. And to help perpetuate and help people, so I tell them jokingly, like, it's the kind of gift thing where it's like, help Josh get rich, so he can help other people when you long after he's dead.


Uh, ha, ha ha. I don't think that's I don't think that's a bad thing. It's like, well, this money is a is a multiply, well, I can multiply your effectiveness. So say for instance, you do become a millionaire. And you have an actionable thing that people can do to get over. Whatever emotion that is overwhelming them. And because you have that million dollars, you can find many more ways to reach or to spread that message to get Yeah, yeah. I'm good.

Josh Bolton:

Well, it's just here in California. I know it's not just at least where I am in Southern California. It's very anti capitalist, very anti. If, if you make more than 100k a year, you're a capitalist pig. You deserve to be strung up kind of thing. The running joke with because I have a group called stock Google futures, traders. It's farming like agriculture, but they all joke because I'm in California right now that i Oh, you're in communistic. California call me Kelly. Because it's we're where I am in Los Angeles County. It's February 22 2022. We are still on lockdown. Like the heat of the pandemic. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's that so that's why we call it the it's a running joke. Oh, Kami, Callie, because literally every other County County in California is pretty much all right. It's like if you're outside this now you're good to go. If you go to a grocery store, you don't even mess where I am. They're like hell no. The shipping stay in line.


Ah, man, okay.

Josh Bolton:

was like I need to get to California to


I guess I'll say this In a sense, you have an advantage, though. Oh, yeah. And and the reason why I say that is because well, this gives you an opportunity to do loneliness training.

Josh Bolton:

That's actually one that I've had a lot of people talk to me because that was my biggest struggle was loneliness. Well see, there's the deeper derivative of I couldn't accept myself. So if I can't accept myself, I can't accept others for who they are. So I just again, the perpetuating problem. Now that I've like, gone through, just kind of like therapy time and neuro link neuro linguistic programming and all that, and we've rewired my brain now, a lot of people have even told me or work in my martial arts studio. They're like, Dude, you're just oozing with like, confidence. Now what what shifted? I said, Well, I just accepted all the damage good events I had, and for what they are in the past, they can affect now. Okay, and, and that's it. Right? Like it's happened. I can't ignore that part. It happened. But what's done is done. Keep going.


Oh, yeah, keep keep moving forward. And so actually, one of the one of my new questions to ask people is, Could you be happy during a COVID lockdown, without your cell phone?

Josh Bolton:

So at least for me, yes.


And so that's, that's one of those places where me as a character coach, I want to get get people to like, Hey, you can have happiness and joy in difficult times. In lonely times. You can have that and it comes down to comes down to that mindset, and, and sometimes actually doing exercises to to practice dealing with, with loneliness. Oh, 100%

Josh Bolton:

No, I agree that it's like for me, like you can you'll see it, they won't see it. I am I got a fish cake.


Okay. Yeah, I was gonna say, because I saw as I was focused on you, I saw something dart in the corner like, right, well, yeah,

Josh Bolton:

so I got a fish tank. Why I always had one I had a little itty bitty, like 10 gallon one. Like they're on super small. And it was just a pink little glowy fish. Like if you put a light to a glows really bright pink. thing live was was with me for three years. And that fish only lives like a year and a half, two years at worst. So I got a good long life. It recently passed. But, uh, so I just was obsessed on how to optimize my fishing. And that was not in reading books. And that was literally what got me through the whole pandemic.


Okay, good, good. Good. Yeah. I'm, I'm happy to hear and I'm when when people are able to persevere through unsettling times, difficult times, like the two women that I that I mentioned to you, earlier. Amy Carmichael and Gladys L Word. Man, their stories are just

Josh Bolton:

pure and tarsha. Ah,


man. Yeah. So if you if you get a chance, check, check them out on check out their stories on YouTube, I guess I should say, anybody who's listening to this, check out their stories on YouTube. And and this way people can know, hey, it's actually possible for me to have joy and happiness during difficult times in life. And it's it's a good goal to aspire to. It is. Yeah, it's a good goal to aspire to. Well, sir, as

Josh Bolton:

getting pretty late, and I feel like we could go to at least one morning


well, I'm no stranger to talking late. It's just a matter of I have to be mindful of the schedule. Because I because I do have another Yeah, do you have an outcast? No, so it will be a about another hour and a half, but I want to try and get some food in between Yeah. So

Josh Bolton:

where can everyone reach you out?


So if people want to want to find me they need to move to Zagreb Croatia Yeah, you heard it back it up there so people can find me on Instagram. And it's my handle is my name at Emmanuel Nama and it's all one word. Okay, I guess you'll put it in the show notes.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, I'm out. It's already one o'clock so I should have sent you an automatic email just saying hey, send me a headshot. A basic description and some any links you want in description too.


Okay, cool. Cuckoo. Alright, so awesome.

Josh Bolton:

His absolute honor and pleasure to have you on


so we're gonna stick with that title soggy?

Josh Bolton:

Yes, we are. Beautiful. Realistic What the hell are they talking about? What Why would we talk about soggy popcorn?


Man, this is one of the reasons why I love having conversations with people because I've talked about I mean I talk about all sorts of different things in able to incorporate it into the conversation and actually talk about improving one's mindset as well. And so like I had a conversation with this young lady I talked about ferrets the exact thing and and we were able to incorporate that into talking about character development, mindset development and in the human beam and I was able to make a good joke and say hey people should live their best ferrets and good but I mean the way we had the discussion it fit in regards to up throw in this nugget, apparently ferrets are very

Josh Bolton:

aggressive. Well, but


persistent in trying to get to a goal.

Josh Bolton:

Interesting. Okay.


Yeah. Because she made mention of how the one of her ferrets would always try and climb on a desk and and if I recall correctly, play on the keyboard on the computer keyboard. Okay, and so they tried to find ways to keep it from getting up there so they would I guess move things out of the way so it can jump up and climb on but she said it will find its the fair will find its way to try and get on to the onto the debt. So it's like yeah, that's actually a good thing for people with goal with goal setting and, and trying to achieve some goals is like sometimes you got to get creative and be persistent. To get there. So live your best ferret. Hey, there we go. Cool. Well, sir, it was a pleasure. And have a good day. You cheers. Have a good day, sir. Have a good day. Have a good chat.

Josh Bolton:

Because indeed