The Josh Bolton Show

What a Good Relationship Should Be | Andre Paradis

March 28, 2022

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Andre Paradis is a relationship coach, NLP coach, educator of effective communications, published writer, public speaker, and ordained minister. Though he grew up in Canada, he once went on a vacation in Los Angeles where he was scouted, got an agent, auditioned, and booked work that led to a life of unforgettable experiences dancing with legends including Michael Jackson, Prince, Paula Abdul, and Julio Iglesias, to name a handful.

He met his wife, and they settled in LA where they opened AP Auto Body. By 2006, they had two beautiful kids. He then attended a workshop called “Understanding Women.” He then studied and learned from some of the biggest relationship masters (Dr. Pat Allen, Dr.Esther Perel, Dr. John Gray, Shantie Feldhan, and Alison Armstrong). He started sharing his knowledge with friends and family. He saw that this knowledge actually helped people lead happier lives with the people they love. He found a new purpose in life — the big calling deep inside of him. He then sold his successful auto shop and launched Project Equinox Coaching to help men and women learn to build stronger, long-lasting, and healthy love relationships. For some clients, he even officiates their weddings.

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Andre P:

Oh, I love it. And if there's something that I say that you want to call bullshit on, call three, call bullshit because I can make all of it up, right? I can seriously some people are too polite and they like, they go like it didn't, you know, strike him funny, but don't say that they don't put me in a spot. I can put me on the spot and get back all of it. Oh,

Josh Bolton:

perfect. Andre will definitely do that. It's actually already running. Do you just want to give yourself an injection?

Andre P:

Sure. So my name is Andrew Parodi. I'm a relationship coach. I'm an NLP coach. Neuro Linguistic Programming. I'm an educator of effective communication strategies. That's a big part of my work in every relationship you have, requires every relationship you have requires communications, whether it's work related, relationship related, like love relationship, parent, child, employee employee, right. So like, and it's such a big piece of communication for people like without it, we hear about solid time, it's all about communication, communication, communication. But often we think we're communicating and we're not. Right, or like and simple. The model is simple if you are you using words but you're not getting the results you're not communicating. Even if you think using the right words. Like if it's not, you don't get the results. Right. So there's a magic in that. Yeah. So that's what I do. I'm also a worship leader and a public speaker. I'm also an ordained minister so I work my favorite in do is I do is help men and women with a dance of relationship. Men, men, women moving but women women's, by the way, is the same exact thing. Some agenda thing is a related thing. But you know, for some of my clients up to working with them, helping them or putting them together, I get to marry them. So

Josh Bolton:

hey, you puff into the pie. That's

Andre P:

the greatest honor by the way, the greatest honor just like unbelievable to be that guy. Do you think this man my man, so

Josh Bolton:

you help you help the man or the woman get the confidence to talk to the other person they get together? And you get you get the constant updates to throughout it. So yeah, that is a great honor.

Andre P:

It's it's some stuff. It's some stuff. Give me one second I just want is that okay? Can I okay? Just because it's going to keep interrupting Yes. Edit Okay,

Josh Bolton:

so where are you at? I'm going to say Los Angeles. Oh, sweet. Meet you.

Andre P:

You are Wow. That's that's almost too close for

Josh Bolton:

your homeless like a neighbor.

Andre P:

Where are you exactly?

Josh Bolton:

Do you know where Claremont California's? Yeah. Claremont. Yeah, but I'm around there. Got it.

Andre P:

I'm in Woodland Hills. Okay, no,

Josh Bolton:

no more fancy party California

Andre P:

a little bit. So

Josh Bolton:

I was actually listening to some of your episodes. So you're a dancer to bear you still dancing?

Andre P:

Yeah, no, I teach you know, occasionally nowadays to do for a living but might be my wife will teach the occasional salsa class for fun a little bit, but more so that actually integrating that into my workshops. Okay, that the metaphor for dancing looked behind me like dining. My wife gorgeous one, thank you. But the metaphor from dancing and the lovely ships are incredible. Like they just completely merged together. So we'll use dancing in live workshops to get to be bought extend the dynamic of being in partnership. You know, that's cool. So I could put a guy and then a man and a woman in each other's arms. And within seconds, I know, who's who doing what and how and what's not working. Like it's like, he has no confidence she can, you know, lead her and if she doesn't lead that she has to take it that's instinctual. Right? And then even some women who like to lead with having to lead all the time so it is it's fascinating. It happens like instantly so

Josh Bolton:

Oh, yeah, I do martial arts and that's the biggest one for me. I can tell who you are within like 30 seconds second. Yeah. 30 seconds left on. Yep. I know. Yeah, I would say just like when we we always joke like to know our martial artists. I only need like 30 seconds with you and I know you're dominant, or submissive. You're an adaptive and what style you are and and that's where we, we joke in our studio. It's like, cuz I'm very high in the ranks. Now. I joked with my instructor I'm like, There's not meaning I can fight anymore. That actually gives me a challenge. Can I fight you? And he's like, that's a very intimate thing for martial artists. Like, yes, it is. Nevermind.

Andre P:

It's true. It's true. But you know, the what I see a lot that people don't realize in our culture, the idea of equality to the mean of like, equal rights equal pay equal opportunity, of course, that's, you know, except what what happened is it transgressed and transferred and got translated into equal beings. You know, that a man should be one if a man is want to hit a woman, sweet, sensitive, talkative, vulnerable, that makes him a better man nowadays, and if you don't turn into that, you will be valuable no girls gonna want to date you know, right. And so women are more like mascot in strong, independent, powerful, manly, you know, competitive that makes him better woman? Well, for business, maybe even love dynamics? Absolutely not. So, equality for money in business career? Sure. And quality in relationship is the kiss of death. This is all I do all day long. It's the kiss of death that destroys everything. So yeah, nobody knows. Nobody learns to dance anymore like this, you know? And they don't know. They wonder why it's not working. They won't get into partnership. They're going to competition.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, I was actually it's funny. Like a week ago, I was trying my hand at the online dating thing and you being in so you would understand this. Women lately just seemed like they want like the Robert Downey Jr. Six Pack Abs money, and they're completely submissive, but at the same time, they'll be their daddy and tell them what to do. But there's that weird dynamic that they don't even know which one they want. Ah,

Andre P:

yeah, this is like when you when you dismantle nature, everything I teach is not my opinion, its nature and science. Right? What do you smell you go against nature decrees a bunch of problems, you know, and that's what we have in your culture, to neutralize to make women more masculine, isn't good in relationship to make men more feminine. Leadership is doesn't make them better. Man doesn't work in relationships at all. It doesn't work, it doesn't work. So you know, we could go against the fact that your stereotypes are just so old school. Well, let's call nature right there is such a, there's a sweet spot in the middle. Right? We're not necessarily talking about extremes. But a man a man who is a man is is is a lot better to himself, and anybody around him when he handles his life, man, as his stuff is built, this character has a sense of purpose. That I mean, and wants to that makes him when he conquers his fears, and you know, has a mission in life, you build something that those are the guys who actually want to take on women and children. The guys, the guys who don't, don't, and women like it, were the good man. Well, you like this, you know, like the six pack, you know, handsome. You know, douchebag, who doesn't have to do anything to get laid? Well, that's what you get. You get a beautiful girl with a penis. And you end up you know, doing all the work. Well, congratulations, that again. That's so now men are acting like women, you know? And they're like, sexually attractive. Right? Boom, and we'll pay for them. Well, they just grabbed congratulations. It's not working. Right. So again, in the name of equality, it's just we flip the script too much, too much.

Josh Bolton:

So Oh, yeah, it really is. And this is one of those. You mentioned it in a show. I was listening to you earlier today. Yeah. I want to see what this Andre guy is. And you mentioned how the dynamics in a relationship have gone. You mentioned like the the boyfriend that pretty much makes the girlfriend of mom. Yep. So this is the one I was. There's a relationship. She doesn't listen to the show. So I don't really care. She can yell at me later. She has this non dignitize obsession with this one guy. And she keeps hitting me up. Well, she's taken a very Alpha very male approach. Like, I want to do this, but I want a relationship with family. Let's get a house. I kept telling her I'm like, the dude is no commitment. You're little we're just literally having sex. And that is it to him. Yeah. And you you're coming in with the whole commitment. Kids this? Yeah, you're scaring him beyond belief. And now he's like, blocking our said, yeah, you seem like the crazy cat lady that suddenly decided that you're just gonna jump his pants, whether he likes it or not.

Andre P:

Yeah, yeah. And you take charge and you wonder why he wants to get away from you as fast as possible. You know, and he good for one thing.

Josh Bolton:

And I sort of told her I'm like that you literally built the relationship that way. You ever tell somebody you don't know anything? Yeah, coworker at a different work and there's multiple stores I go to she got a different one.

Andre P:

Gotta go. No, and then that's a cultural pulse. Right? We'll make women strong, independent and powerful. That's fantastic for money, but they they get in relationships, so expect men to do it their way. In a very interesting thing there so you know you go girl and you know just gotta go get yours and you know you decide you know you don't compromise you don't take a shit and that's all manly as hell right then it is manly as hell and anything that any man is gonna respond to that uh you have mine right the boys will bend over because you're so strong independent powerful the boys in my world is because a man having a penis Does that mean you're dealing with a man in our culture has made a really good point in destroying a whole lot of men to turn them into boys that their fault culturally, you know, but there's men guys and boys man or man they know they are they build a character they're solid. They're the rock you know, they won't take your shit like that what I mean by that is like, you can't play games with them. They'll just walk away from you. If you pushy strongly It cracks me up when women say it out loud. makes me vomit in my mouth every time you know. I've seen too strong you know intimidate men get over yourself right? Like you make me intimidate boys you just irritating demand. Fucking irritating demand. They don't want to say right like so women who are masking like this in the name of go girl. That's fantastic for business. I'm not saying Right, right. But don't throw that on a man in a British ship. You can lose. You can lose you can lose so men don't acknowledge you men don't see you men don't even say hi to you. When you're masculine like this, but boys who see a straight to your money and you get to handle everything or it's just like so happy to you know, seduce you with their prettiness and their sweetness and their vulnerability. As they encourage you the boys also feminist right You go girl, you go get some I'm so proud of you for that promotion, your work your two jobs. You know paying for the apartment while he's on the couch smoking joints pulling the dog and writing its music. You know, like you he's a kept girl. You know the peanut? Yeah. So we flipped the script. They wonder why women are burnt out frustrated, they hate the guy because the those guys will just take advantage of you so much in the name of life is hard. And you know, you have to lend him money because he's broke and you know, he's moving through your house because his landlord should do should he quit his job because his boss is you know, an asshole. It's not that one man cares about that if the job provides what it leads to, or a way to a better, better future right men or even share how they feel about their boss, they will avoid the guy but there's no reason to quit. That doesn't make sense. Right? And they see no, he's driving your car because you can't fix this piece of shit. And ladies HIT THE HELL wake up. Right? Like these are not men. But if you think that's man, and if you are masculine, you'd only check those men and you life is hell. And you think you blame man. And this way, toxic masculinity showed up and you can't trust them. They're cheaters. No, that's boys. That's not man. That boys, so the more masculine will raise women, the more feminine feminine men they attract. And the that doesn't make very good life that makes for torturous life with men, while the actual men find themselves sweet women who respect them. And you know, they actually couldn't negotiate it and you know, build something with totally different

Josh Bolton:

100% It's funny, I actually had a guest on one of my first guests and it was just talking to one of a friend about it. Her name's Will the show is called Heyoka Empath and a boy and she's a bodybuilder Canadian. This Nanos like okay, good, like bodybuilder, it's very masculine thing, but each have their own thing. Yep. She came in and steamrolled the shit out of me. And it was just one of those. She's like, why can't you just like if you're single? You got to do this and you want a woman? You take her no questions asked you grab her by the pussy. And I'm like, Whoa, that's gonna be really hard to pull off in LA. Let's put it maybe it works in Canada, but not work here.

Andre P:

No, I'm Canadian. It doesn't work Canada either. It does that. But I grabbed by the pussy is not like the most offensive thing. Yeah, that's what a man would say this and people would lose their frickin mind. Oh, yeah. Right. But a girl could say it. You know and in the name of like mothering you like telling you how to do it what to do like it's so it's so bizarre.

Josh Bolton:

And it was just one of those I was telling her. After I only got like three questions in with her afterwards, and I turned it all off. I said. She's like, Well, what do you think? I'm like, honestly, you're like raging more testosterone than I ever could right now. I'm like, I it just one of those. You seem like a man with a really aggressive clitoris essentially.

Andre P:

Yep. Yeah. That's what I say Right? Having a man having a penis doesn't make a man and having a vagina doesn't mean you have a wall in front of you. Right? You could flip the script on this whole thing and be righteous about it and, you know, literally push everybody away from you. Yeah, where to go?

Josh Bolton:

So for with all that, the How did you go about? How do you recommend your clients to go about dating online? Go talk to the coffee shop lady.

Andre P:

Oh, good last we can open that can of worms. I am going to say this out, you know, straight up People think I'm crazy when I say this and they come right back to me go here you are, right. Six months later, right? I'd say if you're a woman looking for relationships with most women, naturally, this natural B relationships, there's a lot of data on this both men and women are happier when they're in relationships. Even people who have money, who are successful in life don't feel successful in life if the relationships don't work. So there's a primary human element here that's essential. So women are looking for men to support them, make them feel safe, you know, be part of their lives. Because feeling good relationship makes him happier. Money does not make women happier. It gives the feeling of safety but does not make them happy. Just look around. Right? And so and men need women you know, to give them a sense of purpose in life as well right to work anyway. So we could go back into the work dynamic and you know, but and the dance but I say this to women who are online with 16 different apps that you pay the good the same guy that nobody else is looking for. You know tall tall dark handsome six pack BMW driving funny sense of humor provides protects for her thinks he's funny but you know understands that you know, she demands all of his time and his focus and yes like her mother and

Josh Bolton:

and yes, people talk to her on Sunday without being gay but he's borderline all

Andre P:

that shit right so like ridiculous ridiculous ridiculous right? This unicorn that you painted in your head that that is what every every woman in on on you know on these absolutely huge for this unicorn perfect guy who's also sensitive he talks a lot you know, but make sure that he respects the fact that you're busy that you know you're gonna have to be independent. Oh, man, get the hell out of here. So I'm saying I'm saying this. I'm saying this that men men real men, actual man good man. The ones who do everything you know to build their character are not online. Man or not on dating apps. Boys are cheaters are men who marry looking for affairs are manipulators ours. computer geeks are who you know have no Mojo can't talk to women they do it like behind the screen like that's the same like the boys are like men are the men do not go and I men went online then again so what did I do to COVID and the meaning of this crap? You know? Like they seem to make sense so men went online in the beginning of COVID thinking I can't really go anywhere right so this look what's out there because it makes sense right the numbers right 1000s of women just that but you know on your computer except if you wanted a man within two to four months come back with fuck that shit. What a what a fucking mess that is illegal explain and they also version of this they go well, first of all, I don't know what the pictures really are. When are we to that is nothing like the fucking pictures. I buy those. Right? And then so it goes. So that's bullshit. That terrible offensive. We think I was gonna notice that you picture was 10 years younger and you were like 40 pounds. Like lighter. Like so. Like, what about disrespectful as hell? And he goes, I can't tell who anybody is the profiles are all the same. I'm a lovely woman. My family describes me loving caring I love the beach movies and traveling. My dog is my best friend that I couldn't fuck is that, like, I they're all the same. So what happened is they go test the water, they pay money for this stuff. They realize really quickly that it's a mess. And get this if a man is really looking to be in a relationship online. He wants to go to be local. Yeah, not

Josh Bolton:

Carolina. Yeah. Not 300 plus miles away

Andre P:

or in a different country. Right. So that's so that's what online does like right so what men do, because they're looking for relationship is don't get computers. They don't like tease you. They don't dangle the carrot. They don't you know, like, have you engage in and ignore you? Right? They they turn off their computers and they go in their world, their local, their local area where they want you local. Right? Right. So in the store at Starbucks in California and the car wash, right give you 45 minutes at a car wash ready for you got nothing to do. Ladies, get off your phone, wash with that manner. Take care look around and see who's paying attention. Look is looking men always looking scanning. Right? Like so men are in the world looking right everywhere they go. And women like there's no, they're everywhere. Everywhere in every line you stand in, turn around and look as behind in front of you. And just smile. See what happened? Right? So that's what men do, man don't go online. So all the horror stories and of course like, okay here, I'm just gonna put that down right now. Some people got lucky online. Yes. 10 years ago. Yeah, yes. 10 years ago before all the patent algorithm shit, you know, keeping you online in cages just because he has so much attention. I know. 600 guys to check your profile last month? Yeah, sure. Anyway, my point is, you know, that happens. Some people get lucky as a rule, especially now it's bullshit. Oh, it is like, though.

Josh Bolton:

It's funny. My martial arts instructor met his wife like 710 years ago. And it was the end of like, right before the algorithm keeping him online, that I always tell him and I said, Are you sure you're happy? Because you both yell and bicker at each other. And I'm like, That is not a very healthy relationship. He's like, Oh, we love each other. And Mike. gonna think Alright, I'm gonna shut up and walk away.

Andre P:

But it's the Ubu right? You be you. But to me, you know, from for most men, for normal men. I'm gonna say they're not getting a relationship to compete the fight, you know, to like, try to, like hold hold on to themselves. You know, they're not downshift to try for further change him. For the mother him or her to tell him what to do. You know, ladies, wake the hell up. Right? No self respect man is gonna let you mother him. Now I'm not saying you know, that'd be a pig. That's not what I'm saying. But the good guys, good man on pigs. Good man. Respect. Women want to take care of women. Right want to cherish women want to give to women want to make them feel safe? Want to make them happy? Or heavier? Right. That's, that's, by the way, instinct, instinct. When when if I can make my way my my woman happy. I'm happy. Because when she's relaxed, I can relax. She feels good. I feel good. You know if I can make it feel sexy. She's fucking sexy. Right? So that's why men instancing men want to take care of women, one man men want to protect women provide and give to them and make them feel happy. Because that's the bonus. I can do it myself. Or it could be with this lovely creature. You know who's fun to be with? Who's warm to be with? Who sees me appreciates me makes me feel more like a man for the stuff that I bring. That's what men are looking for. Not somebody to compete with. change him. Tell him what to do. Ladies that it? Love it. Wake up. You know, you don't get to control man. You control boys. Get this I'm going to say this. This is going to trigger people ready? Okay, very. Men do not obey. Women. Are anyone. A true man? Yeah. A true man does not obey anybody is going to be him. Right? Now the magic in my world communication stuff is understanding that then how do you negotiate with him? How do you ask for correction? How do you asked for your wants and needs met respect, you have to do that respectfully. Right if you approach a man like a bandit, or push a man with whether your finger in his face, you know and now you're sick of his bullshit and you're going to you know, you get to come in this way. That's an attack. And you get again instinctively trigger. You know, the fighter in him. Now he has to defend himself from you attacking him, you're gonna lose. You're gonna you're gonna fucking lose and you're gonna think What a jerk. I've been trying to you know, I, I just want him to act, right? I just want to know, you're not you don't, you don't get to attack him thinking is going to want to change. The attack triggers him attacking back, and you're going to lose. So there's a way to do this. Respectful is a way to negotiate with men, which, you know, we're neurotic fixers. So if you pull on that instinct, to haven't fixed something, because that'll make you happier. You can't even help it.

Josh Bolton:

You're just picking up stuff and just going to doing it.

Andre P:

Right. So he'll actually if you know how to approach and use this instinct, you know, to fix the adjuster to correct to negotiate something. He's happy to do it. God has come at him with a voice and a tone and a face. And I'm sick. It's bullshit. here, and I need you to you stand we have a problem and it Sue. Sorry. Now I'm not saying it's all Moomins responsibility to do this, I'm just saying, there's a way to do this, right? So I have women who don't understand how to do this, I teach them this, but I have men, right? Who will come and be with my wife of 10 years used to be so sweet and lovely. Now she can't stand the sight of me I walk in the house, she tries to leave, right? Like you could tell the stain. You know us, can you help me? I'm like, of course, I can help you. So what's happening, she has to feel safe, somehow she doesn't feel safe with you anymore. Doesn't feel cherished, right? And then feels abandoned. Or sometimes something is going on this, you know, because that's what brings out the worst out of women. So how about you do this, do this, do this to make you feel like you care that you cherish her devour, and do all do all this stuff, to instinctively bring her back to feeling safe, and all of a sudden, you're her hero. And now she you watch your shoulders relax. And she's like, happier, she's calmer, because she's not so freaked out about whatever it is that you're not doing. Right? So you've you took it for granted? Maybe it I get sometimes it could I get it, right? But do this, the watcher just kind of relaxed connect, and all sudden, she's like, finding yourself safe again. And now she's happy with you. And she wants to get close to you, as opposed to running away from you. And all of a sudden, she's like, are you hungry? Are you making something if you want to act like she wants to be nurture you? Right? And take care of you in that sense, right? Like, it's all beautiful. So it's not all women. But women come at me all day long. So I always tell them how that works. And they go, Well, how can we say, it's always up to us, I'm like, it's not always up to you. It's up to whoever wants it to be fixed. You know, I mean, so the good news is not both men and women have to really understand this thing. If you know, as a woman, how to respect a man and bring the best in him and know how to negotiate with him to bring up to have hit him doing your way, the way that works for you, you win, he will just respond to you, you'll get the best of him instinctively come and out and you win everything. So it's that's that's worth learning how that works in order to get the life that you want. And vice versa, right? I get man we like we that. That's example from before. If you know how to treat a woman to bring the best in her, instinctively, you get the best of her. That's worth the work. So you don't both have to know this. As long as one gets it. The other one responds, and then the magic is right there. So I think that's what I see is but this is what people really want quality relationships. Right? They learned they get somebody to teach them how to dance.

Josh Bolton:

That guy. So what I was saying is earlier, and but this is very important for me to tie in a second. It was like let's say there's a coffee shop girl I like hypothetically. But I kind of know she's an on and off relationship. And I let's say it would be weird for me to ask, Oh, hey, would you? Are you up for going on a date? Because, you know, especially in LA a man approaching a woman randomly in a coffee shop is immediately just weird and taboo.

Andre P:

That's how badly we've messed the shit up, by the way. Yeah, I get it. But anyway, good.

Josh Bolton:

So it's just like one of those. How do you How would you tell your clients to like, if you like the one grocery clerk lady, and you see her every week and she smiles and all that. How would you tell someone to go talk to her to somehow politely coax out a number and stuff like that?

Andre P:

So simple. So simple. You know? Uh, you know, if you've seen hers, you seen you, you're already halfway in, right? Because now you're not you. There's a reason why you're talking to her. You're not site saddling her out of nowhere, right? Right. You just say she knows you. Right? So you can assume anything, right? So it doesn't matter. If she's in a relationship that she's you know, I mean, you could tell she's 90 Typically, but if she's the way you don't know, right, okay, but this is called grabbing, you know, grabbing your balls and going for what you want. Okay, right. masculine men know what they want. They go for it. Boys don't. Okay. Right. So, if there's a girl you like, for whatever reason. And so you go, Listen, uh, you know, there's something about you. I really like you. And I'd like to get to know you better. You know? I'd like to have a coffee would you say and handle your phone with open tabs for contact? That's all I have to say. You know, a call you later with the plan. We'll go for coffee. Okay. Right now she'll say if she's available. Sure, he or she has a boyfriend should go Oh, thank you so much. I have a boyfriend. Right? She's not interested. She might even say Oh, thank you so much. I have a boyfriend. This doesn't matter, right? You taking the action? Right? Have you balls and go say hi to the girl you like and say something about you like you like to get to know you better. Give me a number when we can make a plan for coffee later. That's flattering to the feminine. 's Man, even the masculine and you're the guy who handles the shit. Simple. Now, if she's working that's tricky little because she's working she might not be fully focused on you. So you might want to take just a second. I mean, when you're taking your break, like you want to get a maybe in a space they she knows yes, you're talking to her. Not in a work matter kind of thing doesn't break. You don't mean but you could do this anywhere you walk into Starbucks, there's a girl you find interesting. Not sure why. But something about her she could, you know, go wherever and you know, you want to get a signal first so you want to make eye contact? If she doesn't make eye contact, chances are you're not going to be received well done. I mean, so there's a whole dissolve the body language signaling. Again, there's more than nature, right? So that's why I tell ladies get your nose off your phone and look around. You can play this no man but you got to spend your life with the nose on your phone. You know what it looks like when you leave this? But I'm a girl it's a girl right anywhere in public this is what men see.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, it's like apparently there's nobody

Andre P:

nobody's asking me out I don't understand there's no man anywhere nobody's asking me out they you know like nobody's so I go online and but even that nothing happens because they don't call back and you know, like, what the fuck is this? Right? So if you want to be men are always scanning. By the way that's nature. Again, right so ladies put the shit down to do this. And look around at Starbucks in Atlanta the store at the grocery is anywhere you go just be president look around and look at look is looking. And if somebody is if you can't lock eyes with somebody, and there's something about him, but you know, he locks back on you. Give him a big smile. That's an invitation to say hi, gentlemen. Nice invitation. A dork, a geek and a player will write a girl. Cover. Girl you work out there, right? A gentleman will never do this. The gentleman needs an invitation as a smile. Ladies, wake up. Get off the phone look up and then stop complaining. There's no man will you spend your life and your face on your phone? Stupid? It is. No everywhere. Look up, smile. Let's see what happened. And a gentleman will say hi, from

Josh Bolton:

and then that opens a conversation. You can go from there. And it'll take it from there. The funny thing how you mentioned the phone thing. I don't usually tell the story. So I just I met a girl online. I was a boy back then. I had a couple of posts. I was willing to talk to me to hang out with them. But now I have a little bit higher standards than that. But so we went to Starbucks to be polite, you know public place all that jazz. Has we're going she how she greets me. She's playing like Candy Crush. That she greeted you. Literally Candy Crush like this. That's great. And I was just like, okay, she's in the middle of intense game kind of thing. It might be time for whatever if

Andre P:

it let it finish, right?

Josh Bolton:

Yeah. And then she ends and she never puts her phone down. It was always in her hand in some way. Kind of thing. Yeah. She randomly facetimes a guy in New York.

Andre P:

During the date, while she's with you, while she's with me, get the hell out of there. Just get the hell if you lose your phone. I'll be I'll be back in my

Josh Bolton:

room again. I was young dumb. I didn't really have standards back then. So I kept going. And literally the guy on the other end was like, he pretty much like looks at me through the phone. He's like, bro, I'm so sorry. I just hangs up on her.

Andre P:

All right, you got it.

Josh Bolton:

And I'm just sitting there dumbfounded like, what do they say?

Andre P:

That? You know, by the way, you know if your man I went left a long time ago. No, no, no, no, not that part of the dating app thing. Right? So real man who actually you know, again, I have one client and he's learning to date. So it doesn't matter if he likes the girl does matter what she looks like. Doesn't matter don't I mean, as long as she's in that age bracket, I called it to the dating. I go you get on an app and date as many girls you can write with no expectations. You want to be around them and start opening your mouth and start like, you know, because dating is awkward. And if you like somebody it's even more awkward. If you put your foot in your mouth. You're all nervous. You can walk like a dork or geek or whatever the hell right and she comes off like completely detached and weird. because when you have chemistry with somebody, it's hard to be yourself. Right? So I say, I call it duty dating go date anybody, just go spend half hour with somebody for coffee that you don't know, right? Learn to develop that skill of being with somebody and being relaxed to talk. You want to do small talk, not a three hour dinner, half hour coffee, like, you know, if it goes well, it could turn to an hour coffee, you know, date but be with women, if you're a man to do with men, if you're a woman, any one of them nobody to date, nobody you want to, you know, just to be to you could develop that skill and actually start understanding different characters in men and women. So this guy online is dating a whole bunch of women. That's not in the intent. This is silly to find somebody. But he's practicing dating. So when you find a girl in public, who's got chemistry for he knows how to frickin do it, and it has the confidence to go, Hey, I like you. Because he's done it with six other girls online earlier. I made it happen. You know something? No, that's that's what I'm saying. So ladies, get off your phones.

Josh Bolton:

Don't FaceTime during a date. God damn. Oh, did I have hell of a story? It's just like I said, I didn't have standards. It was one where you mentioned earlier, the cat fishing were 10 years younger. Yeah. Um, again, it was trying to be the nice boy or guy and so I went to go meet and I had a photo. Wow. So I'm like, Okay, this is what she's supposed to look like. I'm looking for her through the window. And I think and this big, like, person comes out like a 450 pound person on my I'll do that. That's a big dude kind of thing. Wow. All right. All right, whatever. And then the dude turns the corner and I'm like, those are some big pitch tits. Oh, shit.

Andre P:

That's her. That's her. Only time to graduate.

Josh Bolton:

I got catfish so good. And she came in with no bra sweaty. sweater, armpit stains beyond belief. She scratched her armpit, sniffed it flicked something off and then scrapped or cracked. Scratch that and then sat and Amelie when she sat that would chair just went was gave. And so I just play Okay, so you're this like five minutes in and one of my. The coffee shop I go to the owner knows me. And he's all like, look at me like, okay. So he signals like, he actually says, I said, Help me say hey, you I need you in the back again. He took me in the back of the store. Only time I've been back there. showed me the door out. And literally, I came back a couple days later, because just like a thank you. I bought a coffee from him. Yeah, he's like, do she sat there for like four hours? Like, sad to say she probably couldn't get up.

Andre P:

Oh, God.

Josh Bolton:

But that's the only time I just like, took my stuff.

Andre P:

belted, bolted. But, ya know, it's like, you know, and so when she thought you weren't gonna notice.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, and it was one of those, like, relegating I'm starting to think of a polite word. And she's like, Oh, I look different. Like, yeah. Little just just a lot. She's like, Yeah, that was back when I was in high school. My Oh, oh, okay.

Andre P:

What the hell? You know, she's five.

Josh Bolton:

No, she was she was eight. She said she was 16 Back then she was 26. And I like, sooner. The next question is What happened then?

Andre P:

Well, I mean, again, you're not gonna notice it. But you know, I understand being insecure and you know, doing anything to make that happen. And on some level but again, that's why man just don't fucking go on those. Those apps. They've been caught in that a couple of times. And then just he had to make a plan. He had to make the schedule. He's, you know, he had to get off work early. Maybe he had to drive there. But app. Right, that doesn't say fuck that shit. Fuck online. They don't they go shopping in their neighborhood. Just saying.

Josh Bolton:

That's where like, my instructors been pushing me like, oh, you need a girl This and that. You're not going to be successful about one and I'm like, probably, but like, right now the internet people are just crazy.

Andre P:

But don't get in it. Just do what I just said data. Or go. I mean, I guess that my buddy, the guy that I'm working with my clients, I'm making him I'm building self confidence. You've got to talk. Right? Because he doesn't have that He's so shy does have to get with so I go, you know, do the dating. But if you're looking for a relationship, right? Go in your world golf, you know, just hang out, you know, look, you know, look who's looking good, you know, with attention. I mean, you could go to almost any girl. This actually was easy. like any girl that you kind of catch her eyes, right? You could sort of walk up to go, Hey, I like you. And she'll go go at us like, I just I don't know, there's something about you, I like you. And I'd like to get to know you better. Like, you know, if you give me a number of set it up and we'll go for coffee. Like, they all say yes.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, nine times out of 10.

Andre P:

If you're not creepy, right? Obviously, you have to be like, not creepy. You have to be able to, you have to say this without stumbling and Sonico serial killer. That's why he's practicing anybody dating because especially this but like, the moment you have little Mojo with that, then you you know, you're not gonna die. If she says no, or I'm married, I don't like you, or whatever lies is telling you big deal. Like I say to him the same thing I said, anybody any guy. If you just walk in, if you just look at the girl walk by you do nothing. You got nothing. Except I should have said something. Now you're beating yourself up. Right? Yes. Frickin say something. And she may say no, but at least you have a choice shit. You know, you're handling something. You have a shot at somebody. Say something. Right? I like you something about you. Can we have a coffee for me number? I'll make a plan. I'm cool. Really? I'm cool. I might look crazy. But I want to say hi, my name is what's your name? And then you go something about you. I like, like, do like a gentleman. Just for most women. It's like wow, like nobody's ever like, and then she calls me Griffin. Oh my god, you want to happen? Like I was walking and this guy just came up to you. Hi, my name is John. And you know what's in it? Like? He says I like you. So like, it might never work. It's not crazy. I hope he calls me and you do. Like it's flattering for a woman any energy movement towards a woman a natural normal woman. Especially it's flattering. The girls to be seen and approached this way respectfully like a gentleman. Fucking tell the story for the for years. Yeah, I wasn't paying I wasn't paying attention to game man up. It's a highlight you realize your story. They're like their story. Right?

Josh Bolton:

They do. I know. That's one of the stories they they want it but then at the same time, like we were saying earlier, they're taught to be more masculine, like more shielded. So someone comes up you merely put your shield up kind of thing, which is

Andre P:

okay, right I mean, that's a bit of this nature in that way. So women who really attract a lot of Doric gigs drunks, anybody so they kind of walk around, they go to the gym every day, and it's a couple of young girls in there. And they they're fuckin shielded out because there's, they're surrounded by guys, they go, Hey, my 550 pounds, they go after them. You look good. Right? Like, it's creepy, right? So what they do is they basically block everybody out. They don't look anybody they don't smile. Anybody don't say hi, anybody because just a smile. Hi, we'll start some douchebag conversation so I get it pretty women get bombarded. You know. So there's a shielding up. But there's a difference between, you know, when it's appropriate, or, you know, like, and when it's not like you get if if you're if you don't, that you don't care, they unavailable to you taken by not paying attention. Anybody around you, you get to get just that. So sweet spot. Sweet Spot. Sweet Spot.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, be a little vulnerable. But don't say Yeah, especially how women get it. The don't be too vulnerable. You don't want to get trapped by a crazy lazy boy. But the funny thing for me is like, I would go to college, and I do the same thing. I'm very introverted, but I knew like, you know, if I want to just talk to people, you got to grab your balls and go talk to someone. Oh, so I went and it was just one of those the funny thing and I, I produced this and it's kind of like almost math. And Illumina actually is willing to talk to me nine times out of 10 are married have a boyfriend

Andre P:

or lesbian. So

Josh Bolton:

it's just one of those like, bullshit.

Andre P:

Well, cuz they don't have anything that Oh shit. You know, like, he's gonna try to get my number like, they they're all blocked in already right? Like married. So yeah, husband, boyfriend. I have a boyfriend. Lesbian. Well, I have a girlfriend. So you're safe, right? You save. So I get that at the same time. You don't know until you say it. So you bring it up, right? I can do it. And again, if she's kind of man, she's telling you though, what am I I was sitting there another client, that guy, he's younger, but he's got Mojo. He's got a little swag. So he's he's got a sort of a natural ability. But when it comes to the ones that he really likes he chokes thing, of course, because you know, he's trying to rd so we're thinking it right. He gets all nervous. Right? And I go right to the just approaches, you know, and the one girl they really was choke it on. You know, she's like, he's so sweet. But I think it'll younger than you know, for me. They don't. He's like, how old are you? She was I'm 25 and he's 20 he's like, that's how The problem is us. Yeah, I'm looking to build something. But thank you so much. You're really sweet. You came back, you know, from that experience going, I did it. I did it. Right. You went after her. She was not available, or she would like it. Okay. That's the point, right? Like, she'll tell you. But if you say nothing, you get nothing. 100%

Josh Bolton:

It's true. And it's funny, like, when I go get my haircut, unless like she's really shielded up and like defensive, then it's that awkward 30 minute haircut and seeing a single thing. And then do you like it? Yeah. But usually, I know a good stylist merely out of the gate. They're talking to trying to get you interacting and all that. And one of the girls I knew the way she was talking about it instinctively tells she didn't have anyone. But at the same time, like workers work. I'm not going to date my clients can I think? Yeah. So we were talking, I was just joking about the same thing. And she said, Oh, you're so nice. Isn't that I said, Yeah, but nice. Guys always finish last. So it doesn't really matter. Thanks for the compliment. And then suddenly, like the dynamic shifted, then suddenly she's trying to help me and giving me all this advice area became your mom. And it was just one of those then I think she will. It was to be like to book an event like text me kind of thing, and I'll cut your hair. She gave me her personal cell. And it's one of those I was just like, that moment I realized I'm like, this is one of those. I need to be a man I just hand back. I'm like, Thank you. Bye. See you. I'll ask for you. But otherwise, my do my own thing.

Andre P:

Thank you. Oh, that's good one.

Josh Bolton:

And yeah, the like, I went to a barber shop. It's funny because the barber shop was the first one. It was a wife just married kind of thing. She got married right before the pandemic started. Moza. Hey, cool. So she's telling me her whole story. I immediately clicked like, Oh, she she has a husband. She never said it. Then halfway through. I just asked him like, Okay, are you married? Because like, she Yeah, how do you know? Like, you're talking to me open?

Andre P:

Like, like it tell there's no chance of anything going

Josh Bolton:

on here. Right. So and that's for them. We got talking. But she got so passionate about her husband, like, this side was super short and the cyber super long. Oh. It's just, I didn't want to literally leaving the shop owners kind of like shape. And essentially, oh, thank you. And then the owner pulled me aside and like tried to fix this as much as he could. And that's where I went to the lady in the the other shop. I went to I go there now consistently and she said like, oh, yeah, this and she like us women. We get passionate we forget what we're like, I could tell my hair separate from it.

Andre P:

There's this hysterical.

Josh Bolton:

But the biggest one though, like the the wife, I was talking when I was talking to her. It was one of those I randomly was talking to a lady. No, I was talking to her boyfriend because she couldn't figure out what was wrong with him kinda like what you do, but more just like, this is a dude talking to a dude. Yep. I said, Hey, your girls a little frustrated. And she's like, Oh, yeah. I said, Well, why is she frustrated? And he kind of looked? Oh, I don't know. Mike, why haven't you asked her then? He's like, That's a good question. I said, I'll make a deal with you. It's gonna cost you about 100 bucks, but I promise you or at least fixed the next week worth of shit you did? Buyer a really soft blanket. Whatever her favorite plush toy animal is. It could be a cliche teddy bear as long as the saw if it works. And her favorite candy. It doesn't have to be chocolate. Whatever her favorite she always asked for. I promise you you will at least fix this week's worth of shit. And he did it and they made up and they were happy and that's when he finally asked like what did I do wrong? And she explained and he's like, oh shit Josh was right. I'm like to say emergency last ditch effort if you really fucked up do that.

Andre P:

Well, it's one way again you know she's upset often because we hurt their feelings without knowing right they think that we know but we don't know so the same the same way they do suspect us all the time but they don't know they're doing it because saying this to a woman would not make you feel disrespected saying this sort of the same thing to a man makes them feel disrespected like such a teacher ladies that like you can't you're constantly distracting is suspecting as bringing out the beast the animal there. Right? I say ladies, I says you know it just pay attention. You just suspect you'll say something and the first sign of disrespect. See the watches jaw will go catch up, clench. So the first thing to look for is to clench. Everything is fine. And then all sudden it goes up. And it clenches number one something you just said something disrespectful. Number two, you'll watch them

Josh Bolton:

just disappear. Yeah, obviously all our face goes that will

Andre P:

disappear. Right? You'll feel him pull back. If it's the same room with you and stays there. He will feel him 600 miles away. He will disconnect from you completely. Or he may actually just get away from you like in this car. or go outside, go to the garage, your disrespect, that's what it looks like, when a man you know was present and he disappears in a second, right now you don't know you're doing it because the language is something that wouldn't affect you. So they constantly disrespect us without knowing we constantly hurt the feelings without knowing. So if you notice that something's wrong with her, dude, go fix it. Like, like, Don't to make her feel safe or seen a Charice any little gesture will do this. Right? Any gesture towards it will do this, whether you buy chocolate, or just you know, you know, put your arms around who my favorite thing is, you know, men, often, men don't really want to talk about stuff. Because often when we start, even if I start the conversation, in turns into a fight of everything that I'm not doing. So I'm the one, I'm not going to start opening the door to something that's going to turn against me. This is where most men say, like, I don't want to talk about it, because it's going to turn out to some shit that I didn't do is my fault. And now we're really fighting. So I'm not going there, though. This is why men don't want to talk. Because it's gonna get worse. So his safety is in, you know, or is fixing the situation is not by not making it worse. So don't fucking bring it up. There. I mean, so that's not healthy. That's not right. But that's the default for most right? I'm not gonna make it worse by you know, opening the door. I'm just wait for it to calm down. Maybe we'll talk about later. And never happens, right? So I said, if talking is a problem is talking, you know, feel like he tired. You don't want to hear it right? But you can tell something's wrong. Are you a very simple, put your hands on her. Put your hands on her. Hug her, put your arm on your hand on your shoulder on an arm on your hip. Just hold it, put your hands on it, see what happened. Right. And then the moment is she relaxes because she can't stay mad at you. When you connect with it that way. Just the connection happens with touching her disarms or makes you makes you completely present to you. You know, and if she's upset, she'll do this with you. Like you're trying to, she'll do this with you. So it'll be hard to make eye contact. Right? And you keep your hands on her. She'll finally do this. She's okay. You know, are you okay? Oh, you know, we said that earlier made me feel like this. You know, I don't know what to do with this. And now all of a sudden there's a an ease of connection is in that of the conversation? Oh, yeah. Not that hard. Right. Yeah, it's

Josh Bolton:

basic, just human psychology. Like, I had a she had a guest on she was she's writing a book. And for me, I like now that you say I like fixing things. I like finishing whatever the story that's my I like stories. And and it was just one of those she was struggling with winter her her like transition piece from the climatic district. It's a woman in like the 1800s rough life and all that. And she's sleeping with the guy that she knows bad for her. And she but I can't do it where she realizes it's a problem I said, basic human psychology I said you can figure out the details. When she gets out of the bed. She readjusts herself even though she's naked, and she never smokes. But she lights up a cigarette and smokes. And as she's getting up she kind of like rupture shoulder like this. I said that is the clear anyone who knows human psychology gestures mmediately tells something's wrong with that. Should I really am i Those are all addicts signs, or someone going through withdrawals that they know they shouldn't be doing. And she's like, brilliant. The funny thing is, she finished in finally send it to me and I read that section. And it was it was gorgeous. Because like me, I'm very blunt to the point. She did a good whatever Rosae effect on it. Yeah, actually, like Thank you. That was like exactly what I needed. Because I was there at one point. I know the feeling. I'm just really talking from experience.

Andre P:

And knowing what's happening, even though it may not have to be worse for the time to go. Something's something's terribly wrong, wrong here.

Josh Bolton:

So one thing I want to pitch at you is on so the hookup culture, especially exemestane, especially here in LA, but I'm noticing It's

Andre P:

everywhere. It's everywhere around the world.

Josh Bolton:

So how does how was that from your perspective affecting the dynamics of the relationships?

Andre P:

Boy, understand that we have that's it. How long do you got this a really really really tricky one because if you have like, you know, millennial listeners, they all get triggered because they think I'm trying to don't back in the 50s and I'm a pig and must know Oh, none of that them exact opposite. I'm a lover of women, you know, but no, you have not yet. You know you've been sold 11 When it comes to sex, we've been sold a giant lemon since the 60s when it comes to sex. And I here we go this one line. Are you ready? Because you could get some head might explode. But hey, this is my work. That's what I do. Like all that's all I do all day long, right? Man. Man, Mary virtue, not vaginas. They do.

Josh Bolton:

Those who do marry for Janice, get away from your pretty quick afterwards.

Andre P:

My point is like sex has never made a man commit to anything. If you're gonna let a man into a body, you know, without him out to build something with, you know, and towards you. Right? It did get this this is a piece of psychology data is if you ladies, your brains gonna explode right now. That's a$10,000 Hash chart for this moment, right now, I shouldn't give it away for free. But nobody knows this. Right? If say like, you know, this is the cultural, you know, typical, right? You mean the guy? Whichever way? Right? A man. You go for one day, two day, three days, four days? Right? You're both looking for future together. You like to like him by the number for say, hey, this this role. I mean, because for most women, not being being raised in this fucking backward culture. Having sex. Starting intimacy is the beginning beginning of a relationship. It's not ever for men. Boys will take and both everyone step six, the guys always want to have sex, it's nature again, right? But they will be able to procreate and spread our seed as much as possible. That's the human animal. Right? The human spirit, the other side of us who want to build something, you know, this discipline ourselves into building something of quality? Does not that right. But if you do if you did a guy and you like him like Sue, he's gonna try so you don't want to and part of it as a test. Part of it is the nature part of it is my point is this in psychology? If a guy likes you, let's say that took three weeks to get there. Right? He likes you you like him, you have good chemistry, right? And you start rolling, be ready, you ready for this? The moment you sleep with him, whichever level you know, which however much he knows you or likes you stops him right there. It stands is an emotional investment in you right there. So if he likes you three weeks worth, and you, you know you have sex with the three weeks he will not be able to get invested in you emotionally past that one. Most Yeah, that's some shit. Right? Like, so if he likes you three weeks, you know, he doesn't know your last name. And then your parents doesn't care about we do. You know what your dreams and aspirations are? He doesn't know you. Right? He won't be able to get into you anymore. Something about that is unnatural. I hate to say it's just again, teaching nature. Something about that fear feels like he didn't. You don't feel safe to him. You had to do nothing but buy you dinner three times for you to do this with him. So like, it's a lizard brain mechanism, it's instinctual. If I didn't, you know, if I didn't have to prove that I'm a good guy that it can provide protector that I you know, and for her to have boundaries and be virtuous. You know, I can't truly trust her. Right? That's not a thought process. It's a reactiveness. So I like her. But as soon as you sleep with him too fast. He goes, he's all right. Now moves typically moves on because a geek as no game is going to keep slipping with you till he gets bored with you. Yes, you know, relationships that are sexually driven or based on sexuality first, instead, instead of, you know, liking each other, knowing each other first, last maximum three years is a one year of enjoying the sex life. There's one year of kind of grooving and when you have to dismantle it, he's never emotionally invested in you. He never really liked you. He doesn't want to build something with you. He's just using your body. And now and it's when women, you know, say men only one sec. Well, that's all you given them. Like you're giving them sex without having to do anything. They'll take it but that doesn't make you valuable, man marry virtue, not China's not my opinion, data, facts, and men can explain it, they want to have sex with you, because that's how they get out of their heads. But if they don't like you, or trust you to build a future with you tonight, taking note your mother to meet her, is going to find another woman is more virtuous that he could trust again, that's all reactive. It's not a thought process. Men can explain this. They just react to it. So I think it's worth knowing. So the idea of you get yours girl because men get theirs thinking again, we're equal. counter counter nature doesn't work that way. Double standards. Yep. Oh, sorry, man, God, don't blame me. I'm just giving the data don't kill the messenger. That serious?

Josh Bolton:

Right. And like you mentioned earlier, how men are built very different than women. And that's one of them. I had she had a very hardcore feminist was that way on the show? And essentially, I told her I said she was like something about how brought up by men and were pigs and animals and a mic well said, if you look at the frame of man, though, we are built to pick up heavy things we are built to exert way more power into a movement and throwing a spear. So we go kill a 700 pound lion for you. And a group of us trying to like shoulder and bring it back. If we had you ladies do that one of you would completely blow out your shoulder or everything.

Andre P:

Well, the line would have been three on first, right first.

Josh Bolton:

And that's why I said it's not a feminism to man thing. Nature. You ladies just do nature and through nurture, realize it is smarter to go pick the berries tend to the food.

Andre P:

And then the fire, right.

Josh Bolton:

And while he's out there killing a big scary thing that may or may, he may or may not get back from straight up

Andre P:

absolutely straight up. Because that's just that's how we were built. That's nature. That's just that's millenia of this is how we get to survive.

Josh Bolton:

And it's just an on the same note, I told her I said, Because I like you I introduced like, I'm martial artist. So I said, especially with this whole, I'm in a big one, the trans community and the gender fluid and the changing. I said, I could say, I Josh now and coming out I am a woman and I want to find MMA don't judge me. I'm starting my transition. As of now how fair would that be? For me to hop in a ring with a real woman who's been training her whole life to may or not may or may not prove her ex or father wrong, that she is a strong person? Yeah, I come in a cold Cocker real quick. Yeah. I said how FERS I'm a woman now you can't see anything. Anything. I said that's not fair. That's my I'm naturally strong.

Andre P:

Beyond that. Beyond that, it's fucking ridiculous. It is, you know, it's apples and oranges. You know, you could call the apple an orange, does this mean it's an orange and you get a you know, put them in the same? You know, they say if you're going to do this, you just eliminated half the Olympics. Right? The rest of the day. Okay, so like, we will lose that everything. You know, in the world where you want to win and everything you're going to you're going to turn this now that's not that's not even a little bit logical. Never mind normal. That's ridiculous. That's ridiculous. You know, it's, it's ridiculous. You know, so if I feel like a leper, do I see I walk around like, you know, spider leopard, and so you have to call me a leopard. Right? You would say go to the psychiatrist. I'm wrong with you, dude. I had

Josh Bolton:

I had a lady at a job site. And this is before I knew about the whole LGBTQ plus thing. Yeah, she's she just came up and says I sexually identify as a cat. Oh my gosh, she

Andre P:

did it. No, she did it.

Josh Bolton:

She straight up. didn't even tell me her name. I was I was

Andre P:

nervous. Just call it therapists. 911

Josh Bolton:

I pretty much said okay, you're a cat. I'm just curious. Why aren't you mowing geese? Cat's Meow? I said, Well, I don't talk like that in my meow meow meow meow meow meow meow I didn't um, so then something else. And she went to eat and she got a Big Mac of my Oh no. You say to your cat. Why are you like a Big Mac cats can eat Big Macs. They die if they eat Big Macs. Where's your cat nip? She's like sitting there she called the boss and he had to come out and give you the whole meal. A toxic Yeah, he doesn't understand my sexuality. But he literally like he pulled me over the band in the back like judo. funny.

Andre P:

That's funny. So now again Who? Who? Why do I give a fuck about your sexuality? I didn't know why she didn't care about mine. Right? Right. Like I don't fucking need to see if I go when it goes public. You know I don't take my wife on the table in the restaurant. I just don't take her right there. You know that's not cool. Right? And I don't friends kisser One of the HSC as well as fucking tacky, right? So there's things that we just don't need to do and know about, like, I don't care who's in your bed and who's under you or on top of you. That's your fucking business. Why you put that in my face? When this not? I'm not asking, why, why are you forcing it on me? Like, you identify as a cat, okay, I'm gonna go, Well, I guess probably could talk to yourself like, it's targeted, it's obviously retarded.

Josh Bolton:

The shitty part for me is I had actually had a trainer for that day, too. So it's not like if I left Abernathy get in trouble kind of thing. So it was like, though, well, this is gonna be a long day.

Andre P:

And again, you know, like this, there's something about that whole thing that and I understand, right? That's if you get a video step into, you know, they're trying to be accepted or trying to be respected and trying to be, right. Well, you know, respect is not something that you demand. Right? Respect, you have to earn. So if you're going to, if you're going to demand me respecting, you asked me to talk to or identify you as something I'm not asking about. I don't know you. Right. So you can't demand me to talk to you in any way. Which way, you know, I, you know, if I like you, and you respect me, I'll be I'll be much more, you know, tempted to, you know, talk to you and respect you. And, you know, treat you and use the right pronouns, whatever. Right. But you can't make me That's rude. You know, and do you're going to get the opposite, right? You can't make me disrespect me. You can't. So that's the whole problem. This one with this is the more you decide to force, things like this on the public. Which is, like I said, it's I don't want to know this. I don't need to know I'm not asking you about this, right. So but you can lean on me with that shit. You know, typically, I'm gonna have a reaction aversive to you. Now. I don't like you. And I'm sure as fuck they'll respect you. And now you call him he needs to say I'm disrespectful. Well, it doesn't fucking work that way. So I just, you know, wait for it to be a part of a conversation with a friend. As opposed to leading with that shit and demanding. That's ridiculous. That's creating tension and victimhood on you for no apparent reason. But if that's the agenda, well, it's working. And then sure I'm the pig now because, well, no, sorry. It's not. That's not how you function in society. Sorry.

Josh Bolton:

It's, it's, it's true. And I've been called terrible names. Because they're like, Oh, you don't understand. I'm like, No, that's literally why I'm asking these questions that seem bigger or whatever you're calling it. Yeah, I don't get it. And like you're forcing your will upon me. So. Okay, Mom, I'm not going to give it a an ounce of attention. Yeah. It's just funny because like a nerd woman, this is right. When COVID Like the lockdowns were just being considered in 2020. Yep. So my, we were getting an onslaught of people trying to buy before the official lockdowns happen. And this random lady comes running into the grocery store. For some reason beelines For me, and my boss is like sitting in the front like what the fuck just happened? And just yells at me like why she identifies a unicorn. And I'm like, working with heavy machinery and I turn it off and I turn it on like, I what? I say I identify as a unicorn like

Andre P:

I'm working.

Josh Bolton:

I'm like, I'm processing my I don't think you are unicorn. I said, what part of the unicorn Do you prefer? She's like the horn of my I think you're horny, Honey. Are you dog? And she kind of sat there processed ish if you're right at his watch, like proudly passed my boss. He shitting bricks. She's like, how do you do that? I don't know. She came at me. Out of nowhere. So I came out of out of nowhere. You know her? No clue who she was. Again,

Andre P:

a therapist called.

Josh Bolton:

Stop coming to Josh about

Andre P:

Oh, boy. I hadn't want to give this in Los Angeles. Right. So I have like this whole like, white against brown and black. Right? Right. Everybody's a racist. So again, they teach this stuff in school. They do. Right? Give it so one of my friends at the gym is quite similar. Okay, so he's Brown. Right? Okay. I'm more brown than he is by the way, but whatever. So this white girl, this blonde Megan right is talking to him about the terrible racism in our country. He goes I don't get it. You know, I live here born here. I'm Guatemalan and brown. But I don't know what he's talking about. I never experienced any of that stuff. And in the brown skin world, use lighter brown skin Within this way, right? But he says he says to him, Oh, this because you're not brown enough, you don't understand what all the people are suffering. And he's like, I'm fucking Guatemalan. Why girl, Megan right, but she's making them wrong. That is disconnected with the racism that his people experienced because he's too light brown. And he's just like, I just wanted to punch her in the head. Like she said, this chick who knows nothing, nothing. But what they taught her, you know, in school and nothing about the world. Nothing about life. Nothing about any of this is basically kind of setting him saying you don't know shit, because I know because I went to school, and you know, he's just not brown. And he's like, you're

Josh Bolton:

not brown you do you know, a white girl. Well, and this is the big thing on. So my current coworker, he's 18. And he's very black. We're that way. I don't know about a person of color, I guess. But it's black. He is and he's proud of it. He says, in real time, I'm like, Dude, you're gonna get me in trouble saying that. But

Andre P:

my buddy is worse than me systemically, like, without, like, like, like, like, but he's beautiful. See, the worst thing, like, the worst thing on purpose, and people just started to do it. Sorry, interrupted. It's all

Josh Bolton:

good. But um, so one of those, it was just we're eating and he brought out he bought grapes and all that. And he jokingly was saying grape soda, like Nezzer. I'm like, you know, we're gonna get all down that route. What did you think of BLM? And he's like, it was stupid. There was no reason for it. I said, Yeah, I love white women with their soy lattes. And I know, I said, you notice in the photos, they're not a single black person, unless they're with the friend in the white group and in the middle, so you can't see them? Yeah, super smart about it. Yeah. Because they know if they're caught there, they're immediately gonna get prosecuted with the white girls or not. So if we associate the white goes, we're good, right? He's like, Yeah, he's like, yeah, there were some where it was like the, the community showed up. And he's like, and now it's good. But he's like, yeah, it was like, 70 80% of them were white goes on my. And yet, they're like, racism problem. Like, Let honey, we help you racists and bad men bad. And I just sat down and he said, Yeah, he's like, it just seems like white chicks don't get it anymore.

Andre P:

Straight up, I mean, but indoctrinated by the school, their teachers, their liberal teachers, you know, like this, this this whole adacia nation? And is that I'm not saying it's gonna parent or it's factual. Like, there's a ton of research on this, the whole fucking system school system, you know, judicial system is all the other way against it rigged against men against logic, you know, and so with that, there's no justice and no logic, and then you watch the mess out there. And then you wonder why men and women don't get together? Well, that's part of it, too. It's like, white, like, against white Christian against Muslim men against women. You know, like, feminist against patriarchy. Like, it's all divided. Everything, you know, liberal, and, you know, Democrats and Republicans like, everything is getting rapidly worse the past few years, as on purpose. There's a plan there, destroy everything, get people to fight together, and you get fucking from the back. Pretty much was what the government is doing. Anyway, got me going now.

Josh Bolton:

We've already gone off the deep end and drink the Kool Aid. But that's the biggest one. So my first I would see a situation ship at the time, I was thinking girlfriend, but this situational ship was will meet your red flags, looking as an adult back immigrant, lived at a church sex addict and had the people at the church we stayed there longer than four hours. And I'm like, church is cool. It's not that cool, kind of thing. So I didn't see it. But essentially, she raped me on the campus. But it's one of those and then there was an r1 later on. Me too. But it's just one of those I told tell people that I Oh, you're luckier man, this and that. And I'm like, No, we're used to the system so rigged even if I wanted to. The system's like exactly what you said. Oh, you're lucky. Oh, well, go away.

Andre P:

You got you got laid.

Josh Bolton:

But then a moment a woman said he's a monster. Oh, geez, you guilty until proven innocent go to jail kind of data. And it's just one of those. It's for those for the that was the thing with the feminist approach. Same thing. I said, How is that fair? For me? The system still rigged even if I had the evidence and proof. Yeah, the latest Girl Good for you. You're going to jail.

Andre P:

You get yours? Yeah, yeah,

Josh Bolton:

it was just one of those. She Yeah, that isn't fair. My there's a lot of us versus a lot of innocent men who have been raped by women that have but we can't talk about it but now

Andre P:

right literally rape physically raped through a divorce to go to her money to the kids against him raped, emotionally raped, you know broke their heart like in the name of you know, I'm mad at you and you know, he's gonna have to pay because now mad at him. I had a I had a client You know that he Latino, two young boys, no boys like four and five, back to back kids. And his his wife, he had an affair. I get it. That's not sexy. That's his fault. He did it. I get it. Right, right. But his wife is I mean, whatever. So in order to her revenge anybody this is a revenge claiming affair is Latino is all about his kids, right and family and he messed up against him. Worse than that, so call the cops that he rapes on a constant basis, he beats her up on a regular basis. Right, and then says he sodomized both kids on a regular basis.

Josh Bolton:

And he had no way of the parent

Andre P:

they showed up at his house. They arrested him. No questions asked. Right because nobody makes those claims unless they're true, complete lies. Right? She was she was gonna make him pay she was gonna destroy him because he felt humiliated. She's little nuts. I get that but right. So it's the seriously so now he's in jail. He spent the next five years costing $200,000 to dismantle this whole thing lost custody of his children cannot see them. His boys lost his boys at four and five. So he some almost five years later, there were nine and eight but then we saw them again. Right the loss or childhood and it was disproved case after case caught it all that she lied. We never read to never beat her. You never touch the boys $200,000 later, and no repercussion for her at all. Zoo like, you know, she should have been hung for perjury, you know, or they

Josh Bolton:

should have gotten a similar sentence kind of thing for

Andre P:

the other day right in jail. It just hung me hung to the walls, right? Like it's just like in jail for lying and causing using the system like this. She has no money so he can't get his money back. But you want 1000 Right? He got custody of the kids and now she's but no repercussion. Like, you know, like, oh, well, you know, we have to you know, women, you have to listen to the girls because why would they lie? Well, they lie.

Josh Bolton:

They lie a lot. And that's a big one. It's funny. It is not is the me tube movement when it was at its peak. And it's kind of like having a weird come back to I'm noticing that. And honestly, like that was the biggest thing I told my instructor they weren't going to girls weren't getting laid because I'm like, I'm gonna have to sit here paranoid for the next the rest of my life because when we could claim five to 15 years later, anything so he touched he did this to me because I'm famous now. But and I have to think how many girls have I been with kind of thing? And he's like, No, I don't remember you. Kind of thing. Yep. And then that could be like the old who doesn't actually care better ruin his life ruined his life. And I told him I'm like I I said it politely. I'm I'm happy being single. I'm like, it women seem so much more dangerous and a liability than they're worth lately.

Andre P:

I guess you know totally and guys will say something like this it's not worth it. It's not worth it. And then wonder why you know like where all the good man 80s regulations. Congratulation for you know making no sense and then basically just you become a liability. There's always a liability, right? I think women pregnancy and the trap that way but now liabilities are the rest of your life possibly. She's just to say that you know, so. Congratulations, lady. Like, you're on your own feminist power. You're on your own

Josh Bolton:

and that's that was the one thing I told the feminists I said I'm deathly scared to even like tap a woman on the shoulder but is a polite like, hey, I need to get over there. And I'm deathly scared to touch a woman now. Yeah, it's not like I'm gay or anything it's just like I'm the liabilities just immediately start ringing Yeah, no,

Andre P:

there's not. Yeah, you know, it's terrible is that because of that two men stop coming to the rescue of women. Oh, yeah. You know me so like the girls drowning and if you saw a saver from drowning she might you know turn and say you know, he might he touched my breast when he pulled me out of the water or car you can get your car I can erase that or even like mouth to mouth You know what I mean? You can get super so like men who are naturally heroes and want to save everyone, especially women and children. Right? Like this this they will sit there and watch you drown and watch you get beat up what you fucking get down and just be like, Okay, get held up and it won't you know, like, because you now in liability, like now obviously it's not every woman Okay, small percentage, but the tentative for everybody, right? There's 50% and 15% of women who were like, deserve radical shit. Who destroyed it for all other women and men? You know? So was it worth it? That's still way to go. What did you gain absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing except that this To us, if you suspect from

Josh Bolton:

pretty much well, like a good example, where I am, there's some hills and like a high key route. And this This woman was yelling at the top of her lungs, no, no stop it kind of thing. And it's just like I was going out to water my plant because I have a leak. So I took my five gallon bucket out to pour it and I'm sitting going Am I imagining that? Or is that really something going on? So I put the bucket down and I walk to the backyard. And it's one of those my mom even came out was like, What's going on a drone, a civilian drone came to check. It was all of the following her. No, it was a man trying to help her and it was just one of those. I told my mom I'm like, should I go run around and help her? And Amelia is like, wait, no, because then if she's crazy, she's gonna be like, whatever you did this, this and this to me. And I said, yeah, it hopefully is not rape in the park. I'm just gonna go inside NACA happen.

Andre P:

Yep. Is that terrible? Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's some goodies out there in it. And you take in states men and state to provide protect away. Yeah, cuz it's like, you wonder why they're angry. Yeah, and not feel safe ever.

Josh Bolton:

And it was one of those afterwards and like, I was chatting with my mom, and we were, like, checking to make sure. We're both okay. I told her I said, this is the same problem for me as a martial artist. But I said, I made a personal rule of myself. I'll gladly go to jail to protect my family. Yeah. person on the street DOM is keen on it. Not so much. Yeah. It's just interested. It's sad to say I'm a man I'm white. And I'm a martial artist. Boom, you're in jail.

Andre P:

No guns. You're gone to the enemy. How ridiculous is that? It is in the name of what

Josh Bolton:

is justice? What were justice they have?

Andre P:

Oh, yeah, that's justice. Yeah. So we're going to watch you get beat up. Because you know, do you like you to lay your this my son was was working at Home Depot. And some guy walked in to the cashier and on how the big one the big doors are right by the cashier? Yeah, right. So the guy went to the woman this big and the cashier with a BB gun, but he taped up the force and parcel of regular revolver, right right. Did one of these instead of shooting at her then hit her like BB BB BB gun he starts shooting her the way the

Josh Bolton:

catcher that poor woman just went through right this is a

Andre P:

patina of course it picks up the witness but he was so he goes one two, and one of the employees was a Marine on three tackled his ass, right? Because he doesn't know that's a BB gun. Right You can probably hear from the noise but the fact that you're actually shooting the girl

Josh Bolton:

yeah, no, he's a problem but trouble right?

Andre P:

So he got fired. He got fired from his job for tackling the man who was shooting a revolver BB gun whatever. At his coworker female and he got fired I would sue their ass is so bad I don't care what kind of regulations rule there is that's insane

Josh Bolton:

when the insane part is on top of him getting fired that guy he tackled could have sued him too

Andre P:

right now talk about rigged system right so in and you wonder why everything's going to hell like because everything's gone to hell. It has in the name of in the name of again, tell me what's


the injustice? Okay. Okay, but

Andre P:

if you're criminal you have no justice you don't get you get justice you don't get you don't get to use the system against the good guys. Sorry. Right. Sorry. You bring it to a building you fall off and crack your head. It shouldn't have broken the building you don't get compensation for you know, injuries when you broke into a building to the roof and fell on your head in the kitchen. Sorry,

Josh Bolton:

there's this crazy story I read a while ago this one man literally stood on a Walmart sign for 18 hours to have the sign fall and hit him in the head

Andre P:

that didn't he was waiting this waiting wave off

Josh Bolton:

and it was clear as day what he's trying to do

Andre P:

right and what's the last year and he won? That's insane. Right? So stuff like this should be like you just got to stop you know play with the crazies to stop the crazy.

Josh Bolton:

But then here's the whole thing because California in general were very liberal. How do you

Andre P:

expect to stop that hasn't stopped?

Josh Bolton:

Seriously. It's crazy what they're going because they say well you're LA County too Right? Yep. No See, we just now like within the last two months we're able to take off our mass there was like practically complete lockdown for mass and I'm we're going to work and they're like, Oh, you have to wear in the next day. Okay, you don't have to wear my watch chain from yesterday today.

Andre P:

But that's that's don't get me going with that stuff. I've never worn one by the way. Never ever, ever. I don't own one I never have.

Josh Bolton:

I just work in my work when living work without it.

Andre P:

Oh yeah, I'm lucky then have to do this but I went to every store and had a bunch of you know people say if you believe in that shit that I'm a pig No, I'm I'm an I'm a I'm a grown man who did his own did his own research you know and understand the masters and do shit is on the box by the way it doesn't yeah and you're not going to muscle my face a free American so I'll do what I want you want to use scared you stay home in public heavy mask on me alone. And so anybody who came up to me and think about the How dare you? Anybody come to a grown man to tell me I'm not wearing a mask I know I'm not wearing a mask. I choose not to wear a mask. You're afraid instead of at home? I'm here.

Josh Bolton:

There's this great pumpkin Instacart you can get your groceries from that.

Andre P:

You know, like you said, if I go home, I'm gonna live my life. You buy into this automatic on our I don't. So about anybody me? That's respect. Right? Right. Oh, they're trying to turn us against each other that way too. Right. And whatever, whatever. I'm not doing it. I never did it. Well in the

Josh Bolton:

the craziness is like, I'm not going to deny I got COVID in like December 2020. It was a pretty bad one. So I'm not denying COVID Not real kind of thing. It is I had it kind of thing. But now it's like, I got the really early version that was pretty fucked up and lethal. And I did find kind of thing. I'm also really high immunity. So it's really hard to kill me. As it does vary. As you can see, I have a bed right here and like 10 feet that way, is a restroom. When I had it. I literally walk like 10 feet if like I was huffing, puffing like a random marathon. And that's where me being me and my I can see where people die from this and trying to get to the shitter. And but it's just one of those I told him like, the reason I got it and wasn't air. The people that came in like a week like we free pervert, refurbishing crew, yeah, came in. And they call clocked on the same clock as me. We all naively assumed they were clean. So we did we all clocked in every 10 Sanitation shit, and we just went, yep, that's how we got it. Well, without buying

Andre P:

it. This is virus spread virus in the air, they spread by contact, not in there.

Josh Bolton:

And it was just one of those days where I told him like, we're probably never going to get it again. Because like that, that situation will never get

Andre P:

to me. To me that's neither here or there. Like it's just like, you know, you'd be you'd end up that's all I'm saying. Right? That's all I'm saying. So, you know, that whole divided, divide this up again, getting getting everybody on two different sides fighting.

Josh Bolton:

Well, and this is back to that extreme feminist lady. I move near the end, I told her I said, You do realize this whole thing has been rigged since beginning, especially with the school districts like school board. So what do you mean, um, I will technically it was never a school board to begin with. And they actually taught the kids like, really good stuff back then, like high functioning math at a young age, that we're now starting to realize, oh, we should we should really push that. Go back to that shit, right? But I said, you know who formed the board? I said, I know who I said. Rockefeller, Edison, Ford and someone else got to know you.

Andre P:

I said going don't get me going.

Josh Bolton:

Did you know Rockefellers? I said I might be butchering it. But essentially, Rockefeller said that it is united. We can't sell to them divided we can sell to them. Right? But and he formed the educational system said, Did you know feminism wasn't really a thing until around the 20s and 30s when the Industrial Revolution was near the end. I said then that's when there was he was planting the seeds then.

Andre P:

There's a lot of history. There's a history on that if you read but maybe a reader

Josh Bolton:

that and then they push for if you read books, you're or whatever. So don't read books, which again, is an AR device, so you don't see what they're doing. And that's what she said like well, I have to do the research. And the funny thing she came back and he said, oh my god emailed me this like, oh my god, right. I just typed into Rockefeller start feminism. And it came up. Yes, he did. My

Andre P:

but you may get that you believe his

Josh Bolton:

his plant. So well. You took it as your own? Yep.

Andre P:

But we're not going to believe that. All right. Videos for the good of us. Right.

Josh Bolton:

I'm just curious. You're saying don't get you started? What were you about the whole Rockefeller and Ford you didn't want to

Andre P:

know I researched the actual history of the world right before even before then, like from from from from Europe and within the stuff that's happening right now that's been going on since since 800 BC. So the history of the world has been known. It has been disguised and covered up. And so a lot of people, what history has been taught to us, or was even available to find, has been edited. Oh, so I've managed to realizing we're being, you know, we're being manipulated left and right. So what's the truth? So I ended up like researching from here backwards all the way to 100 BC, literally, to watch the global movement that was in place back then. And I don't want to say more than that. But I mean, let's just say that I, the truth is out there, if you're looking for it, not only television,

Josh Bolton:

no, it's not ignoring TV at all. They really want you dumb and listening to them. And that was actually one thing. My high school buddy, we were hanging out, and he brought up something about medieval times, and I said, You do realize is that actually, Medieval Times wasn't like the problem. It was the dark ages beforehand. And that's when the whole serf, Landmaster, dynamic happened, essentially, the king and the slaves. And the king really liked his power. So he did everything in his power to make his simple slaves realize, oh, even though we are many, we are nothing without him. Yep. So that was the original problem. Like, we before the Dark Ages, we were hunter gatherers. We loved each other equally, everyone had a place that actually some of the old tribes are coming to find out. Women were queens of the civilizations, because women naturally can handle complicated situations without hurting feelings, as men go in and meet and go, like break something. So the women were very delicate and handled the problems. Are you hearing about that? And he's like, No, Mike, because they don't want you to know that, of course.

Andre P:

It's unbelievable. Really, like you start digging a little bit like, you know, people have no idea. Right? No, no, only now but throughout history and way back then. And this is all they all connect all the dots connected. I'm not. I'm not by nature, a conspiracy guy. But if you start digging, if you start digging, I've never been that guy. For me. I'm just a researcher. So if something kind of strikes me funny, I go research. And sure enough, enough, sure enough, and then I try to explain this to my friends. They go, why do you care? Like, what do you mean? Everything around us? is a product of this back, back, back, back back back when you understand how we got here. Right. And so but people just people just sort of said that the TV tell them what's up. And and, you know, why not? Right, because they have our best and our best interests in mind. Oh, yeah. Okay, whatever. You do you again, you back to Ubu. Right? I'll be I'll be me. And I'm not going to try to convince you anything. But you know, go going with that. Yeah, have fun. We'll see how well it ends. You'll see the end. Yeah. And it's just one of those.

Josh Bolton:

So, again, me being an introvert but like talking to people, my grandfather had a diabetic coma, self induced and to way too much insulin, and I walked in on him, that's not the bad part. So he's in the hospice. And I'm Eriko too young to go see my grandfather. So I had to sit in a hospital for like, four or five hours, at like eight or nine I think was 13. At 13 Those still I didn't have a phone or anything, keep me entertained around. And notice there's one old man literally strapped to the table and a nerve one and I was like, Okay, we're just kept walking around. Finally, that old man strapped, got out and tried to attack the man next door. Me being me. I just like who? why that happened. So I go talk to the guy that he tried to attack and like, Hey, what happened? Why did why is it? Why do you do that? And essentially, he pretty much confessed that he was a Nazi. And he said, he said, I actually shot a short one of his soldiers in front of him. And he remembered my face while I was just like, Oh, that's so cool. I said, Okay. And he's like, Do you have questions? I said, Yes. He's like, Okay, I'll only answer three. Now at the dome, like, like a genius. Like, I said, Okay, what what did we get wrong about the war? He said, It wasn't started for what you think it was. It wasn't for the juice. Not one bit. That was just a sad distraction. And I was like, Whoa, and then we like this whole different things. And then essentially, he brings up this whole he the reason they were doing it is they were making a serum, they essentially make a human invincible for

Andre P:

super, super super soldiers. They call them yeah, he called

Josh Bolton:

them the black soldiers. He's like, when they turned friend and foe were all targets to kill. And I said, Okay, so my third question was, Is this serum still a Round he's like, oh, there's a lot of them everywhere. But no one knows where it is. And I was like, is that like an adult like thinking about am I dude that would definitely be we're starting a war over to get that serum

Andre P:

do that how quick

Josh Bolton:

and that's right it was the second question is like what did like I know an Americans we make it look like you're the villains but in yours make the Americans look like villain what is the one thing that both just so happened to miss and he's like oh there's ton there's at least 10 Wars I can fall on battles. No one has record and they both unanimously just pulled this stuff away. And I'm like what is it? Yeah, there were like

Andre P:

10 battles that don't exist. Yeah, not for you to know. I was just I just sat there and you don't you might you might wake up right. See the manipulation? Boy, we're gonna do this all day long. You know, they

Josh Bolton:

could say and you got a guy coming? I

Andre P:

gotta jump. Yeah, I gotta crank him out. All right. Interesting.

Josh Bolton:

Uh, you have my calendar link you are always welcome on

Andre P:

Yeah, no, it's you know I seriously this conversation with you know, can you go left and right. I have if you talk about relationships in men and women in love dynamics, you know, I could speak for 20 days straight I think so. If you have my take you up on that if you know if you know somebody who cancels real quick or you want some more assists? Yeah, he was to connected.

Josh Bolton:

Definitely. Good. Sounds good. Thank you, Andre. It, bye bye.