Impact Hustlers - Entrepreneurs with Social Impact

Reducing Pollution Through Innovative Reusable Diaper Solution - Alon Cohen of Pika Diapers

Maiko Schaffrath Season 1 Episode 108

Alon Cohen is the founder and CEO of Pika Diapers, an impact-driven startup focused on changing the world one diaper at a time. Born from Alon’s own struggles as a parent constantly needing to buy and change diapers, Pika offers a machine that cleans and dries reusable diapers, making this a great alternative to using roughly 6,500 disposable diapers per baby that will simply end up in landfills.

Not only does Pika Diapers address the financial aspect of having to shell out money for diapers regularly, of which the costs for this expense alone can pile up, but it also lessens the environmental impact through reusable diapers. And so, in this episode, Alon shares with us his entire entrepreneurial journey, from Pika’s inception, to the obstacles he faced like his stuttering, and then onto his goals and his vision for Pika as they soldier on in their mission to clean up babies’ sh*t. Oh, and we have exciting updates for the Impact Hustlers community. Listen to this episode to find out what we have in store for you!

Alon’s key lessons and quotes from this episode were:

  • “Figure out each feature if it is the right solution for the customers. If not, don't waste time adding features that the customer does not have any value [for].” (21:09)
  • “Look, to be a founder, it is not the obvious thing to do. I think it's not recommended for everyone… You need a lot of inner strength.” (35:50)
  • “The perspective is to change the way that we consume, to consume less, to consume without disposables.” (40;26)

In this episode, we also talked about:

  • An overview of Pika Diapers (7:08)
  • How Pika came to be (12:33)
  • Bootstrapping the business (23:49)
  • Overcoming challenges in his entrepreneurial journey (29:02)
  • How the world looks like in 10 years if Pika Diapers succeeds (40:24)

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