Impact Hustlers - Entrepreneurs with Social Impact

Climate Intelligence For Superior Business Decision-Making - Iggy Bassi of Cervest

Maiko Schaffrath Season 1 Episode 117

With the increasing severity of the climate problem, thankfully, there are organizations like Cervest that offer their climate intelligence program to empower companies and individuals to analyze their climate risk and make climate-informed decisions. For this reason, Cervest’s Founder and CEO Iggy Bassi joins us today to educate us on why we need to quantify and act on climate risks. 

Some of the highlights of this episode include the extremely useful advice that Iggy shares on building a mission-driving business, hiring the right people, finding the right investors, cultivating great relationships with both your staff and investors, and getting through the dark days. He also talks about why you need to marry method with conviction, which he emphasizes a lot, as it has a big role to play for founders when building a company. This is an episode you won’t want to miss.

Iggy’s key lessons and quotes from this episode were:

  • “Conviction needs to be high on mission, but also needs to marry with method as well, because the real impact you're looking to make has to be scalable.” (27:17)
  • “There'll always be dark days… The question is, who do you want around your board when times get dark, and do they believe in the same thing that you believe?” (27:52)
  • “You may be very strong on vision, but you've got to surround yourself with the right talent, and you have to build the right culture, because [...] for every power you have, you have a corresponding weakness as well.” (31:43)

In this episode, we also talked about:

  • Cervest and how it works (6:32)
  • Why people use Cervest (17:54)
  • Iggy’s hardest lessons learned (26:47)
  • Finding mission-aligned investors (34:55)

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