
Fatherhood, Science & Screens

April 29, 2021 Penny Season 1 Episode 2
Fatherhood, Science & Screens
Show Notes

Our first guest this season, is a dad of three who has been swimming with sharks and diving in bat caves as part of his research work, but what he says scares him the most is what kids are missing out on in their childhood by being constantly on devices.
Dan Riskin is an evolutionary biologist who produced an epic documentary at the height of the pandemic called, "Babies scroll before they can crawl." He was so kind in extending grace to parents as we try and  survive "pandemic parenting" - which some days has felt like I am gasping for air.


Babies Scroll before they can crawl

Books Referenced:

Glow Kids - Nikolas Kardaras

The Enchanted Hour - The Miraculous power of reading aloud in the age of distraction

"Genetics loads the gun the environment fires the trigger." - Soania Mathur