
The Enchanted Hour : The miraculous power of reading aloud in an age of distraction

September 24, 2021 Penny
The Enchanted Hour : The miraculous power of reading aloud in an age of distraction
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The Enchanted Hour : The miraculous power of reading aloud in an age of distraction
Sep 24, 2021

Our guest on the podcast - Meghan Cox Gurdon  is an essayist, book critic, and former foreign correspondent who has been the Wall Street Journal’s children’s book reviewer since  2005. Her work has appeared widely, in publications such as the Washington Examiner, the Daily Telegraph and the Washington Post.

Meghan shows how reading out loud offers a refreshing, fast-working antidote to the fractured attention spans, atomized families, and unfulfilling distractions of the tech era. From a thrilling look at what happens in a toddler’s brain when a grownup reads a story, to the way shared books are keeping far-flung military families connected; from the imaginative transport of classic novels, to the rejuvenating late-life consolations of the spoken word: the evidence is clear and the benefits irrefutable.

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Quotes from the book

"The sight of a parent or teacher sitting down with a book attracts young children like iron fillings to a magnet." Meghab Cox Gurdon

When we read with a child, we are doing so much more than teaching him to read or instilling in her a love of language. We are doing something that I believe is just as powerful..we are teaching that child to be human.” Anna Dewdney

If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales. Albert Einstein

“When a child asks for the same story again and again, he is telling us something important, though we may never find out what the important thing is. The book may be helping him perform quiet interior work having to do with fear or sadness he cannot articulate.”

"Please read to your kids. Its not the schools job to get our kids reading, its our job – and it’s a wonderful, magical act of love and caring. James Patterson

“There is no genius in Silicon Valley who has yet devised a machine half as effective for teching and There is one thing the purveyors of electronic toys and child-oriented tech would rather not say. They are no match for us nurturing the young mind as a flawed, fallible, physically present human being.” Meghan Cox

"Picture books enhance the time parents and children spend together. Its like adding an extra shot of espresso to a café latte."

Human beings need to feel competent at what they do, they need to feel authentic in their lives and they need to feel connected to others.  Sebastian Junger 


Show Notes

Our guest on the podcast - Meghan Cox Gurdon  is an essayist, book critic, and former foreign correspondent who has been the Wall Street Journal’s children’s book reviewer since  2005. Her work has appeared widely, in publications such as the Washington Examiner, the Daily Telegraph and the Washington Post.

Meghan shows how reading out loud offers a refreshing, fast-working antidote to the fractured attention spans, atomized families, and unfulfilling distractions of the tech era. From a thrilling look at what happens in a toddler’s brain when a grownup reads a story, to the way shared books are keeping far-flung military families connected; from the imaginative transport of classic novels, to the rejuvenating late-life consolations of the spoken word: the evidence is clear and the benefits irrefutable.

To purchase the book
Quotes from the book

"The sight of a parent or teacher sitting down with a book attracts young children like iron fillings to a magnet." Meghab Cox Gurdon

When we read with a child, we are doing so much more than teaching him to read or instilling in her a love of language. We are doing something that I believe is just as powerful..we are teaching that child to be human.” Anna Dewdney

If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales. Albert Einstein

“When a child asks for the same story again and again, he is telling us something important, though we may never find out what the important thing is. The book may be helping him perform quiet interior work having to do with fear or sadness he cannot articulate.”

"Please read to your kids. Its not the schools job to get our kids reading, its our job – and it’s a wonderful, magical act of love and caring. James Patterson

“There is no genius in Silicon Valley who has yet devised a machine half as effective for teching and There is one thing the purveyors of electronic toys and child-oriented tech would rather not say. They are no match for us nurturing the young mind as a flawed, fallible, physically present human being.” Meghan Cox

"Picture books enhance the time parents and children spend together. Its like adding an extra shot of espresso to a café latte."

Human beings need to feel competent at what they do, they need to feel authentic in their lives and they need to feel connected to others.  Sebastian Junger 
