Machshavah Lab

On Seeing the Hearts of Human Beings

August 02, 2021 Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 5 Episode 21
Machshavah Lab
On Seeing the Hearts of Human Beings
Show Notes

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Today’s Torah content is dedicated to the joyous occasion of the marriage of Jon Deutsch and Avigayil Lev. Jon has "graduated" from student, to coworker, to chavrusa and friend. Avigayil, another former student and fellow Slytherin, remains a daily presence in my virtual beis midrash. I am happy for them and I'm excited to see where their life leads them.

Synopsis: This is the audio version of the 4-page article I wrote entitled, On Seeing the Hearts of Human Beings. First we analyze Shmuel ha'Navi's error in evaluating David's worthiness to be king. Next, we examine this insight in light of the mitzvah to emulate Hashem's ways. Last, we consider what can happen if we apply this insight to the way we see ourselves.
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