XenTegra - Nutanix Weekly

Nutanix Weekly: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Nutanix and Microsoft Azure - Part 1

October 05, 2021 XenTegra / Andy Whiteside Season 1 Episode 31

In recent years, and the last 18 months in particular, IT teams have been under pressure to become more agile to support an increasingly hybrid workplace amidst ever evolving business needs. Many businesses have packed years’ worth of digital transformation efforts into a short span of time while operating under reduced budgets. Both private and public cloud vendors are striving to better serve their customers’ needs, which frequently includes running workloads on a mix of on-premises and cloud infrastructure, dictated by workload and business needs. 

While the idea of a Hybrid Cloud architecture has been around for a while, there have been several challenges that prevented rapid adoption of hybrid cloud platforms. Managing complex networking between on-premises datacenters and public clouds has been a long-standing obstacle, and re-architecting legacy applications for the cloud can be time-consuming and expensive. Another issue has been the inefficiency created by silos of using multiple different management tools for various clouds.

To address these challenges and power their customers IT needs to the next level, Nutanix is collaborating with Microsoft on hybrid cloud solutions that help blend the boundaries between cloud and on-premises for a true hybrid cloud experience.

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-Host: Harvey Green
Co-Host: Jirah Cox


00:00:02.909 --> 00:00:07.080
Andy Whiteside: hi everyone and welcome to episode 31 of the tenants weekly i'm your host Andy whiteside i'm.

00:00:07.319 --> 00:00:14.280
Andy Whiteside: sitting in an airport in Richmond Virginia i've got a mask what I may have to grow on every so often is people won't buy that might show a question why I don't have it on.

00:00:14.849 --> 00:00:23.880
Andy Whiteside: i'm sitting here all by myself there's not there's not anyone within 100 feet of me, so I think i'm, I think, Dr phelps he would approve I guess got Harvey green with Harvey how's it going.

00:00:24.540 --> 00:00:26.220
Harvey Green: pretty good pretty good.

00:00:27.300 --> 00:00:39.990
Andy Whiteside: And, of course, our records, I called you I was listening, believe it or not, I listened to these things I listened to the the last year, we did on the flight up here and it was awesome I I reminded myself that I called you the professor and the last one, or maybe the one before that.

00:00:41.010 --> 00:00:42.840
Andy Whiteside: let's drivers new name the Professor.

00:00:43.560 --> 00:00:48.870
Jirah Cox: i'm also sitting here mass list because i'm sitting here alone in my house like I have been every day for the last year and a half.

00:00:50.880 --> 00:00:54.390
Andy Whiteside: So there's moving boxes in the background, are you moving or unpacking still.

00:00:54.450 --> 00:01:00.270
Jirah Cox: we're moving, we are in the process of moving from the Charlotte area over to the raleigh area sometime between now and the year.

00:01:00.390 --> 00:01:01.110
Jirah Cox: little boy you.

00:01:02.010 --> 00:01:06.990
Andy Whiteside: Know i'm a big fan, I went to college up there and I go up almost every weekend seems like my kids now.

00:01:08.040 --> 00:01:10.830
Andy Whiteside: But I am Charlotte guy I like both but.

00:01:11.100 --> 00:01:11.280
Andy Whiteside: what's.

00:01:11.520 --> 00:01:12.750
Andy Whiteside: what's a precipitating that.

00:01:13.560 --> 00:01:16.170
Jirah Cox: We have failing moving to the rural areas when we closer to them so.

00:01:17.100 --> 00:01:17.430
Andy Whiteside: what's good.

00:01:18.060 --> 00:01:20.340
Jirah Cox: Work from anywhere job is my anywhere can be.

00:01:20.370 --> 00:01:21.570
Jirah Cox: became to get can become rally.

00:01:22.290 --> 00:01:23.550
Harvey Green: anywhere it can be anywhere.

00:01:23.760 --> 00:01:25.380
Harvey Green: yeah it's amazing.

00:01:25.620 --> 00:01:26.550
Jirah Cox: So so deep.

00:01:28.590 --> 00:01:36.450
Andy Whiteside: So guys, we have a ton to cover on this one, we decided to cover this week hybrid cloud infrastructure with new techniques and Microsoft azure ad.

00:01:36.870 --> 00:01:45.210
Andy Whiteside: was again listen to the podcast if you're in we were we've been bugging jarrod about this one forever and he finally gave it to us we'll give him all the credit.

00:01:45.300 --> 00:01:46.800
Jirah Cox: No oh yeah totally my calling.

00:01:48.420 --> 00:01:48.960
Andy Whiteside: All the credit.

00:01:49.830 --> 00:01:50.880
Andy Whiteside: But IRA so let's.

00:01:50.910 --> 00:01:58.800
Andy Whiteside: let's just jump in and talk about the intro here and and why this why this happened and why it's happening now.

00:02:00.780 --> 00:02:04.830
Jirah Cox: yeah so the the y right.

00:02:05.970 --> 00:02:26.670
Jirah Cox: Probably drafts a lot of tailwind from the y eugenics clusters on any hyper scale or public cloud cluster right which is to give customers more agility more freedom and ease of migration between lots of environments in there, what we're you know our theme this year for for next for.

00:02:27.780 --> 00:02:36.990
Jirah Cox: A lot of stuff right there hybrid multi cloud right understanding that you can you have to have workloads that run in multiple areas right they can be aws can be azure can be on Prem.

00:02:37.650 --> 00:02:46.560
Jirah Cox: And we want to make those as easy to manage among each other and it's easy to move workloads between them and deploy workloads into as possible.

00:02:47.310 --> 00:02:59.610
Andy Whiteside: Right so timings interesting I I did a podcast with vmware a couple months ago, or a month ago and we've talked about their ability to have desktops run on top of the sphere, yes xp sphere in various clouds.

00:02:59.850 --> 00:03:01.290
Andy Whiteside: And then I listened to the citrix.

00:03:02.100 --> 00:03:12.600
Andy Whiteside: podcasts click down on the way up here and they were talking about the ability to have this service that manages workloads it can go across different clouds but only limited to vmware at the moment.

00:03:13.170 --> 00:03:24.630
Andy Whiteside: This idea that having workloads it can run and your case kind of natively on various platforms real time or at a moment's notice that's that's a big part of going going forward right.

00:03:24.900 --> 00:03:25.740
Jirah Cox: yeah for sure right.

00:03:27.000 --> 00:03:33.390
Jirah Cox: Well, I think, part of it becomes there's lots of interesting ways right, but of course it's it's it there's 18 ways to solve any given problem.

00:03:34.230 --> 00:03:45.780
Jirah Cox: and achieving a multi cloud deployment via building that new stuff right taking a template and spitting it out into five different clouds certain can be very valid for certain use cases.

00:03:46.890 --> 00:03:51.900
Jirah Cox: For most customers, I talked to their they already have their vm they already have their Apps.

00:03:53.340 --> 00:03:59.100
Jirah Cox: Sometimes there's an appetite for hey we're going to use converting tools to move them from X to y.

00:04:00.030 --> 00:04:07.470
Jirah Cox: A lot of times there's not right it's here or vm, but I have to you know, I have to get this APP running in this particular cloud.

00:04:08.460 --> 00:04:19.260
Jirah Cox: When that can be as simple as well hey great go you already have some mechanics nodes on Prem and you love me phoenix for running workloads for reasons X, Y and Z or there's more than three actually right reasons, a through Z.

00:04:19.830 --> 00:04:22.620
Jirah Cox: For running Linux workloads running workloads on the tanks on Prem.

00:04:23.850 --> 00:04:31.950
Jirah Cox: When those earnings next vm well guess what there's a really easy way to migrate my applications from you know it within my hybrid multi cloud right from cloud to cloud.

00:04:32.730 --> 00:04:47.910
Jirah Cox: New techniques new tannic right, and when I and newt annex is just a software defined solution right to run workloads So if I can get hardware from the cloud provider put software on it and move records move workloads over that's a pretty easy solution to to get you.

00:04:48.180 --> 00:04:56.820
Andy Whiteside: guys back in the day, were smart enough to know and that's why Acropolis hypervisor happen the way I did or is that just just happened to be just happened to be how it worked out in the long run.

00:04:57.510 --> 00:04:59.430
Jirah Cox: I don't know six of one half dozen the other.

00:05:00.600 --> 00:05:06.720
Jirah Cox: You know little column a little column B, I mean you know HP right has its roots in giving our customers freedom of choice right.

00:05:07.710 --> 00:05:21.270
Jirah Cox: So we can have more flexible deployment options relay on you know already, we have a whole gamut of on Prem hover solutions right off the different shapes sizes logos and you know notes from a cloud provider or just another option now.

00:05:22.260 --> 00:05:31.500
Andy Whiteside: Alright, so as I promised would move forward rather quickly, because we have so much to cover it says now in preview so I know in the conversation.

00:05:31.920 --> 00:05:43.560
Andy Whiteside: A week or so ago there was a little bit of banter back and forth around hey you delivered it well, not quite it's in preview or yay or something I forget what why you called it anyway, what is, what is this now and free piece me.

00:05:43.920 --> 00:05:51.300
Jirah Cox: I think, even as long as we've been doing this podcast you can see we're making forward progress right so used to we couldn't talk about it now, we can talk about hey it's in preview.

00:05:52.710 --> 00:05:55.650
Jirah Cox: The so it's a it's a journey, not a destination.

00:05:56.790 --> 00:06:04.680
Jirah Cox: The yeah so no worse we're thrilled to have azure as the latest announced as part of our hybrid you know cloud platform.

00:06:05.910 --> 00:06:13.920
Andy Whiteside: yeah and then there's a nice graphical representation here that's got prism at the top and it's got various platforms below it.

00:06:15.750 --> 00:06:26.130
Andy Whiteside: If I highlight you know it shows on premises or new tactics private cloud, which means your data Center or some colo wherever you're running mechanics licenses that you've.

00:06:26.640 --> 00:06:34.680
Andy Whiteside: purchased or subscribed to, and then the new tannic cloud platform brings in all under the prism banner as you're at this point right.

00:06:35.790 --> 00:06:49.500
Jirah Cox: Right, I would go just one step beyond that right to say it's not it's not really private cloud unless you also have thought about automation governance, you know accounting whether that's real chargeback or more commonly just shame back for your top consumers.

00:06:50.700 --> 00:06:51.060
Jirah Cox: You know.

00:06:51.120 --> 00:06:53.520
Andy Whiteside: All things tomato I say tomato.

00:06:53.820 --> 00:06:54.180
Harvey Green: Right.

00:06:54.300 --> 00:07:02.730
Jirah Cox: And so, all those things when they can apply to both many tanks on Prem MIT tactics in the cloud right that's what really what's that that private cloud.

00:07:04.470 --> 00:07:11.640
Jirah Cox: maturity model slide across you know from whether I want to consume that as notes on Prem nodes in the cloud either or but mix of both.

00:07:13.980 --> 00:07:20.370
Andy Whiteside: Any comments on that dialogue around what is cloud, and what is not cloud and how this applies to it.

00:07:21.390 --> 00:07:27.240
Harvey Green: I mean that the big thing for me and anybody who's been listening to this knows that i've been waiting on this for a while.

00:07:27.900 --> 00:07:35.370
Harvey Green: And we've got plenty of people who have been waiting on in a while just just the flexibility that this brings you.

00:07:35.880 --> 00:07:46.110
Harvey Green: The flexibility behind this makes the whole you know buzzwords of hybrid multi cloud actually take place and be real, because now you have.

00:07:46.410 --> 00:07:56.580
Harvey Green: The ability to do any your private data Center, you have the ability to do with an azure, you have the ability to do with an aws and you have the ability to use all three of them at the same time that's what you want to do.

00:07:57.420 --> 00:08:04.920
Harvey Green: Now you actually have the ability to do hybrid multi cloud the way that we've been talking about it for so long.

00:08:05.430 --> 00:08:12.960
Harvey Green: And do it under one platform and be managed, you know under prism or tourism central so basically under one roof.

00:08:13.830 --> 00:08:25.590
Harvey Green: you've got some commonalities between all three of them, even though they are completely different sets of resources, and you know handled by completely different sets of people.

00:08:27.210 --> 00:08:37.320
Andy Whiteside: we've had several customers that I can think of that have had citrix built in their data Center which you could argue was as a service and now they've moved to citrix and cloud as a service.

00:08:37.740 --> 00:08:50.190
Andy Whiteside: And now they're collapsing one of their data centers that was running new tactics and going to replace it with as your maybe even new tactics on azure and then continue to maintain new tactics and the other, so that they get the best of both worlds absolutely.

00:08:51.840 --> 00:09:01.290
Jirah Cox: totally wrong if you're if you're a to cite two data centers like today with like you know sort of a primary and secondary or prod and Dr construct I mean it's.

00:09:02.100 --> 00:09:08.790
Jirah Cox: One of the easiest ways to go beyond kick the tires right because you can always tire cookies easy putting testing things for real.

00:09:09.090 --> 00:09:21.690
Jirah Cox: Is a little bit harder but saying let's try a cloud based Dr site, one of the easiest ways to stand up a cluster right because it's it stands up in about you know, an hour or so build a vpn tunnels, to get to it and then start replicating your workloads.

00:09:23.730 --> 00:09:29.670
Andy Whiteside: So dire the next section in here says three easy steps to hybrid cloud step one is deploying new tactics on azure.

00:09:33.570 --> 00:09:42.270
Andy Whiteside: That that that similar to building out your new tonics environment on premises now you're just going through whatever process that is within the azure environment.

00:09:43.170 --> 00:09:54.480
Jirah Cox: The if we if we steal any prior art here will bring you our new tannic control point right, so we build a cloud.

00:09:55.140 --> 00:09:58.620
Jirah Cox: Deployment model that actually builds the notes for you right, so you simply log into your portal.

00:09:58.890 --> 00:10:06.480
Jirah Cox: and say I want some notes on azure here's my tenant subscription all right go consume nodes and putting candidates on them for me please, and thank you.

00:10:06.930 --> 00:10:14.850
Jirah Cox: You go away and come back in about 45 minutes and that's all of them running for you so there's nothing to actually do on your part, you just tell it how big of a cluster you want it to build and it built for you.

00:10:15.240 --> 00:10:24.630
Harvey Green: And this is under the banner that they released at that next around the Titanic flow networking and its new features that it can automatically build these things out for you.

00:10:25.560 --> 00:10:35.280
Jirah Cox: Right, so I mean the cool thing about anything with API right is that it becomes very, very automated so that that type of yeah we did highlight on the stage workflow that said.

00:10:36.480 --> 00:10:47.820
Jirah Cox: When I declare disaster right that becomes like a button that I just push and that button can grow grab more nodes bring them online expand the cluster once they're online fail over the workloads we're up and running.

00:10:49.170 --> 00:10:56.310
Jirah Cox: Easy peasy and, most importantly, predictable right like the you know I can say i'm helping customers do.

00:10:56.970 --> 00:11:09.540
Jirah Cox: You know, on Prem infrastructure based disaster recovery for a long time, using a whole slew of products i've never seen a customer that had the whole thing start to finish in an automated very boring right because we want.

00:11:09.930 --> 00:11:18.150
Jirah Cox: In this case, boring, you know run this script and there is no step to type of encapsulation I think that was a very.

00:11:19.620 --> 00:11:22.470
Jirah Cox: i'll say again boring but the effective use case for it right.

00:11:23.250 --> 00:11:25.020
Jirah Cox: I don't want interesting Dr fail overs.

00:11:25.260 --> 00:11:33.300
Harvey Green: Well, and that's that's funny too right, because when you describe it that way and talk about how you get it to the point where it's predictable and boring right i'm looking at.

00:11:33.780 --> 00:11:41.940
Harvey Green: The ad man who finds out hey this data centers down, we really need this up, we really need this up and he goes fine.

00:11:42.900 --> 00:11:43.890
Jirah Cox: yeah right.

00:11:44.520 --> 00:11:45.480
Jirah Cox: yeah totally.

00:11:45.540 --> 00:11:47.100
Harvey Green: This is a button insert.

00:11:47.130 --> 00:11:50.400
Jirah Cox: insert visual of Harvey pushing a button here that you probably didn't get.

00:11:51.690 --> 00:12:04.110
Jirah Cox: The yeah right like insane in one sense, you almost could think of a of a chart of boring to interesting on one axis and then like it practitioner seniority, on the other.

00:12:04.170 --> 00:12:06.210
Jirah Cox: Right and the more boring, a task is.

00:12:06.330 --> 00:12:19.800
Jirah Cox: The more you can, the more people on on in the organization can run it right if it's a really interesting task that is a select few people that you can give that task to the more boring, it is anybody can do it right, and you want anybody to be able to do with Dr fail over.

00:12:20.700 --> 00:12:31.530
Harvey Green: yeah ultimately you want to get it to that point where anybody can do it so you're not depending on that one person and whether or not they wake up to their phone ringing at three o'clock in the morning.

00:12:31.680 --> 00:12:39.030
Jirah Cox: yeah right, the decision to fail over as a business decision, but the how to do it needs to be a anybody, you know whoever's on call it can knock that out.

00:12:39.900 --> 00:12:50.430
Andy Whiteside: So guys sorry if I missed this or am I logging into a new tannic so site in plugging in my azure information or is this all all hosted and managed in microsoft's world.

00:12:51.240 --> 00:12:51.720

00:12:52.800 --> 00:13:05.340
Jirah Cox: I think yeah I think this should use our MC mmm control panel it's the Multi cloud management plane I think don't don't quote me on the acronyms but it's our.

00:13:05.520 --> 00:13:07.800
Jirah Cox: cloud provisioning platform right and so.

00:13:08.130 --> 00:13:09.540
Jirah Cox: It it's where.

00:13:11.100 --> 00:13:27.990
Jirah Cox: I said, if if we if we reuse any prior art here like like we did for provisioning on aws you know you simply log into the mechanics portal hop over to the to the clusters area and then from there, you can build a cluster on you know now you know your choice of either of these two clouds.

00:13:29.250 --> 00:13:35.520
Jirah Cox: So yeah you'll start you'll start and end on the next portal on a on a portal that we maintain for you.

00:13:37.440 --> 00:13:43.170
Andy Whiteside: Number two under this heading of easy three easy steps is unify on Prem.

00:13:44.310 --> 00:13:53.880
Andy Whiteside: i'll highlight the word on Prem because some if you will say on premises on Prem and azure environments, through the use of prison central you want to talk through that a little bit.

00:13:54.390 --> 00:14:08.310
Jirah Cox: yeah it's talking about how you know your day to day experience of running this kind of environment really doesn't change dramatically right you're simply running another eugenics cluster that can be part of all your existing automation workflows all your existing management.

00:14:10.320 --> 00:14:19.410
Jirah Cox: panes of glass is boring but like tabs in your browser right the same prison central that you used today can manage the clusters you already have on Prem and you can manage the clusters that you build in the cloud in the future.

00:14:20.760 --> 00:14:25.230
Jirah Cox: As well as target them for automation target them for application they're just another effects classroom.

00:14:25.620 --> 00:14:35.430
Harvey Green: yeah so for a lot of our customers a lot of people who are already using new tactics, especially those who are using it in multiple data centers using prison central is.

00:14:36.030 --> 00:14:44.730
Harvey Green: Already things that you know something they do now they're already trained on there they already know how to use it, this is just adding another data Center that up just so happens to be an azure.

00:14:45.630 --> 00:14:51.840
Harvey Green: So they still control it the same way, they can still use the same control panels, the same screens that they're already used to.

00:14:52.530 --> 00:15:04.440
Harvey Green: This just puts it in another data set I mean it's literally you know we talked about cloud all the time right what is cloud it's just somebody else's data Center this, this is just more proof of that you're able to use the current.

00:15:05.520 --> 00:15:12.780
Harvey Green: tools that you're using in your data Center right now, for you know azure or for aws and use Cassandra clusters.

00:15:15.510 --> 00:15:24.420
Andy Whiteside: So then step three says migrate workloads with these I don't I guess that's a step right you've you've got it all plumbed up and connected and then it's just a matter of.

00:15:24.960 --> 00:15:36.210
Andy Whiteside: Moving live workloads if i'm not mistaken back and forth, and can you do the concept of live migration between the on Prem and the and the cloud world are.

00:15:36.930 --> 00:15:41.520
Jirah Cox: All different Armor we mentioned that specifically yet so far in the in the preview.

00:15:42.810 --> 00:15:45.750
Jirah Cox: about the about live migration, but yeah for sure.

00:15:47.100 --> 00:15:51.450
Jirah Cox: Migration in general right depending usually there's a lot of latency considerations around that.

00:15:53.370 --> 00:16:01.020
Jirah Cox: But for sure replicating snapshots like this architect like this highlights, you know sending data from containers all the vm already have.

00:16:01.680 --> 00:16:12.480
Jirah Cox: can move there, whether it's with our native new tannic replication or from any vm architecture right using our move tool right which can do basically anything to new tannic type of migration for you.

00:16:14.220 --> 00:16:19.200
Andy Whiteside: Alright i'm going to pause here for a second and ask the question asked you, the day do either one of you guys know about the entitlements.

00:16:19.590 --> 00:16:29.670
Andy Whiteside: That happened in the azure world like the Multi session windows windows client aka windows 11 at this point, but jars as anybody else brought that up to you guys, since we talked last week.

00:16:30.990 --> 00:16:34.830
Jirah Cox: No, I remain as agnostic as possible, as I can be on Microsoft licensing.

00:16:38.010 --> 00:16:40.680
Andy Whiteside: You might get this one again i'm i'm just wanting.

00:16:40.860 --> 00:16:42.240
Jirah Cox: I can say that as much as you want no worries.

00:16:43.770 --> 00:16:44.280
Andy Whiteside: I think.

00:16:44.400 --> 00:16:55.530
Andy Whiteside: I think that's just huge right the ability to use new tactics and all the ui and all the power that comes along with that and get the entitlements of multi session and true windows subscription licensing.

00:16:56.580 --> 00:17:04.860
Andy Whiteside: That that's, just like the like the nirvana of this story to me see are our top priority.

00:17:04.920 --> 00:17:07.620
Jirah Cox: sounds very exciting to me i'm glad you're i'm glad you're enthused about it.

00:17:11.130 --> 00:17:12.480
Harvey Green: I like what you doing their job.

00:17:18.180 --> 00:17:29.880
Andy Whiteside: All right, sorry about the public service announcement, the back alright so next section as feature highlights number one procurement in minutes, I think you guys touched on that with Harvey hit the fictitious button a minute ago but what's that mean.

00:17:30.690 --> 00:17:34.890
Jirah Cox: I mean yeah I mean I we we've done this for customers before right like they they hit the button.

00:17:36.150 --> 00:17:44.040
Jirah Cox: Had a cluster about 45 minutes later and we're replicating thumbs up to it later that day, so not a lengthy procurement.

00:17:45.330 --> 00:17:46.200
Jirah Cox: To get it up and running.

00:17:46.440 --> 00:17:56.220
Harvey Green: No, I mean that's kind of the point right you when you look at using cloud architecture or public files you're you're doing that for the flexibility.

00:17:56.700 --> 00:18:08.010
Harvey Green: and ability to be able to instantly start consuming resources you don't have to go out and buy anything you don't have to go and set anything up rack and stack anything.

00:18:08.400 --> 00:18:20.040
Harvey Green: Right everything's already there waiting on you and being able to take advantage of that is exactly what this is talking about being able to actually secure in and start using it as a matter of minutes.

00:18:21.060 --> 00:18:30.330
Jirah Cox: I think I mean Harvey as much as you and i've seen right lacrosse whether it's a PLC deployment or a real you know purchase mechanics deployment.

00:18:31.530 --> 00:18:46.020
Jirah Cox: kind of feels like we're always waiting on the land and networking right, and so, when that when that all just goes away right it's almost it's almost a Platonic ideal of anything that can solve like now it's as fast as it ever could have been under ideal circumstances.

00:18:46.770 --> 00:18:55.500
Harvey Green: And it's so funny you know the things we get used to right, because when you talked before about Oh, we need to bring up a Dr data Center, for example.

00:18:55.950 --> 00:19:07.950
Harvey Green: Normally you're talking months out right because you've got all kinds of things to put in place, one of them, just to make you laugh around you know your common around network and one of them is making sure you get seconds in there.

00:19:08.280 --> 00:19:14.490
Harvey Green: yeah something as simple as that that that is what probably takes the walk in the process like.

00:19:14.520 --> 00:19:22.470
Jirah Cox: yeah sorry, right now, when the business says we need do we need it tomorrow, and you go yeah sure no problem you'll get like a double take of like wait what.

00:19:22.560 --> 00:19:25.560
Jirah Cox: yeah usually you say we can't and we argue with this point.

00:19:25.590 --> 00:19:26.940
Jirah Cox: Negative say yes.

00:19:27.480 --> 00:19:40.710
Harvey Green: yeah that's that's a very powerful thing and eventually we'll get to the point where you know you'll say oh yeah we can do it in 45 minutes and i'm like oh my gosh 45 minutes what's taking you so long.

00:19:41.010 --> 00:19:41.790
Jirah Cox: Right at some point.

00:19:42.030 --> 00:19:44.220
Jirah Cox: At some point we applied the scotty principle right and you like.

00:19:44.460 --> 00:19:46.230
Jirah Cox: had your estimates that you look even better.

00:19:46.770 --> 00:19:47.220

00:19:49.980 --> 00:19:57.720
Andy Whiteside: So guys i'm just envisioning this button thing we need to create like as a marketing campaign it's just the button it's just just just click the button.

00:19:59.280 --> 00:20:06.750
Andy Whiteside: Okay, on demand scale up scale down, hopefully, a lot of our listeners have been having cloud I as and pass conversations for a while, but.

00:20:07.590 --> 00:20:20.130
Andy Whiteside: You know nothing changes there we just now have new tactics to we just now have new tactics in play, which makes that story around image management, as I was alluding to earlier just just part of it and simplified and easy right right.

00:20:20.910 --> 00:20:25.080
Jirah Cox: Well, and it's like hardware as a service finally sort of.

00:20:26.790 --> 00:20:35.490
Jirah Cox: On throttles our software capabilities that we've always had right we've always been able to expand the cluster at a node you know in minutes right just detect it expand done.

00:20:36.120 --> 00:20:50.040
Jirah Cox: When I can make the hardware up here as a service on demand as well, now I can really expand, you know crazy crazy fast right we have customers, you know that that's part of Dr plan is fail over and add more nodes to accommodate you know the running workload there.

00:20:52.260 --> 00:21:00.690
Andy Whiteside: So next section global expansion without physical data Center presence again reminding the world that these aren't real clouds these are data centers that were just connecting to.

00:21:01.140 --> 00:21:01.680
Jirah Cox: yeah totally.

00:21:01.950 --> 00:21:14.340
Andy Whiteside: Probably use that joke over and over again, but now we've got the ability to go worldwide, based on the presence of microsoft's data centers aka azure in places that we haven't gone yet, but we can now.

00:21:14.760 --> 00:21:20.640
Jirah Cox: yeah i'm sure we've all heard customers say they want to get out of the get out of the data Center business right which makes certain sense right like.

00:21:21.090 --> 00:21:32.070
Jirah Cox: I would say, with almost about meeting a customer you probably should be in either the cloud or a good quality local colo right like I agree most almost everybody should get the business of running private data centers.

00:21:33.810 --> 00:21:41.040
Jirah Cox: And this can this can accomplish that goal to right when you can move a workload into you know really with it says data Center think of it more like an availability zone.

00:21:41.100 --> 00:21:44.340
Harvey Green: right but, but I just put an AC in the broom closet is this.

00:21:44.340 --> 00:21:44.610

00:21:47.100 --> 00:21:50.400
Jirah Cox: And there's a giant there's a giant sign on the switch says, do not turn off right.

00:21:50.820 --> 00:21:52.230
Jirah Cox: Like What else do I mean.

00:21:54.180 --> 00:21:54.540
Jirah Cox: You know.

00:21:56.190 --> 00:22:07.110
Andy Whiteside: This from a from a technical in a data Center you know the hardware footprint, but the other part, is just the expansion of the business without those limitations and slow down.

00:22:07.920 --> 00:22:13.440
Jirah Cox: Absolutely totally right like if if you think you'll only ever need a broom closet worth of technology, like.

00:22:14.370 --> 00:22:24.690
Jirah Cox: I would hope you're planning for more growth in that, for your business right like if that that will eventually become a constraint right and how do we solve that constraint, what if your business does grow and enix need to exceed that.

00:22:27.390 --> 00:22:33.660
Andy Whiteside: Okay next is integrated networking, which I think we touched on a little bit ago you guys talked about waiting on the networking guys.

00:22:34.740 --> 00:22:38.400
Andy Whiteside: Not, not to say that haven't done that, not to say I haven't had networking guys just totally break.

00:22:39.000 --> 00:22:42.810
Andy Whiteside: My entire environment aka provisioning services over the weekend and then.

00:22:43.500 --> 00:22:55.380
Andy Whiteside: Blame blame me like literally me like I wasn't even here, you guys did a whole network cut over but anyway so networking and the integration piece that just comes along with having it in a public cloud like.

00:22:56.190 --> 00:23:03.750
Jirah Cox: yeah I mean the simplicity right talked about them, combined with you know the benefit of treating the cloud as a you know.

00:23:04.470 --> 00:23:09.870
Jirah Cox: You could say data Center could say availability zone right it's like what do I, what can I then do what interesting things can I do.

00:23:10.230 --> 00:23:25.230
Jirah Cox: With proximity to the cloud right when I want to have like consumer cloud service well boy doing it within that perimeter can make a lot of sense for certain workloads right so getting to natively access as your services at as your network speeds it's pretty cool.

00:23:26.700 --> 00:23:32.940
Andy Whiteside: Though yeah and knowing that that's hardware and capabilities behind that software beyond what you could ever afford or maybe many people.

00:23:33.000 --> 00:23:33.330

00:23:35.460 --> 00:23:35.760
Harvey Green: Right.

00:23:35.820 --> 00:23:38.880
Andy Whiteside: Smart host placements, what is this term mean.

00:23:39.630 --> 00:23:45.270
Jirah Cox: So think i'm thinking of the cloud as a data Center as a bunch of data centers as a bunch of availability zones.

00:23:45.720 --> 00:23:55.200
Jirah Cox: just saying that basically behind the scenes were being smart enough to say you know place my nodes intelligently, such that, like a rack failure can't take out more than one of them.

00:23:56.190 --> 00:24:04.230
Jirah Cox: Or if if if there are multiple ones in Iraq right are we configured for the right kind of like rack awareness that we can do at a bigger level, to make sure that these kind of.

00:24:05.880 --> 00:24:10.980
Jirah Cox: Failure domains that you made me not can't can't always control as a tenant of the cloud don't affect your workloads.

00:24:12.210 --> 00:24:18.900
Andy Whiteside: And that's a level of smartness that new tannic is going to bring on top of or validation at least.

00:24:19.350 --> 00:24:20.100
Andy Whiteside: On top of azure.

00:24:20.430 --> 00:24:33.390
Jirah Cox: Usually yeah i'm not authoritative on that usually it's a brokering between the mcs our deployment platform and the back end cloud provider to say you know I need a note in this availability zone or in that failure domain and then it gets placed intelligently.

00:24:35.100 --> 00:24:36.960
Andy Whiteside: And then number six i'm just envisioning.

00:24:38.100 --> 00:24:51.540
Andy Whiteside: harvey's wives saying I told you so but broke anyway, so now, I need to come up and makes it make it happen over here like mitic mitigating that potential risk email number five, but then you know adjusting for if and when it happens.

00:24:51.570 --> 00:24:53.340
Jirah Cox: Sorry podcasters therapy yeah.

00:24:54.420 --> 00:24:54.750
Jirah Cox: The.

00:24:55.410 --> 00:25:02.940
Jirah Cox: So auto host remediation talks about how is the other benefit right that derives from hardware as a service is that now, if the hardware.

00:25:03.510 --> 00:25:13.110
Jirah Cox: goes belly up you know go sideways because hardware going to hardware why bother waiting on that new to get fixed and like lay hands on it crack it open the way we would on Prem.

00:25:13.920 --> 00:25:21.600
Jirah Cox: Man fail fast inject that nodes in the cluster bringing a new one re he'll done right that that works note is somebody else's problem, not mine anymore.

00:25:22.950 --> 00:25:25.050
Harvey Green: that's such a beautiful thing to make.

00:25:26.640 --> 00:25:33.030
Andy Whiteside: me imagine a world where you let X percent of the hardware go bad for you can go in and start replacing them you just don't.

00:25:34.680 --> 00:25:34.890
Andy Whiteside: want it.

00:25:34.920 --> 00:25:36.690
Jirah Cox: will see that but see that's that's a that's a.

00:25:36.840 --> 00:25:50.430
Jirah Cox: If I, if I may it's an old school own the hardware model when I when my SLA from not calling the cloud provider is I pay you per note I want healthy notes, I give it back as soon as it gets sick right like there's no requirement to tolerate X percentage of sick nodes.

00:25:50.880 --> 00:25:52.050
Andy Whiteside: Right yeah.

00:25:53.190 --> 00:25:58.650
Andy Whiteside: Dr cost optimizations there's a huge element of this that if, at the very least.

00:25:59.250 --> 00:26:06.810
Andy Whiteside: You don't use this for production, every day, every moment use cases, certainly from a Dr perspective, the idea that you're paying a fortune for.

00:26:07.140 --> 00:26:16.350
Andy Whiteside: Old clunky hardware, that you have to go deploy upon when the time comes, that those days should be over for most, and this is just another enabler of making that happen.

00:26:17.670 --> 00:26:26.370
Harvey Green: yeah, this is another big one for a lot of people just the ability to have something sitting there basically waiting for you.

00:26:27.330 --> 00:26:38.100
Harvey Green: In the case that you have a Dr scenario, but you're not paying full price for it, the entire time and full price to your point and it doesn't just mean in dollars.

00:26:38.490 --> 00:26:48.210
Harvey Green: That in upkeep and maintenance and making sure that things are working, you have all of these costs that go into having a ready Dr.

00:26:48.810 --> 00:26:58.740
Harvey Green: scenario, so that you know when you actually do have a failure, you can fill the to it, this is giving you the option to be able to have that in a cost effective bundle.

00:26:59.190 --> 00:27:07.170
Harvey Green: And then, when something does happen, you can then take what you have there and just expand it out, you know deploy that.

00:27:07.830 --> 00:27:17.280
Harvey Green: deploy the platform there so that you can we bring up all the virtual machines, you need in a very quick fashion, like we've already been discussion discussing.

00:27:17.790 --> 00:27:27.630
Harvey Green: and be able to just move forward right this this is giving you that flexibility and giving you that scenario that we've been talking about for so long and the it world.

00:27:29.400 --> 00:27:36.060
Andy Whiteside: yeah one of my favorite stories there for years after hurricane Katrina went to sun garden Atlanta, and there were still people walking around in their bathrobes.

00:27:36.480 --> 00:27:37.680
Andy Whiteside: They were they were stuck there.

00:27:40.170 --> 00:27:48.750
Jirah Cox: yeah that that ability to you know just pay for what you need when you need it right have keep a pilot light cluster a smaller Dr cluster around just as a replication target.

00:27:49.470 --> 00:27:58.620
Jirah Cox: get more nodes if you need to for more compute capacity, when you fail over right that's that's that's always been our mantra and eugenics right pay for what you need when you need it, you know.

00:27:59.130 --> 00:28:06.750
Andy Whiteside: And, and maybe you reserve, some of it, or what have you and know that when you get it it's kind of irrelevant not 10 year old stuff that some I just met the minimum.

00:28:06.930 --> 00:28:07.710
Andy Whiteside: Right SLA.

00:28:08.280 --> 00:28:14.070
Jirah Cox: yeah and that's and that's an interesting model that you know a lot of cloud providers expose is that.

00:28:14.430 --> 00:28:27.210
Jirah Cox: Why, I want to pay for these on a commitment basis and therefore pay a lower price per pound for those pay for these on demand pay, maybe a higher hourly cost, but I also want need them all the time right, so all net out a savings there.

00:28:29.190 --> 00:28:39.180
Andy Whiteside: Okay, this last the number eight here is talks about cost visibility and governance gyro kind of alluded to, that a while ago when he's talking about you know what it really means to have a private cloud.

00:28:39.900 --> 00:28:41.160
Andy Whiteside: You know we've got people that that.

00:28:41.670 --> 00:28:51.930
Andy Whiteside: Adopt hyper converge and that's that's really enough to call it, their own private cloud but, and so you take advantage of some of the business benefits like visibility and governance, you really not.

00:28:52.320 --> 00:29:04.950
Andy Whiteside: you're really not getting what the cloud promises and, obviously, if you can take your new chantix on premises and move it into public cloud by proxy of what the public cloud does you automatically get some of those business objectives covered.

00:29:06.480 --> 00:29:06.870
Jirah Cox: The.

00:29:07.920 --> 00:29:09.270
Jirah Cox: yeah for sure right the.

00:29:10.710 --> 00:29:17.610
Jirah Cox: Not not losing that ability to get visibility into like what am I pay per vm right and how do I make sure that i'm.

00:29:18.900 --> 00:29:24.870
Jirah Cox: Helping hold applications accountable on a on a cost basis, like it's critical to maintain that.

00:29:26.490 --> 00:29:30.750
Jirah Cox: Wherever you're going to deploy a vm in the course of course no different with the solution either.

00:29:32.460 --> 00:29:46.260
Andy Whiteside: So guys, for the sake of time i'm going to kind of move us through this next piece key use cases and supported regions let's go with the use cases first we've hit, some of them already business continuity and disaster recovery those aren't the same thing, but they go hand in in.

00:29:47.430 --> 00:29:50.730
Andy Whiteside: Any additional highlights beyond what we've covered so far.

00:29:54.240 --> 00:30:01.710
Harvey Green: No yeah I think we've covered those well and hopefully everybody at this point, knows the difference between the two, if not let's have a conversation.

00:30:03.810 --> 00:30:03.990

00:30:05.100 --> 00:30:13.080
Jirah Cox: But ability to use any like it says here any supported as your region, right now, can be can be a Dr environment for you very, very important.

00:30:13.410 --> 00:30:16.830
Andy Whiteside: And that does a lot for enabling geographic.

00:30:18.330 --> 00:30:19.140
Andy Whiteside: Geographic.

00:30:20.430 --> 00:30:30.180
Andy Whiteside: Trying to say here diversity are covering that geographic checkbox that a lot of folks can't cover within their own footprint or haven't historically been able to.

00:30:33.060 --> 00:30:37.740
Andy Whiteside: All right, Guy just went back here and a Hello kitty bag RON escape for to the airport.

00:30:38.400 --> 00:30:38.790

00:30:39.930 --> 00:30:42.780
Jirah Cox: I mean, I think we all agree, something he's having a really great day.

00:30:44.610 --> 00:30:48.570
Andy Whiteside: You know these terminals are probably a great place to ride a skateboard I mean you know.

00:30:49.140 --> 00:30:52.230
Jirah Cox: Like your travel can only take it out of here right but that guy he is prepared.

00:30:52.680 --> 00:30:53.010

00:30:55.170 --> 00:31:08.640
Andy Whiteside: Alright, the next says on demand capacity bursting I think we've covered that that's what public clouds and then the the frictionless at migration to azure a lot of companies have some degree of needing to move to cloud.

00:31:09.150 --> 00:31:19.530
Andy Whiteside: that's covered in the last podcast some people are you know they're hedging their bets and forecasting less of that, but certainly something's something's belong there at certain moments of the day.

00:31:20.220 --> 00:31:32.760
Harvey Green: Well, and this, this is another another big one right this this is i've got this APP that is basically chained me to this operating system this server in this data Center.

00:31:33.240 --> 00:31:44.670
Harvey Green: And now you've got the ability to still move that APP basically on its same infrastructure just using utilizing new tenants, to put it.

00:31:45.570 --> 00:31:58.260
Harvey Green: put it in a different physical place so that it can still run you, you might still be changed, some of those other things that you're chained to from a software perspective, but at least you don't have to be changed physically.

00:31:59.790 --> 00:32:00.450
Andy Whiteside: would be, I think.

00:32:00.750 --> 00:32:10.860
Jirah Cox: The use cases almost got together right when you can move Apps quickly you can move them whether they need to move and stay there, or move them whether they need to do, like a seasonal kind of burst right.

00:32:13.080 --> 00:32:18.300
Andy Whiteside: Could could be like the early days of live migration, where you just move servers around just for the fun of it by notice.

00:32:21.720 --> 00:32:21.990
Jirah Cox: well.

00:32:22.590 --> 00:32:23.970
Harvey Green: I never did that never.

00:32:26.070 --> 00:32:30.480
Jirah Cox: it's funny like this theme of networking being so important as we go through this right like.

00:32:32.580 --> 00:32:39.450
Jirah Cox: Because networking doesn't necessarily mean like switching networking can mean like who talks to that APP right if your citrix farm was.

00:32:39.750 --> 00:32:52.740
Jirah Cox: On Prem and your APP moves to azure well that's an interesting choice let's say at least right like with that ability to say let's keep the EC farm near the application server when it moves now that's that's actually an enabler right.

00:32:53.400 --> 00:32:55.830
Harvey Green: Please always move workloads people.

00:32:56.250 --> 00:32:57.210
Harvey Green: yeah yeah.

00:32:58.260 --> 00:32:59.220
Jirah Cox: Totally right like what.

00:32:59.250 --> 00:33:01.260
Jirah Cox: Data has gravity Harvey like that matters.

00:33:01.290 --> 00:33:02.310
Harvey Green: Yes, yes.

00:33:03.840 --> 00:33:04.230
Harvey Green: Probably.

00:33:04.260 --> 00:33:09.990
Andy Whiteside: We we like to say the citrix protocol ICA or hd X it's it's awesome but it's not magic.

00:33:12.600 --> 00:33:20.940
Andy Whiteside: Okay, our next section here talks about supported regions like this is currently in the preview at least available in US East and West, that is correct right.

00:33:21.810 --> 00:33:28.620
Jirah Cox: yeah I mean this part this part will probably stale the quickest I guess this podcast like could have a lot of value in two years, but this one.

00:33:29.340 --> 00:33:37.920
Jirah Cox: will almost certainly change change first right, so this is just saying just hold on preview here's the channel the two as your regions right that we that we're reading the preview in.

00:33:39.090 --> 00:33:39.390

00:33:40.470 --> 00:33:46.530
Andy Whiteside: So this next section is the network and storage architecture that's probably a podcast all to itself.

00:33:48.810 --> 00:33:51.090
Andy Whiteside: How do we cover this in five minutes on a podcast.

00:33:55.140 --> 00:33:57.750
Jirah Cox: bye bye teasing the next podcast and just say yeah.

00:33:58.650 --> 00:33:59.100
Harvey Green: For sure.

00:33:59.400 --> 00:34:05.640
Jirah Cox: That you know in general right new tannic deployment right brings it to the end users.

00:34:06.690 --> 00:34:20.850
Jirah Cox: And then also you know leveling up that new tonics clusters on azure right also powered by flow networking, which we have barely been said on this podcast and would be a much deeper dive but will bring even more capabilities to end users so.

00:34:20.880 --> 00:34:26.790
Andy Whiteside: Why don't we do this, why don't we why don't we call this one, a podcast with some of the conversations we've had so far and.

00:34:27.120 --> 00:34:36.420
Andy Whiteside: And we'll prep and have a part two of this one is fun talk more about the networking architecture piece, and maybe dive deeper and gyro if you're getting me on your side that you want to bring to that.

00:34:37.080 --> 00:34:46.500
Andy Whiteside: Bring to that conversation that would be great but let's let's let's don't try to rush through this part because there's some really good information that we don't want to just gloss over.

00:34:49.710 --> 00:34:51.240
Harvey Green: Our our first part two.

00:34:53.940 --> 00:35:00.600
Andy Whiteside: cliffhanger or like people my age like to talk about when Bo and Luke jump to jump and now we go to commercial.

00:35:01.020 --> 00:35:01.950
Harvey Green: that's right.

00:35:05.190 --> 00:35:06.450
Andy Whiteside: Some people have no idea why.

00:35:07.050 --> 00:35:08.190
Harvey Green: That makes me feel alone.

00:35:08.880 --> 00:35:09.750
Jirah Cox: Can I be one of those people.

00:35:10.830 --> 00:35:11.430
Harvey Green: Really.

00:35:11.940 --> 00:35:13.290
Jirah Cox: yeah yeah a little bit.

00:35:14.400 --> 00:35:18.420
Harvey Green: that's how you you you figure it out by the next one we're going to ask you on it.

00:35:19.440 --> 00:35:22.200
Jirah Cox: So I figured that out you're gonna figure out for networking and belief or.

00:35:22.620 --> 00:35:22.980

00:35:24.060 --> 00:35:27.990
Harvey Green: Okay we'll discuss that when we discuss this this other piece for you.

00:35:28.350 --> 00:35:31.680
Jirah Cox: As your homework oh got it okay Oh, I have them right now okay cool.

00:35:31.710 --> 00:35:33.240
Harvey Green: yeah now you have homework.

00:35:34.320 --> 00:35:36.540
Jirah Cox: yeah I had nothing else to do so that's that's great.

00:35:36.870 --> 00:35:41.280
Andy Whiteside: yeah to make it easy for you just Google Bo and Luke cliffhanger or something.

00:35:41.820 --> 00:35:43.440
Jirah Cox: Right very cool.

00:35:43.650 --> 00:35:46.350
Harvey Green: When you come back next week you'd be one of the good old boys.

00:35:46.560 --> 00:35:47.070
Jirah Cox: Oh Nice.

00:35:50.010 --> 00:35:51.840
Andy Whiteside: That was a good, that was a good tie in there.

00:35:55.590 --> 00:36:03.210
Harvey Green: I would really like to I would really like to see who who knows what we're talking about it this point that's.

00:36:04.410 --> 00:36:08.730
Andy Whiteside: All i'll say is Friday night TV when I was a kid was so much better than it is now.

00:36:10.320 --> 00:36:12.270
Andy Whiteside: You waited all week for Friday night TV.

00:36:12.450 --> 00:36:13.170

00:36:14.370 --> 00:36:17.070
Andy Whiteside: And you go back and watch it nearly that was horrible but man was so good.

00:36:19.170 --> 00:36:24.150
Jirah Cox: I can, I can, I can tell them context clues right, this is like Michael hump this would be you know.

00:36:25.650 --> 00:36:34.440
Jirah Cox: Adam West Burt Ward you know Batman Robin like tied to the board like sinking into the VAT of acid and they're like ah same BAT time same BAT channel yes.

00:36:34.980 --> 00:36:35.340
Andy Whiteside: And that was.

00:36:35.490 --> 00:36:36.780
Andy Whiteside: able to watch it.

00:36:38.340 --> 00:36:39.000
Harvey Green: TAO.

00:36:39.060 --> 00:36:41.490
Jirah Cox: Is the, that is the most enjoyable bad TV ever Washington.

00:36:41.520 --> 00:36:42.150

00:36:43.920 --> 00:36:47.310
Andy Whiteside: I thought you were gonna go somewhere like South bar or something more.

00:36:49.890 --> 00:36:50.400
Andy Whiteside: More.

00:36:51.660 --> 00:36:56.280
Jirah Cox: More recent generation, I mean that's my life philosophy Why go South park when I could go Batman.

00:36:56.880 --> 00:36:57.810
Andy Whiteside: yeah okay.

00:36:58.140 --> 00:36:58.830
Jirah Cox: words to live by.

00:37:02.100 --> 00:37:07.410
Andy Whiteside: Alright guys well i'll let you go with that one I got a hotel and have dinner I got to get to but we'll do a part two of this and.

00:37:08.250 --> 00:37:19.710
Andy Whiteside: Maybe there'll be more content even than what we've covered so far, but we will revisit this one, and hopefully people got a lot out of it it's a big thing and as we've you know, been chasing jarrod forever and he finally got it out.

00:37:20.400 --> 00:37:21.660
Andy Whiteside: Right clusters on.

00:37:23.580 --> 00:37:25.560
Jirah Cox: sorry that I was such a such a hold up there, you know.

00:37:27.030 --> 00:37:29.280
Jirah Cox: i'll try to do better next time or something.

00:37:30.360 --> 00:37:32.070
Andy Whiteside: i'm just glad you had time to get all the code together.

00:37:34.290 --> 00:37:36.930
Jirah Cox: Well, you know that's why I said I have nothing to do now right.

00:37:39.720 --> 00:37:42.960
Andy Whiteside: it's work here is done he's gonna move to raleigh and find a different project to go.

00:37:45.990 --> 00:37:47.520
Harvey Green: out to other regions cool.

00:37:49.020 --> 00:37:50.790
Andy Whiteside: Alright guys thanks for the time we'll do again next week.