XenTegra - Nutanix Weekly

Nutanix Weekly: Nutanix Unleashes Flow Networking to Streamline Hybrid Cloud Connectivity

XenTegra / Andy Whiteside Season 1 Episode 35

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has come a long way since its inception in 2009 (check out MIT's review on this). Today, SDN is poised to become the de facto control and management solution for networks everywhere. This trend toward SDN has been accelerated through the exponential digital transformation of the pandemic with customers now looking to hybrid multi-cloud for answers.

Nutanix’s SDN journey chartered a new path in 2018 with SDN, launching Nutanix® Flow Security with Microsegmentation then quickly followed with a robust ID Based Firewall and Security Planning solution. These were the first pillars of our SDN vision.

Fast-following Flow Security, Nutanix implemented the second key pillar of SDN: Network Virtualization, or as Nutanix calls it, Flow Networking™

First introduced to provide secure multi-tenant network virtualization in Nutanix's managed Disaster-Recovery-as-a-Service (or DRaaS) offering, Flow Networking quickly evolved for on-premise Nutanix customers, becoming available for Early Access following its announcement soon after .NEXT 2020.

Host: Harvey Green
Co-Host: Jirah Cox
Co-Host: Andy Whiteside


00:00:03.659 --> 00:00:15.690
Harvey Green: Welcome everybody to the metallics weekly podcast I neglected to look at this number before we started so i'm going to do that, right now, but I do have Jerry Cox Whitney jarrod how's it going.

00:00:17.010 --> 00:00:20.490
Jirah Cox: Good man, I mean, I think we let numbers to find our life, a little too much sometimes.

00:00:24.420 --> 00:00:26.700
Jirah Cox: it's an episode right that's that's all it's important.

00:00:27.150 --> 00:00:45.630
Harvey Green: pretty much know it's funny when we don't have any here with us today, and whenever we don't have Andy I I always leave him something to you know make him feel like he he has to be here and, in this case he does, because I don't know the number um.

00:00:48.360 --> 00:00:49.680
Harvey Green: So um.

00:00:50.940 --> 00:00:53.790
Harvey Green: let's see i'm almost there almost there.

00:00:54.300 --> 00:00:55.710
Jirah Cox: and has been called the King of the numbers.

00:00:57.390 --> 00:00:57.810
Jirah Cox: By.

00:00:58.230 --> 00:01:01.290
Jirah Cox: Or at least one person at least one person is calling that just now.

00:01:02.640 --> 00:01:08.550
Harvey Green: that's right, so I can't find the number but i'll find it.

00:01:09.660 --> 00:01:19.590
Harvey Green: So today's podcast topic as as you guys can hopefully see my screen for those that are watching the video, if not if you're just watching the podcast.

00:01:20.550 --> 00:01:29.880
Harvey Green: This one is a blog post entitled lieutenants and leashes flow networking to streamline hybrid cloud connectivity.

00:01:30.780 --> 00:01:37.710
Harvey Green: And for those who don't already know the tedx flow is their networking product that just got.

00:01:38.460 --> 00:01:46.890
Harvey Green: A super boost I like to call it from new tonics next that next this year I keep doing that I need to say that mix.

00:01:47.850 --> 00:02:03.630
Harvey Green: But this is their software defined networking product that we've been talking through before on the podcast but, again, you know this is has gotten a super boost for sure, with some new features coming out of that next.

00:02:04.650 --> 00:02:11.280
Harvey Green: Jerry you want to give us a quick over quick overflow on the tennis club.

00:02:12.090 --> 00:02:27.510
Jirah Cox: yeah so so I like the way that article sets this up around you know we we start one foot of the pool of SDN software defined networking 2018 right flow micro say focusing on security for vm.

00:02:28.290 --> 00:02:36.870
Jirah Cox: At the network level right where we can you can put in policies to restrict what your vm is can talk to or sources or what kind of traffic by port.

00:02:38.430 --> 00:02:38.970
Jirah Cox: Does.

00:02:39.990 --> 00:02:47.520
Jirah Cox: unspeakably good things right does wonders for limiting the spread of malware in your environment right because it's got to get from one thing to another.

00:02:48.030 --> 00:02:55.590
Jirah Cox: Inside your environment right called the east, west transit and so that ability to hinder that movement is how we can actually put the brakes on malware.

00:02:57.030 --> 00:03:03.750
Jirah Cox: So this is kind of jumping into the pool with our second foot I guess it's probably a second second pillar of SDN right.

00:03:05.040 --> 00:03:07.170
Jirah Cox: For for actual.

00:03:08.520 --> 00:03:14.730
Jirah Cox: Network virtualization right so flow networking is that let's go beyond that right now let's get into.

00:03:15.090 --> 00:03:23.220
Jirah Cox: How to actually create virtual networks, not just you know restrict the flow of packets on on quote real networks right where now something that's don't even have to be.

00:03:23.760 --> 00:03:31.590
Jirah Cox: known or managed by the upstream top rack switch now, we can have like a virtual sub nets right that we can wrap around your application.

00:03:33.150 --> 00:03:35.790
Jirah Cox: and truly define the network at the software layer

00:03:37.230 --> 00:03:53.820
Jirah Cox: So yeah to your point in preview it's been hiding in in prison central that in a corner of the menu for a couple of releases now, I think, but, but now super happy to say it's definitely GA as, as we know, the next one is, we can dive into more deeply here today.

00:03:55.110 --> 00:04:02.040
Harvey Green: yeah absolutely and and gyro, by the way I did find the podcast episode number, we are now number 36.

00:04:02.580 --> 00:04:03.300
Jirah Cox: Oh man, I was.

00:04:03.600 --> 00:04:04.380
Jirah Cox: I was so worried 30.

00:04:10.500 --> 00:04:13.530
Jirah Cox: Less there's less there's a home sleep easy it's there it's 36.

00:04:13.650 --> 00:04:14.340
Harvey Green: that's right.

00:04:17.190 --> 00:04:22.860
Harvey Green: So um yeah so you know you talk through kind of an overview of flow.

00:04:24.390 --> 00:04:41.700
Harvey Green: Like you said flow flow networking is now GA so generally available to all the tenants customers so everybody listening to the sound of our voices, this is something that you should definitely be looking into and trying to figure out how it can help you.

00:04:43.950 --> 00:04:55.770
Harvey Green: Overall jarrod as we kind of move through the blog post here talks about how the tactics is taking a much more holistic approach to abstracting.

00:04:56.280 --> 00:05:10.680
Harvey Green: Networks wherever everything is run to help basically move move the traffic through for the different use cases, you know we've got a diagram here I don't know if you can see that or not, but.

00:05:12.240 --> 00:05:20.160
Harvey Green: diagram here the know, taking into account a vpc here have a bunch of.

00:05:21.270 --> 00:05:24.210
Harvey Green: a bunch of the things that you know go into that that.

00:05:24.690 --> 00:05:30.540
Harvey Green: You know a lot of times you're if you're not the networking and man you don't need to play with some of these things but.

00:05:30.840 --> 00:05:41.160
Harvey Green: For you know for people again on the new tactics platform they've got the ability now to have a bunch of different skill sets because you're managing everything potentially from.

00:05:42.270 --> 00:05:51.960
Harvey Green: One single pane of glass so, can you kind of talk us through some of these features and functions that are available to the public, now.

00:05:52.890 --> 00:05:57.090
Jirah Cox: I totally love this I love this diagram that kind of shows like so what's in this release right.

00:05:59.040 --> 00:06:00.510
Jirah Cox: You know so within within.

00:06:02.340 --> 00:06:12.990
Jirah Cox: Within this release for for networking right like you touched on V PCs right saying this is going to be our you know software defined networking like this is the kind of data Center it can have segments within it right.

00:06:14.310 --> 00:06:18.840
Jirah Cox: But then, how do I get packets into and out of that right, what can I do with it, that with this thing that I now have.

00:06:20.400 --> 00:06:30.750
Jirah Cox: A real common use case right would be like I wanted to play a new APP the APP has lots of components right might have load balancers in front ends and APP tears and back end databases and.

00:06:31.380 --> 00:06:40.260
Jirah Cox: analytics vm to the fourth users only have to get to one spot right that's all the rest of it's all just sort of of just plumbing and so.

00:06:42.150 --> 00:06:49.290
Jirah Cox: Before this right for virtually any network for for any kind of virtualization deployment, or even physical deployment actually server deployments in general.

00:06:49.980 --> 00:07:00.090
Jirah Cox: I would have to go get a whole bunch of ips for every single part of that stack right i've got 2020 physical servers whatever I gotta go the network team and get 20 ips.

00:07:01.530 --> 00:07:06.090
Jirah Cox: Out of their allocation and put them on my stuff and then put in DNS and all that good stuff.

00:07:07.110 --> 00:07:22.140
Jirah Cox: With this now, this is more, I would say is more cloud like networking right, where I just haven't my front door I just hadn't with the Web interface right running on 80 and 443 on a single IP on my real network let's say my corporate network is like 10 1010 dot whatever.

00:07:23.490 --> 00:07:37.110
Jirah Cox: I can go and create a new little private network like 192168 dot 10 dot whatever I can put all my stuff on there i'm the boss of one that wants to take 10 this is this is great content right describing.

00:07:38.280 --> 00:07:41.190
Jirah Cox: Something that's an IP address this verbally right we brought him.

00:07:42.420 --> 00:07:52.080
Jirah Cox: But I you know networking doesn't care the network team, and my customers don't care about my little 19216 810 little walled garden right my little fenced in area they barely even know about it.

00:07:53.130 --> 00:07:57.000
Jirah Cox: I only need to get one IP address from the network team that I can then.

00:07:58.110 --> 00:08:04.920
Jirah Cox: You know nat alright do network address translation right like we all do at home, where we have our little one or 2168 dot one networks.

00:08:05.280 --> 00:08:13.170
Jirah Cox: And then the wild Internet is something else entirely right we net right to get in and out of that I can do that to get into my application so now my ad and 443.

00:08:13.920 --> 00:08:21.600
Jirah Cox: It comes from some 10 1010 address on the network right, where I tell my users go to this to get to this new application we deployed.

00:08:22.140 --> 00:08:36.480
Jirah Cox: But that really reaches my web server and my web server can reach all the other aspects that it wants right the load balancers the APP tears the databases analytics whatever else is in my APP that can live in this little network specific for that application.

00:08:38.100 --> 00:08:44.760
Jirah Cox: So that means that my network management gets way way simpler when I need to add a new web host and Edit and load balancer.

00:08:45.420 --> 00:08:54.540
Jirah Cox: that's something that the real network and my users don't even know about right, I have full autonomy of autonomy to do that as the application or infrastructure admin at the vm level.

00:08:57.360 --> 00:09:06.840
Jirah Cox: So that's that's one of the coolest things right is that sort of flexibility that ability to limit, who has to care about what and who do I have to go to to get certain things change as it grows over time.

00:09:07.950 --> 00:09:23.730
Jirah Cox: So, within that I can create something that's you know we call it here the course the spec rfc 1918 but it just means you know all your 10 dot whatever is your 172 16 dot whatever is in 190 168 dot dot, whatever your 20 fours slash 16 slash slash eights.

00:09:25.320 --> 00:09:31.050
Jirah Cox: I can even still do acl say what's allowed to get to certain stuff right so do those access control lists.

00:09:31.770 --> 00:09:43.830
Jirah Cox: And we even we even call out, you know vpn connectivity here right so, because how How would I as a developer get into that little bubble and work on the database right when it's not it doesn't have an IP address on my real network.

00:09:44.910 --> 00:09:50.280
Jirah Cox: Lots of ways I could solve that One of those is going to be, you know vpn connectivity to say I can connect my workstation to that bubble.

00:09:50.670 --> 00:09:56.700
Jirah Cox: Work on the machines need to work on and then get back out of it right and those application servers if they're not receiving that traffic.

00:09:57.330 --> 00:10:03.120
Jirah Cox: I even like as a security aspect now those things aren't even aren't even really reachable on the network right they can only get to what they need to get to.

00:10:03.660 --> 00:10:09.570
Jirah Cox: they're not just sitting out there on the wide open corporate network, hoping that no malware wants to come along and knock on the front door.

00:10:11.220 --> 00:10:11.550
Jirah Cox: yeah.

00:10:12.030 --> 00:10:16.020
Harvey Green: So, so now, you said a lot of words.

00:10:17.910 --> 00:10:21.390
Harvey Green: And i'm going to go back and i'm going to try to simplify.

00:10:22.530 --> 00:10:26.310
Harvey Green: What you said, and you correct me where i'm wrong you ready.

00:10:27.540 --> 00:10:29.340
Jirah Cox: i'm sorry i'm so ready.

00:10:33.150 --> 00:10:48.330
Harvey Green: So this is giving you the ability to make sure that you can assign certain network segments to certain people and from a network admin standpoint.

00:10:49.230 --> 00:10:57.060
Harvey Green: That person as long as as long as they've given you your will call it a sandbox even though sometimes it's not going to be a sandbox.

00:10:57.690 --> 00:11:12.690
Harvey Green: As long as they given you your your sandbox so your lane where you can only you know, a by between these guardrails then they're going to be happy from a security standpoint, because they've taken care of that for you right.

00:11:13.800 --> 00:11:14.040
Jirah Cox: yeah.

00:11:15.060 --> 00:11:17.970
Harvey Green: So prefer bill building upon that.

00:11:18.030 --> 00:11:20.490
Jirah Cox: If you're if you're.

00:11:20.520 --> 00:11:30.120
Harvey Green: guardrails need a bit of an exit to another, something that they can control that as well, am I hearing that right right.

00:11:31.740 --> 00:11:33.420
Jirah Cox: yeah now that's true um.

00:11:34.710 --> 00:11:35.160
Jirah Cox: well.

00:11:35.250 --> 00:11:41.760
Jirah Cox: that's that's 100% true, but also what if what if your little guard rails around your your little walled garden.

00:11:43.140 --> 00:11:50.520
Jirah Cox: From a service provider standpoint, what if somebody else needed the exact same subnet and network that you've got right, what if what if you were running.

00:11:51.810 --> 00:12:06.660
Jirah Cox: A hosted environment and you had to customers have both needed to be you know 190 168 dot 100 at the same time you with with traditional switches you know real problem there right, but when they both have little panels, to get out to your network nobody's happy.

00:12:08.280 --> 00:12:13.500
Harvey Green: You got it and I heard the voice of our fearless leader, Mr Andy whiteside job.

00:12:14.550 --> 00:12:21.000
Harvey Green: And the I didn't have the cameras showing because I always have an issue when my when i'm sharing my screen but.

00:12:21.060 --> 00:12:21.660
Andy Whiteside: No it's okay.

00:12:21.900 --> 00:12:23.190
Harvey Green: Have happy you doing.

00:12:23.430 --> 00:12:26.400
Andy Whiteside: yeah I jumped into episode 35 excellent.

00:12:26.790 --> 00:12:28.560
Andy Whiteside: Ah, so.

00:12:32.730 --> 00:12:33.630
Harvey Green: wow thanks.

00:12:35.190 --> 00:12:39.420
Andy Whiteside: And sorry for being late, my flight was delayed I ran to get here is click back there.

00:12:40.470 --> 00:12:41.310
Jirah Cox: So you're welcome.

00:12:42.060 --> 00:12:44.160
Andy Whiteside: So i'm you know.

00:12:45.420 --> 00:12:51.810
Andy Whiteside: i'm glad you mentioned hosting and cloud right, this gives companies their ability to have their own cloud like networking layers.

00:12:52.890 --> 00:12:53.400
Andy Whiteside: It.

00:12:54.720 --> 00:13:04.470
Andy Whiteside: Harvey said you're the lanes that the network administrator gave you I mean basically your minimal number of ips and, from that point on, you control your destiny behind that find that wall right.

00:13:05.280 --> 00:13:12.930
Jirah Cox: Totally right yeah you can do like application specific networking that doesn't really affect you know the services you're offering out to the broader network, the broader company right.

00:13:14.100 --> 00:13:16.050
Jirah Cox: So no limits that who cares about what.

00:13:16.710 --> 00:13:18.150
Andy Whiteside: Now is this new tannic says.

00:13:19.530 --> 00:13:23.640
Andy Whiteside: version of vmware is in sex is that a fair comparison.

00:13:25.500 --> 00:13:27.810
Jirah Cox: Probably more fair to say they're both and limitations of just sort of.

00:13:31.140 --> 00:13:32.520
Jirah Cox: Broader software defined networking.

00:13:33.900 --> 00:13:37.440
Andy Whiteside: And for me the challenges when vmware first started doing this, I.

00:13:37.920 --> 00:13:48.660
Andy Whiteside: I didn't understand why right the cloud wasn't really a real thing at this point least public cloud, and the idea that you need networks inside networks and securing them and providing access to them in all kinds of different ways just.

00:13:49.110 --> 00:14:03.150
Andy Whiteside: Like okay I didn't I got it, but I didn't quite get it, but now fast forward three four years, and all of a sudden, you know to be a player in this face cloud enabled space, you need something like this as an option for your your users.

00:14:05.280 --> 00:14:10.110
Jirah Cox: it's also a broad range of problems right, like, I think, to go back to sort of all of our roots.

00:14:11.670 --> 00:14:18.870
Jirah Cox: As mostly like we sort of do it all in our day jobs right but vm administration and Dr planning is a large part of that.

00:14:20.910 --> 00:14:27.030
Jirah Cox: The biggest you know the number one question we ask a lot of people when they're planning for Dr fail over is vm re IP.

00:14:27.570 --> 00:14:36.330
Jirah Cox: or move this up net right both valid strategies both different kinds of pain in the butt right different trade offs with each one and.

00:14:37.440 --> 00:14:44.580
Jirah Cox: One of the huge possibilities, I see from implementing software software defined networking is I can choose neither of those now.

00:14:44.820 --> 00:14:45.090
Jirah Cox: I can.

00:14:45.120 --> 00:14:50.070
Jirah Cox: move the network with my vm pretty easily right again, one of the things to yeah.

00:14:50.730 --> 00:14:52.200
Andy Whiteside: The whole thing right here.

00:14:52.260 --> 00:14:52.590
Jirah Cox: Right.

00:14:52.680 --> 00:14:58.680
Andy Whiteside: Now it's here and it's all they're all encapsulate encapsulated I think is probably a really somewhat applicable word.

00:14:59.820 --> 00:15:10.290
Jirah Cox: Totally right so like you know what it's like what kind of problems going to solve when I can offer like either self service automation like I need a new network from my APP level of of ease of use.

00:15:12.750 --> 00:15:15.840
Jirah Cox: or I have that level of portability it it.

00:15:17.250 --> 00:15:29.520
Jirah Cox: At first pass it can sound more complicated, but then it also is like wow but it actually can simplify a lot of my network design right if you've ever had that conversation around this this subnet is full right we've exhausted this subnet we're going to start a new one.

00:15:30.210 --> 00:15:31.710
Harvey Green: No never, never.

00:15:33.960 --> 00:15:34.650
Jirah Cox: Had a customer.

00:15:34.860 --> 00:15:42.180
Jirah Cox: That had that kind of pain point, one day, maybe in the future, just think back dire dire mentioned, you know, think about SDN as a way to solve that problem.

00:15:43.260 --> 00:15:43.920
Jirah Cox: Maybe one day.

00:15:45.120 --> 00:15:51.360
Jirah Cox: But ya know that that sort of simplicity, you know, reducing complexity is is that's you know it's important to everybody.

00:15:52.680 --> 00:15:54.090
Andy Whiteside: Now, can you.

00:16:02.550 --> 00:16:03.060
Harvey Green: alright.

00:16:03.570 --> 00:16:04.740
Jirah Cox: I guess that wasn't I wasn't sure.

00:16:08.430 --> 00:16:09.930
Jirah Cox: i'm so curious about what I can do.

00:16:11.820 --> 00:16:20.940
Harvey Green: Well, what happened, like i'm looking around like wait is that means move around a lot okay i'll still moving so i'm looking at okay direct still moving I guess that wasn't.

00:16:22.770 --> 00:16:29.340
Harvey Green: So going through the the bulleted list here you actually hit on the first Tuesday is.

00:16:30.960 --> 00:16:42.420
Harvey Green: We lost you there for a second and the we heard so, can you, and then you left and now you're gone again i'm sorry.

00:16:45.660 --> 00:16:47.460
Harvey Green: There we go I can hear you now.

00:16:47.820 --> 00:16:58.710
Andy Whiteside: Okay, I turned off my video i'm sitting in an airport lobby continue adopt this after the fact, you are, you have to build from day one, or is this something you can blend into an existing mechanics environment.

00:16:59.610 --> 00:17:09.900
Jirah Cox: No i've done it in the lab right it's it's a feature right you just turn it on now, of course, at the individual vm level right moving it out of like this network of that network, you know of course you plan for that.

00:17:11.460 --> 00:17:20.880
Jirah Cox: and make those moves when they're convenient for you, but yeah you know don't elaborate I had you know running running workloads and was able to just sort of add this as a layer right as an offering on a running cluster.

00:17:21.690 --> 00:17:32.970
Andy Whiteside: You know i'm you see guys citrus guy and grew up deploying provisioning services and having the ability to control my own destiny, with with PBS and how my little pocket of a software defined network.

00:17:33.990 --> 00:17:40.980
Andy Whiteside: Would would make that such a more controllable destiny than, then the legacy physical layers that we had to deal with.

00:17:41.130 --> 00:17:43.830
Jirah Cox: I hadn't thought about that yeah for sure right because that.

00:17:45.840 --> 00:17:55.440
Jirah Cox: there's already a real i'm going to say choke point that's not the right word there's already a gateway functionality right we're all the the easy traffic traverses like in that case like an sky right.

00:17:56.670 --> 00:18:05.130
Jirah Cox: So I could I could I could set that up to have plumbing to traverse into my bubble, and then within that like you know I can have my desktops live on the one of these networks that.

00:18:06.180 --> 00:18:07.350
Jirah Cox: could just grow and grow and grow.

00:18:10.140 --> 00:18:15.390
Andy Whiteside: yeah sorry I didn't mean to jump in and disrupt you here, I don't know where we're at in the blog and.

00:18:15.390 --> 00:18:16.980
Andy Whiteside: Reviewing where.

00:18:17.280 --> 00:18:29.790
Harvey Green: we're headed through some of these bullet points here, the first to do our kind of spoke to self service network provisioning and reducing visible network complexity.

00:18:31.140 --> 00:18:38.820
Harvey Green: The next one was enable multi tenant and hosted environments, which I think is a very interesting one, because you know we.

00:18:39.570 --> 00:18:47.700
Harvey Green: We have some some hosting that we do, but we also have customers who host for other other businesses and other end users as well.

00:18:48.600 --> 00:18:59.910
Harvey Green: The this Diary, and you can jump through it to this gives me the ability, now, to again establish those guardrails which, more importantly, for this situation.

00:19:00.300 --> 00:19:08.190
Harvey Green: is to make it so that my two customers that are hosting can't see each other's networks and interact in with each other's networks in any way, shape or form.

00:19:09.210 --> 00:19:14.970
Jirah Cox: yeah if they can each like say only not to the Internet or net out to a dmz they're not looking to not see each other.

00:19:15.480 --> 00:19:25.560
Jirah Cox: But it's also interesting thing about in my head like Well, now that the network perimeter is a software object Well now, I can automate that I can scan for it, I can sort of validate it.

00:19:26.730 --> 00:19:34.920
Jirah Cox: Over time right it's not like I call him the firewall guy once a month to make a change, and you know, in the interim, I just hope no one else touches it and therefore it can't change.

00:19:35.730 --> 00:19:42.810
Jirah Cox: I can sort of the first to write about around self service and like reducing complexity and being able to automate stuff well that even helps with my like.

00:19:44.520 --> 00:19:54.420
Jirah Cox: configuration management right and and scanning and verifying that I don't have drift and and you know re verification of like tenant isolation kind of stuff right.

00:19:56.010 --> 00:20:05.580
Harvey Green: So you know the next one listed here is to create these vpc which we kind of touched on with vcs or virtual private clouds.

00:20:06.990 --> 00:20:12.510
Harvey Green: You know which, overall, you know we spoke to being an isolated network space.

00:20:14.160 --> 00:20:15.690
Harvey Green: I liken it to a bubble.

00:20:17.100 --> 00:20:17.610
Jirah Cox: kinda.

00:20:17.700 --> 00:20:31.410
Harvey Green: You know, being able to take any referring to being encapsulated you know, being able to put all of your stuff in a bubble and move it from one place to the other, which I think is very important, especially when it comes to things like.

00:20:32.520 --> 00:20:34.890
Harvey Green: Actual actual cloud networking.

00:20:35.940 --> 00:20:37.260
Harvey Green: Go ahead, are you.

00:20:37.530 --> 00:20:51.240
Jirah Cox: Know totally right it's it's the exact same model right the same reason why public clouds adopted do you need this level of define ability of how is your network going to look in the cloud, it makes sense, you know even to bring an on Prem as well.

00:20:52.650 --> 00:20:57.960
Jirah Cox: And I do like it doesn't but the article, the article does a better job defining it than either of us brilliant stuff.

00:20:58.920 --> 00:21:12.900
Jirah Cox: That it's it, you know what is it is like you know routing tables right and and it's your border for like where can I have and therefore we're going to have overlapping something that's right if I need an converting something that Bam stamp out another vpc.

00:21:12.960 --> 00:21:13.770
Harvey Green: Right so yeah.

00:21:14.370 --> 00:21:15.540
Jirah Cox: Isolated network namespace.

00:21:15.960 --> 00:21:25.020
Harvey Green: yeah that's that's a big point too, because i'm sure, neither of us ever run into a place where there were IP conflicts on the network.

00:21:26.880 --> 00:21:27.690
Jirah Cox: That sounds horrible.

00:21:30.630 --> 00:21:33.720
Harvey Green: Yes, it actually is horrible.

00:21:34.950 --> 00:21:50.670
Harvey Green: But being able to have virtual networks that have overlapping ips because you have a virtual private cloud setup I think is definitely a big advantage over over having IP comes next.

00:21:51.060 --> 00:22:02.460
Jirah Cox: It did I mean it's a throwback to it was basically my second job after College and the place where he worked it was fantastic job of working there and.

00:22:03.240 --> 00:22:21.360
Jirah Cox: One of the guys, who had a laptop at the time, which was back then, you know not not everybody had a laptop we go, you know home every night with a lot with a laptop his home router loved assigning his laptop the same IP address that our work exchange server had.

00:22:21.840 --> 00:22:23.190
Jirah Cox: On the land.

00:22:24.060 --> 00:22:36.270
Jirah Cox: Also, with the way I forgot what version of windows, we were on back then, it was a long time ago, but you know every morning around I don't know let's say 830 for about eight seconds right.

00:22:37.650 --> 00:22:41.220
Jirah Cox: The switch said to figure out wait is that exchange server over there in the cubicle farm.

00:22:41.310 --> 00:22:42.240
Jirah Cox: Oh no it's not.

00:22:42.270 --> 00:22:48.270
Jirah Cox: it's not take this other IP address and and change that thing out and now we're all back, can I can do exchange again.

00:22:52.080 --> 00:22:53.040
Jirah Cox: it's always exciting.

00:22:54.000 --> 00:22:58.380
Harvey Green: that's terrible I you know where I thought you were going to started, that was a.

00:22:59.670 --> 00:23:06.870
Harvey Green: Network and IP subnet managing by excel spreadsheet and oops I forgot to update that the.

00:23:08.880 --> 00:23:10.560
Jirah Cox: More I kind of wish we were past that one.

00:23:12.630 --> 00:23:14.220
Jirah Cox: So far in the rear window and.

00:23:17.760 --> 00:23:28.800
Harvey Green: uh yeah well, at least if they're using new tannic phone networking all be in the same place, and no spreadsheet update, because this is where you do.

00:23:30.030 --> 00:23:30.810
Jirah Cox: yeah right.

00:23:31.770 --> 00:23:33.720
Harvey Green: This This is our source of truth.

00:23:34.590 --> 00:23:48.840
Harvey Green: yeah yeah so the next bullet point was extending vpc functionality, this is speaking more to being able to utilize remote site site, the site, the site, the site vpn.

00:23:49.590 --> 00:24:03.090
Harvey Green: and regulate traffic for those virtual networks, according to your access control list acl or redirecting policy secure traffic certain mediums.

00:24:04.050 --> 00:24:07.020
Harvey Green: Anything you want to hit on that one specifically.

00:24:08.670 --> 00:24:12.780
Jirah Cox: Just powerful capabilities right that that people will need right to get this really implemented.

00:24:13.890 --> 00:24:21.420
Jirah Cox: In production factions right, how do I, how do I connect this bubble to that one over there, how do I control what traffic can get in and out of it.

00:24:22.890 --> 00:24:41.610
Harvey Green: yeah I mean, I think the one that that stands out to me is that we're down to we're down to functionality, now that we can you know set up vm specific routing policies, so you know you've got the ability to.

00:24:42.840 --> 00:24:53.550
Harvey Green: restrict or redirect traffic just down to the vm level, which I think is extremely helpful to try to make it, you know we.

00:24:54.330 --> 00:25:05.850
Harvey Green: We used to have what we call God mode where you could get to anywhere on the network from this particular vm but everything else was was shut off from going from this place to this place.

00:25:07.110 --> 00:25:18.450
Harvey Green: And the way that that was done previously was a physical port and you have to go, you know go to a physical port that was mapped or configured in a certain way.

00:25:19.470 --> 00:25:21.960
Harvey Green: This is giving you the ability to do that.

00:25:23.100 --> 00:25:32.760
Harvey Green: Out of software defined vehicle so that that also reads to me as as you're doing it software defined, you can do it on the fly, you need to.

00:25:33.720 --> 00:25:34.170
Jirah Cox: go away.

00:25:37.050 --> 00:25:38.880
Harvey Green: With with great power, though.

00:25:40.590 --> 00:25:41.340
Harvey Green: dictation.

00:25:42.450 --> 00:25:44.370
Jirah Cox: nope for sure yeah always.

00:25:47.340 --> 00:25:54.240
Harvey Green: So yeah just because you can do it doesn't mean you should but you've at least got a lot of possibilities from there.

00:25:56.790 --> 00:26:15.630
Harvey Green: So, enabling your hybrid cloud is the next bullet point we kind of talked through the abilities that you have out of using flow networking and they taught, you know about aws today and azure being in development, what can you share with people about this and.

00:26:17.160 --> 00:26:24.690
Jirah Cox: I think the coolest takeaway from from this outcome is, is where we highlight the consistency that it can enable right the way that.

00:26:25.710 --> 00:26:31.560
Jirah Cox: You know there's there's completely valid reasons and ways to deploy like say, just as your native vm.

00:26:32.070 --> 00:26:38.220
Jirah Cox: Just a to us vm and, of course, you can do you can define security models and policies for each of those kinds of workloads are deployments.

00:26:38.970 --> 00:26:48.000
Jirah Cox: None of that would then be portal back to on Prem or vice versa right, whereas this is a huge a huge benefit right from like.

00:26:48.450 --> 00:26:55.740
Jirah Cox: Well, why would I want to run you can expand on Prem entertaining vm on clusters on aws and he takes vm on clusters on azure.

00:26:56.190 --> 00:27:09.360
Jirah Cox: will now I can I can both get it from the human level and the automation and and monitoring level of that network policy security policy consistency wherever I deploy right and that that sort of.

00:27:10.560 --> 00:27:24.780
Jirah Cox: That consistency that repeatability is invaluable right to know that this is our policies that go around this kind of APP This is our policies that go around this kind of deployment where these kind of requirements for a lot of regulated industries that's killer that's awesome.

00:27:25.230 --> 00:27:32.640
Harvey Green: Absolutely, I mean I think that's a big deal for me, because you know I talk a lot all the time about flexibility.

00:27:33.720 --> 00:27:41.070
Harvey Green: But to be able to to have a set of I keep going back to the guardrails right you.

00:27:41.790 --> 00:27:51.240
Harvey Green: You have this set of guardrails that you're using you have this configuration that you're using to have that be valid on Prem is hard enough.

00:27:52.170 --> 00:28:06.360
Harvey Green: To also have that in aws or an azure you know, in the public cloud um you know that that's an entirely different animal, but then to couple that with the portability to do it.

00:28:07.080 --> 00:28:25.530
Harvey Green: In this place today and that place tomorrow, and this place the next day, I think, is amazing I think that's a very big feature set that a lot of people, you know start to be able to utilize and you know, see the the definite pros and advantages to being able to do that.

00:28:26.370 --> 00:28:27.180
Jirah Cox: No boy.

00:28:29.160 --> 00:28:49.770
Harvey Green: i'm next bullet point was create it automation and it's just specifically talking around integrating simplified no net simplified workflows into your everyday tasks like user onboarding service chaining and logging centralization.

00:28:50.850 --> 00:28:53.490
Harvey Green: And the i'll let you hit that one says she love automation.

00:28:54.840 --> 00:28:55.530
Andy Whiteside: hey let's do it.

00:28:57.900 --> 00:29:01.470
Jirah Cox: Well, this would be this would be good automation right, so the people that way.

00:29:02.220 --> 00:29:12.960
Andy Whiteside: I like I like good automation that's right Jerry if it's if it's a good process let's automate it if it's a bad process let's don't get hung up and automate it until it becomes a good process.

00:29:13.020 --> 00:29:13.620
Harvey Green: that's right.

00:29:14.340 --> 00:29:14.940
Jirah Cox: there's so many.

00:29:15.300 --> 00:29:27.420
Jirah Cox: there's so many parts of like could I think of a benefit to having like a subnet defined for every single developer, so these developer gets their own network sandbox absolutely what I want to do that on a physical switch.

00:29:28.440 --> 00:29:33.750
Jirah Cox: Maybe do I definitely do that with a virtual switch and suffer find everything absolutely right.

00:29:34.110 --> 00:29:45.900
Jirah Cox: Like the user, the user onboarding they're just give me that thought around you know new capabilities that we can take that are just so obviously beneficial compared to what we what I used to had to do in a physical switch world.

00:29:47.850 --> 00:29:53.580
Jirah Cox: They just unlock something more more possibilities right now and Andy already said, like you see as a great use case for this right we're like.

00:29:54.120 --> 00:30:00.270
Jirah Cox: The workload itself, I think the uc has like an inherently untrusted part of the Environment right I want that.

00:30:00.810 --> 00:30:14.310
Jirah Cox: nowhere near my servers right, unless I can monitor that traffic and control it, how do I get from my desktop to the to the server right because that's that's the outside Wild West world right running in my data Center yeah um it only makes sense to you know put a fence around that.

00:30:15.540 --> 00:30:16.260

00:30:17.820 --> 00:30:38.100
Harvey Green: The last bullet point here, which I think is also a very important one is automatic disaster recovery fail over in testing and I whenever we start talking about Dr fail over or, more specifically, Dr testing, I always ask the same question facetiously you mean we're supposed to test this.

00:30:40.260 --> 00:30:47.670
Jirah Cox: And doesn't it, I think this one, this one only makes my imagination imagination kind of run it's like what now, it becomes such.

00:30:48.960 --> 00:30:59.310
Jirah Cox: it's so easy to imagine automated Dr testing we're like every night at 3am go create a bubble network and power on all these vm the latest copies, you have.

00:30:59.790 --> 00:31:06.870
Jirah Cox: And then send me an email that it all worked successfully and know wake up every morning to my good morning Batman email, it says, Dr test ran great last night.

00:31:07.770 --> 00:31:11.400
Harvey Green: Which is just amazing you know and.

00:31:11.430 --> 00:31:24.150
Harvey Green: yeah all of the all of the different ways that we can test the are that we used to have to test the are and all of the different types of tests and all of the work and the planning that goes behind it.

00:31:24.840 --> 00:31:33.330
Harvey Green: Here you are with the ability now to automatically have it go out and do it for you and just tell you whether or not at work and.

00:31:33.360 --> 00:31:33.900
Jirah Cox: yeah it's.

00:31:34.200 --> 00:31:34.560

00:31:36.240 --> 00:31:42.660
Jirah Cox: In my mind, I think a lot of this with all respect to the development team who did it has to work here it's almost like.

00:31:42.990 --> 00:31:57.000
Jirah Cox: In some ways, nothing here is net new it's like everything is easier right like because, like you go to a customer and it's like let's do a Dr test how easily can create a copy of your production subnet at the Dr site oh that's really, really hard to.

00:31:57.000 --> 00:31:58.260
Jirah Cox: Do right.

00:31:58.470 --> 00:32:05.250
Jirah Cox: You know, in a traditional network world and, with this it's like oh click click dex done what else can we do for you, you know it's so easy.

00:32:05.700 --> 00:32:17.100
Jirah Cox: And now I can do the really best kind of like Dr tests like lets me write the best kind of report to the executives like we've done i'm fantastic Dr tests, we really stimulated a full fail over and everything just worked, you know.

00:32:17.670 --> 00:32:25.110
Harvey Green: yeah I mean this, this is another one that goes under my category of new tannic for your sanity because.

00:32:25.380 --> 00:32:26.160
Jirah Cox: I like I like that.

00:32:27.780 --> 00:32:46.680
Harvey Green: Because I mean to your point if you walk into a meeting room today and said okay we're gonna do a Dr test this weekend and like I I can almost say positively 100% blood pressure is going to go up in that room.

00:32:50.640 --> 00:33:11.490
Harvey Green: um because this is not something that has traditionally been easy, therefore, because it has been easy, it is something that has not traditionally been completed, and you know in it hasn't traditionally been very well planned for either.

00:33:12.600 --> 00:33:17.790
Harvey Green: You know, when we talk to customers about Dr normally we get.

00:33:18.960 --> 00:33:21.960
Harvey Green: You know that, yes, I understand, this is a necessity.

00:33:22.980 --> 00:33:34.890
Harvey Green: But it's you know it's hard or is expensive, or I don't know you know how to do these other things, that the business people do that i've never seen never done before.

00:33:35.940 --> 00:33:38.430
Harvey Green: This this takes a lot of that away.

00:33:39.480 --> 00:33:42.120
Harvey Green: you've just got the ability now to.

00:33:43.500 --> 00:33:53.850
Harvey Green: Set I mean you do have to still plan a little bit, but it's not as hard as not as much, and now you can actually go out there and actually run it.

00:33:54.330 --> 00:34:06.750
Harvey Green: and make sure that things are happening so that Dr can be what it actually is for you, a place for you to recover from a disaster not not another disaster waiting for you.

00:34:07.800 --> 00:34:08.160
Jirah Cox: yeah.

00:34:10.050 --> 00:34:20.550
Jirah Cox: No totally right it's just it's it's such an enabler from like a we can just do so many more things more easily now right like your boardroom hey you know surprise the artist is weekend.

00:34:21.630 --> 00:34:26.250
Jirah Cox: statement was just such a it's so many companies that's a lot of manpower which.

00:34:26.400 --> 00:34:32.130
Jirah Cox: Which means expensive whether their employees or contractors or personal services or anybody that's expensive statement.

00:34:33.150 --> 00:34:43.110
Jirah Cox: it's not trivial right um you know, but the more, the more we can drive into you know something I can automate and and script around now.

00:34:43.770 --> 00:34:52.050
Jirah Cox: ease of use goes way way up right, and if they if it just happens every every night always sleep, you know, and I get an alert when the Dr test fails like just a whole different world right.

00:34:52.080 --> 00:34:58.080
Harvey Green: And that's another good point too, I won't belabor this much longer, but you know again the tactics, for your sanity.

00:34:58.800 --> 00:35:10.590
Harvey Green: You walk into a boardroom today, and you talk about a Dr test that happens, this weekend what's, the first thing all the IP people are gonna think but besides all the Holy crap it's man I got to work this weekend.

00:35:11.190 --> 00:35:11.970
Harvey Green: yeah yeah.

00:35:14.610 --> 00:35:21.390
Harvey Green: And you've got the ability now to just automate this and you don't have to work this weekend unless it tells you something failed.

00:35:22.710 --> 00:35:30.540
Jirah Cox: yeah and the you know the interval between testing right like if you if you've met a company that did a real full on like we will light up a copy of our vm in a.

00:35:31.320 --> 00:35:39.120
Jirah Cox: prod subnet bubble at the Dr site if they did that, like twice a year you're like okay you're probably doing a pretty good job like you're on top of things governance.

00:35:39.630 --> 00:35:53.010
Jirah Cox: You know, but now, when you when you can move that from twice a year to every night man like just now you're catching changes, you know in production that break Dr Dr setup up to six months faster right that's a.

00:35:53.010 --> 00:36:03.360
Harvey Green: lot to six months, which sounds funny because you know they're the paradigm, there is Oh, are you doing it twice a year, oh you're doing pretty good.

00:36:03.750 --> 00:36:09.750
Harvey Green: Oh yeah Alice oh you, you could have done that twice a year, you could have done it 180 times.

00:36:10.170 --> 00:36:13.380
Jirah Cox: yeah we're moving, what does good look like right, you know right.

00:36:13.950 --> 00:36:15.000
Jirah Cox: This is, this is the new good.

00:36:15.060 --> 00:36:15.810

00:36:18.030 --> 00:36:29.160
Harvey Green: Alright, so the last piece of the blog post here is the future of flow networking they've got another wonderful beautiful chart here for you to take a look at.

00:36:29.670 --> 00:36:38.460
Harvey Green: But it's talking through some new capabilities that are in development i'll just read through them stretch networks across two sites.

00:36:40.110 --> 00:36:45.690
Harvey Green: Dynamic routing eliminating the need for manual route configurations and will be a big.

00:36:47.220 --> 00:36:52.830
Harvey Green: Transit vpc and role based access, controls which you know you always will it.

00:36:55.530 --> 00:36:59.160
Harvey Green: Directly any of those you want to speak to in any detail.

00:37:00.630 --> 00:37:04.260
Jirah Cox: All this has been in development, you know storage networking.

00:37:04.440 --> 00:37:05.460
Jirah Cox: obvious benefits their.

00:37:06.030 --> 00:37:14.340
Jirah Cox: Dynamic routing, which is when you're not using the nat right, I want the physical network to know about the the software defined subnet and how do I get traffic into that.

00:37:15.450 --> 00:37:25.380
Jirah Cox: So that ability to do dynamic routing never static which Stephen static routing is automated but you know dynamic, certainly as easier transit vpc refers to.

00:37:26.850 --> 00:37:34.620
Jirah Cox: That relationship of okay this subnet in this suffered find bubble, you know when it gets out to the real network that connection goes to this site.

00:37:35.160 --> 00:37:44.340
Jirah Cox: and transmit PCs change that paradigm, where now, it can get out to the site, or it can get up to that site and have more routing abilities right there's some good.

00:37:45.600 --> 00:37:50.730
Jirah Cox: diagrams you can go Google for today, what are the transit vpc and then, of course, our back right our back is.

00:37:51.570 --> 00:38:03.150
Jirah Cox: is fundamental to you know enterprise security right and feature rollout so that we can say yes, we get off this feature, but we also know people can have the right degree of control over their role of of it right so.

00:38:04.950 --> 00:38:11.130
Jirah Cox: Encouraging that I love I love, when we were on a blog post this way where we say here's what's out and here's what's you know, also in the hopper.

00:38:11.310 --> 00:38:24.510
Harvey Green: Upcoming yeah so Andy we wrote jarrod for a long time for a clusters on azure and he finally delivered, so you want to pick one of these that needs to be his priority.

00:38:26.670 --> 00:38:27.990
Jirah Cox: I was so busy, let me tell you.

00:38:31.680 --> 00:38:33.690
Andy Whiteside: um yeah well clusters on azure know.

00:38:37.170 --> 00:38:41.460
Andy Whiteside: fully supported ready to go yeah customers, every day, talking about it, no i'm.

00:38:42.990 --> 00:38:45.450
Jirah Cox: gonna work on it every night from 11 to 1130 I tell you me.

00:38:47.730 --> 00:38:50.040
Andy Whiteside: Can I get 15 more minutes almost 15.

00:38:52.980 --> 00:38:57.750
Andy Whiteside: He um I do have a question sure did y'all talk about the fact that job has a seat belt on.

00:38:58.560 --> 00:38:59.070

00:39:00.870 --> 00:39:02.640
Jirah Cox: The mobile podcast video today.

00:39:02.670 --> 00:39:09.990
Harvey Green: So we we didn't so we can just imagine that gyros a subnet and he's in his bow right there.

00:39:13.290 --> 00:39:18.450
Jirah Cox: For the record, right did you check for the podcast is pro seatbelt that's not that's not the answer.

00:39:19.980 --> 00:39:32.310
Harvey Green: I would like to also to notate that yes, he does have a seatbelt on, but I can see the trees and his window are not moving are blurry so that indicates no motion is happening right now.

00:39:33.450 --> 00:39:38.730
Andy Whiteside: If you're going to put like a green screen behind him that's gonna be traffic going by and he was like it was like a shooting in.

00:39:40.560 --> 00:39:41.550
Jirah Cox: The 1950s movie.

00:39:42.720 --> 00:39:56.970
Jirah Cox: know, we had a we had a house showing get scheduled and I was like I thought for a minute like you know how far where I get if I was like hey honey, can we decline the showing I have to go talk to my friends and record it for the Internet to listen.

00:39:57.120 --> 00:39:57.540
Andy Whiteside: yeah.

00:39:57.570 --> 00:39:58.800
Jirah Cox: I didn't think i'd get very far.

00:39:59.070 --> 00:40:08.640
Harvey Green: Now that that would not happen, although I do have to note Jerry yuba you've taken this whole moving charade you're taking it pretty far now now we're.

00:40:08.670 --> 00:40:10.350
Harvey Green: Doing 10 showings and.

00:40:10.350 --> 00:40:11.250
Harvey Green: stuff like that.

00:40:11.430 --> 00:40:13.050
Jirah Cox: Are you starting to believe me, maybe a little bit.

00:40:15.000 --> 00:40:15.840
Harvey Green: yeah now.

00:40:19.200 --> 00:40:26.400
Andy Whiteside: I think I mean every time someone does this like get reminded how good of a studio like a sound studio the inside of an automobile is.

00:40:26.490 --> 00:40:30.300
Andy Whiteside: Oh yeah so you know I don't know nice car you sound great man.

00:40:33.720 --> 00:40:36.600
Jirah Cox: glad it almost went to undetected by the audience.

00:40:39.150 --> 00:40:40.980
Andy Whiteside: I was making the assumption that came up earlier but.

00:40:42.990 --> 00:40:49.920
Harvey Green: I mean we we we did talk about it right before we jumped on I had other jokes, for instance, he was sitting in the.

00:40:49.920 --> 00:40:50.220

00:40:52.230 --> 00:40:53.310
Harvey Green: yeah I didn't come up.

00:40:55.170 --> 00:40:55.530
Harvey Green: To.

00:40:55.950 --> 00:40:57.030
Harvey Green: me, have you Andy.

00:40:58.710 --> 00:41:01.200
Jirah Cox: From my court from my car to yours right, where I was.

00:41:02.010 --> 00:41:03.660
Harvey Green: And he's making the real stuff happen.

00:41:07.770 --> 00:41:15.420
Harvey Green: All right, alright, that is so sorry I was gonna say that's all I had but but Dara, as usual, how can the people try this.

00:41:18.330 --> 00:41:21.480
Jirah Cox: I should actually know whether or not this is on our restaurants, like.

00:41:21.510 --> 00:41:22.410
Jirah Cox: i'm gonna go find out.

00:41:23.760 --> 00:41:24.300
Harvey Green: So.

00:41:24.360 --> 00:41:25.410
Jirah Cox: mentioned next week.

00:41:26.910 --> 00:41:27.420
Jirah Cox: But ya.

00:41:27.570 --> 00:41:32.820
Jirah Cox: know and as always ready reach out to your friendlies and tiger folks your new tannic folks right we're happy to show this to you.

00:41:33.690 --> 00:41:45.390
Harvey Green: yeah absolutely there is a piece of flow on test drive, but all of these features are not yet on test drive, but we can still as gyrus and we can work with you to give some hands on experience.

00:41:46.620 --> 00:41:53.820
Harvey Green: And speaking of hands on experience, we do have our next monthly class coming up on December 1.

00:41:54.840 --> 00:42:00.330
Harvey Green: So guys, you can jump out to the INTEGRA COM site and sign up for that under events.

00:42:01.470 --> 00:42:10.680
Harvey Green: But if you know if you guys, want to have a hands on flow class we'd be happy to provide that for you, too, so you just let me know reach out.

00:42:13.440 --> 00:42:15.330
Harvey Green: Any parting thoughts.

00:42:16.650 --> 00:42:22.230
Andy Whiteside: No as appreciate you guys, let me hop in late and sorry about my flight being delayed and not going to catch a train but.

00:42:23.340 --> 00:42:30.630
Andy Whiteside: always good to hear and jarrod talk about what you got going on it's it it never ends and i'm always amazed at how up to speed, he is on all of it.

00:42:32.370 --> 00:42:33.780
Harvey Green: will catch him slip in one day.

00:42:37.290 --> 00:42:40.440
Jirah Cox: Good luck i'll be i'll be interested in.

00:42:40.620 --> 00:42:45.510
Andy Whiteside: Are you are you sitting out like in the in the parking here in new your House where you watch the people go.

00:42:45.750 --> 00:42:47.520
Harvey Green: And I asked him the same thing.

00:42:48.990 --> 00:42:51.840
Harvey Green: I said Where are you part can you see your House.

00:42:52.980 --> 00:43:02.070
Jirah Cox: I think my my response was due to its 2021 I get notifications when my front door keypad unlocks itself and my doorbell records audio and video.

00:43:03.120 --> 00:43:06.480
Jirah Cox: I don't need to I don't need to be like lurking around the corner anymore just know.

00:43:06.720 --> 00:43:07.830
Jirah Cox: Am I allowed to go home.

00:43:08.910 --> 00:43:16.950
Andy Whiteside: We had a we had a strange situation, about two years ago we're looking at a house on Lake Norman and the people were out in their pontoon boat and know the cove watching us and you realize.

00:43:18.450 --> 00:43:23.940
Andy Whiteside: And then I go to look around the Doc down in the water, and all of a sudden, I find a bee's nest let's start getting stung by bees.

00:43:24.060 --> 00:43:24.600
Harvey Green: Ah.

00:43:24.690 --> 00:43:26.760
Andy Whiteside: I can only imagine what their reaction.

00:43:29.820 --> 00:43:32.430
Jirah Cox: Maybe they maybe they should buy the House and Senate, the base of the bees.

00:43:33.390 --> 00:43:34.140
Jirah Cox: give you a sign.

00:43:34.590 --> 00:43:35.550
Jirah Cox: Not not the sounds.

00:43:36.240 --> 00:43:41.730
Andy Whiteside: Like a running up the Doc swatting myself yelling and screaming they had to do that this is self not going to have.

00:43:46.380 --> 00:43:47.010

00:43:48.180 --> 00:43:49.050
Andy Whiteside: Alright guys.

00:43:49.110 --> 00:43:49.590

00:43:50.610 --> 00:43:51.000
Andy Whiteside: Thank you.

00:43:51.540 --> 00:43:52.290

00:43:53.940 --> 00:43:54.270
Jirah Cox: As we.

00:43:54.990 --> 00:43:56.040
Harvey Green: Talk to you next week.