XenTegra - Nutanix Weekly

Nutanix Weekly: Why HCI (Nutanix) Truly is a Great Fit for Healthcare Applications

November 24, 2021 XenTegra / Andy Whiteside Season 1 Episode 37

I recently read a blog post from a storage vendor attempting to make the case that HCI (Hyper-converged Infrastructure) is not a good fit for healthcare. They used their strategic partner’s HCI solution, VMware VSAN as the example, but tried to apply their reasoning to all HCI. My first thought was to wonder what Nutanix’s hundreds of happy healthcare customers would think of such an argument. I often meet with customers who make the case to ME on why Nutanix is a great fit for their life-critical applications.

I’ll highlight some of those reasons in this post. And because I’m familiar with the author and his background, I’ll assume that he was writing about the healthcare provider market, and not payors, pharma, or some other sub-market. So, my comments will also be focused on HCI and healthcare providers.

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-host: Harvey Green
Co-host: Jirah Cox
Guest: Dave Weber


00:00:02.550 --> 00:00:09.570
Andy Whiteside: Everyone and welcome to episode 37 of mechanics weekly i'm your host Andy whites that have got Harvey and gyro course rv how's it going.

00:00:10.110 --> 00:00:11.550
Harvey Green: i'm doing well, how are you.

00:00:11.940 --> 00:00:15.929
Andy Whiteside: Good are you are you back home, I just saw you like an hour ago, here in the office.

00:00:15.960 --> 00:00:16.619
Harvey Green: that's right.

00:00:17.460 --> 00:00:21.930
Harvey Green: let's drive work work from anywhere means work from actual either.

00:00:22.380 --> 00:00:24.660
Andy Whiteside: Late it's just been worked from home or work from the office.

00:00:24.720 --> 00:00:26.730
Harvey Green: yeah well I yeah i'm kind of flexing it.

00:00:28.920 --> 00:00:31.920
Andy Whiteside: it's been good to see you speaking of offices gyrus still in his.

00:00:32.280 --> 00:00:37.920
Jirah Cox: Time on trying to get rid of it we got got plans will probably make me move in in January.

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Andy Whiteside: beginning or end.

00:00:42.420 --> 00:00:43.050
Jirah Cox: beginning.

00:00:43.470 --> 00:00:45.720
Andy Whiteside: Houses houses under contract.

00:00:45.780 --> 00:00:51.600
Jirah Cox: we're under contract now we're in the now we get to look for Rentals to get us through till our other new constructions done so.

00:00:52.680 --> 00:00:59.820
Jirah Cox: yep that's always fun we're past the part where I have to surprisingly hop in the car and podcast from there wasn't you know little to no warning.

00:01:01.500 --> 00:01:02.730
Harvey Green: Was that was fun, though.

00:01:03.360 --> 00:01:04.080
Jirah Cox: i'm not saying it wasn't.

00:01:06.570 --> 00:01:18.810
Andy Whiteside: yeah that was funny that was like being in like old school like Lucy I love Lucy where the car that you can tell they're sitting in a stationary car, but the backgrounds moving and just to give it the idea that they are actually going somewhere.

00:01:19.830 --> 00:01:24.780
Jirah Cox: Next time i'll get the fake fake green screen going yeah with like an old old time movie rolling behind me.

00:01:25.020 --> 00:01:26.820
Andy Whiteside: I just like you had your seatbelt, on the whole time.

00:01:27.420 --> 00:01:29.610
Jirah Cox: Yes, gonna say safety first.

00:01:31.020 --> 00:01:39.060
Andy Whiteside: Well, you never know who's gonna run to you and you seem to have one hand on the wheel, the whole time while you were and I swear a couple times you were missing with the radio or something.

00:01:41.580 --> 00:01:43.740
Jirah Cox: I wasn't I wasn't looking for better content, believe me.

00:01:45.540 --> 00:01:46.860
Andy Whiteside: I would, I wouldn't blame me if you are.

00:01:48.060 --> 00:01:56.970
Andy Whiteside: Alright well we're lucky enough today to have Dave Weber, with a Dave Dave is a special guests and Dave is a new Technics sales engineer on the healthcare side I believe right day.

00:01:57.780 --> 00:01:59.370
Dave Weber: That is correct, yes.

00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:04.470
Andy Whiteside: And dave's office is nice and neat so I don't think he's moving anytime soon, but maybe.

00:02:05.430 --> 00:02:19.230
Dave Weber: actually know that is incorrect, where we closed on a house next week and we move a couple weeks after here in portland so yeah my office will actually be way better it's clean, right now, because I had to start packing.

00:02:20.040 --> 00:02:20.790
Andy Whiteside: That looks great.

00:02:21.180 --> 00:02:23.160
Harvey Green: looks very organized.

00:02:25.200 --> 00:02:29.490
Andy Whiteside: I know I know gyrus moving to get closer to family are you moving for why.

00:02:30.720 --> 00:02:45.450
Dave Weber: i'm my wife and I, we decided to sit down roots here in portland now that we're here, you know with new tonics I jumped from the Durham office, which is where I met jarrod down to South Florida to work, the commercial roll down there, which is where I met Harvey.

00:02:45.930 --> 00:02:47.670
Dave Weber: And then, finally, I said I can't.

00:02:47.700 --> 00:02:56.160
Dave Weber: We couldn't do South Florida we weren't Florida people, so the healthcare position, open and pack Northwest and my wife was like if you don't apply for this job I will leave you.

00:02:56.580 --> 00:02:57.090

00:03:00.840 --> 00:03:02.640
Harvey Green: that's a that's motivation.

00:03:03.000 --> 00:03:03.870
Dave Weber: How is.

00:03:04.320 --> 00:03:07.050
Jirah Cox: She describing hdi infrastructure, maybe, she would have one of the role.

00:03:08.610 --> 00:03:13.830
Dave Weber: No, but you know she's an epidemiologist so I mean she kind of fold into what I do sort of.

00:03:15.030 --> 00:03:16.050
Jirah Cox: Had a busy couple of years.

00:03:19.470 --> 00:03:28.680
Dave Weber: Just just arguing with family, you know, like guess do these things, but no she doesn't study she didn't get in on the coven study she does HIV HIV research.

00:03:28.890 --> 00:03:29.520
Oh cool so it's.

00:03:30.630 --> 00:03:31.560
Jirah Cox: Probably about to.

00:03:31.590 --> 00:03:33.570
Jirah Cox: Get pretty interesting right there's a lot of Mr a.

00:03:34.800 --> 00:03:36.360
Jirah Cox: surface area there as well, actually.

00:03:37.260 --> 00:03:48.330
Dave Weber: There is yeah yeah so the company she works for it's a smaller company and they they basically build software to help with the studies so they're kind of like the hs CIO of health epidemiology.

00:03:48.720 --> 00:03:51.090
Jirah Cox: There you go nice nice segue four points.

00:03:52.380 --> 00:03:56.700
Andy Whiteside: That is a nice segue i'll try, by doing this.

00:03:57.810 --> 00:04:12.300
Andy Whiteside: 2002 timeframe, maybe for a meeting with lots of companies, healthcare, specifically in there, you know questioning the idea that virtualization can work in something so so hard to.

00:04:13.380 --> 00:04:20.910
Andy Whiteside: be relevant in something as difficult as healthcare technology, this is 2004 2005 2006 timeframe.

00:04:21.600 --> 00:04:27.270
Andy Whiteside: With the idea that machine virtualization wasn't going to be good enough, they had to have dedicated servers for every.

00:04:27.840 --> 00:04:32.160
Andy Whiteside: Are cluster of servers like literally a cluster of servers for applications that were healthcare related.

00:04:32.610 --> 00:04:41.130
Andy Whiteside: And then you fast forward handful years will say five or less even that now everything's virtualized and the the southerners the mckesson the epics of the world, all.

00:04:41.580 --> 00:04:49.620
Andy Whiteside: embraced because they knew they had to virtualization world when, at first, they were like under the mindset that that wasn't going to work for them work everybody else, but not for them.

00:04:50.370 --> 00:05:00.150
Andy Whiteside: And that's similar conversation I don't know 789 years ago around hyper converge and new tannic specifically you know the healthcare applications weren't the first to line up.

00:05:00.930 --> 00:05:14.610
Andy Whiteside: But then, at some point they became one of the best use cases for hyper converged because of the simplicity of the management speed all the things that go along with hyper converge is that is that how you guys saw it unfold, or is it different the way you guys saw it unfold.

00:05:15.390 --> 00:05:30.570
Dave Weber: So a little bit different we still have customers that are on physical, believe it or not, we're we're still fighting that whole, why do you want to go virtual thing, but you the conversation has changed a little bit, and unfortunately we're doing a lot of this moving from.

00:05:31.860 --> 00:05:41.760
Dave Weber: You know into that space of oh let's talk cloud let's talk this but yeah I mean at the end of the day, it's the same reason that we went through you know.

00:05:42.600 --> 00:05:51.720
Dave Weber: That every company is going through this right that they're starting they started to virtualize and now we're looking at H ci and we do have a lot of healthcare applications running on new tonics.

00:05:52.110 --> 00:06:04.740
Dave Weber: Whether you know their tier one tier zero tier two etc, we have customers that are running their epic ehr on new tonics some of them are actually using our hypervisor for that.

00:06:05.220 --> 00:06:11.430
Dave Weber: We have a lot of customers they're starting to run their the big we've had customers running packs workloads on new tactics.

00:06:11.850 --> 00:06:23.370
Dave Weber: But we have more and more starting to embrace it and bringing along the event the pack software vendor and say hey we want to run this on HIV we're tired of paying for sex every year we're already going new tonics.

00:06:23.850 --> 00:06:25.320
Dave Weber: Now let's put this on HIV.

00:06:25.500 --> 00:06:27.690
Dave Weber: So that's where they're going with that too.

00:06:27.870 --> 00:06:35.910
Andy Whiteside: what's the what's the number one technology argument, they give for keeping it physical and then how in the world ever been to the cloud they keep a physical.

00:06:37.980 --> 00:06:44.820
Dave Weber: The number one, this is, this is where i've been very thankful for some of gyrus training here in new tonics.

00:06:45.510 --> 00:06:50.100
Dave Weber: We do a lot of throughput and I OPS talk so at times here in health care.

00:06:50.430 --> 00:06:58.920
Dave Weber: Because, at the end of the day, you know you those critical healthcare applications, when you have a patient in there and a doctor, with a patient or a surgeon with patient.

00:06:59.340 --> 00:07:10.230
Dave Weber: You know, they need to get that information quickly, and they need to pull up those X rays quickly etc so being able to do that on a at a quick speed is critical.

00:07:10.950 --> 00:07:19.620
Dave Weber: Now you know we have a lot of customers coming from you know they're like Oh well, everything lives on that physical side so that's the fastest that could possibly be.

00:07:20.220 --> 00:07:26.640
Dave Weber: know we can get faster, because I can go ahead and throw you know, several nodes at this workload.

00:07:27.270 --> 00:07:35.310
Dave Weber: And you know, then we're starting to use those nodes in those disks to up the amount of I OPS, that you can get help with that throughput.

00:07:35.730 --> 00:07:44.610
Dave Weber: And then they start saying Oh well, what if we go down this route of you know, this envy me router this Intel octane route and i'm like well now we're smoking fast.

00:07:44.970 --> 00:07:46.440
Dave Weber: So we have a lot of.

00:07:46.440 --> 00:07:51.420
Dave Weber: Customers that are starting to look at that and saying well let's just go ahead and start right out of the gate with envy me.

00:07:52.650 --> 00:07:57.840
Andy Whiteside: So the argument that you can be faster than physical say that one again.

00:07:59.670 --> 00:08:18.870
Dave Weber: So yeah it literally just comes down to the argument of we can be faster than physical and now it is a tough argument to have is dire will will will test to we've done it many, many times, but at the same time, when we're talking about okay so i've got let's say I take an epic workload.

00:08:19.890 --> 00:08:30.990
Dave Weber: And i've got three nodes just dedicated to odd the database, then those three nodes are only going to be participating that we put envy me behind it.

00:08:31.380 --> 00:08:40.140
Dave Weber: And it's just going to make everything faster, because the more that you throw it those envy me notes the harder they're going to work and the faster they're going to be able to process that information.

00:08:42.360 --> 00:08:52.890
Andy Whiteside: So I probably should back up here, this is a blog by Dan Cohen, the name mode, so why hdi new tonics and I i'd like the way he's going there he's talking about hdi in general but new tannic specifically.

00:08:53.160 --> 00:08:57.780
Andy Whiteside: truly is a great fit for healthcare applications and he really calls out three areas that.

00:08:58.380 --> 00:09:13.500
Andy Whiteside: That Dave is kind of touched upon just now in his synopsis on on why first one is simple and highly available solving a bunch of problems while without creating problems diver you want to jump in on that one.

00:09:14.100 --> 00:09:19.380
Jirah Cox: yeah I think the highly available right that's the way to add some of the color that maybe maybe you and Dave were sort of.

00:09:20.190 --> 00:09:27.540
Jirah Cox: hitting hinting at or are talking past each other right like faster than physical right asterisk because in theory what's faster than non redundant.

00:09:28.140 --> 00:09:36.060
Jirah Cox: Probably nothing redundant right just in a computer science fashion, if i'm going to make it redundant, I have to pay some sort of cost for that, but.

00:09:36.480 --> 00:09:42.360
Jirah Cox: When we can you know use data locality right read locally off like like Dave said, like off of an envy me drive.

00:09:42.840 --> 00:09:46.500
Jirah Cox: With a read path that doesn't even leave the box Well now, I haven't compromised your read integrity.

00:09:46.980 --> 00:09:53.670
Jirah Cox: And I can write as fast as anything else in the world that is also redundant and now you've gained redundancy in that design right if you're.

00:09:54.000 --> 00:10:04.800
Jirah Cox: In a I must be bare metal mindset because it's got to be the fastest I don't care about redundancy yeah interesting choices, right now, not very many enterprise Apps fall into that space.

00:10:05.730 --> 00:10:22.140
Jirah Cox: put it that way, but yeah when we can give that you know raw performance that even lets customers, you know gain speed enhancements when the industry ships hardware speed enhancements right because Bam you know add new nodes expand cluster done right it's pretty easy.

00:10:23.370 --> 00:10:31.800
Jirah Cox: I don't need to wait for a new like physical controller to hit the market, then you know joins my storage fabric and get zoned in no none of that right just add nodes boom there's the speed.

00:10:32.310 --> 00:10:39.660
Andy Whiteside: yeah you know I just had something pop into my head one time, I was talking to someone about American muscle cars versus European sports cars and.

00:10:40.110 --> 00:10:49.740
Andy Whiteside: The argument was European sports cars were faster and they're right really when you start thinking about that you do have to make turns it's not just a drag race for a quarter mile.

00:10:50.400 --> 00:11:06.150
Andy Whiteside: When you start thinking about the reality of what the road looks like yeah I guess a six a six cylinder European sports car that our handles a muscle car is technically faster, even though set the boat them beside each other on the dyno and you any more horsepower the muscle car.

00:11:06.450 --> 00:11:20.760
Jirah Cox: All how you want to test it right like i've gotten some drag races right with some amazingly impressive stuff that was blindingly fast a verb you know that quarter mile maybe what a lot, a lot of speed by mile to price but let's think about the use cases.

00:11:21.960 --> 00:11:23.670
Jirah Cox: You know how we want to actually drive the car.

00:11:24.300 --> 00:11:26.490
Harvey Green: Thank you me right, yes yeah.

00:11:26.550 --> 00:11:27.510
Jirah Cox: Right, you know.

00:11:28.710 --> 00:11:32.670
Jirah Cox: Who cares you know blow it heads, you know testing system.

00:11:32.700 --> 00:11:46.620
Andy Whiteside: Right right well that's the other conversation too, if you if it's not efficient right, you can add speed and simplicity old same time and yet still be efficient, all of a sudden that equals faster, if you look at it throughout the lifecycle of what you're trying to do.

00:11:48.390 --> 00:11:57.390
Andy Whiteside: same that same dragster has got to have a truck at the end of it to pull it backwards or something to turn it around to get it back to the other, the other in the drag strip you can't even turn itself around.

00:11:57.720 --> 00:11:59.190
Jirah Cox: Well, so really painfully.

00:11:59.190 --> 00:12:06.570
Jirah Cox: stretching analogy right like you know you hit you hit you go past the quarter mile, mark you like point three miles point four miles you blow a tire right.

00:12:07.200 --> 00:12:16.950
Jirah Cox: the beauty of like here's a real tangent for us the beauty of like inbuilt inherit like ransomware protection is I go back in time, just before the tire blew and I make different decisions.

00:12:17.460 --> 00:12:24.810
Jirah Cox: recover that car while we're driving down the road right and that's like not a normal you know quarter mile dragster feature.

00:12:26.100 --> 00:12:26.940
Jirah Cox: But if you've got an.

00:12:27.660 --> 00:12:28.050

00:12:29.520 --> 00:12:30.270
Jirah Cox: There you go there.

00:12:30.300 --> 00:12:31.560
Jirah Cox: Put the tired analogy to bed.

00:12:32.040 --> 00:12:35.760
Andy Whiteside: I don't know how you guys are, but this is not dissimilar to me when I first started my.

00:12:35.790 --> 00:12:41.730
Andy Whiteside: career spinning all evening, building a server just so I could make a change to and try to break it and have to rebuild it again.

00:12:42.090 --> 00:12:49.380
Andy Whiteside: Being up all night versus virtualization where I get it to a point snapshot it go break it put it back snapshot it, you know go back to the snapshot.

00:12:49.800 --> 00:12:59.670
Andy Whiteside: I don't know how old some of our listeners I don't know how you guys are but then that building a server on bare metal and then try and intentionally to break it to see what what happened that was almost insanity.

00:12:59.940 --> 00:13:00.300
Harvey Green: Oh yeah.

00:13:00.360 --> 00:13:07.710
Jirah Cox: No maintaining a like for like prod and lab environment, you know prod and test environment way harder right and physical world I.

00:13:08.010 --> 00:13:11.970
Harvey Green: Think we're all old enough to have that terrible memory.

00:13:12.990 --> 00:13:16.410
Andy Whiteside: Let me, let me make mine worse, my first laptop I ordered it with.

00:13:17.490 --> 00:13:17.880
Andy Whiteside: on it.

00:13:21.360 --> 00:13:30.810
Andy Whiteside: I had six or so floppy disk I would use to install it and then I would have to start a download over my modem overnight to download a service Pack.

00:13:31.170 --> 00:13:37.320
Andy Whiteside: And it was literally about three days before I could get it back to where I had it before I broke it and then I will try to break it again and to see if I can figure out what what happened.

00:13:37.470 --> 00:13:40.320
Harvey Green: You have answered a USB device, please you start.

00:13:40.860 --> 00:13:53.130
Jirah Cox: To bought a I bought a new laptop last week and I literally just closed my desktop computer onto the laptop and kept on working like I am you know now just duplicate my already set up ready to go work environment, it was it was pretty pretty awesome.

00:13:54.960 --> 00:14:02.490
Andy Whiteside: Okay, well, the idea that simple and highly available can be or is better and possibly faster, have we covered that.

00:14:04.470 --> 00:14:14.190
Dave Weber: I think so, and especially for highly available The other thing that i'd like to say to that you know so a lot of times, if you talk to any of our healthcare customers about how they've been doing things.

00:14:14.850 --> 00:14:21.930
Dave Weber: So let's say they have a patient come in, in the middle of the night but that's the same time, the packs environment is supposed to go down for updates.

00:14:22.320 --> 00:14:30.480
Dave Weber: Well, how do you handle that here, in new tactics it's completely different ball game, we can go ahead and start doing those updates on our ios our hypervisor firmware etc.

00:14:31.080 --> 00:14:38.010
Dave Weber: And that packs environment can step up and running so those patients that are coming in in the middle of the night, are still getting the same services in the middle of the day.

00:14:38.370 --> 00:14:45.090
Andy Whiteside: yeah and then you've got a short little period of update when the time comes, and you got that last note or two to update that we're saying.

00:14:47.160 --> 00:14:50.670
Dave Weber: I mean, even then, everything should stay up on online for them so.

00:14:51.060 --> 00:14:55.950
Jirah Cox: yeah infrastructure that doesn't ask you for maintenance windows pretty pretty game changing yeah yeah.

00:14:57.930 --> 00:15:05.070
Andy Whiteside: yeah and and i'm thinking through that I literally had flashbacks to that moment of having to come in at two o'clock in the morning do an upgrade and just hope, like hell it worked.

00:15:06.150 --> 00:15:08.700
Andy Whiteside: If it didn't work or didn't come back up.

00:15:10.230 --> 00:15:14.430
Andy Whiteside: I was going to be there for a very long time, and have a bunch of unhappy people in a couple hours.

00:15:15.060 --> 00:15:26.130
Harvey Green: Absolutely i've i've definitely had at least one of the stories where they come in the next day and say you have that on yesterday and your car has frost all over it, what happened.

00:15:28.560 --> 00:15:38.250
Andy Whiteside: Man I I just have flat that that's about as bad as having that constant dream, where you don't have your report, or whatever done or the exam at the end of the year, and you did a study.

00:15:38.640 --> 00:15:40.560
Andy Whiteside: Where you went all semester I didn't go to a class.

00:15:42.810 --> 00:15:46.590
Andy Whiteside: Alright well next number two on this list is handled growth um.

00:15:47.700 --> 00:15:54.120
Andy Whiteside: let's give Dave our guests, the first opportunity to help us understand what this section means.

00:15:55.410 --> 00:16:01.380
Dave Weber: So, and the easiest way to handle this to talk about this, so one of the ehr vendors out there.

00:16:01.830 --> 00:16:06.540
Dave Weber: One of the biggest ones out there every year every couple years they're going to come in and they're gonna say hey.

00:16:07.080 --> 00:16:20.280
Dave Weber: Especially for the vdi portion of their software, you have to upgrade to this new process or, if you want to add more people, this is how many more nodes you're going to add, etc, and they basically lay that foundation for the customer.

00:16:20.850 --> 00:16:29.040
Dave Weber: For the customer, then they just come to us and they say hey, this is what they're telling us what do we need to do we need to add X amount of new users.

00:16:29.370 --> 00:16:33.420
Dave Weber: So you know I just went through this exercise with one of my customers in Idaho.

00:16:33.720 --> 00:16:41.460
Dave Weber: i've got another one in Montana that's going to be doing the same thing in about two years and, at that point Larry becomes Okay, so we can run on some of this older stuff.

00:16:41.760 --> 00:16:48.690
Dave Weber: But if you want to stay with on their honor roll, then what we're going to have to do is replace this with these newer processors.

00:16:49.020 --> 00:16:58.590
Dave Weber: And to do that as a lot easier in the past than it used to be so okay yeah we want to add more users Okay, so we get about 80 users per node just add one more note if you're adding at users.

00:16:58.950 --> 00:17:04.140
Dave Weber: If you're adding hundred 60 we add two more notes three more nodes etc just keep moving that way.

00:17:04.530 --> 00:17:15.360
Dave Weber: And then, when it comes time to replace the hardware it's just a matter of adding the new hardware into that cluster and injecting the old hardware out of it, so that way there's no giant lift and shift like there has been in the past, either.

00:17:16.860 --> 00:17:19.710
Jirah Cox: When I think about a lot of my customers right our discussion Center around.

00:17:20.310 --> 00:17:35.460
Jirah Cox: Budget cycles and annual stuff and planning and you probably get a lot of that data but also Is there more like this project is tied to this funding or grant or initiative right and it's less convenient to sort of forecast well we're buying this thing now.

00:17:35.640 --> 00:17:39.180
Jirah Cox: But next year, it needs to do X, but the money for that comes next year right.

00:17:39.210 --> 00:17:45.120
Jirah Cox: Is that does that unlock more freedom for your customers to be like well we'll just buy a bed and scale that and it's easy.

00:17:46.230 --> 00:17:53.220
Dave Weber: At times yes healthcare has started moving in a different way here in the states, as we all are very well aware.

00:17:53.850 --> 00:18:03.180
Dave Weber: So it's it's a lot more business transactional than it has been in the past and we have a lot more customers now you know, for us, with the covert head, especially out here in the West.

00:18:03.900 --> 00:18:18.390
Dave Weber: we've had this issue of Oh well, we've lost all our elective surgeries of these things have gotten pushed off, but as long as we're there they've got money coming in and they're profitable they're doing everything the same same way as enterprise or commercial is doing at this point.

00:18:20.580 --> 00:18:29.610
Andy Whiteside: So guys, one of the things i'm looking at is this picture, which is very true right you're you're going from 400 users 800 to adding a new, you know organization mergers acquisitions consolidation.

00:18:30.120 --> 00:18:36.240
Andy Whiteside: One of the things that doesn't get enough attention in this type of model is the fact that the the line can kind of flatten.

00:18:36.480 --> 00:18:46.020
Andy Whiteside: If you need to flat and let's say you need to the mergers and acquisitions in part of your company goes away or the moore's law and your speed of whatever your main.

00:18:46.410 --> 00:18:57.600
Andy Whiteside: bottleneck is whether it's cpu or disk or memory becomes more capable, with less boxes less servers that's one of the nicest things about this is the ability to buy as you need to.

00:18:58.170 --> 00:19:07.560
Andy Whiteside: And that also includes you know slowing down your your your growth acquisition in terms of buying new hardware, because the hardware got better than the software got smarter at all the same time.

00:19:09.180 --> 00:19:17.370
Dave Weber: Right yeah and that's one of those things too so with with one of the HR is out there, the one that you know every three years, they have to refresh their vdi system, no matter what.

00:19:17.820 --> 00:19:25.920
Dave Weber: They may not need to add more nodes to get more users just again, depending on what processors that organization is calling out.

00:19:27.120 --> 00:19:27.420

00:19:28.560 --> 00:19:37.380
Andy Whiteside: I think we had a situation here which company has recently where they had bought a bunch of new tactics and they split up they broke up and one company went one direction, one with the other but they both had.

00:19:37.920 --> 00:19:43.590
Andy Whiteside: They were both able to take some of their new tactics with them, which made it super easy for them to pull the two companies apart.

00:19:45.780 --> 00:19:46.620
Jirah Cox: yeah sure Cassidy.

00:19:47.490 --> 00:19:57.810
Dave Weber: We are we actually had a reverse issue reverse here, where one healthcare provider bought another one, and they both happen to have new tenants so that was kind of a beautiful thing.

00:19:57.810 --> 00:19:58.710
Dave Weber: But beautiful.

00:20:01.680 --> 00:20:08.430
Jirah Cox: Interesting economic ability that hadn't thought about before like a day like a must refresh every three years period.

00:20:08.820 --> 00:20:16.050
Jirah Cox: You know that doesn't have to be a big spike in the budget, like you, certainly could spread that out and say well we're gonna buy a third every year.

00:20:16.380 --> 00:20:29.400
Jirah Cox: and get predictability right and still accomplish the mission of no no nodes older than X in the cluster but you know, in a way you can't really split it up with you know traditional infrastructure.

00:20:30.720 --> 00:20:31.620
Dave Weber: Correct yes.

00:20:32.700 --> 00:20:45.180
Andy Whiteside: And guys what we're talking about here is really some of the byproduct of hyper converge in general but new tannic does it better and smarter, can you kind of highlight on examples of why that is why you can say that.

00:20:46.590 --> 00:20:54.690
Harvey Green: yeah I think the first one that we kind of talked through already is being able to run multiple generations of hardware within the same.

00:20:55.410 --> 00:21:00.210
Harvey Green: Cluster there, and you know not having the big lift and shift at the end of.

00:21:00.900 --> 00:21:15.030
Harvey Green: The life for the nodes that you're replacing you know basically combine all of your wonder twin resource powers and start migrating off the old knows that you don't want anymore that's that's definitely a huge one.

00:21:16.560 --> 00:21:26.070
Andy Whiteside: Is that a byproduct of new tannic truly operating as a software company and not being beholden to hardware driving the top line and bottom line numbers at the company.

00:21:27.270 --> 00:21:27.480
Jirah Cox: mean.

00:21:27.570 --> 00:21:28.710
Harvey Green: If you ask me, yes.

00:21:29.790 --> 00:21:30.420
Jirah Cox: We get a lot of.

00:21:30.480 --> 00:21:33.060
Jirah Cox: We get a lot of huge tail wind effect of flexibility.

00:21:33.150 --> 00:21:34.440
Jirah Cox: I had a customer who.

00:21:36.240 --> 00:21:42.990
Jirah Cox: You know, they were ready to purchase you know down selected us versus like maybe one other vendor and.

00:21:43.440 --> 00:21:51.510
Jirah Cox: at the last minute, they sort of unleashed this requirement on us that they had to buy now they wanted to get the latest and greatest hardware, because who wouldn't.

00:21:52.020 --> 00:21:58.560
Jirah Cox: But they needed to deploy the software version, for their hypervisor that was like two major releases back because they had.

00:21:59.340 --> 00:22:04.350
Jirah Cox: outsourced management of their virtual environment, the Center was old and crafty.

00:22:04.980 --> 00:22:14.190
Jirah Cox: It had a lot of hooks into citrix environment, it would have been a very complicated upgrades they're like we want latest hardware, we want older latest hardware latest os older V sphere.

00:22:14.700 --> 00:22:21.390
Jirah Cox: We check our matrix is real fast yeah that's fine go for it, you know other vendors were more locked down and say, well, if you're buying the latest hardware latest.

00:22:22.530 --> 00:22:35.490
Jirah Cox: hts offer you need to run the latest high pressure as well period, you know flexibility matters right, and when you don't have to care about it because we're just software to find and see vm just a virtual machine yeah we lets us be quite flexible is.

00:22:35.520 --> 00:22:38.880
Andy Whiteside: What you think that was because the regression testing or just brainwashing that.

00:22:40.080 --> 00:22:42.270
Andy Whiteside: Only thing that's kind of work here is the latest greatest hardware.

00:22:43.530 --> 00:22:52.440
Jirah Cox: Part of it was certainly won't deny that, like we you know we don't need a lot of features features functionality out of any hypervisor including hv.

00:22:52.800 --> 00:23:05.370
Jirah Cox: Beyond can have power on a vm right we don't have to do, deep you know brain surgery on, and it has to run you know, like storage code or like that right it's literally just kind of power on vm yes, then it probably can run a pretty good UK X cluster.

00:23:07.290 --> 00:23:10.170
Andy Whiteside: Okay, I was getting a chance to him under the bus you didn't do.

00:23:12.240 --> 00:23:13.380
Jirah Cox: I like to avoid bosses.

00:23:13.560 --> 00:23:14.400
Jirah Cox: in general.

00:23:16.620 --> 00:23:23.790
Andy Whiteside: All right, the the final one says vdi performance Java, can you explain to Harvey not what vdi is no you're the expert.

00:23:26.280 --> 00:23:26.850
Jirah Cox: You see.

00:23:27.420 --> 00:23:33.870
Jirah Cox: You know, some companies like to run you know desktop workloads in the data Center they call it, you see, actually.

00:23:34.680 --> 00:23:36.960
Andy Whiteside: was a part of digital workspaces or what.

00:23:38.850 --> 00:23:42.270
Jirah Cox: Yes, you've heard of this citrix you guys love it yeah.

00:23:44.280 --> 00:23:45.270
Harvey Green: I think I heard of them.

00:23:48.120 --> 00:23:56.940
Andy Whiteside: Oh, this this last section talks about vdi performance and how that benefits greatly from this hyper converge world.

00:23:58.050 --> 00:24:04.470
Andy Whiteside: and specifically around new tonics can you guys give us examples of how you've seen that unfold.

00:24:06.360 --> 00:24:16.800
Dave Weber: Sure, yes, so actually one of my customers that it's in height, on the one that's an Idaho So what we were able to do is we sat down and we said Okay, so they currently have any panics.

00:24:17.160 --> 00:24:22.170
Dave Weber: And we said when we built everything out initially we said you're going to get between 80 to 100 users per minute.

00:24:22.770 --> 00:24:29.430
Dave Weber: And we gave them, you know, these were they were silver products, some of the Intel silver products from G seven.

00:24:30.090 --> 00:24:42.150
Dave Weber: From our gen seven and so that'd be cascade like there we go so when I started looking at this, I said, you know why don't we get your node density a little smaller let's go smaller here, instead of.

00:24:42.570 --> 00:24:49.020
Dave Weber: You know, taking up 12 nodes on both your production and your Dr site why don't we just move to the six nodes.

00:24:49.290 --> 00:24:58.950
Dave Weber: Well, how are we going to handle that and i'm like well i'm going to put these gold products in here it's more cores first off out of the gate second off, there are a lot faster European 3.4 gigahertz versus 2.1.

00:24:59.520 --> 00:25:06.030
Dave Weber: And then you add in more cores you're getting more throughput I said, we can fit a lot more users here.

00:25:06.360 --> 00:25:20.460
Dave Weber: So then, when it comes time for them to because they're actually doing a full flip they're coming from three tier horizon view to new tannic age V running citrix so for them, this is a full flip.

00:25:21.060 --> 00:25:33.630
Dave Weber: And this there's the there's a lot of confidence in this and you know, everybody, you know of course everybody's worried that oh i'm going to put this giant target on my back by doing all of this and they've noticed, you know we are getting better performance, for the most part.

00:25:34.710 --> 00:25:41.580
Dave Weber: They had some slips, but it was networking it wasn't even the new tannic so the citrix tease it was on the back end and they were able to find that.

00:25:42.000 --> 00:25:53.340
Dave Weber: But then, you know to sit here and say Okay, well, we want to move, you know to this, the, the faster proxy how many nodes are we going to need number like well, you need a 12 before now, you only need sex.

00:25:54.420 --> 00:26:05.280
Dave Weber: And they're like oh so we can get more nodes in our data Center and start getting more users on here and i'm like yes so before you know where we are saying at.

00:26:05.610 --> 00:26:13.620
Dave Weber: And they're also moving towards Zen APP as well, some Zen desktop some Zen APP so they're able to get a little more density with Zen APP, of course.

00:26:14.550 --> 00:26:25.380
Dave Weber: Like okay yeah you're going to be able to fit a lot more on here, and then you add in the fact that we have HR is that are doing this, and this is tied to any HR well workload vdi workload.

00:26:26.520 --> 00:26:35.820
Dave Weber: And even even the eaters went well yeah we should be going set up, because we can get more density on your nodes we can make a smaller footprint there.

00:26:36.180 --> 00:26:49.020
Dave Weber: And then, when it comes time to say okay great so again we're adding more users, how many more users, so we had 100 per node before and let's say we're adding 300 Okay, you need three more notes plain and simple.

00:26:50.640 --> 00:27:05.070
Andy Whiteside: So help me understand this graph that's in the blog people listening can't see it they'll be able to see when we post the video later, but on the left hand side we've got exception percentage, and then on the right hand side we've got workflow count what, what are the blue bars representing.

00:27:07.800 --> 00:27:17.250
Dave Weber: So those blue bars are the exception percentages, so this is epic specific and this graph Luckily, this is three years old or four years old now.

00:27:17.580 --> 00:27:37.980
Dave Weber: Luckily, we have come so far and we have done so much in terms of being able to run epic one of one of the engineers that I work with on a regular basis here at new tonics he writes code specifically for epic within our ios ios 6.0 has dropped that exception rate exponentially.

00:27:38.550 --> 00:27:43.050
Andy Whiteside: So exception is that the delay, and the response time what what am I.

00:27:43.980 --> 00:27:56.070
Dave Weber: Correct so anytime that there is a delay in the response time with epic you're going to see an exception so it's going to say hey you know we've got an issue here, and we want to bring that number down because less exceptions that they have.

00:27:57.420 --> 00:28:07.350
Dave Weber: The less that they're going to be bothered by epic and it needs to be under a certain percent because if they want to stay on the honor roll with epic that has to all have allowed.

00:28:07.770 --> 00:28:09.660
Jirah Cox: it's like a 99th percentile thing, but like.

00:28:10.110 --> 00:28:10.710
Dave Weber: Well yeah.

00:28:10.800 --> 00:28:15.780
Jirah Cox: 99.9999 percentile kind of X, to the extreme yeah.

00:28:16.020 --> 00:28:16.350
Andy Whiteside: So this.

00:28:16.800 --> 00:28:21.060
Andy Whiteside: Week hold you accountable for creating a performance environment that meets their standards.

00:28:22.140 --> 00:28:30.150
Andy Whiteside: And then, in addition to that, whatever configurations have to have him, but at least this standard has to be met, or you get on the naughty list.

00:28:30.900 --> 00:28:31.650
Dave Weber: pretty much yeah.

00:28:35.520 --> 00:28:36.840
Andy Whiteside: don't want to be on the naughty list.

00:28:37.590 --> 00:28:43.560
Dave Weber: No, you do not know it and and customers never want to be off of epic honor roll, because it is a huge discount.

00:28:44.130 --> 00:28:58.500
Dave Weber: epic is extremely expensive, it is a wonderful product, but you know to stay on the honor roll, they have to follow certain procedures and we want to make sure that we keep them on that honor roll because they're putting faith in the titanic's so we want to help them stay there yeah.

00:28:59.580 --> 00:29:09.840
Jirah Cox: we'll talk about how like you mentioned vdi user density Dave like you know how learn the latest greatest cpus you know, on both sides of the fence right Intel and amd both.

00:29:10.350 --> 00:29:16.680
Jirah Cox: Let us put solutions of harm our customers that sort of have the most headroom for growth right as you're looking at like windows 1011.

00:29:17.100 --> 00:29:25.890
Jirah Cox: Then the latest service pack updates, you know that are you know i'm sure they chew up resources for good reasons I couldn't tell you what those reasons are but they certainly do to up resources.

00:29:26.190 --> 00:29:38.580
Jirah Cox: The more you know we can economically bacon that headroom letting customers get the benefit of the hardware at you know, with the same software like that's just a win, win right de risking that that sort of density and runway.

00:29:39.150 --> 00:29:42.600
Andy Whiteside: Right so here's one for you guys with as much.

00:29:44.670 --> 00:29:52.080
Andy Whiteside: difficulty as the emr have been to get the stuff running in a virtual environment and they've come around now right it's over the last 1015 years they've come around.

00:29:52.440 --> 00:29:59.850
Andy Whiteside: to the point where hyper converge and Acropolis hypervisor has is well within what they support and what they agree to.

00:30:00.240 --> 00:30:11.310
Andy Whiteside: Where does this end when you start talking about taking it to the cloud let's say you know Amazon or excuse me, new tannic clusters on aws is this type of workload ever going to be able to go there.

00:30:12.510 --> 00:30:17.880
Dave Weber: So it will probably never go to aws because, as your Zealand, one that will.

00:30:19.140 --> 00:30:24.600
Dave Weber: Continually support hipaa compliant see so everybody is going towards azure within the healthcare space.

00:30:24.870 --> 00:30:25.560
Dave Weber: So once.

00:30:26.670 --> 00:30:27.990
Andy Whiteside: it's a standards or a.

00:30:29.040 --> 00:30:29.490
Dave Weber: Yes.

00:30:29.730 --> 00:30:30.900
Andy Whiteside: Compliance issues.

00:30:31.710 --> 00:30:40.860
Dave Weber: Correct so once clusters on azure is fully functional and we get it out there, then yes 100% we will be able to start utilizing things like COM.

00:30:41.100 --> 00:30:49.470
Dave Weber: To go ahead and start moving those workloads between the two, I mean if you're running the tams clusters on azure is just going to be like another new tanner's cluster just hosted somewhere else.

00:30:50.490 --> 00:31:00.930
Dave Weber: And you know you can start doing things like flow, you can start doing things you know use files for your packs deployments for you and for if you're using citrix is it's going to be for your user profiles.

00:31:01.350 --> 00:31:12.180
Dave Weber: So those are the ways that we can start handling those things you know we we currently have a flow deployment going up against a we're putting it on top of a full stack ehr for the first time.

00:31:12.720 --> 00:31:22.200
Dave Weber: And you know we This is something that we want to see happen because we want to help protect our customers, especially here in the healthcare space.

00:31:22.860 --> 00:31:31.260
Andy Whiteside: I guess I overthought that I mean reality you're going to be running new tactics on top of bare metal within azure data centers there's really no reason why it wouldn't it wouldn't make sense.

00:31:31.950 --> 00:31:39.480
Jirah Cox: you're in you're in good company right over complicating it in some ways, like it's it can be simpler in a good way, then a lot of people expect right, what is it just like.

00:31:39.960 --> 00:31:49.830
Jirah Cox: What are the benefits of just be able to put a cluster on hardware as a service in the quote data Center of your choice and get a Jason see to native cloud services right.

00:31:51.150 --> 00:31:57.480
Jirah Cox: So yeah no reason it couldn't work, you know just because we're changing like the location or the economics of like how do I get a node.

00:31:58.590 --> 00:32:04.080
Jirah Cox: But no great great call it Dave around, and yet the cloud you choose to plant that in.

00:32:04.470 --> 00:32:07.590
Jirah Cox: Like may or may not have other business affecting decisions.

00:32:08.220 --> 00:32:16.230
Jirah Cox: around like but I need partners to sign certain kinds of documents, or whatever you know, so I can other people like I am or have not certain kinds of compliant.

00:32:18.450 --> 00:32:29.430
Andy Whiteside: So guys we're coming towards the end of this day well we'll let you kind of bring us home here tell us the most exciting healthcare hopefully um but I know you've been in the role you're in now.

00:32:30.930 --> 00:32:34.350
Dave Weber: So i've actually been a tank three years but i've been in healthcare, almost a year.

00:32:34.620 --> 00:32:45.330
Andy Whiteside: Okay, tell us the best story, the best health care customer you've worked with while at new tonics what was there What was their pain point What was their justification for going to tactics and how to turn out.

00:32:46.680 --> 00:32:50.610
Dave Weber: So we have a customer, they are looking to bring.

00:32:51.810 --> 00:32:53.760
Dave Weber: Their ehr on Prem.

00:32:54.960 --> 00:33:01.170
Dave Weber: And it is a, it is a very, very time intensive Labor intensive.

00:33:02.580 --> 00:33:16.200
Dave Weber: brainpower intensive operation to do so and and money as well, a lot of these jars are extremely expensive but, to be able to get in front of them, I was able to.

00:33:16.770 --> 00:33:18.240
Dave Weber: Quick quick question in front of them.

00:33:18.540 --> 00:33:21.120
Andy Whiteside: A question is there is there ehr currently in the cloud.

00:33:22.110 --> 00:33:38.340
Dave Weber: Like know so there's their ehr that run can be run Community connect yep so basically one vendor will so one healthcare company will have a very large deployment of this ehr of the HR and then other people can just tie into it.

00:33:38.910 --> 00:33:39.330
Andy Whiteside: Is that what the.

00:33:39.420 --> 00:33:40.080
Dave Weber: Arms up.

00:33:41.160 --> 00:33:46.920
Dave Weber: Yes, that is what they currently have and they're moving away from that and they're moving towards bringing it on Prem.

00:33:48.000 --> 00:34:04.320
Dave Weber: and doing it themselves and it's very Labor and time intensive and to be able to do that and do it quickly new tactics really came in, you know these, I can tell you, we have people on the team that when we're looking at in the HR opportunity.

00:34:05.340 --> 00:34:10.500
Dave Weber: A lot of times these things take years we ran this thing from start to finish within three months.

00:34:10.890 --> 00:34:19.500
Dave Weber: I sat down with them grabbed one of our hosted PLC environments gave it to them for two weeks to two workshops with them and got 100% technical by in.

00:34:20.130 --> 00:34:25.500
Dave Weber: As soon as those two weeks or over at that point, it literally came down to you know.

00:34:26.130 --> 00:34:31.830
Dave Weber: We were up against Dell, and you know that that point, it comes down to who's gonna do is gonna.

00:34:32.250 --> 00:34:36.090
Dave Weber: Make the budget look better right so that's what it came down to, and that that was the part where.

00:34:36.450 --> 00:34:43.680
Dave Weber: Luckily, for me, I wasn't involved in that as much but it's like look, you know we are a superior solution and here's what we're going to be able to do for you.

00:34:44.250 --> 00:34:52.740
Dave Weber: And here's what's going to happen if you stick with the traditional route and and they've been able to see how how well.

00:34:53.430 --> 00:35:04.950
Dave Weber: New tactics is really we really stepped up, we gave them a lot of help right out of the gate getting the pre prod environments stood up pre prod is done and they'll have production online sometime next year yeah.

00:35:05.490 --> 00:35:13.020
Andy Whiteside: yeah I love it when you in the Dell situation because you just tell the customer you don't have to commit to this, but just tell Dale you're kind of lean in our direction see how quickly they start trying to sell your stuff.

00:35:16.560 --> 00:35:17.580
Dave Weber: Now, yes.

00:35:18.120 --> 00:35:18.510

00:35:19.530 --> 00:35:26.100
Andy Whiteside: Well guys, I appreciate you guys jumping on and going over this we've got tons of healthcare customers i've got one of thinking about right now that does community.

00:35:26.430 --> 00:35:34.770
Andy Whiteside: For epic and I used to beg them to look at new tannic four and five years ago I haven't been in that account personally in probably five years people my team have.

00:35:35.010 --> 00:35:41.730
Andy Whiteside: I bet they're running it on new tactics now and I bet they bought it from somebody else who finally broke through and convinced them and all sudden, it was a good idea.

00:35:42.150 --> 00:35:58.050
Andy Whiteside: I would be shocked if they're not in fact i'm certain they are but that's just how it goes right eventually people come around and whether it's the new tax software on premises, or in the cloud a lot of folks are going to see the value of it as as it evolves for healthcare Apps.

00:35:59.850 --> 00:36:04.260
Andy Whiteside: What does it will present with that Harvey anything else we let you go.

00:36:07.050 --> 00:36:11.490
Harvey Green: Next week hands on workshop on the first please sign up.

00:36:12.270 --> 00:36:15.030
Harvey Green: Our commerce website.

00:36:15.360 --> 00:36:24.240
Andy Whiteside: yeah so that's harvey's a monthly new tactics workshop where he kind of teaches how this all works and shows it off along the way, how many, many registrations you currently have.

00:36:25.710 --> 00:36:26.220
A lot.

00:36:28.200 --> 00:36:33.270
Harvey Green: This one is a big one, is my I guess I should think about this as my Christmas surprise.

00:36:33.720 --> 00:36:36.810
Jirah Cox: With it so black cyber Monday.

00:36:38.160 --> 00:36:41.190
Jirah Cox: Giving Tuesday workshop Wednesday that's what i'm hearing.

00:36:41.250 --> 00:36:43.560
Harvey Green: Right I I love it I love it.

00:36:47.100 --> 00:36:54.630
Andy Whiteside: But what i'm getting at there's we finally got our email campaign marketing thing going again and the carbon has about 7580 people signed up for next week workshop.

00:36:54.720 --> 00:36:56.100
Harvey Green: Yes, true story.

00:36:56.520 --> 00:36:56.850

00:36:58.290 --> 00:36:59.340
Andy Whiteside: A lot of interest.

00:37:00.270 --> 00:37:01.200
Jirah Cox: Harvey busy guy.

00:37:01.620 --> 00:37:03.150
Andy Whiteside: gyro let you go next.

00:37:04.740 --> 00:37:12.570
Jirah Cox: Know i'm thankful for y'all can get into you know podcast you're on a short week for us as it's us thanksgiving and then back at it next week.

00:37:13.740 --> 00:37:17.280
Andy Whiteside: You need to let me know where you got your boon for your MIC at some point, I need to get one.

00:37:17.640 --> 00:37:24.390
Jirah Cox: i'll send you the link that up and, for me the cares of once a boom MIC it's a road PSA one I tried, a lot of cheap.

00:37:24.930 --> 00:37:41.790
Jirah Cox: Amazon boom mics that had, like all kinds like loud springs that would like pop and so forth, I love this one, because I can move it like literally anywhere with zero boom arm noise that's been for all internal and it works really well so turns out good pay for it, quality products.

00:37:43.380 --> 00:37:45.390
Andy Whiteside: yeah i'm so cheap man i'm sorry.

00:37:45.720 --> 00:37:45.930

00:37:49.650 --> 00:37:56.790
Andy Whiteside: got a buddy of mine named Doug brown he's involved in this vdi space and his comment is he's too poor to buy cheap and he's right.

00:37:57.240 --> 00:37:59.280
Andy Whiteside: I still do it all time.

00:37:59.850 --> 00:38:08.790
Jirah Cox: bye bye once cry wants it so i'm also one of my more expensive hobbies is home Espresso right which has no bottom right it's not like on a boat bad, but it's pretty bad.

00:38:09.150 --> 00:38:09.690
Jirah Cox: And you know.

00:38:09.720 --> 00:38:12.390
Jirah Cox: By once cry once is the the motto of that community.

00:38:12.870 --> 00:38:15.780
Andy Whiteside: yeah well i've got a boat and you.

00:38:17.400 --> 00:38:18.660
Jirah Cox: And i'm caffeinated So there we go.

00:38:20.310 --> 00:38:23.910
Andy Whiteside: Well Dave thanks for joining us any any things you want to leave our listeners with.

00:38:25.200 --> 00:38:38.460
Dave Weber: Now, no thanks for having me, you know, I hope that more customers will start thinking about new tactics as they're thinking about their critical workloads on health care, and you know gyro icu and raise you have a vinyl collection.

00:38:41.250 --> 00:38:42.660
Dave Weber: was a huge mistake.

00:38:44.010 --> 00:38:45.750
Jirah Cox: Man it just it just sounds so much warmer.

00:38:47.040 --> 00:38:48.090
Dave Weber: It really does.

00:38:48.120 --> 00:38:49.320
Jirah Cox: yep you can't put a price on that.

00:38:51.840 --> 00:38:56.040
Andy Whiteside: Oh, my well guys, I appreciate it Dave thanks for joining us you're welcome back anytime.

00:38:56.850 --> 00:39:00.030
Dave Weber: Thank you very much i'm sure i'll be back Harvey overrode me and i'm sure.

00:39:00.840 --> 00:39:01.680
Harvey Green: I don't believe it.

00:39:02.700 --> 00:39:04.470
Andy Whiteside: All right, thank you guys we'll talk to you next time.