Material Culture: A Weaving Podcast

Call for Submissions for Portland Textile Month

Rachel Snack Season 2 Episode 0

current call for submission ~ deadline 9/29:

We’re partnering with Portland Textile Month to bring you a special series of episodes in October focusing on the theme of New Traditions. As we think about New Traditions, we’re considering the questions that shape this contemporary moment and its broad implications.

In this moment of rapid transformation what traditions do we preserve and build upon and what do we rethink and rebuild anew?

How can we transform our textile practices, collections, materials, businesses, institutions, and educational systems to serve a more inclusive, equitable, sustainable, and connected purpose?

What is the future we want to weave and how do we build it together?


  1. record your voice memo in a quiet room that does not echo. Speaking directly into the phone, instead of wearing headphones, normally produces the highest quality audio. We find this is easiest using the voice memos app on the iphone, or by downloading an audio / voice recording app on an android phone. You can also record via email, which you can learn more about here.
  2. email us the voice memo at To make sure we see it, please write ‘voice memo recording’ in the subject line. In the body of the email include your name (or indicate if you’d like to be kept anonymous), age and city you live in. If we have multiple calls for submission listed on the website, please also note which topic you’re discussing. 
  3. listen to the pod, to see if we share your recording!