Better Presentations More Sales

Are you Proactive or Reactive?

Trevor Lee Season 1 Episode 137

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Most people in business tend to be reactive – we react when the phone rings or an email pings or someone responds to some marketing we’ve done.

The current situation we find ourselves in means that to get ahead we have to be more proactive

So in this episode of the ‘Better Presentations More Sales’ podcast I’m sharing six ideas to help you become more proactive, linking them to my three key success attributes: knowledge, attitude and mindset

  1. Create a personal or company business plan for 2021 – detailing the goals and ambitions you want to achieve and the skills that you will need to develop
  2. Look hard at your use of your time right now – if you think you are incredibly busy then you’re probably doing the wrong things
  3. Call your current customer base to find out how they are doing and if you can be of help to them
  4. Identify five potential prospects and aim to have had two-way conversation and identified an opportunity to work together within the next three months
  5. Pivot one of your services or products or processes so that it becomes better your customer
  6. Get comfortable with virtual communication - use it internally as a way of practising

And to further help you sign up to my virtual selling webinar on November 18th - here’s the link 

And if you need help as a company to grow your sales, particularly if you don’t have a commercial/sales director then check out my sales transformation product for 2021 – it provides you with a director level service without the overheads and the commitment

And finally if you need some help with sales or presentations then check out my one-to-one coaching programme which starts at just 40 minutes per month making it accessible to everybody

I can help you transform your business presentations and win more sales pitches. Click on the links below to find out more and book a free 15-20 minute Zoom call with to discuss what you might need help with.

Presentation Training

Sales Training

15 Minute Free 'How can I help you' Zoom call

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