Better Presentations More Sales

Turning spurts of enthusiasm into regular habits

January 25, 2021 Trevor Lee Season 1 Episode 148

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Have you noticed how you can have spurts of enthusiasm for certain tasks but then struggle to maintain those spurts? 

This might include making calls to existing or potential new clients where you know it’s something you ought to be doing but you’re always finding ways of avoiding it convincing yourself that other things have a priority when actually what’s more important than talking to customers?

One of the ways of making this happen on a regular basis is to set time in the diary to do it

I’ve been working with several clients recently who have this very problem and what I asked them to do was identify the hour during their working day in which they felt most energised, whether that was the first hour of the day the last hour of the day or somewhere in the middle

We then agreed that that would be the hour when they would make those calls

I also mention in this podcast the masterclasses that I’m going to be running for my 44@60 challenge currently scheduled for the end of May

Watch this space for how you can get involved

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