Better Presentations More Sales

10 questions for you to ask to grow your sales

Trevor Lee Season 1 Episode 151

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Great salespeople ask great questions and they are very good at carefully listening to the answers so here are 10 questions you can ask customers and prospects:

  1. How are you using the product/service you bought from us? - this opens up the opportunity for them to tell you about how good the product or services are and steer you towards something else that they need to supplement what they’ve already bought
  2. Are there any parts of it you feel you’re not using to its full potential? - again an opportunity to be helpful to ensure that the customer realises that you care that they are getting the best value from their investment in your product or service and of course an opportunity to add something to what they’ve already bought
  3. Did you know we also do….? -  It’s very easy to assume that current customers know everything that you have on offer – this is highly unlikely and therefore there is always the danger of saying to you when you start talking about a product or service – ‘I didn’t know you did that if I had done I would have bought it from you’
  4. What are the product/services can I help you with? - a direct question really asking them what else can you sell them
  5. What needs to happen for you to buy from me? - this is a good question if you’ve got a keen customer but the order is just not getting signed off 
  6. Who apart from yourself is involved in the buying process? -  a lot of sales time can be wasted pursuing the wrong person but this question assumes the person you are talking to is part of the buying process and invites them to confirm that and give you the names of others in that process
  7. Are you ready to place the order? - sometimes you have to ask direct questions to get things movingWhy do you buy from us? - the answer to this question can be very useful when planning marketing activity and it’s one we don’t in business probably ask often enough
  8. What is your biggest challenge over the next three months? - a good general question which shows your interest in the organisation and one that most organisations would be happy to answer and of course the answers they give could well create opportunities for you
  9. Why do you buy from us? - the answer to this question can be very useful when planning marketing activity and it’s one we don’t in business probably ask often enough
  10. When you bought was there anything in the buying process that you we could do better? - it is usually only customers or potential customers who see the barriers in your sales process so use their experience of trying to buy from you to help identify those barriers and then ultimately get them removed

And 2 questions to ask yourself:

It is easier to sell to customers and prospects so why don’t we do more selling to customers?

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