Beyond Your Past Radio

Life with DID and Giving Your Alters a Voice, with Kelli Gettel

April 04, 2019 Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP

Our returning guest for this week, Kelli Gettel, originally shared some of her story in episode 80, Life with Autism, CPTSD, DID, and Narcolepsy. If you haven't checked out that episode, you'll want to add it to a playlist on your favorite podcasting app and check out more of her story.

During our chat today, Kelli gives us an update on how her healing work is coming along, including:

  • How she's learning to interact with her alters, and give them the voice they need.
  • New memories of childhood trauma, including sexual abuse and being subjected to a pedophile ring.
  • The struggles with trust issues, even with a therapist who you've been working with for a long time.
    • The challenges of opening up and sharing, trusting others to hear your story, and how you share.
  • The strain that living with DID and other mental health challenges can put on a relationship.
    • The adjustments her husband is making and how much his support helps her and her family.
  • Taking an active role in your healing, and educating yourself, as well as interacting with the survivor community for support.

Kelli lives in the central Pennsylvania area, with her husband and 3 children, including a 4 yr old who also was diagnosed with autism. You can contact her via email,  kelligettel at gmail dot com, if you'd like to connect with her.

Please consider sharing this episode with someone who might benefit from it, and don't forget to subscribe on your favorite podcasting app.

Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP and Joanne Cipressi, CHt, CNLP


All conversation and information exchanged on the Beyond Your Past Podcast, on, and is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on these podcasts or posted on the above-mentioned websites are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers.

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