Beyond Your Past Radio

From Victim to Survivor to Warrior, with Lisa Cybaniak

Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP

Our guest on this episode of the podcast has dedicated her life to helping women in particular, and survivors as a whole, to find their voice. To begin to realize that they too have the ability to reach out for help, work through their past moving from victim to survivor, and ultimately from survivor to warrior.

Lisa Cybaniak is a Motivational Speaker, Success Coach, NLP Practitioner, and survivor of 10 years of child abuse. Over the last 3 years, her work has been featured on radio programs, podcasts, in magazines, and other media outlets. Her first book, Survivor to Warrior is due out in June of 2019.  She outlines on her website, I've developed three healing streams to empower you to build a life of purpose after abuse, wherever you may be on your path to recovery: Reaching Out, Victim to Survivor, and Survivor to Warrior.

If you've not had an abusive background, but still suffer from low self-esteem or confidence, impostor syndrome or a lack of fulfillment in your life, you will find many options here for you too. Remember, if you keep doing the same thing, you can expect the same result. If you're ready for a different result, then you're in the right place!

During our chat with Lisa, Joanne and I talk with her about her survivor journey and her work with clients:

  • Lisa shares about the multiple types of abuse she suffered at the hands of her stepfather, and how she found the courage to tell someone what was happening.
  • The incredible story of how her mother came to her rescue, validating everything Lisa said was happening and immediately made plans to get her away from the abuse.
  • The challenges of relationships and being able to tell her story to others; only a handful of people knew what happened during her teenage and young adult years.
  • We discuss the importance of tying the validity of your abuse, and survivor story, to the outcome of a court case when filing charges against your abuser.
  • The struggles of using detachment as a coping skill, and how that lead to suicidal thoughts and closing off from nearly everyone in her life.
  • How she is using her life experiences now to work with clients, speak internationally, and continue her own ongoing journey of healing.

If you'd like to learn more about working with Lisa, her programs, upcoming new book, and her speaking engagements, just head over to be sure and tell her, "Beyond Your Past, sent you".  ;)

You can follow her on Twitter: @LisaCybaniak ,, and Instagram: @Life_Like_You_Mean_It

-Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP & Joanne Cipressi, CHt, CNLP


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