Beyond Your Past Radio

GBS-CIDP Awareness Month - Chat with Jeremy Oster

Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP & Joanne Cipressi, CHt, CNLP

May is GBS-CIDP awareness month, and what better way for us to help do our part here on the podcast than to talk with a fellow survivor of this rare disease, and get his take on his experiences during diagnosis, treatment, and how life has changed for him since.

Jeremy Oster reached out to me a couple of months back, when he was looking for connections to other survivors of GBS, and came across the podcasts I recorded about my experience. We chatted through email and on the phone, swapping stories, struggles, things we've learned along the way of our healing; and I thought it would be cool to bring him on the podcast to continue our chat during GBS-CIDP awareness month.

Jeremy was like so many before the onset of GBS; married, children, successful career in both technology and sales, and while he had his share of struggles personally and professionally, he was primarily living life the way so many of us do each day. Then out of the blue, everything changed, and ever since his life has taken on a new normal in a way he could have never imagined.

During our chat:

  • Jeremy breaks down what exactly GBS is, and what it feels like to live with it each day both physically and emotionally.
  • He shares what his life was like on a daily basis, an what happened just before Guillain Barre set in.
  • The importance of moving past "how did I get GBS" and focusing on "what am I going to do about it".
  • The toll this disease can take on a spouse and family, during treatment, recovery, and life afterward.
  • Finding your new normal, and approaching life with the right mindset so you can be proactive in your healing, rather than just resigning yourself to what you think will never change.

If you'd like more information on this rare disease, related conditions and variants, treatment options, and how you can help support research, please head over to, the official foundation website to see how you can get involved.

To check out my other podcasts on this topic, check out "The Diagnosis that Changed My World", and my "One Year Later Update Episode" .


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