Beyond Your Past Radio

Podcast - Ep. 57 - Laura Corbeth - Psychological Abuse - My Courage to Tell

Matthew Pappas
For my guest on this episode of the podcast, Laura shares some of her story about one woman’s struggle to overcome a childhood of abuse at the hands of her cruel, bullying brother. Laura is an author and survivor,  currently living in Ontario, Canada with her husband of twenty-two years, her twenty-year old son and two rescued dogs. She is a successful entrepreneur, and passionate about her business and an avid animal lover. When I was first contacted by Laura about coming on the show, I checked out her website,, and was immediately interested in learning more about this amazing survivor and her book, My Courage to Tell, Facing My Childhood Bully and Reclaiming My Inner Child. Her story is exactly what the podcast is all about, talking with people who've overcome incredibly difficult circumstances and are now using their story to help inspire others.Laura shares with us her inspiration for deciding to end her silence and write about her personal story; memories of this abuse remain deeply buried until an aunt dies in Manhattan, leaving an estate that Laura must settle with her estranged brother. As she tries to administer the estate, she is plagued by symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Suppressed memories start to rise to the surface as Laura begins to remember, and she now realizes that she has to face a childhood of psychological and physical abuse.Laura and I cover topics including:Can you share what kind of bullying you had as a child?Where were your parents when all this was going on?Can you talk about psychological and emotional abuse and how harmful it is?What is psychological abuse?What will a child experience who has been abused psychologically?How did you work out your PTSD symptoms? Check out the full post over on Beyond you enjoy these podcasts, I hope you'll consider rating my show in itunes or your favorite podcasting app and leaving a review. That would be so awesome!-Matthew Pappas,

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