Podcast - Ep. 66 - 7 Steps to Move Forward in Healing from Trauma, with Svava Brooks
Beyond Your Past Radio
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Beyond Your Past Radio
Podcast - Ep. 66 - 7 Steps to Move Forward in Healing from Trauma, with Svava Brooks
Apr 16, 2018
Matthew Pappas, CLC
Even with all the knowledge in the world, all of the awareness, the training, the therapy, you aren't immune to finding yourself in a spot where you just can't seem to get to the next step. You know how you want to feel, but actually getting to a place where you can embrace and actually live that feeling, is something totally different.
That's why when I came across a recent article that my good friend, coach, and incredible advocate, Svava Brooks, had written, I knew I wanted to bring her back on the podcast so we could talk about it.
Svava is a is a survivor of child sexual abuse and the co-founder of a nationwide child sexual abuse prevention and education organization in Iceland called “Blátt áfram.”  She is also a certified instructor and facilitator for Darkness to Light Stewards of Children, as well as a certified Crisis Intervention Specialist, a certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, a BellaNet Teen support group facilitator, a Certified TRE® Provider, and an Abuse Survivor Coach.
The mother of three children, Svava has dedicated her life to ending the cycle of child sexual abuse through education, awareness, and by helping survivors heal and thrive.  She is a certified facilitator for Advance!, a program created by Connections to restore authentic identity.  Every week she writes about healing after trauma on her blog, and also leads a discussion forum on Child Sexual Abuse Healing and Recovery online. 
During our podcast together, Svava and I discuss that recent blog post, in a very in-depth and powerful way. As you'll hear when you listen, each step builds upon the other and each has a direct effect on the other as you move forward.  Being able to apply these principles in your own healing journey, and actually embody and live each one, is crucial to moving forward.
The 7 steps to help you get unstuck and move forward in healing from trauma:
-Establish Safety.  Figure out what makes you feel safe. This is your first priority.Develop Courage. Eventually, your willingness to heal will develop into courage, as you take more and more healthy risks.
Create a Mindfulness Practice. Connecting with your body is essential for healing. As abused children, we learned the toxic skill of disconnection.  Mindfulness will help you reconnect.
Express Your Emotions.  Learn how to identify, listen to, feel, and express your emotions in a healthy way. All of them: the good, the bad, and the ugly!
Change Your Negative Beliefs. You created these toxic beliefs as a way to survive an abusive childhood. But you’re an adult now. Change your story (beliefs) to what benefits your adult life.Practice Self-Care, Self-Love, and Self-Compassion. Put yourself first on your To-Do list.  Every day, find a way to lovingly care for and celebrate yourself. 
Build a Support System. You can’t do this alone. Healing doesn’t work that way. Surround yourself with nourishing friends who support your healing goals, and a safe place to practice your new way of thinking/feeling/being.
You may still be saying to yourself, " but how do I apply these my life?" or "I've tried similar steps before but it just doesn't work"
Check out the show and find out Svava's insight into all of these incredible steps!
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