Business RPG

Ep 57 Value Propositions with Joe Ponds

What is it that your customers or audience walk away with as an end result of your product or service? Can you verbalize it? Can you verbalize it in a couple of sentences or less?

Today you are going to hear from Joe Ponds, a return guest and lead generation expert. Joe is a master of helping businesses find leads for potential customers, recapture lost revenue, and in helping them come across as clear and clean in their communication with other clients and business professionals.

I asked joe to come back on to discuss the concept of the "value proposition".I have talked about it before in past episodes but Joe does a much better job of explaining it better than I ever could.

Connect with Joe on Linkedin

Call him 813-541-3994

Business RPG is a show where you can learn from successful nerds and find tools you need for your nerdy business/project. Follow me on Instagram @BuisnessRPG. Connect with me on Linkedin here.

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Music: NEW HORIZONS by Lesion X |

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